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I don't want to go!!!


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I'm very sorry (I always seem to be that when I post) but I am having a panic attack. :o


There are two weeks and two days :eek: to our cruise and I just don't want to go - there seems to be so much to think of. What goes in which luggage? (electricals, alcohol, toiletries), how much carry on luggage can I take?, what do I do with my gowns and OH suits? (I haven't found a suitable case to pack them into yet, so at the mo they are just going to be slung over my arm in a long bag), what time would it be safe to get to Southampton to check in, (we are using the car parking firm there).


I know I am being stupid and panicking over probably nothing, but I very nervous with situations I have not encountered before. I imagine that people will be watching me and thinking OMG look at how much she is carrying. I have images of being called to security because something is in my case that shouldn't be.


Please reassure me that I am being over the top (was going to put overboard but that is probably what you want to do with me). Am I the only one who is going through this or are there other first timers (or even second or third timers) out there doing the same as me?



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You are being over the top!


Seriously, I always get a little panicky prior to going on a cruise and I think this is number 19 coming up for me. Everyone around you will have way too much luggage and everyone will look the same. My freak out time begins just about two weeks before I leave, where is my suitcase, how much overpacking did I do, what if I forget something important, what if my luggage doesn't make it, the dog is going to freak out, etc...


One you get on the ship then all worries disappear. Have a great time, I wish I was going in two weeks and two days.

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Thanks for your reassurance, I know I am being OTT, and I know all will be well once we get going, it is just not knowing what to expect.


I shall go home tonight and just open a beer and put my feet up whilst looking at the pile of ironing that has my holiday clothes in it waiting to be pressed before going in the case. (Second time around for some clothes as I started packing several weeks ago!!).




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Are you really serious? I truly hope not. Have you done much traveling? Who are you traveling with, can they help you. Have you ever discussed this (anxiety) with a doctor? This is supposed to be a vacation, not an event that causes such turmoil.


I hope the best for you, try to relax, you are supposed to have a wonderful time.


Happy Sails!


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I was nervous/excited about packing for our cruise. I set up the spare bedroom as cruise central about 2 weeks prior, started getting out all the clothes I wanted to take. We have to travel light because hubby works for an airline and we can't check luggage up front because we might not get on the flight.


A few days before the cruise, I got out my roller bag and then started looking for my trusty garment bag. I used this bag on a two week trip to Europe before and it worked just fine with the roller bag. I couldn't find it anywhere!! I was panicking. Must have loaned it out and didn't get it back. Hubby said he would just get me a new one. Well, he did and it had all the bells and whistles the other one did, but it was heavier than my other one. Then I could not find the key to unlock my roller bag. Hubby tried to pry the lock and ended up breaking it. Off he went to buy me a new one. He brought me back a really nice one that expanded and I really liked it better than my old one.


Everything worked out fine and we had the best time ever. BTW, we did the Med as well, and you will just love it!! Trust me. Go! Go! and have a great time!!!:)

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I get that way too. We leave a day after you on another cruise. But my anxiety normally doesnt start until about a week before so I've still got one more week.

My anxiety is making sure we have everything. Like it all has to be done right now at this very moment. If my boyfriend isnt helping with it, it makes me more anxious. LOL But everything settles down once we getting going.

However, I dont get totally freaked out or panicked too bad but I get headaches and my heart beats faster. I've learned to control it.

This does only happen when we are traveling. I dont get anxiety any other time.


Just breathe and relax. If you forget something you can always buy it. If you have to throw the suits over your arm, so be it. Tell yourself the world is not going to end. Take things one at a time.

Have a great trip!!

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I'm very sorry (I always seem to be that when I post) but I am having a panic attack. :o


There are two weeks and two days :eek: to our cruise and I just don't want to go - there seems to be so much to think of. What goes in which luggage? (electricals, alcohol, toiletries), how much carry on luggage can I take?, what do I do with my gowns and OH suits? (I haven't found a suitable case to pack them into yet, so at the mo they are just going to be slung over my arm in a long bag), what time would it be safe to get to Southampton to check in, (we are using the car parking firm there).


I know I am being stupid and panicking over probably nothing, but I very nervous with situations I have not encountered before. I imagine that people will be watching me and thinking OMG look at how much she is carrying. I have images of being called to security because something is in my case that shouldn't be.


