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Miss Ship's Departure?


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Alright..delta has royally screwed me, but that is another story. I'll cut right to the point.


Say I miss the Crown (jan. 12th) out of San Juan........ What are my options?


Sadly, I think they are "lose your entire fare-pay ridiculous amounts of money at a crappy san juan hotel for the week".


I currently don't have trip insurance through Princess. I am under the impression they will not refund my money if I miss the ship due to a flight that was NOT booked through them, correct????



(Basically I have a 40 minute connection in the atlanta airport from cincinnati..... my first concern is flight delays due to snow....my second concern is I am hauling a** in the MASSIVE ATL airport and miss the plane).


Yes, I am aware I was a moron and should have arrived the night before...... I am kicking myself for not doing this, please don't mention it.


Any info would be helpful!

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Okay, let me see if I have this correctly. You are flying out on January 12th and are coming from Cincinnati. And Delta has changed your flights. You may be able to call back and get shifted onto another Delta flight.


Delta shows a flight from Cincy via Atlanta with an hour layover that would get you into SJU by 2:55. This would give you plenty of time to make the ship. The flight numbers are 55 and 485. Leaves Cincy at 7:30am gets in at 2:55. Or if you want a longer layover in Atlanta you could take flight 55 and flight 579, you'd get in at 4:05.

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Can you afford to take the penalty for switching/cancelling your flight and booking a different one, maybe on another airline if needed.


If you actually did miss the ship I believe that you could pay to arrange to meet the ship at the next port and get on there.


You are still way far out, can't you buy travel insurance now through a non-princess company that would cover your flights should something happen?


Good luck to you! You will make your cruise!



Alright..delta has royally screwed me, but that is another story. I'll cut right to the point.


Say I miss the Crown (jan. 12th) out of San Juan........ What are my options?


Sadly, I think they are "lose your entire fare-pay ridiculous amounts of money at a crappy san juan hotel for the week".


I currently don't have trip insurance through Princess. I am under the impression they will not refund my money if I miss the ship due to a flight that was NOT booked through them, correct????



(Basically I have a 40 minute connection in the atlanta airport from cincinnati..... my first concern is flight delays due to snow....my second concern is I am hauling a** in the MASSIVE ATL airport and miss the plane).


Yes, I am aware I was a moron and should have arrived the night before...... I am kicking myself for not doing this, please don't mention it.


Any info would be helpful!

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There is no way you can change your flight? Atlanta airport is famous for delays. Considering your tight schedule and the possible delays, I wouldn't be very hopeful.


Sorry to not have encouraging words, I would just be heart broken to miss any of my cruise.



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My flight doesn't get in to san juan until about 4:30 I believe...... I cant afford to change flights...an extra $75/person (that's no big deal) BUT also, I must pay the difference of the NEW flight (which is now like $800 or something...the woman from Delta told me I am looking at a total of around $700 to fix the flights). They won't pay for anything because the connection is 40 minutes..IF the connection time drops to 35 minutes, they will do it for free.


ALSO, here is another little tirade over Delta... I was like "well, I can easily just make the drive to atlanta..I have to make my flight there for my cruise". The woman said "well, if you don't make you FIRST flight from CVG, we consider the ENTIRE itinerary canceled. SO, I told her, okay, I'm telling you now then, I'm DRIVING, here is my notice. She said that was fine, but since the whole intinerary would be considered canceled, I would have to REPURCHASE THE SAME SEAT FROM ATL TO SAN JUAN..."and the current price is now $500 more/person". That is RIDICULOUS.




Ok, I am done ranting. sorry.

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You're flying in January from the mid-West, have a tight flight schedule and you don't have cruise insurance? You are correct in that you have the option of adding cruise insurance to your booking or getting it on your own so that if you miss the ship, you will not be reimbursed. That's what insurance is for. It's entirely your choice but you should know the consequences.


Your options are to: a) get cruise insurance; b) fly in the day before and get a hotel on Priceline; c) re-book your flights but I've seen airports closed for an entire day in January and February, including Atlanta; d) gamble that your flight will get in on time and not get cruise insurance.


If you miss the cruise out of San Juan, you have the option of flying to the next port but only if you have a passport.


