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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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6 minutes ago, Miki_moto said:

Tomorrow’s the day!  Packed and in our dockside hotel - I couldn’t be happier!


I’ll check in as time and WiFi permit, otherwise I’ll be back in ten days.






 Bon~Voyage!  Have a wonderful and restful cruise.  Remember, give yourself lots of time to get from one venue to another.  🚢  🍹  Have a foo-foo drink for me!

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15 hours ago, mmarq1992 said:


I do! I sailed with Disney and everything had to be in sealed, original packaging and coolers had to be within a certain size. I get his food from wefeedraw which comes in sealed packaging and find that yeti coolers are worth the money! For our week cruise everything stayed good in the yeti. I started with the yeti ice pack and then got ice from room service about halfway through the cruise to keep everything frozen! If you have any questions let me know!


Thanks for the information! This is very helpful!!

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On 6/20/2019 at 2:08 AM, Miki_moto said:

Tomorrow’s the day!  Packed and in our dockside hotel - I couldn’t be happier!


I’ll check in as time and WiFi permit, otherwise I’ll be back in ten days.






Enjoy your cruise and give us a report when you get back!


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On 6/19/2019 at 10:15 PM, Onagh said:

Feeding Raw on the Cruise, does anyone have experience on the ship? How do you do it?



You may not be able to.  I feed mine a high quality dry kibble, sometimes I supplement with some canned food.  

For raw feeding, you’d need fresh meat, and the cruise line will not supply.  


I guess you might be able to freeze portions solid, pack with cold packs, and bring, but they line may not let raw food on board.  Then, storage during the cruise might also be an issue.  It all depends, I’ve had some rooms with a refrigerator, but I’ve had the refrigerator fail as well.


Also, CBP would not let any leftover off the ship and back into the country more than likely.

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6 hours ago, wizard-of-roz said:

Wonderful!  Enjoy your cruise. 

May I make a suggestion.......Have them fill up the box with more litter.  There will be less slipping and sliding and it will be easier to use.  


Where did they place the box?

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Another flyyyyyyyyying-by week!!!!!!  Have a great weekend, be safe and have fun.  Some of you will be taking advantage of the upcoming July 4th, four day weekend.  Enjoy!  🎆🎆🎆 


Horton hates fireworks. Poor guy!  I'm surprised that his reactions were never caught by his PuppyRaisers or CCI, when it came to the various noises that surround the 4th.  He walks around in circles, constantly alerts me to the various sounds and can't get comfortable!  I live near a college where they set off all the sights and sounds, and there's always the numb skull in the neighborhood who just has to set off his own "illegal" set of noise makers [which goes on for at least two days.]  It's a nightmare for Horty and I feel so badly for him.  I try not to react to his fear but it's so hard.  Brenda slept through it and could have cared less about the noise.  


I'm not looking forward to it.  Hopefully, it won't be too bad this year!   

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1 hour ago, wizard-of-roz said:

Another flyyyyyyyyying-by week!!!!!!  Have a great weekend, be safe and have fun.  Some of you will be taking advantage of the upcoming July 4th, four day weekend.  Enjoy!  🎆🎆🎆 


Horton hates fireworks. Poor guy!  I'm surprised that his reactions were never caught by his PuppyRaisers or CCI, when it came to the various noises that surround the 4th.  He walks around in circles, constantly alerts me to the various sounds and can't get comfortable!  I live near a college where they set off all the sights and sounds, and there's always the numb skull in the neighborhood who just has to set off his own "illegal" set of noise makers [which goes on for at least two days.]  It's a nightmare for Horty and I feel so badly for him.  I try not to react to his fear but it's so hard.  Brenda slept through it and could have cared less about the noise.  


I'm not looking forward to it.  Hopefully, it won't be too bad this year!   

Halo couldn't care less about noises.  He is so not a protection dog.


Halo is my first service dog, but my 7th dog.  None of the dogs I have had reacted to storms or fireworks.  I have a dog I sit for that is an absolute mess when it comes to noises and weather changes.  I have read it is more common for a dog to be scared of thunder and fireworks than not.  We have been extremely lucky with our dogs.


