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Hello from Volendam!


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Greg and Brian........


Thanks for the wonderful posts. Such enjoyable reading. I greatly appreciate your sharing your precious time aboard the beautiful Volendam with us.


"A Good Nuts Reunion Reunion" on Noordam sounds wonderful!! Sign us up!

Travel Home Safely.

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It was a very nice lunch and we had a good conversation with the Hotel Manager regarding the implementation of AYW dining aboard the Volendam, which will begin next cruise. Based upon what we were told, I am hopeful that everything will work out to the satisfaction of everybody most of the time. Some factors make it sound like the Traditional section will become even more like the old traditional that many of us remember and loved. We were told that they were doing their very best to track the wishes of their mariners, that our desires are noted and taking into account in the process, and that our concerns -- and, particularly, the concerns of solo cruisers -- are being factored in as well.

It's great that you had the opportunity for a thorough discussion with the Hotel Manager. Knowing you, I'm certain that you took the opportunity to explain the concerns of us solo's so that it's truly understood.

For this I thank you.

It has been a joy bringing you with us on this glorious cruise, and I look forward to doing the same aboard the Rotterdam in Jan/Feb 08, the Eurodam in July 08, and the Noordam in Feb 09! Yes ... that's right ... Brian has twisted our arms into booking the Noordam's 10 day Southern/Eastern Caribbean cruise for Feb 12, 2009. Who wants to come along?????

It's been my joy reading the reports both you and Brian have so graciously provided. Thank you both so much. And I'll be right with you on that Rotterdam journal! :) YESSS!!!!!


The Voyage of the Good Nuts, eh? For this I just may go along for the ride. :D

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So, for the fifth time, tell us about the near drowning on HMC. Pleeeeeeease?


All I know is that it was a near-drowning. I don't have any details, and I wasn't there. The person survived and, from what little I heard, I think they stayed aboard for the rest of this cruise. I pray they're well.

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Well, we are nearly at the end of this little adventure – this is the time to obsess over how we’re going to cram all of our vacation purchases into the luggage, spend $12 on 30 minutes of internet to buy a $29 upgrade for our online airline check-in, finish drinking the smuggled booze and bon voyage champagne, complete our comment cards with all the names of the staff and crew who have been naughty and nice, do some last minute shopping in the onboard giftshops, and cash in our chips at the casino to pay the waiters and stewards their extra tips – hopefully allowing enough left over for luggage porters, taxis and drinks on the flights home before we hit the next ATM…


As we cruise Eastward to Florida, the seas become ever more calm – we have passed a Carnival Destiny Class around Noon and just now an NCL Freestyle-Class ship heading toward the Western Caribbean so far today. If I were braver, I’d use the Aluminum with Mother-of-Pearl-inlay salad serving set, which I bought on sale in Panama for $10, to hijack Volendam and turn us West again too…


Last night was the Farewell Dinner and Formal Night – Officer Larry & his DW Susan joined us for dinner again. Susan had mentioned in passing that she’d never had Dom Perignon – so wouldn’t you know it, our Scotty ordered up a bottle for the table! She had a great time having her photo taken w/ the empty bottle (and we had a great time helping her empty it…)


As you well know, the Farewell Dinner is when HAL have the dreaded Baked Alaska Parade – much to the chagrin of yours truly. It began just as we were digging into our salad course – a very annoying time indeed to interrupt one’s dinner as there is only so much time that the lettuce remains crisp before the dressing causes the leaves to wilt into a mush akin to what one finds in the bottom of the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator – one too many passing sparklers or one too many cheer competitions from the Upper and Lower Dining Rooms that always ends in a draw, and your “Chef Salad with Italian” magically transforms into “Goop-in-a-Bowl”. Needless to say, I hollered at the CD from my seat to please make the music stop and get my waiter to help me find the butter for my bread, but to no avail – the festivities were underway and I was left in the dark but for the opportune glow of a cigarette lighter that Officer Larry provided so that I could continue enjoying my meal while the Chefs that should have been carefully preparing our Surf and Turf promenaded up and down the staircases. Oh, and did I mention that by the time the aforementioned Surf and Turf arrived at our table, it was overcooked and cold – and that the risotto accompaniment had the consistency of Elmer’s Glue? I found very little to cheer about at dinner – although I did take time to applaud and wave when our Head Wine Somellier was announced from the balcony as I desperately needed a refill on my claret. At least our waiters – bless their hearts - understood from my glare that I indeed did not wish to have the melted Neapolitan w/ Whipped Egg Whites served before my Main Course, or anytime thereafter for that matter…