Please reassure me that I am being over the top (was going to put overboard but that is probably what you want to do with me). Am I the only one who is going through this or are there other first timers (or even second or third timers) out there doing the same as me?





Deb, I know exactly how you feel! I too don't like situations where I haven't been before, but you have to start SOMETIME! Everyone is a newbie to cruising at some point, and you will be just fine! You will learn more everytime you cruise! On my first cruise, between me and my mom, we had 3 large suitcases!!:eek: Talk about overpacking!! I am about to go on my 5th cruise since October of last year, and I feel like such a pro at it, lol! I can't imagine how people feel that have cruised 20, 30, or more times!! Just have a good time, and don't let little things get in the way of you having fun!! It truly is what you make of it!! Have a great time,and be sure and come back and tell us how it went!!:)

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To be sure, getting ready for a cruise, especially your first, CAN be a bit stressful!

I have found one thing that helps minimize the stress: make a list of items you want to/need to pack and a separate checklist of the things you need to do before you leave, eg., stop the paper; hold mail; what bills to pay in advance; etc. Lists/checklists are a simple way to approach the daunting task of getting ready for a cruise. I have learned that when I try to "wing it", I usually forget something.

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I know where you're coming from. I used to have the same problem with anxiety and it's really hard to control. You should consider seeing your doctor. There are a lot of ways to treat anxiety and no, they all don't involve drugs. The sooner, the better. Good luck!

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Here's my two cents, in a half-glass(ed) analogy! ;)


You seem to be focusing on your packing chores. Instead of looking at the glass half empty, think of the new and interesting ports you'll be visiting. You don't mention your itinerary, but if you're departing Southampton I imagine it will be a wonderful cruise. In the long run, who cares about your luggage!! What really matters is the cruise - so just throw some things in a bag and go.

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Here's my two cents, in a half-glass(ed) analogy! ;)

In the long run, who cares about your luggage!! What really matters is the cruise - so just throw some things in a bag and go.


LOL! I told my daughter when we got ready for our cruise on Conquest-"As long as we have our ID and passports and a credit card, anything else can be done without or bought at some point along the way, lol!" But you cannot get on the ship without those things!!

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"As long as we have our ID and passports and a credit card, anything else can be done without or bought at some point along the way, lol!" But you cannot get on the ship without those things!!


Exactly, besides everything will be wrinkled when you open the suitcase anyway.

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On my last cruise, my suitcase was put on a plane going in the opposite direction and I was without it for 5 days. I realized just how little I really NEED to pack and I learned a good lesson. I'll be packing much, much less for my next cruise.

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Once you get on the cruise you will be happy that you went and on the day you get off the ship you will be thinking about your next cruise. It is a wonderful experience and it is worth all of the efforts that go into preparing for it.



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First, quiet down and do not let your anxiety get the best of you because...no one on the ship will care if your clothes are wrinkled except you...you will be able to purchase whatever you need either on the ship or in the first port of call. In a real pinch your fellow passengers or cabin steward will help you if you miss something.


Although on each cruise we overpack but here is a suggestion, look at each garment and determine whether you really need it.


Courage, dear, courage as they say in Hampshire or Harrogate and probably in Somerset (and going on a cruise ship is not having tea with the Queen or even a Baroness). In America we say cool it and look forward to the time of your life. Questions will be promptly answered.


Hope that this helps.



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Thank you all for your comments it has helped to calm me down a lot. Yes I did come home and have a beer and a nice soak in the bath as well.


Yes I really do get that anxious, and I will be booking an appointment with my doctor because I also get travel sick so will discuss things with him.


I am looking forward to the cruise but just worry about everything. I am even having to stop myself checking that my passport is in date even though I renewed it at the beginning of this year. (It helps that is locked in the safe and only OH has combination).


I was glad that I am not the only one who gets worked up and this will help me to calm down.


Hope you all have good cruises when you all go off on yours.




