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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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8 hours ago, Mavis and Me said:

Are you comfortable giving shots?  In the livestock industry (I'm a farmer) we use injectable Fortified Vitamin B Complex when an animal is anorexic.  It is very safe (for most conditions - check with your vet in regards to Cushings).  Because it is a vitamin, any excess is excreted out in the urine.  You can give it subcutaneously (under the skin) like many vaccines, or intramuscularly (into the muscle) like most antibiotics.  We give it to critters whenever they feel blah - 2x/day for as long as it takes to get them perked back up and eating again.  You should be able to pick up a bottle (it's pretty inexpensive too!) at a local feed store.  Ask your vet for a dosage if this is an option for you.  I give my 850 pound cow 20ml twice a day, and our 150 pound goats around 5ml twice a day.  If I were giving it to my 95 pound dog, I would probably give 5ml twice a day; like I said, it's pretty safe, so under normal circumstances, it's difficult to overdose.  I hope Horty feels better soon! 😘

Thank you for this wonderful information......YOU are my hero for today.  The Vet has been giving Horton Vitamin injections and gave me a molasses substance to squirt into Horty's mouth to encourage him to eat.  It works on a short-term basis and then he goes off to the bedroom and wants to be left alone.  The depression that comes with this illness is difficult to witness.


His med's will be coming on Thursday, it's a liquid [because Horton refuses to take pills and will segregate them out of anything I give him].  Just when I think I've given him his pills, I'll walk back into the room and find a pill in the corner or in his bed, it's so frustrating.  Being able to actually drop the med's down his throat with a dropper is perfect!  This is an expensive disease but if these med's make him feel better, it's something I need to do!

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5 hours ago, S.S. Cruisers said:

Hugs Roz, I wish there was something we could do to help.  I hope the doctor has some  insight today.  💖🐾


Med's coming on Thursday.  Hopefully, it will help Horton's system to head in the right direction of a better life!

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Wishing all of you a happy weekend.


Horton is hanging in there and actually having some playful and positive moments.  I've introduced hot dogs, bacon, hard boiled and scrambled eggs, cheese, peanut butter, cottage cheese and graham crackers to his diet. He has changed his mind and will eat them for now.   He's on thyroid meds, cushing's med's, and pro-biotics sprinkled on his food.  I told you I'd do whatever it takes to give Horty more life [as long as it's pain-free] and he actually seems happier now to live it.  I had contemplated giving him vitamin injections but he turned the corner on eating, as long as the meals are small and some sort of egg is in them!


The Vet said that Cushing's dogs can actually become anorexic and simply refuse to eat.  I'm thrilled when Horty eats something and will try anything and everything to entice him.  He used to love vegetables and now will not eat any, he also liked fruit and now refuses all....I tried sweet potatoes this morning and he just pushed them aside.  He doesn't like pumpkin either.  It's a guessing game and as long as he's willing to try, so will I.  Soon my freezer will look like a commercial store!!  I hate to throw away food but eventually, unless I have a huge party, I will have to discard some of it!

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1 hour ago, wizard-of-roz said:

Soon my freezer will look like a commercial store!!  I hate to throw away food but eventually, unless I have a huge party, I will have to discard some of it!


Roz, you are taking such good care of Horton. I would become a gourmet dog chef if I had to!

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Roz I'm so happy to hear that Horton is feeling a little better! 🥰


My little Mila was spayed on Thursday so she's a little off. She pretty much slept all day yesterday. She's at my parent's house today while I'm at work and they are trying hard to keep her calm! She's even had a sedative today but it doesn't seem to be stopping her. I'm hoping she sleeps well tonight. 

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On 6/12/2020 at 3:05 PM, DUTRAVEL said:


Roz, you are taking such good care of Horton. I would become a gourmet dog chef if I had to!

I made bacon and eggs for breakfast, something I would never make for myself, or for him.  He loves it.  I sprinkle some probiotic's on it and he takes a thyroid pill.  He'll have his Cushing's med's with his dinner.  It's a liquid, with a chicken flavor.  He doesn't seem to mind it at all.  Other than it being very expensive, it must be kept refrigerated and given with his food, it didn't seem to have any adverse reaction!