Just saw your reply so I'm responding to that. Delta changed the flights so that you will be unlikely to make your cruise. Call them back, talk to a Supervisor, and let them know that you are inconvenienced because of their schedule changes. They are supposed to put you on another flight, even if it's on another airline, to get you into San Juan at about the original time.

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Sorry if I missed something, but the ship doesn't leave San Juan until 11pm. Is there really only one Delta flight out of Atlanta to San Juan each day????? Nothing later, just in case you miss you connection? I agree with the above posts - I would try one more time with Delta and then if that doesn't work, keep the flights you have and buy insurance.

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Sorry if I missed something, but the ship doesn't leave San Juan until 11pm. Is there really only one Delta flight out of Atlanta to San Juan each day????? Nothing later, just in case you miss you connection? I agree with the above posts - I would try one more time with Delta and then if that doesn't work, keep the flights you have and buy insurance.


There is one other delta flight if they miss the 4:15 flight that leaves at 6:19pm but doesn't land in SJU until 10:56pm so if they miss the connection they're screwed.


The first day of the cruise is a day at sea. They'd have to catch up to the ship in Barbados. That's as Pam said if they have a passport.


If they would switch you to the Jan 11th flight that leaves at 7:30am you'd have a much better shot with over a 2 hour layover.



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I'm not sure if I understand the situation correctly, but I think you are saying that Delta changed the flights you had originally booked (which I assume would get you to the ship in time barring any complications) to something else that probably won't work. If that is the case you should push the issue with Delta and they should switch you to something better since they have inconvenienced you in the first place. This happened to me once (different airline though) and I would not accept the flight they wanted to switch me to since it would have been impossible for me to make that flight with disembarking the cruise that morning. I insisted they had to change it to the next day and they did.

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I'm not sure if I understand the situation correctly, but I think you are saying that Delta changed the flights you had originally booked (which I assume would get you to the ship in time barring any complications) to something else that probably won't work. If that is the case you should push the issue with Delta and they should switch you to something better since they have inconvenienced you in the first place. This happened to me once (different airline though) and I would not accept the flight they wanted to switch me to since it would have been impossible for me to make that flight with disembarking the cruise that morning. I insisted they had to change it to the next day and they did.
Exactly. I was on a Sapphire cruise and Delta changed our return flight from 12:30PM to 10:30AM from LAX to BOS. I called and told them that they had changed the flight times which were unacceptable to me as I was not going to be able to make that flight after returning from the cruise. They hemmed and hawed and offered me an alternate flight leaving after 12-Noon but changing in Atlanta with a 3-hour layover but with no additional charge. I finally told them where they could put their Atlanta flight and demanded all of my money back. (I'd already researched alternative flights and knew I could book AA for just a little bit more than Delta.) The money was in my credit card account within a week, we booked on AA and everything worked out.


The point is to stress that THEIR schedule change has inconvenienced you. Hammer that home with a velvet glove and don't take "No" for an answer.

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Alright..delta has royally screwed me, but that is another story. I'll cut right to the point.


Say I miss the Crown (jan. 12th) out of San Juan........ What are my options?


Sadly, I think they are "lose your entire fare-pay ridiculous amounts of money at a crappy san juan hotel for the week".


I currently don't have trip insurance through Princess. I am under the impression they will not refund my money if I miss the ship due to a flight that was NOT booked through them, correct????



(Basically I have a 40 minute connection in the atlanta airport from cincinnati..... my first concern is flight delays due to snow....my second concern is I am hauling a** in the MASSIVE ATL airport and miss the plane).


Yes, I am aware I was a moron and should have arrived the night before...... I am kicking myself for not doing this, please don't mention it.


Any info would be helpful!


If you had another flight originally scheduled and DELTA changed your flight, with leaving you not much time to make connection, I would call DELTA. US Airways did that to me and when I explained my dilemma regarding the cruise the agent changed my flight without a fee charged. She even changed my returning flight home because I was worried with LA traffic, it would be cutting too close to make it- again without a fee. I did thank her profusely. So now my flight gets into LA at 8:30am which will leave me plenty of time to get to the pier and getting home I may have to wait in the airport a long time but then again, I might try to get on a stand by flight :)

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OP, please explain. WHY didn't you buy any trip insurance? I understand why you would not buy it from Princess, but not to buy ANY??? Trip insurance would cover your losses if you miss the ship and need to catch it at the next port. It would also take care of flight changes. I think you need to take some responsibility here.:confused: What if you have a medical emergency during your trip?