Halo had his first play time with a dog bigger than him.  He is 85 pounds and has only played with smaller, than him, dogs, including his pal a 3 pound yorkie.  We our neighbor came over with their 180 pound, 9 month old St. Bernard.  After Halo realized he just wanted to play they did great, but he was hesitant at first.


Linda and Halo

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1 hour ago, rpclmc said:

Halo couldn't care less about noises.  He is so not a protection dog.


Halo is my first service dog, but my 7th dog.  None of the dogs I have had reacted to storms or fireworks.  I have a dog I sit for that is an absolute mess when it comes to noises and weather changes.  I have read it is more common for a dog to be scared of thunder and fireworks than not.  We have been extremely lucky with our dogs.


Halo had his first play time with a dog bigger than him.  He is 85 pounds and has only played with smaller, than him, dogs, including his pal a 3 pound yorkie.  We our neighbor came over with their 180 pound, 9 month old St. Bernard.  After Halo realized he just wanted to play they did great, but he was hesitant at first.


Linda and Halo

You just have to love these dogs and their mindsets.  They're each so different.  


I was told that usually when a CCI puppy is in training that the PuppyRaiser is asked to expose the puppy to fireworks and other loud noises.  Well, Horton was raised by a senior couple in a senior housing type situation.  They did admit to me that he lived in a very quiet, low key environment and they didn't subject him to fireworks or other loud celebrations, at all!    He's highly sensitive to loud noises and is extremely protective of me when there are noises outside and around. It's difficult to watch him be so hyper vigilant and unable to relax and simply enjoy everything in his world!

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17 hours ago, wizard-of-roz said:

You just have to love these dogs and their mindsets.  They're each so different.  


I was told that usually when a CCI puppy is in training that the PuppyRaiser is asked to expose the puppy to fireworks and other loud noises.  Well, Horton was raised by a senior couple in a senior housing type situation.  They did admit to me that he lived in a very quiet, low key environment and they didn't subject him to fireworks or other loud celebrations, at all!    He's highly sensitive to loud noises and is extremely protective of me when there are noises outside and around. It's difficult to watch him be so hyper vigilant and unable to relax and simply enjoy everything in his world!

I hate watching doggies sensitive and suffer/nervous with loud noises.  Even those that are just pets.  I just try to hold them tight and give them comfort.


Halo was training to be a hunting dog, but was far too mellow.  He wasn't scared of gun fire but wasn't alert.  I took him to a firing range once and he fell asleep once he knew I was fine.  He is a great service dog, very alert to my needs.  He loves to chase squirrels but never when he is with me.  Even if he is just hanging out and not working if I tell him, 1/2 way into his chase, to stop, he will.


Linda and Halo

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3 hours ago, rpclmc said:

I hate watching doggies sensitive and suffer/nervous with loud noises.  Even those that are just pets.  I just try to hold them tight and give them comfort.


Halo was training to be a hunting dog, but was far too mellow.  He wasn't scared of gun fire but wasn't alert.  I took him to a firing range once and he fell asleep once he knew I was fine.  He is a great service dog, very alert to my needs.  He loves to chase squirrels but never when he is with me.  Even if he is just hanging out and not working if I tell him, 1/2 way into his chase, to stop, he will.


Linda and Halo

My first Service Dog, Brenda, feared absolutely nothing.  But, when she wanted to nap or had her mind on something for herself she would totally focus on it and ignore me.....Horton, on the other hand, is 150% focused on me.....if he's in the middle of playing with his favorite toy and I say his name he will re-focus on me and totally me!  So, in that regard, when the fireworks go off I will re-direct him onto me, and hope that works.


Thanks for your input.  It's always good to feel like you're not alone.

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Our poor little Jezzy Lou does not like the fireworks or to be held.  She fusses around panting heavy and drooling.  She tries to get behind the toilet.  I put her Thunder Shirt on, it helped a little.  I was cooking and turn the stove fan on.  That made enough noise that she couldn't hear them ! I had to try and make her stay in the kitchen with me. We have new neighbors that are part timers.  Well last night they decided to set off "fireworks" .  I put them in quotations because it was more like M-80's that they were setting off. Our delightful city decided to make some fireworks legal.  The problem is telling the difference between the legal and illegal ones. I know the M-80's are not.  Anyway hate neighbor issues.  I thought about going over and saying "My dog is afraid of the fireworks.  In the future can you warn me before you are going to shoot them off so that I can sedate her?"  I am sure that won't go over well.  They also left today for wherever their other house is. I was worried that they would stay thru next week 😮 Sorry my paragraph is out of order.  I went back to put in about what I did with Jezzy Lou last night.  Too lazy to fix it.  I am sure you guys will get the jest of it.  ❤️