Horton still wants to work.  If I drop something he sits up, looks at it and comes over to pick it up.  If someone comes to the door he immediately alerts me, until I tell him "release".  His work ethic is so strong and although CCI is retiring him, he still wants to do something and I love every minute of it!


He definitely sleeps more and wants to simply lay down and watch what's going on rather than engage all the time but he's so much less upset and sad than he was a few weeks ago.  And, he's not having bouts of throwing up or tummy upset.  It's been a long and arduous journey for my boy and me, and, although I am exhausted, I am so happy to see him in a calmer less agitated state.  

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29 minutes ago, Mabbiez said:

Roz I'm so happy to hear that Horton is feeling a little better! 🥰


My little Mila was spayed on Thursday so she's a little off. She pretty much slept all day yesterday. She's at my parent's house today while I'm at work and they are trying hard to keep her calm! She's even had a sedative today but it doesn't seem to be stopping her. I'm hoping she sleeps well tonight. 

I hope that Mila's recovery from her surgery goes well.  She'll be such a happier girl without all the hormones running through her system.  Her life will be better.

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I hope I can get this picture to post.  It’s of “my” boy with his new Dad.  It warms my heart that he looks so happy, comfy and content.  He has been traveling, going to the river  working on his obedience and doing great!image.thumb.jpeg.db3311785cac763a7e3e5b5302808223.jpeg


Edited by S.S. Cruisers
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3 hours ago, S.S. Cruisers said:

I hope I can get this picture to post.  It’s of “my” boy with his new Dad.  It warms my heart that he looks so happy, comfy and content.  He has been traveling, going to the river  working on his obedience and doing great!image.thumb.jpeg.db3311785cac763a7e3e5b5302808223.jpeg


He looks calm and settled........you did the right thing!!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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1 hour ago, S.S. Cruisers said:

Roz, I don't know if you heard Karen Mays (Sunshine), her husband Rich passed away.  😿.  Such a sweet lady and her boy Chesney was always by his daddy 's side when he was able to be at home.

Nancy, I'm so sorry to hear of Rich's passing.  Karen is the person I cruised with after I put out an invitation on our thread for someone to cruise with me.  We had a wonderful time together, with Brenda.


I will try and reach out to her to send my condolences.  Thank you for letting me know. 

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Happy, Healthy Weekend Everyone. 


Horton is doing better.  He's taking his med's, he's eating [albeit a weird diet] but he's eating three meals a day and is doing the "Horty Dance" when I finish preparing it and am putting his dish down-It seems that all four paws leave the ground and he practically pushes me out of the way.........What a joy to see him excited about his meals. 


My thanks go out to Dr. Chris Cauble-the Mobile Vet, who worked very hard to diagnose and treat my wonderful boy.  Remember, it all happened during a "lock-down" where everyone had to wear a mask, social distance and we were all secluded in our homes.


Thank you to all of you who have supported me through these scary and grueling days of treating Horton Jeffrey.  You helped to give me the strength and and energy that I so needed to face my fears.  


He's different in his energy level but he loves his meals, [I'm a good cook], is willing to walk a bit, sleeps better and has playful moments.  


I have lots of Ukanuba Senior Kibble that Horton will no longer eat.  I'm going to donate it to the shelter in my area.  If any of you would like to come by and pick it up from me please let me know through this thread.


Again, I appreciate you all so much for your support and love❣️

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Roz, I am so glad Horton is doing better, eating mommy's good food!  Do you give him a menu and let him pick what he wants?  I can just see him with his glasses on, looking over the menu and pointing to what he wants, dropping the menu to the floor and running off to play and wait for his meal!  Sweet boy. ❤️


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1 hour ago, S.S. Cruisers said:

Roz, I am so glad Horton is doing better, eating mommy's good food!  Do you give him a menu and let him pick what he wants?  I can just see him with his glasses on, looking over the menu and pointing to what he wants, dropping the menu to the floor and running off to play and wait for his meal!  Sweet boy. ❤️


Nancy, it's definitely a book, and so worth reading.



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3 hours ago, wizard-of-roz said:

Happy, Healthy Weekend Everyone. 


Horton is doing better.  He's taking his med's, he's eating [albeit a weird diet] but he's eating three meals a day and is doing the "Horty Dance" when I finish preparing it and am putting his dish down-It seems that all four paws leave the ground and he practically pushes me out of the way.........What a joy to see him excited about his meals. 