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If you've already talked to Delta, it may be too late to change for free. I know that on my airline of choice, I frequently buy tickets quite a ways out, so there are often schedule changes...usually by just a few minutes, but sometimes by hours. For instance, the latest change had us arriving at back home 2 hours later than originally scheduled. When I explained that we had booked that specific flight because we had over an hour's drive once we got off the airplane and got our luggage, she had no problem switching us to an earlier (more expensive) flight. However, I know that if I had acknowledged the change and not requested alternate flights at that time, it would have been impossible to change without additional fees.

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The fact is that it's down to Delta to accomodate your original plans. When you purchased your tickets you entered into a contract with Delta that agreed to carry you between two points within a given timeframe.


Now whilst they can do very little about delays and reaching your destination late from your original departure time, if they then change your original departure time and fail to get you to your destination on time they are in breach on contract.


You need to cut out the job's-worth's on customer services and go straight to supervisory or management level. I'd be amazed if they didn't then accomodate you either flight wise or by means of a refund so as you can use another carrier.

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1. Insure your cruise now. Toto posted a good link, or you can insure with Princess or another provider. Do it before you make final payment.


2. Weather - if airports are totally shut down in Cincinnati or Atlanta you're screwed anyway.


3. Check on-line sites to see if there are seats available on the earlier flight a few days before you travel. Go to the airport early and see if you can get on that flight. I have had wonderful luck with very nice gate agents. They can make all the changes necessary.


4. If everything goes well you are probably okay with your current schedule.


5. Make a list of other carriers' flights that are going to SJU from Atlanta that would get you there on time in case you miss your connection. If you are late into Atlanta and miss the flight, Delta should be able to arrange transportation on another airline for you. If you have that info handy it will make the process go more smoothly.

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1. Insure your cruise now. Toto posted a good link, or you can insure with Princess or another provider. Do it before you make final payment.


2. Weather - if airports are totally shut down in Cincinnati or Atlanta you're screwed anyway.


3. Check on-line sites to see if there are seats available on the earlier flight a few days before you travel. Go to the airport early and see if you can get on that flight. I have had wonderful luck with very nice gate agents. They can make all the changes necessary.


4. If everything goes well you are probably okay with your current schedule.


5. Make a list of other carriers' flights that are going to SJU from Atlanta that would get you there on time in case you miss your connection. If you are late into Atlanta and miss the flight, Delta should be able to arrange transportation on another airline for you. If you have that info handy it will make the process go more smoothly.


Everything Spongerob said, plus, get on the phone with Delta and insist they change the flights to something that works for you, ie, a supervisor will waive change fees when the airline changed the flights on you and before you call do your homework, and check other flights they offer - consider going a day ahead - you live in Cincinnati and are flying in winter:eek: - and make them give you the flights you are happy with.

It is still possible to get Princess travel insurance, and you should get it now!


We have had airlines change flights on us a number of times pre-cruises, and when I call to get the flight I want (always earlier) I sometimes have to deal with a supervisor and invoke the breach of contract thingee, but I always get the flights without an increase in fare and without a change fee.


Good luck! Now fly out at least a day early, and enjoy that cruise!!!!:)

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We too had our direct flight from Calgary to Fort Lauderdale cancelled, and they put us on flights that would have us staying overnight in Toronto, and arriving the day of the cruise.


We pressed it with them, and indicated that it would be better if we took another airline (as we could do all the travel in 1 day), and asked for a full refund. We did get them to move the flights a day earlier (so now we get into Fort Lauderdale the day early) and have them pay for the overnight accomodation in Toronto, no extra charges.


This is on a Canadian Airline that puts customer service first, Westjet, not sure if you would get a similar accomodation on your Airline, but it does not hurt to ask.

