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Live From The Qm2...penny's "affair" Continues


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Hi Penny,
Hope you had a safe arrival to the terminal. We stopped by after shopping locally and took some shots. Ship seemed to be quiet from the outside around 1PM.

Here is your Queen! A benefit of living near Redhook.
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[quote name='pnhmrk']Is that all she can say?:mad: We're onto our second page, eager in anticipation of her tales and all she can manage are 10 words:D[/quote]

I wouldn't be too critical, Malcolm: it will lead us to expect much more from you during the World Cruise.:) So be prepared. Jane
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[quote name='Vic The Parrot']Hi Penny!

Hope you're enjoying every minute! Take good care of [I]"our"[/I] ship. :)[/quote]

Hi Vic! Did you have a good time? What did you do in the ports? What did you do on the ship? Just toss us a morsel, please. :p
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it's david here, hope you had a goodstime on the carribean leg and the weather was nice and warm. guess you missed the storm on the way there. think your hotel you stayed here has \some connection with our security company at work it was called zepha security. i enjoyed the cxouple of days, shame about the cartoon museum. loomking forward to december when the QUEEN VICTORIA arrives and the tandem in january. look forward to hearing how it all went. did you say stephen card is on the jan 13th departure on qm2? he was saying about his forthcoming cruises.
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[FONT=Verdana]Sunday, November 11, 2007[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]Hello from a delightful day onboard QM2. (a small computer glitch is partway down...please bear with me while I relearn this silly system) And yes, we are here and a more complete report of all sort of things will come next time but I thought I'd share a special moment from today's many activities. I had hoped to do this earlier but my email wasn't functioning!! Imagine that...me without email...more on that later too! Today, as many of you know was Remembrance Day in the [/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]UK[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]....Veterans Day in the [/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]US[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]....a day to remember and pay tribute to those who lost their lives in service to their country. [/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]And so today finds me onboard a British liner on Nov 11th, a Sunday and the usual Sunday service conducted by the Commodore was one of remembrance in honor of the day.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]I am not an overtly religious person so please do not take this as a religious expression of any sort...it is not. Rather, I was honored to find myself with a unique opportunity to join so many others in a moving tribute to all those we have all lost in conflicts I'm sure they would have preferred not to participate in. But participate they did and it was for those who paid the highest price that we gathered today in [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]the [/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]Royal[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]Court[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]Theatre[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]. [/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]There was something quite comforting to stand there with the gentle throbbing and the sway of the ship underfoot....to hear the haunting notes of the solitary bugler playing taps and the words of the Commodore offering up prayers and words of remembrance.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]I looked around and wondered momentarily at the losses many of my fellow passengers had endured and hoped that these few moments would bring a comfort to them in their private thoughts. [/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]We sang hymns of praise and concluded with a favorite of mine....Eternal Father...one i have always cherished for its connection to the sea and those whose lives were forever tied to it. It was a profoundly moving experience....a moment in time I doubt will ever come again in the same way and under the same circumstances.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]The very words of the Act of Remembrance...simple words yet with a special poignancy that touches deep in one's soul...took on added meaning as I was honored to share this special time with a dear British friend for whom, like so many others, this held special significance.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]This special moment, experienced on this special ship is a memory that will be etched in my mind and in my heart. Truly a special moment in time in a very special place.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]And now we all prepare for a different celebration as formal wear is appearing and the evening’s festivities begin. Our Meet and Greet this afternoon was a wonderful [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]success and I'll tell you all about it and so much more next time. Today just seemed special and I wanted to share the essense of it with you all before the day slipped away.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]And so I'll return later with tales of all you await....I hope you don't mind sharing this special memory with me.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]Cheers, Penny...very Live From the QM2...and loving it, there's a surprise!![/COLOR][/FONT]
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Dear Penny,

Thanks so much for this post. Not only because you took the time, but because you used the time for a subject so important. This type of emotion truly enhances the sense of community and humanity on these boards. My ten shades of green ran red, white and blue.