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OP- ->im leaving 2 days after you for my first cruise. i know how you feel. its my honeymoon/ anniversary and i want things to run smoothly. for your travel sickness, ask your doc about a patch that goes behind your ear. your body absorbs it. i SWEAR BY IT!!! my mom's collegue wrote me a script for it. i picked it up today and packed it about 10 minutes ago. i usually use half of a patch about 2 hours before the plane leaves. i plan on using a quater of a patch each day of the cruise. i have our spare bedroom devoted to my packing universe. but im anxious too. i find that asking for help on these forums works well for my crisis. also i talk to my cousin who has been on 10+ cruises for any advice. any bills or mail or paper holds are the responsibility of DH. but i get the feeling that i'll be taking care of that later just to ensure to myself that it was done. i have OCD and serious anxiety. i take Zanex when i get like how you are now. all my OCD is being channeled through this cruise and it makes everything else in life easier. i actually cried last night because once the cruise is over, what do i throw my OCD into?! DEBJAM24, i'll make you a deal. you keep me calm when i start freaking out in a couple of days, i'll keep you calm and answer any questions you may have. im a packing genius if i do say so myself. we travel about every other weekend. and we've moved every year for the past 4 years. oh btw. if youre flying. start watching your flights. especially if you have a connection to make. i dont want to alarm you, because i freaked out the other day and every day since then. my flights were cancelled and ever since then, theyve been delayed. i just hope the airlines can get their stuff together in 17 days.

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Dearest Deb and other newbies,


Sweet heart, don't get in a tizzy over packing or anything else for that matter. There are only a few rules to having a great trip. Are you ready? Ok.


Pack half of the clothes that you think that you will need. Outfits that can do double duty work well. Like a pair pants and 3 or 4 tops. Two nice dresses and lots of swimwear. Throw it in a bag, sack, suitcase, backpack or whatever because it is going to get wrinkled anyway. Take twice as much money as you can afford and alot of it in small bills for taxi fares and tips.


As for name games question about losing your luggage. This is why God, in his infinate wisdom, created plastic. There is probably not a thread in that suitcase that can't be replaced in 5 minutes, (well, 5 minutes for a guy), at Wal-Mart.


Put your valuables such as passport, doc papers, jewelry and a change of clothes in your carry-on and go on vacation.


Oh! I almost forgot, You will have better luck relaxing with 2 or 3 shots of tequila. Then you won't care if you take any clothes.

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Deb -- I'll go in your place! Just kidding. You'll do just fine. Just put all the outfits on your bed that you will take along. We had to borrow luggage from my mom with wheels on it. Since then we got our own luggage. If you need to, Ross's has a real nice selection of luggage. Sears probably does too. Walmart might even. If you plan out everything, it will go smoothly.

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lol clackey, that was pretty good!


Debjam: Are you my long-lost twin??? My solution is what Bill S also offered: LISTS. This works as a stress-reducer in many areas of my life, because once it's on paper, I can let it leave my head!


If you have Excel on your puter, it works well for this; you can open one workbook, name it "Cruise", and add as many worksheets as you need, one for each list: To Pack, To Do, To Buy, Questions, etc., and edit as needed. If you're not an Excel afficionado, get a small spiral notebook, and carry it with you.


I start my wardrobe packing by making an Outfit List. For each day of the trip, I lay out (on Excel) my complete outfit, including shoes and jewelry. Then it's easier to visualize what can be mixed & matched, what can be worn 2 or 3 times etc. (Remember there are laundry services onboard, and honestly, no one is going to notice if you wear the same khaki capris every single day!) From there, it's pretty easy to finalize the clothing pack list.


Seriously, the whole fashion issue is MUCH less important on the ship than it is on these boards. I cannot emphasize this enough: Please do not feel that you have to look like a cruise advertisement! My personal goal in the dining room is to avoid being the worst-dressed person in the room (takes alot of pressure off! :p ), for everything else, just dress as you would in your hometown.


I won't tell you to just chill, because that's not possible for folks like us. ;) But know that there are only three truly indispensible things you MUST take: your birth certificate or passport, your credit card, and -- YOURSELF! Everything else can be bought, borrowed, re-used, or done without, and you'll still have a fabulous time.

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But know that there are only three truly indispensible things you MUST take: your birth certificate or passport, your credit card, and -- YOURSELF!


Clarification: For identification you'll need either a passport, or a birth certificate AND drivers license. They're not going to let you on the ship without photo ID. And make sure the birth cert is the official government-issue kind, not the hospital souvenir; that one is worthless as ID these days.

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Clarification: For identification you'll need either a passport, or a birth certificate AND drivers license. They're not going to let you on the ship without photo ID. And make sure the birth cert is the official government-issue kind, not the hospital souvenir; that one is worthless as ID these days.



Thank you for clarifying that for me! I forgot you have to have the picture ID if no passport!!

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