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The 4th is hard for us because it is one of my triggers. Loud noises can mean fires, car crashes, guns, mud slides, wild fires, house collapse, and many more experiences from my past. I go on patrol.  I walk and search for the direction and location of each explosion. Poor Chavela wears herself out following me, watching me, trying to comfort me. I know the noise bothers her but she works so hard trying to make me feel safe. Even as I write this I am hearing explosions and seeing the sparkling lights. Its going to be a long week for us too.

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4 hours ago, S.S. Cruisers said:

Our poor little Jezzy Lou does not like the fireworks or to be held.  She fusses around panting heavy and drooling.  She tries to get behind the toilet.  I put her Thunder Shirt on, it helped a little.  I was cooking and turn the stove fan on.  That made enough noise that she couldn't hear them ! I had to try and make her stay in the kitchen with me. We have new neighbors that are part timers.  Well last night they decided to set off "fireworks" .  I put them in quotations because it was more like M-80's that they were setting off. Our delightful city decided to make some fireworks legal.  The problem is telling the difference between the legal and illegal ones. I know the M-80's are not.  Anyway hate neighbor issues.  I thought about going over and saying "My dog is afraid of the fireworks.  In the future can you warn me before you are going to shoot them off so that I can sedate her?"  I am sure that won't go over well.  They also left today for wherever their other house is. I was worried that they would stay thru next week 😮 Sorry my paragraph is out of order.  I went back to put in about what I did with Jezzy Lou last night.  Too lazy to fix it.  I am sure you guys will get the jest of it.  ❤️

I totally understand what you're saying.


I wish folks would be more sensitive to the people who live around them.  It would be nice if they would think before setting-off the fireworks.  Go down to an area where it won't disturb other's.  And, especially won't scare our dogs.


Preaching to the choir.....sorry!

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2 hours ago, lindaler said:

The 4th is hard for us because it is one of my triggers. Loud noises can mean fires, car crashes, guns, mud slides, wild fires, house collapse, and many more experiences from my past. I go on patrol.  I walk and search for the direction and location of each explosion. Poor Chavela wears herself out following me, watching me, trying to comfort me. I know the noise bothers her but she works so hard trying to make me feel safe. Even as I write this I am hearing explosions and seeing the sparkling lights. Its going to be a long week for us too.

I'm so sorry.  Take care of yourself and Chavela.  We're here for you if you feel like writing.


Chavela loves you and wants you to be safe, what a wonderful partner.  It's so good to know that we have such devoted dog partners in our lives, they want us to be safe and feel our love too!


We once scheduled a cruise during the 4th of July thinking it would be easier for my dog.  Wouldn't you know it, the ship set-off fireworks almost all night long.   No matter where we went on the ship, we couldn't escape the sounds. Thank goodness they didn't do it the rest of the cruise.   It was a nightmarish night for poor Horton.

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Rangeley was terrified of fireworks. He would go hide in the bathroom and shake. Nothing we did would change this. Wexler was not afraid of them but jumped if you got up from your chair. Lol. Now Oakland is another story. We haven't had fireworks yet, but a bomb could go off next to him and we'd be lucky if he picked up his head. So guess we are not worried about the fireworks. 

Edited by rangeley
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15 hours ago, rangeley said:

Rangeley was terrified of fireworks. He would go hide in the bathroom and shake. Nothing we did would change this. Wexler was not afraid of them but jumped if you got up from your chair. Lol. Now Oakland is another story. We haven't had fireworks yet, but a bomb could go off next to him and we'd be lucky if he picked up his head. So guess we are not worried about the fireworks. 

He's just a laid back kind of guy!  Gotta love him!


Horty's more like Rangeley was, just plain terrified!

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On 7/2/2019 at 1:28 AM, wizard-of-roz said:

He's just a laid back kind of guy!  Gotta love him!


Horty's more like Rangeley was, just plain terrified!