Honest mush aside, looking forward to hearing more about your affair.

Kindest regards to you, your fellow shipmates, and to all those who have served their countries so bravely.

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[quote name='pnhmrk']Penny - I won't post at every instalment - please take it as read that I'm enjoying them.:)

ML - thanks for passing them on (you see - I am thanking you now:p )[/quote]

What he said! :)

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I had an email from Penny and the great meeting of Penny, Martyn and Beth took place in the boarding lounge. None of them could wait till they boarded and the excitement seems to be running high still.
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Hi, Penny. So glad you finally got to meet Beth.

Debbie said our little display at the pier Saturday morning wasn't proper Cunard behavior!!! What--two women who unexpectedly see each other, yell, scream, jump up and down, hug, and carry on like mad women--isn't proper behavior???:D She said people actually stopped to stare at us! Me thinks they were jealous.;)

Hope you're having as fabulous a time as Deb and I did.
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The true delight of a vacation is not always fun, frivolity, and a carefree day, but sometimes more the connection we feel to eachother because of events near and far.

Thanks for the post!


(should I say something snarky like "Wait! I never heard the end result. Did you ever make it out of the tunnel!?!?!?")
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[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Live, in love....life is good! So you're probably wondering what's happened so far....Oh my...so much. Since all of you knew my trepidation at actually finding [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Brooklyn[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana], the fact that I'm onboard might give you a clue that we did. It would have been the pits to have first seen the ship from the top of the [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Verrazano[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Bridge[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana] and then not have found it.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]But find her we did....and easily...what was I so worried about?? Boarding....truly a piece of cake...cheerful baggage handler...yup, I said cheerful, and not only that, helpful as well. He even volunteered to haul ALL my carry-on's in the the terminal for me....something even Steve wouldn't have done having already complained that he wasn't a pack horse and would I please learn to stop taking the kitchen sink and everything else we own!! Such a charmed trip, right from the minute my feet stepped out of the car....suddenly heard a voice calling my name!! It was friend Txgal from last year just disembarking and looking for Beth and me to arrive. Huge hugs all around...you'd have thought I was leaving forever...then again, that thought has once again crossed my mind....Nov 20th folks please take note of this gentle warning. Then another voice...turned around and for the first time in 2 years of CC chatting and friendship there finally was friend Beth....how on earth do we manage to come from all over and arrive together. Might have something to do with anticipation I'm thinking!! It was not quite [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]noon[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]. In mere minutes we were in the departure area, getting acquainted face to face when I looked up and there attached to the biggest grin stood Pepper....a year of online friendship and finally face to face. We used up our quotients of hugs rapidly I fear so I am now in search of more. Last time you may remmber I was in search of OZ as I must have fallen down some mythical rabbit hole to be in such a charmed place. I finally realized that my OZ was the QM2 herself, so that saves that search this trip. However I'm really worried about that hug thing and I’ve been told by knowledgeble crew (my bus boy actually but he seemed quite certain) that there are hugs to be had on [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Tortola[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]....We are steaming there forthwith....or is it post haste. whatever...we are heading south in the general direction of [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Tortola[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]....who cares if we don't find it. [/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Anyway, within minutes our best friends arrived and then minutes later our number was called and we all boarded together...what a fantasy fullfilled to be sailing with such fantastic people. Thank you again CC for making these kind of friendships possible.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]I have sailed many time from NYC in my youth....always a cherished event and even more so now that I remember those days of the old ships and the festive departures....much music, streamers and bon voyage parties. None of that now I’m afraid but to compensate, and in celebration of being reunited QM2 arranged for us to sail after dark....somehow she managed to get all the lights to glow like precious gems....she changed the weather from gray and gloomy to bright and glorious with just the perfect nip of cold air to add to the fun. We were bundled up to our noses!! AND then...then....she had this magnificent string of gems stretched across the Narrows just for me to pass under....and pass under we did...just!! How do they do that??? I've seen photos...nothing beats the real thing....it was THAT close folks....THAT close!! A mere whisker...an extra coat of paint....I told the group that if I hadn't brought so much luggage we might not have made it! How's that for inspired thinking?? I know there was a party someplace but for me the real party was all the way on top, forward of that massive funnel, with the night wind blowing in my face and the people who will make this voyage memorable gathered around me....life is good....did I mention that?[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]And so we head to sea...the one true element of this ship...what she was built to do and do so well as the evening showed. We began to rock and then roll...we duck-walked to the Commodore and the "Affair" was reborn.. Why is that room so magical I wondered again, but there with good friends all around, the magic reached new heights and it was oh so easy to surrender to the essense of it all. Am I really so "easy" I wondered? [/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]And so we meandered to dinner....that first onboard delight and it didn't disappoint altho I must say that there seemed a bit less service people around...hmmmm, I wondered. But it didn't disappoint, nor did more magic in the Commodore post dinner, again with all friends snugged in tight and beginning what I might have to call the QM2 glow....we could have lit the room with our smiles alone...what a first day to remember....and yes folks, there's no doubt, QM2 hasn't forgotten but I feel she is toying with me just a bit to test my resolve....more on that tomorrow after I've swum with dolphins!! Ye gads...I am going to the dolphins in the morning...a life-long dream to interact with those marvelous creatures of the sea and taken there by my personal marvel of the sea....can it get any better?[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Off to "cookie land....no more shall it be called “Kings Court”....too mundane I think and so I am having signs surrepticiously made to proclaim it "Cookie Land".....hey, stop snickering...I was going to call it Penny's Cookie Land but discretion took over and I restrained myself. I'll be back....I promise....maybe.....but first I have to find all those hugs I’m told are there for the taking...I have lots of new friends who will enjoy them.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Cheers, Penny.....not sleep deprived today...too much to do…[/FONT][/COLOR]
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OK! That's 2 posts so far and we are all very pleased that Penny has once again taken possession of QM2. However, there is one piece of vital information missing.

