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Hello from Volendam!


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"For the record, I live in the south, know how to dress as does my wife, have all my teeth, have a job, have a lot of friends, and probably live in a nicer house than you do and most certainly bathe regularly and am proud to be a redneck. If you can't afford to dress properly or are unable to dress properly on a HAL cruise what in the hell are you doing on a HAL cruise? NCL has a great product specialy tailored for the uncooth and those unable or unwilling to dress properly :D :D"


TerryDxT's comments are personally an affront - DH and I cruise NCL often (far more than on HAL) and I for one am sick to death of these types of nasty comments. Rude, rude, rude..........


DH and I CAN afford to dress "properly", we DO dress "properly" and certainly don't consider ourselves to be uncooth, tacky or low class (all comments I've read on these HAL boards for the past 2-3 years as relates to those who choose to cruise NCL). At least WE don't go around with a camera taking pictures of those who in our opinion aren't dressed as we think they should be. We leave that type of disrespectful, degrading and declasse behavior to those like RevNeal and his cohorts with their holier-than-thou attitudes. I am beyond appalled at this type of behavior from a man of the cloth - I wonder what his parishioners would have to say - or does RevNeal take digital pictures of them as well after Sunday service and then joke with his friends.


YUCK - and y'all who think this is OK have the NERVE to call those who sail on NCL uncooth???

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I hate to say this Rev Neal, because I do like you, but I think this is really mean. You shouldn't be showing their faces and making fun of them. I am a firm believer in following the dress code, but you never know what is going on in someone's life. I can't believe that the host hasn't removed these photos. It may be legal, but it isn't right.

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I hate to say this Rev Neal, because I do like you, but I think this is really mean. You shouldn't be showing their faces and making fun of them. I am a firm believer in following the dress code, but you never know what is going on in someone's life. I can't believe that the host hasn't removed these photos. It may be legal, but it isn't right.


They've been removed

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Want to thank you both for your excellent writings. Brian you surely have a way with your writing that makes the reader feel that they are sitting down with you at a table just chatting it up. (and the reader can't wait for more!) Revneal I want to thank you very much for all of your photos and journalling. I so enjoyed the pics of Curacao and of the Panana Canal. As you can see from my signature line, my DH and I are scheduled to sail iin a little more than 2 mos on the Volendam. You were so kind a few months back to help me out with our decision on this cruise and even responded to a personal inquiry of mine. Just want to thank you as well for speaking your mind concerning the dress code. We enjoy the formal nights and hope they don't go the way of the dinosaur. On our last cruise we were behind a couple dressed in their best western jeans. They were smack in the middle of women wearing gowns and men in their tuxedos. They did drop out of the line for the dining room. It is beyond explanation as to why this is so diffcult for some.


BTW Terrydtx I was thinking Carnival.

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"It is legal to take pictures of people in a public setting."


True enough... but that's not really the issue here. It's what was done with the photos afterwards. To me it's about posting them on a public website for the purpose of ridiculing them. It's a character issue. IMO


I make no pretense of piety... but it would never occur to me to make fun of what other people look like or what they were wearing as a form of entertainment... as I've seen from the Rev and his "cousin" on a previous post. I really find it quite offensive.


Here's a link to his website: http://revneal.org/donation.html


Perhaps his support"ers would like to go and mak""e a donation so he can continue cru

ising in the manner he's become accustomed.


I honestly consider myself very open-minded and would not have minded cruising with group. (until this) I don't know how to say this... (because I'm not sure of the current politically correct term) but why is it that a "certain group" is so preoccupied not only with their own attire but apparently everyone else on the ship?


In a small way... perhaps... this is also hurting CC. I see there is a whole page where you can purchase CC logo hats... shirts... etc. At this point I'm not sure I want anyone to identify me with this site.


Finally... I am not addressing the issue of dress codes. I have no problem dining in the Lido. I do find it offensive that someone suggests I be served Corn dogs and chili when I'm paying the same price for the cruise.





A sad, appalling post.


There are often lively, heated disagreements on this board. But alas you have just brought us to a new low.


It's within one's rights, although not comfortable for me to see, to use as harsh a word as "despicable" used here.


