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TMI (too much info)?


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I was trying to figure out where to post this.


Like everyone else here, I too have asked my share of questions on cruisecritic.com. But I can't help smiling and shaking my head at the questions that get asked on the board.


There are a lot of things that would be useful to know. Other things that would be good to know. And yet other info. that would make the trip easier/cheaper.


But, it seems people want to know EVERYTHING about the cruise before they go. Is it about not wanting to leave things to 'chance' or have people lost the sense of 'adventure' and discovering things for themselves.


For example ...


In the scheme of things:


Does the shower have a curtain or door?

Will this really be the determining factor if you take NCL or Princess or Celebrity or Carnival? :o


How many entrees are on dinner the menu?

Does it matter if you know there are four or five entrees on the dinner menu? How many entrees do you make each night? :)


Which itinerary should I take?

How would anyone else know!? Where do you want to go that you haven't been before? What kind of activities do you like to do? Why would you let or want someone else decide?! :confused:


Does my cabin have a round or square porthole?

If it's a window, isn't that good enough? You aren't going to be spending the day standing there looking out at the sea, are you? :D



Does anyone have pictures of the ship?

It's going to look like a BIG boat! With cabins, pools and restaurants. Why not be SURPRISED when you pull up to the port and see the ship there, waiting for you in all it's glory. Take your first steps onto the gangway and walk inside the ship, prepared to be amazed at the wonder of it all!


Not, "okay, once we get on, we turn right, go up two flights of stars and down the hall to our cabin (inside cabin, 162 sq. ft. in case you were wondering), Oh, then we walk up another three flights and turn right, where we'll find the buffet. Look for the orange walls just like in the pictures - and the crew member standing next to the sign that says, "Please use sanitizer." The sign should be green.


So much for discovering the ship!


Okay, just my thoughts. I myself am guilty of wanting to know anything and everything about the cruise I've taken. This time, I've decided not to look at all the pictures of my next ship (NCL Sun) and not to ask if the ice cream bar is free, what kind of ice cream they serve and when they serve it. Some things can and should be -- left to 'chance.' :rolleyes:

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I think the excitement and anticipation get the better of many people, and when they run out of 'useful and important' questions to ask, they get into the minor details that could be left to chance. I don't mind it, because there are so many little things to know that they are bound to forget some of the details and other details do change over time.


If anyone wants to leave more than a few surprises for the ship, they definitely should be selective on what threads they open and read.

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I never ask about food, because I know that the majority of the food served on my cruise will be simply decent, never gourmet. We dine at wonderful restaurants on a regular basis, so we never depend on any meals on the ship to be the highlight of our cruises.


The itinerary I choose is mostly based on my own decisions, with a little help from CC.


However, I absolutely need visuals for a ship, hotel room, resort, etc. If I'm researching a hotel and their website shows no room photos, they won't get my business. Perhaps I jump to the wrong conclusion, thinking they have something to hide.


As a matter of fact, if a hotel room pic shows old, tired, outdated, flowered bedspreads, etc. I won't book. Sure, I think there should definitely be some element of surprise when cruising, but if I can't see where I'll be resting my weary head, I won't book. Accommodations play a large part in my decision making.


Besides, if the photos are fabulous, the anticipation is even greater. ;)

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To me, avoiding subjects about things I don't want to discover ahead of time is key. Because I truly do enjoy the surprises that come with first-time, first-hand experience and want to avoid (in the future) comparing my initial thoughts with something that pops into my head about someone else's first impressions.

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I never ask about food, because I know that the majority of the food served on my cruise will be simply decent, never gourmet. We dine at wonderful restaurants on a regular basis, so we never depend on any meals on the ship to be the highlight of our cruises.;)

This is where we differ. We don't have the opportunities to dine in REAL restaurants. Our seafood joints are Capt. D's and Long Johns. If you want a buffet you are in real trouble. Dining is one of the main reasons that we cruise. We love the pomp and formalities of fine dining because it is lacking here at home. And though the food may not be gourmet, it is definately several steps up from what we have locally. Here "Formal" means that you eat with your pants on and your teeth in.

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I agree with you on all points.


I sometimes wonder if people aren't setting themselves up for disappointment when they discover everything about the cruise before they get onboard.


For example, those who take pains to plan every second will be sorely disappointed if a port is missed. Or they get themselves all worked up about things based on subjective opinions (how is the food? did you like the cruise director? is the shower big enough?)


To my mind, this is absolutely one of the downfalls of these messaging boards ... people can obsess about the minutiae so much that they miss the joy of the entire experience.

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I guess for people that have never cruised before the unknown can be a little scary.

On another forum I visit it always amazes me when people continuously ask "what's the exchange rate now". This is irrelevant unless you are there, in which case you will know.

I can't think of any stupid questions I have asked but I'm sure there are some.

eh2zed- I love your man in the forest quote. I copied it the other day and stuck it up in the staffroom (we have only 2 men on our staff) The ladies loved it.