One interesting development since my last post is that – to my amazement - the Ship’s Bridge Officers were out in force last night, particularly since they were nowhere to be seen in public when the seas were like glass, but now that the hull was creaking and the rooms were moving sideways there they were in their dress-whites – some looking as if they had been dragged into the public rooms by their starched shirt-collars (I know this look well: I was the same way when as a boy I was dragged into the back of Mom’s big Mercury to go to Church on Sunday Mornings…)



Just received a call from the Front Desk a short time ago: The very helpful Vincent asked if we had received our Luggage tags and Questionnaires – “Why No” I replied. He said that he would follow up with our steward for us (Thank You, Vincent) and asked if we would please remember to say something nice about him on our comment form? (Consider it done…)


Anther call came through shortly thereafter – one of the Mac Geeks we’ve met aboard seems to have lost his Tuxedo Jacket in the Crow’s Nest the second formal night, and the Front Desk is calling the staterooms of every passenger who was up there that evening: apparently this fellow’s passport was in his jacket pocket! (Don’t ask…) I certainly hope that it turns up, or he and his Mac may be put on a raft to Cuba for an extended visit with Uncle Fidel…



I ordered up the HAL cookbook from the Front Desk last night – only $29.95, and delivery to your stateroom is free. This should provide hours of enjoyment at home from gazing at photos of our shipboard dinners while eating Popcorn and Rice Crispies…



This am, Adele booked the Feb 12, 2009 Noordam Cruise: “The Voyage of the Good Nuts” – Greg and Christopher are in 8078 next to Scotty and I in 8080, and the lovely Monica (we’ve named her “MissScarlet” for CC.com) will be joining us as well. All friendly CC’ers are welcome to join – no strange hats/shirts or other purchases necessary! ;)



Well, the sun is setting, we’ve donated another $50 at the casino this afternoon, rearranged charges at the Front Desk, didn’t win the 7-Day Cruise and have procrastinated the packing about as long as possible – and poor Adele just bought another carryon. Better get crackalackin before dressing for last dinner – Larry and Susan are joining us again this evening.


I'll try to get some photos from my collection posted when I return home - I'm not nearly as skilled at that as our Greg...



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All I know is that it was a near-drowning. I don't have any details, and I wasn't there. The person survived and, from what little I heard, I think they stayed aboard for the rest of this cruise. I pray they're well.


Sorry - Yes, this is true - person survived - Nobody we actually know, but it was the talk of the ship for a couple days...

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I completely agree. I saw nothing offensive in those pictures. It's also proof for those who call others *liars* for saying that people are dressing that way on formal night. It hasn't helped that some who were *offended* have gotten extremely more OFFENSIVE by discussing things not related to the issue at all. Please, please stop it and let those of us enjoying this cruise, albeit vicariously, get back to the posts that Brian and Rev. Neal are generously providing us with. Those with a personal ax to grind are not scoring points for themselves.


Desdemona, I also agree. After 10 cruises on other lines, DH and I signed up for our first HAL cruise thinking that we would be mingling with people like ourselves that enjoy dressing up for the evening on board. While perhaps posting the pictures wasn't particularly kind, I didn't find them offensive at all, just disappointing that even on HAL dress rules aren't enforced. I am looking forward to the rest of Brian and Rev Neal's post. By the way, I thought the leather pants looked smart. Georgetta

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Forgive me if this question was already addressed somewhere in this myriad of postings, but were the dining room staff/maitre'd turning said people away from the dining room or letting them be seated?

It was answered, but I don't mind repeating. :)

No, the maitre d' was not turning people away. Yes, they were seated.

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As you well know, the Farewell Dinner is when HAL have the dreaded Baked Alaska Parade – much to the chagrin of yours truly.


Yes, this was the case on the Noordam inaugural, was it not??? I think I got the last of the "good" veal and poor Brian and Joyce were left out in the cold, as I recall...


Thanks for the journey. :) Count us in for the "Good Nuts" cruise!


Travel safe. TTFN.

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It was answered, but I don't mind repeating. :)

No, the maitre d' was not turning people away. Yes, they were seated.


Thanks for the response. I would hope that at the end of all this hubbub (not sure if that is actually a word, but it fits!) that the current Volendam cruisers put their comment cards to good use. In as much as it is HAL who makes the rules or "suggestions" on how a passenger should dress for formal evenings, the maitre d', I would think, should be as much to blame as the people who (for whatever reason) came to dinner dressed as they were.