But to post someone's website address in an blatant effort to instigate & generate harm for someone in their larger world beyond this website isn't just despicable, it is and what you meant it be.....DESTRUCTIVE.


And.......make no mistake, I also find your use of parenthesis around the word cousin...ie. "cousin" equally telling & offensive in your post.


I regret you were offended that someone suggested you could be eating a corn dog. That wasn't nice..even given "sticks and stones." Though an unlikely scenario, since your foot is in the way....


Please....long time posters here.....can we get this otherwise fun and informative thread cleaned up before it gets the lock?

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Actually, Ruth, with tongue in cheek it sort of was:D . I always preview my posts!;) It was a little attempt at humor.

In that case, Heather, well done!

I laughed hard so for several minutes---even missed seeing Pittsburg take the lead in the football game! :eek:

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In that case, Heather, well done!

I laughed hard so for several minutes---even missed seeing Pittsburg take the lead in the football game! :eek:


I'm glad I was able to provide a giggle in the middle of this mess:D .


To so many here so quick to sit in judgement, "Judge not lest ye be judged " springs to mind.


And maybe that applies to all of us:o .


Sure hope this thread can return to it's original joyous mood and fun meanderings of Brian and Greg's great adventure.

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FinelyRetired... I'm sorry you found my post appalling. I was greatly offended a few months ago by RevNeal. I'll not relive that here.


So yes... it was a bit of payback. But I don't think it's a new low. I found that website by clicking on a link that he provides on every post he makes. He posted on another thread how his cousin (I dropped the parenthesis per your request) likes to make comments about everyone who enters the dining room regarding their attire and he thought it was very funny. Great entertainment in his opinion. (what I took from the post)


I just found it offensive. I would hate to think there are fellow passengers who are just waiting for me to enter the dining room so they can make fun of my appearance... and I stated it would never occur to me to do that.


It's too late for me to cancel our Hal cruise. But I will definitely consider other Cruise Lines for next one. I'd like to think this is an anomaly... but it's something to think about.

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I'm enjoying this Volendam cruise travelogue very much. Great writing, great photos! Thank you.


HOWEVER, I agree with others here that taking photos of unsuspecting folks in order to post those photos on a message board, solely for the purpose of castigating and ridiculing them, demonstrates a lack of good judgment. I'm sorry this otherwise excellent thread had to be thus derailed.


(Disclaimer: I do have all avatars, signatures and photo links turned off, so I can't see them unless I click on them. I have chosen not to click on the photos of the dress code violators in order to respect their privacy.)




Karin -


I agree 100%. I enjoy the photos of the food, the canal, the group etc., but could do without this...


We all know people don't always adhere to the suggested dress of the evening - however singling out some of these folks is really not what I feel this forum is about... :confused:

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FinelyRetired... I'm sorry you found my post appalling. I was greatly offended a few months ago by RevNeal. I'll not relive that here.


So yes... it was a bit of payback. But I don't think it's a new low. I found that website by clicking on a link that he provides on every post he makes. He posted on another thread how his cousin (I dropped the parenthesis per your request) likes to make comments about everyone who enters the dining room regarding their attire and he thought it was very funny. Great entertainment in his opinion. (what I took from the post)


I just found it offensive. I would hate to think there are fellow passengers who are just waiting for me to enter the dining room so they can make fun of my appearance... and I stated it would never occur to me to do that.


It's too late for me to cancel our Hal cruise. But I will definitely consider other Cruise Lines for next one. I'd like to think this is an anomaly... but it's something to think about.




Thanks for your prompt, serious response! I'm grateful for your honesty & only want to help.


Since you do acknowledge it was "a bit of payback" to post Greg's website here which could hurt him/his calling, I'd suggest you contact the Host, Walt at: http://www.hostwalt@cruisecritic.com and ask that your enitire post #351 from this thread is removed. Do it immediately. You'll feel better, less hurtful if you do.


I'm personally most grateful that you will no longer make any untoward, oblique implications either with parenthesis, etc. in reference to indviduals that could be construed hurtfully here, ie "cousins." Thank you.



I hope you will continue to post on these boards. Don't give up on us. I'll look for you. With the understanding that some of us here are always leary of those "lower number" posters. You just never know if they're here for real assistance or "undercover" or to push an agenda.