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For our Panama Canal cruise last year, we had delta flights for one leg of the journey (we booked all legs of our vacation separately). We had booked quite a while in advance and Delta changed our flight a month or two out. I called and explained that that flight wouldn't do because of our cruise and needed to make a connecting flight. She waived the change fee and booked us on a flight that would work.

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You have some great advice here. Call Delta and as mentioned speak to a supervisor. THEY changed your flights which will not accomodate what you are doing.

We had the same thing happen with AA and when I called they gave us earlier flights (rather be early) with no change fee and no change to ticket prices.


You can tell Delta because of what they have done, you want to go in the day before now - is your return flight ok? If so, make sure they don't change that on you too. Mention that you will have to pay for an overnite stay and wish to be accomodated, even if it is an airport hotel. You can check out late and head for the pier.:)


We were able to board in SJU around noon. That, of course, depends on how the people getting off do.:rolleyes: But usually you will start the boarding process around noon. We did sit in the "loumge" area for a while, but

sat with rollcall folks and had a great time chatting and planning.


I am always worried going from the Northeast even in March/April so get the earliest flights possible in case of a change and go a day early.

Good luck and keep us posted:)


Keep going up until you reach someone who will help you.

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Even if you get Delta to change your flight(s), buy some insurance now. Actually, I think you have a very good chance if you talk to the right person - I 've had great resolutions to a couple of problems. I live in Cincinnati and we can have some crappy weather in the winter, so I would never take the chance that the originating flight might be canceled. It really isn't very expensive to buy insurance and it will give you peace of mind.

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ALSO, here is another little tirade over Delta... I was like "well, I can easily just make the drive to atlanta..I have to make my flight there for my cruise". The woman said "well, if you don't make you FIRST flight from CVG, we consider the ENTIRE itinerary canceled. ...


*Grumble, curse.* :mad: I lived in Cincinnati for 10 years and this is exactly why I would try to fly out of Dayton or Louisville. Cinci is a Delta hub and a PITA!


I am so sorry for you! I wish I had some advice. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. SO SORRY!

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My flight doesn't get in to san juan until about 4:30 I believe...... I cant afford to change flights...an extra $75/person (that's no big deal) BUT also, I must pay the difference of the NEW flight (which is now like $800 or something...the woman from Delta told me I am looking at a total of around $700 to fix the flights). They won't pay for anything because the connection is 40 minutes..IF the connection time drops to 35 minutes, they will do it for free.


ALSO, here is another little tirade over Delta... I was like "well, I can easily just make the drive to atlanta..I have to make my flight there for my cruise". The woman said "well, if you don't make you FIRST flight from CVG, we consider the ENTIRE itinerary canceled. SO, I told her, okay, I'm telling you now then, I'm DRIVING, here is my notice. She said that was fine, but since the whole intinerary would be considered canceled, I would have to REPURCHASE THE SAME SEAT FROM ATL TO SAN JUAN..."and the current price is now $500 more/person". That is RIDICULOUS.




Ok, I am done ranting. sorry.


Let me see if I understand and if I do, maybe I can offer some suggestions.


YOU booked the flight with a 40 minute connection. I don't get the feeling that Delta changed the flights times on you. Am I correct???


So you are now worried about making the connection in ATL.


1.First thing-get a map of the ATL airport-carry it with you. KNOW what gates are being used the week before your departure for your flights. KNOW how to get between gates.


2. PACK light for onboard stuff. Pick a seat as close to the front of coach as you can.


3. Go to the airport VERY early and standby for the earlier flight to ATL. If you email me a week before you go, I will check the flight loads and see if you have a prayer of getting to ATL earlier. greatam@eathlink.net


Now if my assumption was wrong that you didn't book the flight with a 40 minute connection and Delta actually changed the flight times, you MAY have some help. IF the flight change was over 1 hour (arrival, departure, or connect time) call Delta, calmly explain your problem. ASK to be put on the earlier flight for NO fee or even flights the day before.


The airline adage is: try, try again. A lot of times it takes three calls to get what you want. If the third call is NOT accommodating, ask to speak to a supervisor. But to get a free change, the flight must have changed SUBSTANTIALLY. Not by 5-10 minutes, as most changes are.