[SIZE=3]Has she yet introduced our new game on board??[/SIZE]
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[quote name='dak']OK! That's 2 posts so far and we are all very pleased that Penny has once again taken possession of QM2. However, there is one piece of vital information missing.

[SIZE=3]Has she yet introduced our new game on board??[/SIZE]

[I][COLOR=blue]...we'll have to wait and see...[/COLOR][/I]
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[FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=black]Penny,[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=black]Thank you so much for sharing with us. I love to hear all the wonderful details. Enjoy, enjoy!!!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=black] :D :D :D [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=black][I]Okole maluna :p [/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Oh Penny, Penny,Penny,thankyou so,so,so much!
Through this thread we have read your original postings of your 'virgin' voyage. You transported us back to 23rd April 2006, when we were virgins on QM2's WB TA. (We were complete virgins as we had never been on a ship before!). Although that was 18 months ago, there has not been a day go by when we have not thought about her. I was weeping reading your account, it was as if someone had burrowed deep inside our hearts & felt what we were feeling. The thought of you reflected in the glass looking at her must have touch so many people. I could not stop shaking or grinning the whole time until we reached our room & even then I was running around like a puppy! Reading your words gave us goosebumps, it was as though we were on her again.
We have started reading Pepper's diary now, which we love, because of the transatlantic connection. (Thankyou Pepper-we are travelling the atlantic on that beautiful ship once more xx).
We wish we had read your diary before we travelled Penny but, to travel on her again, through your words, was heaven.
We are due to go on the Autumn Sojourn september 2008 on QM2 & cannot wait.
We are also on the QV in january for the TA tandem crossing. We only hope it will be as magical.
Thankyou again (& Pepper) for transporting us back to the amazing fairy tale that is the QM2. We honestly thought we were the only people who felt like 'us'. It is wonderful to know we are not alone. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.
Sharon & Steve Edmundson xxxxxxx
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