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Thanks for your prompt, serious response! I'm grateful for your honesty & only want to help.


Since you do acknowledge it was "a bit of payback" to post Greg's website here which could hurt him/his calling, I'd suggest you contact the Host, Walt at: www.hostwalt@cruisecritic.com and ask that your enitire post #351 from this thread is removed. Do it immediately. You'll feel better, less hurtful if you do.


I'm personally most grateful that you will no longer make any untoward, oblique implications either with parenthesis, etc. in reference to indviduals that could be construed hurtfully here, ie "cousins." Thank you.



I hope you will continue to post on these boards. Don't give up on us. I'll look for you. With the understanding that some of us here are always leary of those "lower number" posters. You just never know if they're here for real assistance or "undercover" or to push an agenda.




Lower number posters (such as myself?)? Undercover? An agenda? Thats hurtful in itself. Were you never a low number?


Has anyone suggested all of RevNeals pix be removed? I'd immediately feel better if all of his ugliness be removed. Thank you for the contact info for the host.




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"It is legal to take pictures of people in a public setting."


True enough... but that's not really the issue here. It's what was done with the photos afterwards. To me it's about posting them on a public website for the purpose of ridiculing them. It's a character issue. IMO


I make no pretense of piety... but it would never occur to me to make fun of what other people look like or what they were wearing as a form of entertainment... as I've seen from the Rev and his "cousin" on a previous post. I really find it quite offensive.


Here's a link to his website: http://revneal.org/donation.html


Perhaps his supporters would like to go and make a donation so he can continue cruising in the manner he's become accustomed.


I honestly consider myself very open-minded and would not have minded cruising with group. (until this) I don't know how to say this... (because I'm not sure of the current politically correct term) but why is it that a "certain group" is so preoccupied not only with their own attire but apparently everyone else on the ship?


In a small way... perhaps... this is also hurting CC. I see there is a whole page where you can purchase CC logo hats... shirts... etc. At this point I'm not sure I want anyone to identify me with this site.


Finally... I am not addressing the issue of dress codes. I have no problem dining in the Lido. I do find it offensive that someone suggests I be served Corn dogs and chili when I'm paying the same price for the cruise.




I must say that I agree with all the people saying it was wrong to post these pics. But I am not surprised. We have a certain group of people on this website that can't wait to put someone down for a question they are asking. So making fun of others clothes as the walk into a dining room isn't a stretch. I am concerned this person is a man who runs a ministery. I would certainly have to question this mans sincerity in all aspects of this vocation after hearing some of his comments. Folks just enjoy your vacation and don't worry about what others are wearing. I am just glad that I can enjoy my vacation time doing what I love.

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Thanks for your prompt, serious response! I'm grateful for your honesty & only want to help.


Since you do acknowledge it was "a bit of payback" to post Greg's website here which could hurt him/his calling, I'd suggest you contact the Host, Walt at: www.hostwalt@cruisecritic.com and ask that your enitire post #351 from this thread is removed. Do it immediately. You'll feel better, less hurtful if you do.


I'm personally most grateful that you will no longer make any untoward, oblique implications either with parenthesis, etc. in reference to indviduals that could be construed hurtfully here, ie "cousins." Thank you.



I hope you will continue to post on these boards. Don't give up on us. I'll look for you. With the understanding that some of us here are always leary of those "lower number" posters. You just never know if they're here for real assistance or "undercover" or to push an agenda.




Martha -


Greg's website is no secret to any of us - it is linked to his photos, webpage etc. RCrpntr is perfectly within his right to mention it.


I'm not leary of any "lower" number posters and I've been around for a little while... let's get this thread back on track.


Knowing Greg, if he has issues with anything anyone posted - trust me, he'll have no problem defending himself. :)


There is no need for YOU to beat RCrpntr up on Greg's behalf...

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Lower number posters (such as myself?)? Undercover? An agenda? Thats hurtful in itself. Were you never a low number?


Has anyone suggested all of RevNeals pix be removed? I'd immediately feel better if all of his ugliness be removed. Thank you for the contact info for the host.





Ah ha....didn't mean for ANY shoe to fit. Unless you feel it might. Take a look at this thread....I'M a low number poster!