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You know, I've often wondered how some of these people get through simple day to day activities based on some of the questions that get posted! Such as:


Where do I buy pajamas?

Huh??! You have no pajamas to your name and have NEVER bought any?! The only two places I can think of you CAN'T find pajames are auto parts and hardware stores!


Where do I buy bath toys?

Again...Huh??! Got a baby and never bought a bath toy, huh? How about....oh, I don't know...WAL MART?!


Where can I purchase plus size clothes (or swimsuits)?

So, I take it as a plus sized person who has never purchased clothing, you are currently running around naked? Where do you USUALLY buy your clothes?? Start there.


What color nail polish should I use for my cruise?

How about wear what YOU like, since you may not like what I like?! In short, who cares, and who will notice?


Those four just came to mind.....I'm sure there are others. Please, take no offense; if I didn't enjoy the questions I wouldn't keep coming back!

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Your post made me smile. You could have also added:


Do they have diet Dr. Pepper? Would you not eat at a certain restaurant if they didn't and will you have withdrawl issues if go without?




Now, your post made me smile, because.....on our last cruise we drove to the port in Galveston. After the cruise we stopped at the first little gas station/store and you should have seen the crush of people getting at the Diet Dr. Peppers! I was right in the mix, too -- that's why we were there!

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This is where we differ. We don't have the opportunities to dine in REAL restaurants. Our seafood joints are Capt. D's and Long Johns. If you want a buffet you are in real trouble. Dining is one of the main reasons that we cruise. We love the pomp and formalities of fine dining because it is lacking here at home. And though the food may not be gourmet, it is definately several steps up from what we have locally. Here "Formal" means that you eat with your pants on and your teeth in.


clackey....I fully understand what you're saying and your definition of "Formal" has me laughing hysterically. :D Cruisers cruise for a myriad of reasons. Thank goodness there are so many options available.


DH and I are very spontaneous when we travel. We would never plan every minute detail, that's too much like work - lol! We enjoy nice accommodations, good company, a relaxed and quiet ambience and a fun time.


Have a ball on your next cruise! ;)

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My list of some questions that may seem stupid to some.


What is that white space next to the cabin I want?

UH...that's a utility closet and the crew come and go and things on the utility rack could rattle all night long. OH that's just an A/C unit that never breaks down and they never hum too loud.

What's above my cabin?

Oh don't worry that is just the sliding glass door leading out to the pool and it only opens every minute or so. No it isn't the subway train. Oh that's just the buffet area and no you won't hear a thing.

How big is my balcony going to be?

It shouldn't matter a balcony is a balcony except yours is only a small pie shape with a big overhang making it impossible to see much of anything or to take pictures. No big deal you aren't going to use it anyway.

What happens when I ask to be seated at a table of 8 to 10 and I get sat at a table of 6?

It doesn't matter that you have absolutely nothing in common with the other 4 and at dinner who has time to talk when you're too busy eating all that good food. Oh don't mind that negative complaining woman you only have to see her two hours a night.

What's it like getting on and off the ship at ports?

It's such a great experience to have people pushing and ditching and then get all nasty because you say something to them like "Hey no need to push me" or "the back of the line is that way"


I personally don't think questions are a bad thing and yes leaving things to chance is and can be a good thing yet there are things that do need to be known so that an educated decision can be made.

I've had to learn the above situations the hard way and while they didn't ruin my cruise I would have been a lot more content if I had known some of these things ahead of time.

Now I am a stickler on balcony information, room location, now I know I can ask for another table, now I know I can wait to get off the ship and not have to be subjected to inconsiderate people, I now know not to say anything to anyone about ditching because it always ends up in a verbal attack. For me it's been trial and error. If someone wants to ask a stupid question and I can answer it and help them out than I will and be happy to do so.

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I participate in these forums because most of the questions are good ones. A cruise vacation really is very different than other vacations and I understand that many people have their concerns (realistic or not).


There are people who want to go on cruises but did not pay attention in their high school geography classes. Now, when confronted with the possibilty of seeing different parts of the world they are full of questions about ports. Others have not been more than 10 miles from where they grew up and now...yikes we're going far away on a big boat! There are others who can't tell the difference between foods...french, italian, greek. This isn't their fault because they have not had the opportunities that others have had.


So, hopefully, the questions will keep coming no matter how reasonable, unreasonable or just plain fun.



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Does the shower have a curtain or door?

Will this really be the determining factor if you take NCL or Princess or Celebrity or Carnival? :o


No, but it will determine whether I bring along some clip-style clothespins to keep that friendly shower curtain from sticking to my backside while I'm showering!

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No, but it will determine whether I bring along some clip-style clothespins to keep that friendly shower curtain from sticking to my backside while I'm showering!



You see sometimes a question that seems so dumb iis really not to the op. This is a very good example. ;)


I love this board and I read everything I can related to my cruise ship, etc. Why, after 6 years here, I just found out last week I can bring a case of Pepsi on by putting a luggage tag on it and giving it to the porters! I don't have to carry it on. :p

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clackey....I fully understand what you're saying and your definition of "Formal" has me laughing hysterically. :D Cruisers cruise for a myriad of reasons. Thank goodness there are so many options available.