I wanted to add that the pictures of the ports and the accompanying commentary were great....it's just going to make the next 20 days go by a little quicker (I hope)

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I'm with you--I like it when the ship rocks and rolls a bit and was disappointed on my last cruise that it was smooth sailing the whole week! People thought I was nuts--and not a good nut!


So, for the fifth time, tell us about the near drowning on HMC. Pleeeeeeease?


Oh, and the beauty of that water is just killing me. Now let's see, how long till my next cruise? 1 month, 3 weeks, and 4 days! Whoopee!


Ahhhhhhh...so that's why folks are referring to when they say"good nuts!" ;) ;) ;)

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Brian and Greg,


Thanks so much for the informative and very funny thread.


DH and I cruised the Panama Canal a few years ago on the Coral Princess and this brought it all back, including the downpour in Costa Rica where our Gore Tex raingear failed.


I had tears from laughing at Brian's description of karaoke night.


Please keep up the cruise descriptions. I can't wait for the next cruise.

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For a group of people who keep posting how horrifying the pictures are, why do you keep referring back to them and telling people to look? I don't get it.


I don't think anyone is being particularly nice about any of this. It was definitely not a good thing for Greg to post the pictures and he knew that when he did it. He was frustrated.


But one thing I have always done here on CC, and will always do, is support my friends right or wrong. So I support Greg, who in a moment of weakness and frustration, posted pictures he shouldn't have.


Please let's stop. This was such a good thread. If we stop talking about it people won't keep going back pages to look!!!


I could not have said this better, Heather. Time to move on.




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Again, I was referring to what had been said earlier in the thread...much earlier...about 'rednecks'. The reason that bit was added was so that the people who were about to flame me for daring to disagree with them, would have many of their assumptions dealt with up front. (assumptions I had seen them make about others, in earlier posts). You didn't truly offend me in any way. I certainly wasn't trying to offend anybody either. I'm an extremely fairminded person and don't judge all by the actions of a few. (which is why this topic annoys me so very much.) I completely agree with you, and stated in earlier posts, I've no problem with having a dress code in the DR, but getting bent out of shape about 'violators' in other areas of the ship, is ridiculous. IMO

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Sorry - Yes, this is true - person survived - Nobody we actually know, but it was the talk of the ship for a couple days...


Thanks, guys.


Isn't sad when the cruise is almost over? I start almost from day one: "Our cruise is one day over!" And I do that every day, adding the number of days behind us. And yes, it gets annoying. That's one of my reasons for doing it. :D

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Hi Brian and Greg:


Thanks so much for such informative and entertaining travelogues. I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them and look forward to reading more of them in the future.


Enjoy your last night aboard ship and have a safe trip home.



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Brian and Greg,

Thanks for your great review! I am looking forward to seeing your pictures posted.


Regarding the formal night dress fiasco. Who's really to blame?? I'say it is HAL!! When they have formal night they need to enforce it! If they don't why have it? If I go to a fancy restaurant I will not be served if I wear shorts with a tanktop or Tshirt. However its my opinion that you can not force people to dress in a tux or suit if they do not want to or can't afford to. In that case they should eat in the Lido and not int he DR. But to ban them from all other public places is nonsense. What are they suppose to do? Be looked in their cabin?


Thanks to HAL these night never seem to work out 100%



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I understand mistakes, lapses in judgment, impulsive humor that back fires and all the other assorted things that we humans do.


I did not understand a "pre-response to disbelief from certain voices..." given I could not recall any such voice let alone multiples.


I was curious and thought perhaps I missed something on this thread.

I took the time to reread this entire thread and in doing so, enjoyed most of the ride, again. I was not able to find a single post that expressed disbelief, in what was observed.

There were however, many posts from those saddened or supportive of the choice of attire and an assorted variety of posts related to why the Dining Room Manager had not banned the hundreds of non-compliant passengers from the Dining Room versus the impracticality of doing so.

The Rev subsequently observed that he had never seen this many passengers who were not dressed to code. And later, articulated that HAL sometimes enforces the dress code, dependent upon the attitude of the staff and the percentage and attitude of the passengers, not dressed. I for one agree with this.


So I remain confused about this whole deal and fully acknowledge no one owes me a response nor do I expect one.


Like all others, I appreciate most of this ride and wish all the passengers on the Volendam, a safe trip home, tomorrow. Peace.

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