You can ask any thread be removed.....should you choose.



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I'll make a prediction- heck, maybe we could start a betting-pool.


You'll get your "apology", Sherry. It will be followed by a self-imposed absence from the board for maybe 10 days...


Then, it will be back to business as usual.


(OK..... this poster is betting on a 10 day sabbatical...what say you?) :)



Just like last time, right? :rolleyes:

I'm wondering what happened to my remarks on another thread about this topic?? Came home tonight and all relative posts were removed, even though they weren't nearly as "open and honest" as the thoughts here on this thread (at least they weren't when I posted mine)! So I'll say it again, I was horrified that those pictures were posted, although not all that surprised. :( I agree that PAX should follow the dress code. I do NOT agree that it's ok to take pictures of unknowing individuals expressly for the amusement of the fashion police. It's mean spirited and cruel. No excuse for it.

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Ah ha....didn't mean for ANY shoe to fit. Unless you feel it might. Take a look at this thread....I'M a low number poster!


You can ask any thread be removed.....should you choose.



No, I dont feel the shoe fits, and for the record, I would not consider you a "low number". You are the one who said "some of US are always leary of lower number posters" so I did take a second look at that comment. I have no agenda but I do have common sense, and posting pictures of people with opinionated captions is ugly and uncalled for.


I think its funny that there are labels for everything....now we have a label for the number of times we have posted. My goodness. I'm not sure if I sense a bit of sarcasm but I will give you the benefit of the doubt. This whole thing is very troubling.



Low number poster who loves jeans

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I do not agree with those pics and comments being posted, not at all! And for the record, I have a problem with someone taking my pic for the purpose that was demonstrated today, a big problem!

I fully agree with those who say that it's time to take a step back, a deep breath and a break.

This thread was started to project a review of a very nice itinerary. Here's hoping we can let the OP continue with and finish that!

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Martha -


Greg's website is no secret to any of us - it is linked to his photos, webpage etc. RCrpntr is perfectly within his right to mention it.


I'm not leary of any "lower" number posters and I've been around for a little while... let's get this thread back on track.


Knowing Greg, if he has issues with anything anyone posted - trust me, he'll have no problem defending himself. :)


There is no need for YOU to beat RCrpntr up on Greg's behalf...


Well...you may have a bit of a point. The website is discernible.....if you are looking, hard. Most don't. So....a


Broadcast/repeat of the website in a "go to" post to promote complaints is quite another thing... a destructive thing...a conscious effort to MAKE SURE the pig pile continues!!?!!


ekerr19: I was HARDLY beating up on RCrntr.......he seems okay to me and pretty darn honest. He's taking care of himself just fine here. And I'm satisfied with his response.


Egging this on doesn't help RCntr or me have a civil conversation at all. What is it you want?



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Let me clarify...I was not accusing anyone of BEING a redneck, I was, tongue in cheek, referring back to previous posts on the subject. I also never claimed to not have the ability to dress appropriately myself, I was pointing out that not everybody who is on a cruise, is in the same 'boat', as it were. Nice to see that somebody who apparently MUST live in a nicer home than I do resorts to personal attacks on one who was only defending those not present to defend themselves. Very classy.

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Oh dear, I think we need to put some people in the Dr. Phil house!


While I agree that it is not the most "Christian" thing to do (Do we know that the rev is a Christian pastor? I don't know that, but some of you may--I'm a "low number" so I don't know the personal details, but there are other religions, you know--I know, I'm a member of one of them).


Still, one would hope for more out of a religious leader of any faith. BUT to bring in personal assumptions about him and make stereotypical criticisms about "certain groups" was worse, I think, as it was directed at a specific person (it's likely those poor people photographed will never know they were being made the objects of so much derision) and was intended to hurt his feelings. And, since many of my friends are part of that "certain group" I am especially offended. If similar remarks were made related to race, for example, everyone would be up in arms (as we should be).


So shame on all of us (I admit I shook my head at some of the photos and made an unkind comment). We should try to be better people.


And to the guys on the Volendam, have fun, ignore this crap, and one of you please tell me about the near drowning at HMC? This is the FOURTH time I've asked! ;)

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