My thanks go out to Dr. Chris Cauble-the Mobile Vet, who worked very hard to diagnose and treat my wonderful boy.  Remember, it all happened during a "lock-down" where everyone had to wear a mask, social distance and we were all secluded in our homes.


Thank you to all of you who have supported me through these scary and grueling days of treating Horton Jeffrey.  You helped to give me the strength and and energy that I so needed to face my fears.  


He's different in his energy level but he loves his meals, [I'm a good cook], is willing to walk a bit, sleeps better and has playful moments.  


I have lots of Ukanuba Senior Kibble that Horton will no longer eat.  I'm going to donate it to the shelter in my area.  If any of you would like to come by and pick it up from me please let me know through this thread.


Again, I appreciate you all so much for your support and love❣️

I'm so happy to hear that Horton's doing so well! 

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On 6/13/2020 at 7:39 PM, wizard-of-roz said:

I hope that Mila's recovery from her surgery goes well.  She'll be such a happier girl without all the hormones running through her system.  Her life will be better.


Mila acts like nothing even happened! Her stitches are pretty much all healed and she's just as happy and crazy as ever!


We had an assessment for her level 2 class on Saturday. She didn't do great. It was outside and extremely hot. She was just pretty much like "Nope not today." Even with the things she extremely good at! Luckily they give us lots of time until her level 3 class starts. She will only have to be retested on the things she didn't pass. We are also starting her public access class in July. I'm very excited about it! I know the trainers teach us how to deal with difficult situations and people.


Roz I'm so happy to hear that Horton is doing better!!!! I know you love him and are giving him the best life possible! 

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25 minutes ago, Mabbiez said:


Mila acts like nothing even happened! Her stitches are pretty much all healed and she's just as happy and crazy as ever!


We had an assessment for her level 2 class on Saturday. She didn't do great. It was outside and extremely hot. She was just pretty much like "Nope not today." Even with the things she extremely good at! Luckily they give us lots of time until her level 3 class starts. She will only have to be retested on the things she didn't pass. We are also starting her public access class in July. I'm very excited about it! I know the trainers teach us how to deal with difficult situations and people.


Roz I'm so happy to hear that Horton is doing better!!!! I know you love him and are giving him the best life possible! 

I have to tell you Horton had to remain in Advanced Training for an extra 3 months because he refused to "re-call" and could not let go of his obsession for shoes, socks and slippers.  He was allowed to graduate because when he's on task and working he's unbeatable, just don't take your shoes off or let him off-leash in an area your unfamiliar with! 


Sometimes these dogs have weird, obsessive thinking processes that get in the way of their training.  A good trainer will look past it all and realize that more time and patience is all that's needed!


Horton's re-call is perfect now, it did take some time with me for him to get it right......the obsession over shoes is still there and I will find either a shoe, a sock or both in his bed at any given time.

Horton at work - 2015.JPG

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10 minutes ago, S.S. Cruisers said:

Big hugs, Horton Jeffrey!  🥰😘🐾

HUGS........That's what I'm missing the most in this era of Covid.........I miss hugging everyone!  I'm a hugger and I haven't had a really good hug since this whole isolation thing started.  


I'm warning the world, when I'm no longer socially isolating......LOOK OUT!!!!!  My hugs will absolutely hurt!!!!!


I love and will accept Nancy's cyber-hugs to get me by! ☺️

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Roz, I'm a hugger too!  I had to meet with a friend yesterday because another friend of ours in the hkspital.  She has been since the end of January.  She had 2 big German Shepherds that are total sweet hearts.  The one friend has been taking care of them, but she is going on vacation and I will be taking care of him and the fishies. Unfortunately the older one h ad to be put down.  The younger pup is doing good considering his mom has been gone for months and then his brother is gone.  We have been trying to find a foster family but I think most people shy away from big German Shepherds.  Cindy has 3 little dogs and can't take him home.  Of course we have little Princess Jezzy Lou.  Kailua gets along with other dogs, he use to go to the d o g park all the time.  Anyway, to end this long saga, when we're done we both said we wanted a hug, but refrained.  😞

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