Last, ALL airlines cancel your ENTIRE ticket if you miss the first leg. It has to do with airline rules, which are too complicated to get into here. But in short summary and an example: You need to get from DFW/JFK (Dallas to New York). That flight costs $300.00. But the flight that goes from LAX/JFK only costs $200.00 and makes a stop in DFW, connecting to the SAME flight you were going to book from Dallas anyhow. IF you miss the LAX/DFW flight, you CANNOT board in Dallas. Against the rules for ALL airlines.


Best advice is to try for the earlier standby flight. Good luck!!!

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40 minutes is NOT a legal connect time in Atlanta. The minimum legal connect time there is 55 minutes. Try going rule 240 on them. It's the law!


Here's Delta's version of rule 240. They have to satisfy you or give you your money back. Sorry about the formating on this. I got this from: www.travelrights.com

Delta Air Lines



Rule 240 applies to All Delta Air Lines flight delays, cancellations or misconnections are as a result of a

1.Schedule Irregularity, or 2.A Force Majeure Event.


Delta Air Lines defines a schedule irregularity as:

A delay in the departure or arrival of a Delta Air Lines flight that results in a misconnection, or A flight cancellation or omission of a scheduled stop, or any other delay or interruption of a Delta Air Lines flight, or A substitution of equipment to a different class of service, or A schedule change that requires you to be rerouted.

If your flight is delayed, cancelled or you miss a connecting Delta Air Lines flight, due to a schedule irregularity &

1.Delta Air Lines must confirm you on their next flight (on which space is available) at no additional cost. 2.If there is an alternate Delta Air flight that will arrive at your destination earlier than the alternate you have been offered, you have the right to be confirmed on this Delta Air Lines' flight at no additional cost, even if first class space is all that is available. 3.If the alternate Delta Air Lines flight is not acceptable to you, you have the right to be confirmed on the flight of a different airline at no additional cost. 4.If there is an alternate "different airline" flight that will arrive at your destination earlier than any alternate flight you have been offered, you have the right to be confirmed on this flight at no additional cost, even if first class space is all that is available. 5.If no alternate flight (on Delta Air Lines or a "different airline") is acceptable to you, Delta Air Lines must refund your money - even if you have a non-refundable ticket.


Delta Air Lines defines a force majeure event as:

Any conditions beyond Delta Air Lines' control, including weather, acts of God, civil commotion, wars, hostilities, strikes, labor-related disputes, government regulation, shortage of labor or fuel, or other facts not foreseen by Delta Air Lines.

If your flight is delayed, cancelled, or you miss a connection to a Delta Air Lines flight due to a Force Majeure Event (and this includes weather), Delta Air Lines' only obligation is to refund your ticket. Delta Air Lines will probably try to reroute you to an alternate flight, but according to Rule 240, they are not required to do this.



First Class Passengers: If you have been delayed 2 hours or more due to a flight delay or cancellation, Delta Air Lines will provide you with one 3-minute phone call within the Continental U.S. If the delay exceeds 4 hours, Delta Air Lines will provide you with meals at the appropriate times (not to exceed 24 hours). If the delay is expected to exceed 4 hours between the hours of 10:00 p.m. through 6:00 a.m., Delta Air Lines will provide hotel accommodations and transportation between the airport and hotel (some exceptions).

Business Class and Coach Passengers: If you have been delayed 2 hours or more due to a flight delay or cancellation, Delta Air Lines will provide you with one 3-minute phone call within the Continental U.S. If the delay is expected to exceed 4 hours between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., Delta Airlines will provide hotel accommodations and transportation between the airport and hotel (some exceptions).

If you are delayed because of a misconnection from a Delta Air Lines flight to a Delta Air Lines flight, and the delay is expected to exceed 4 hours between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., Delta Air Lines will provide hotel accommodations provided alternate transportation is not available and you missed the last flight of the day. You are required to standby for all Delta Air Lines flights through the last flight of the day.

The amenities listed above do not apply, if your delay is due to weather conditions unless you are a connecting passenger or if you are deplaned at a point other than your origin, destination and/or stopover point. Delta Air Lines may provide amenities as they feel are necessary to maintain the safety and welfare of certain passengers such as invalids, senior citizens, unaccompanied minors, etc..

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