Awww poor Horty. It's an awful feeling when they are scared and you cant comfort them. 

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I'm lucky in that Scooter was born on a farm, during black powder deer season.  To a family that thought black powder was fun.  He came from a pair of hunting dogs.  Fireworks in general don't seem to bother him.  The really loud boom ones make him growl a little bit and bark if we are outside.  If we are inside, he doesn't really notice.

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We had a wonderful cruise.  Cunard originally placed the toilet box on deck five; we were on deck eight.  I went to the Purser’s office and requested it be placed on deck eight, close to our cabin.  They took care of it immediately and had someone come to the cabin to show us where it was.  


The box was 4’ x 4’ with wood shavings.  I had brought along a fake grass pad to put inside but Nico went into the box and took care of business before I had a chance!  It was like he’d always went in a box like that and I never did use the fake grass.  The shavings were replenished daily and the wet spots were removed.  We picked up the ‘solids.’


Onboard we booked an additional two cruises; another ten day Alaska and an eighteen day transatlantic.  We couldn’t get a wheelchair accessible balcony cabin on the transatlantic - Queen Mary 2 only has three that aren’t Grill Suite! - so we booked ocean view but canceled it after checking the deck plans.  A shocking number of accessible cabins on the Queen Mary 2 are regular sized cabins that have had the doors widened and the bathrooms made accessible, which leaves precious little room to use a wheelchair in the cabin!


We are looking forward to our booked cruise next summer and hope to be able to book a similar transatlantic cruise in 2021!  


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10 minutes ago, Miki_moto said:

We had a wonderful cruise.  Cunard originally placed the toilet box on deck five; we were on deck eight.  I went to the Purser’s office and requested it be placed on deck eight, close to our cabin.  They took care of it immediately and had someone come to the cabin to show us where it was.  


The box was 4’ x 4’ with wood shavings.  I had brought along a fake grass pad to put inside but Nico went into the box and took care of business before I had a chance!  It was like he’d always went in a box like that and I never did use the fake grass.  The shavings were replenished daily and the wet spots were removed.  We picked up the ‘solids.’


Onboard we booked an additional two cruises; another ten day Alaska and an eighteen day transatlantic.  We couldn’t get a wheelchair accessible balcony cabin on the transatlantic - Queen Mary 2 only has three that aren’t Grill Suite! - so we booked ocean view but canceled it after checking the deck plans.  A shocking number of accessible cabins on the Queen Mary 2 are regular sized cabins that have had the doors widened and the bathrooms made accessible, which leaves precious little room to use a wheelchair in the cabin!


We are looking forward to our booked cruise next summer and hope to be able to book a similar transatlantic cruise in 2021!  


It sounds like you had a wonderful first experience with Nico.  I'm so glad.  Going to the Purser's Desk was exactly the right thing to do when you needed the box moved.  It's good that they were so responsive to you.


How was your dining room and lounge experiences with Nico?  Did Nico do well being on the ocean and how did the other passengers accept him?


I'm glad you've booked future cruising experiences.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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43 minutes ago, Miki_moto said:

We had a wonderful cruise.  Cunard originally placed the toilet box on deck five; we were on deck eight.  I went to the Purser’s office and requested it be placed on deck eight, close to our cabin.  They took care of it immediately and had someone come to the cabin to show us where it was.  


The box was 4’ x 4’ with wood shavings.  I had brought along a fake grass pad to put inside but Nico went into the box and took care of business before I had a chance!  It was like he’d always went in a box like that and I never did use the fake grass.  The shavings were replenished daily and the wet spots were removed.  We picked up the ‘solids.’


Onboard we booked an additional two cruises; another ten day Alaska and an eighteen day transatlantic.  We couldn’t get a wheelchair accessible balcony cabin on the transatlantic - Queen Mary 2 only has three that aren’t Grill Suite! - so we booked ocean view but canceled it after checking the deck plans.  A shocking number of accessible cabins on the Queen Mary 2 are regular sized cabins that have had the doors widened and the bathrooms made accessible, which leaves precious little room to use a wheelchair in the cabin!


We are looking forward to our booked cruise next summer and hope to be able to book a similar transatlantic cruise in 2021!  



I’m so glad everything went well! We have talked about sailing Cunard for years. Now you’ve renewed my interest.

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