DH and I are very spontaneous when we travel. We would never plan every minute detail, that's too much like work - lol! We enjoy nice accommodations, good company, a relaxed and quiet ambience and a fun time.


Have a ball on your next cruise! ;)


Being the spontaneous person that I am, I seldom know when, where, or why I do anything. It is a shame that we can't book a cruise 2 days before we are to leave. There is no telling where we would land.


And I will have a ball. My wife said that I can have a good time at a funeral. Hope that you can too.

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I absolutely love first time questions, it reminds me of my first cruise and I wanted to know so much.


While I do think everyone needs to discover some things for themselves, sometimes the questions can be very important. I know I've read more than once how people thought their hospital birth certificate would suffice. Or, how many people have been saved from arriving too late to catch the ship, or not missed their flight when they booked too early upon return?


At work I'm known as the go-to person when someone is thinking of a cruise and I'm always happy to help. But, I stop short of telling them certain things.


Last year I offered to have lunch with a lady a few weeks ahead of her cruise, she said she didn't think she needed any help. Well, she didn't like her cruise because: the day before she left, she had to scramble to find her birth certificate, she didn't know they had to tip and it took much of the cash they had for shore excursions, they didn't know alcoholic drinks cost extra, they missed out on excursions because they were sold out in advance. She said they felt totally unprepared.


I've always wondered why people need to see the menu in advance. I'm not going to order until I get there, I don't know what I'll feel like eating until then. Even after 12 cruises I don't care to know what is for dinner any sooner than when I sit down for it.


What gets me even more than some of the questions is some of the answers, especially "what to pack". Good grief, it's a cruise ship, so much of what I see suggested you would think people are going camping for a year :rolleyes: !


I have a box of items that came off the suggested list when we were planning our first cruise. Never used, a waste of money. Those things are:


waterproof box for valuables on the beach

highlighter pens (actually, we did use them after we got home, for school)

post it notes

address labels (we finally admitted and gave into the fact we just don't send postcards to anyone)

most of the "cruise clothes" we took, we now take clothes we already have and will wear again....at home


alarm clock

extension cord (although a small power strip is in my carry on)

duct tape


extra bags (empty your carry on, use it for excursions)

more than 5 pair of shoes (formal, casual, sneakers, sandals, flip flops...are all you truely need)

laptop computer (unless you need it for work, of course then it really isn't a vacation)

camcorder (never have watched any of the tapes)

clothes detergent (use the shampoo they provide in the shower)


The list goes on and on.


We now take the bare minimum we think we need to get by and we always return home with leftover stuff. We take our clothes (mix and match to cut back), toiletries, a small first aid kit (includes any scripts) a good camera and that's about it. Even then we feel laden, until we observe people with 3 times the amount of luggage we have :p

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Being the spontaneous person that I am, I seldom know when, where, or why I do anything. It is a shame that we can't book a cruise 2 days before we are to leave. There is no telling where we would land.


And I will have a ball. My wife said that I can have a good time at a funeral. Hope that you can too.


clackey, can I sit at your table on your next cruise??? I don't even care if you follow the dress code! :p

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This is the best thread I've read in a long long time. I'd like to extend special LOL's to:



cherylandtk (running out of important questions)

clackey (yes, I'm sucking up for that dinner invite)



Coolmama 1

Kan't Wait

Fredr (big boat)

RoofingPrincess' back side :p

Janetz' luggage that looks suspiciously like a case of Pepsi

Happy ks (camping for a year)


Thank you, one and all, for a good belly laugh!

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I enjoyed reading this post because everyone was so nice to each other.


I tend to be one of those that obsesses about everything - but I don't usually ask many questions - I just read, read, read. I have read many things that have helped me while cruising here on the boards.

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This is the best thread I've read in a long long time (and hey, I started it! <HEE HEE>).


Thanks for the 'KUDOS' (and no, KUDOS are NOT a new children's cereal!) :D


I actually forgot to mention that my second cruise (on Carnival) was booked on a Monday. I was sitting at work bored thinking I need a vacation. I was on the ship on the Saturday. And this was around 1992, before we had forums and places like cruisecritic.com to do our research.


I had a Carnival cruise mag. from a TA.


That was it, if you can believe it! :eek:


And finally, yes, everyone has been so nice. It's GREAT to be able to start a thread, get a lot of responses, and have people reply WITH RESPECT for each other's opinions.


Way to go everyone! :)


And let's keep this going. I'm sure people reading can add something to the thread.


I'll be waiting with great anticipation.






cherylandtk (running out of important questions)

clackey (yes, I'm sucking up for that dinner invite)



Coolmama 1

Kan't Wait

Fredr (big boat)

RoofingPrincess' back side :p

Janetz' luggage that looks suspiciously like a case of Pepsi

Happy ks (camping for a year)


Thank you, one and all, for a good belly laugh!

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