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Cruiseline refuses to refund trip

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Really people? You are that much of Royal Caribbean cheerleaders that you don't think it would be humanitarian in this extreme situation for RCCL to refund the money. COME ON! It wouldn't hurt RCCL and would at least be good PR. The bill waiting at home was probably the CC bill. Sorry, I can't be on RCCL's side on this one........


I'm a cheerleader ONLY for the wonderful people you meet on the ships..fellow passengers as well as staff. None of the people that make your cruise so wonderful make this kind of decision, not the captain or crew. It's a big corporation and they emphatically don't need your sympathy. This family does. Just my humble opinion. :)


The Family has my sympathy, but RCCL has my sympathy as well. They are a business and not a charity. Nobody would buy insurance if it became common practice for the cruise line to refund the money in cases like this.




And her comment about how hard it was to see the ship sail off came off wrong to me too... I would be there thinking about losing the love of my life instead of missing out on a family cruise.


I agree that part of the story irked me as well. One would think that she had other stuff to think about just hours after her husband died in front of her family.

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She did have travel insurance with Travelguard. My friend had hoped for more from HAL and hoped not have to go through all of the paperwork filing a claim while she was undergoing chemo. HAL never asked once so they didn't know she had insurance. Even the agent at Travelguard was incredulous that HAL would not refund the deposit considering she cancelled on the same day as final payment was due and under such circumstances. The agent said that she would pass the story around to people not to book with HAL. LOL. I should have posted that this story has a happy ending, because she received all of her money back from Travelguard.


The reason I posted this was because when I first read this thread, I reacted because I am tired of hearing stories bashing Royal Caribbean when in fact, their customer service is generally very good and frankly HAL's (lack) of customer service stinks!



I hope your friend is well. What I don´t understand is why HAL should have refunded her deposit instead of the insurance company.:confused:

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Call an auto insurance agent and tell him you didn't think that you needed auto insurance and that you have totalled your car. See if he'll send you a check. If he doesn't, he's heartless.


That's brilliant !

Please email that News station and repeat your comments.:)

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Really people? You are that much of Royal Caribbean cheerleaders that you don't think it would be humanitarian in this extreme situation for RCCL to refund the money. COME ON! It wouldn't hurt RCCL and would at least be good PR. The bill waiting at home was probably the CC bill. Sorry, I can't be on RCCL's side on this one........


I'm a cheerleader ONLY for the wonderful people you meet on the ships..fellow passengers as well as staff. None of the people that make your cruise so wonderful make this kind of decision, not the captain or crew. It's a big corporation and they emphatically don't need your sympathy. This family does. Just my humble opinion. :)


THANK YOU!!!!! I was beggining to think I was the only one who thought this way. Im just so amazed by the reaction. I'm glad the family has one less thing on their plate. :)

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I feel for those two boys because that's going to stay with them. 'm trying to feel for the wife, but that comment about her watching the ship sail off without them struck me as...odd:confused: . If I had watched my spouse of 18 years pass away with our children there, I doubt the cruise ship's departure would occur to me...at all. I'm glad that Royal Caribbean refunded her money, but she wasn't entitled to it without insurance.

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I also sent a message on that link (apparently in Rhode Island), and will post it here IF I get a reply. IMHO, this was VERY SLOPPY REPORTING by "investigative reporter" S. Hogan....who apparently doesn't know beans about the cruise business.

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I cannot believe this story and also those comments about being "cheerleaders" That has nothing to do with this story. why should anyone pay for insurance if the cruiselines are going to give us the money back anyway. Why did the story say she received a bill from Royal Caribbean. they did not say the credit card company they said from Royal Caribbean. This was not their first cruise as evidenced by the pictures they showed. Less than 1 month after my husband died I cannot believe I would be contacting a news person about the story. Wonder if they paid a penalty on the airfair back home? As much as my heart goes out to this family my compassion cannot extend to presenting misleading facts. The "single" mother part was especially meant to be heart wrenching. Anyway, I emailed the news station to voice my displeasure with the slantedness of this story.

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While this lady and her family certainly had a HORRIBLE situation happen to them I believe that Royal Caribbean was more than fair. In fact, they didn't have to do anything since (as has been mentioned) this family did not carry insurance.


Another point that I find amazing is that "a bill was waiting for them upon their arrival home". When I book a cruise, it has to be paid for 60 days in advance. In fact, I booked an 8/30 cruise aboard Liberty just yesterday and was told that my final payment is due June 21st. How can they go on a cruise that hasn't been paid for??????? I'm not saying that anyone was lying but just find it amazing that I was told ALL cruises are paid for in advance of sailing.


This family went thru something that we find hard to even think about but again, Royal Caribbean wasn't required to do anything and they agreed to reimburse MOST of the cost of three people and all of one.

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Conanc, thanks for the rest of the story. I realize your friend had a lot on her plate and the cruise wasn't a top priority but again, it was her responsibility. Maybe HAL could have shown some compassion, at least offered the same someone else mentioned about just rescheduling. Or could they have and your friend didn't want to go that route, maybe because she wasn't sure of a date when she could reschedule to. Just another thought on this situation.

I am glad your friend is doing better.

aliciacr, again, it's not that we are without sympathy for the lady BUT what happens if everyone decides to stop buying insurance because RCI will keep covering everybodys lack of having it. Are you willing to pay the increase in cruise fares to cover all the uninsured? I pay enough in car insurance because of people that don't have it, darned if I want to pay it for someone elses lack of having it for their vacation.

Most people DO NOT buy insurance because they feel *it* will never be needed, they'd rather spend that extra money on their trip. It's a story such as this that proves buying insurance is a necessity, unless you can afford to lose that money.

I think I'm going to defend the wife just a bit about watching that ship sail away.

I'm sure she was in shock, combined with being in a strange city with no other family around. You're in a hotel room at this point with nothing to do. The ME would have taken the body, remember this was in the morning. The ship didn't sail until a bit after 5 (I was on FR that day.) I could see her looking out the window watching, thinking of what should/could have been.

Try not to focus on that part of her story. None of us know how we would react under the exact same circumstance.

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As other have mentioned, I believe the reporter did a big disservice to viewers by not stressing the importance of travel insurance. Guess it makes for better ratings to show some poor woman being victimized by the big, bad cruiseline. Why ruin the moment by trying to interject some logic. And as well all know, that bill did not come from RCI. And if the reporter had done her homework, she would have realized that. Again, stating the facts would have diluted the impact she was going for.


Don't get me wrong, I can't imagine what that family went through losing their husband/father that way. But to use that tragedy to try to stick it to the cruiseline is just contemptible. JMHO.

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THANK YOU!!!!! I was beggining to think I was the only one who thought this way. Im just so amazed by the reaction. I'm glad the family has one less thing on their plate. :)



I think most people are upset about the reporting of the issue. Not the fact that she got her money back. I'm happy she did - don't get me wrong, but I don't like the result of it....the news report and how it made RCCL look bad when in fact, they were the good guys in this.

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I think most people are upset about the reporting of the issue. Not the fact that she got her money back. I'm happy she did - don't get me wrong, but I don't like the result of it....the news report and how it made RCCL look bad when in fact, they were the good guys in this.


I totally agree kingsgirl. This was my reaction after seeing the story and why I posted the link. I bet Ms. Hogan was surprised with all the emails she got. I truly hope it helps her to be better at her job. I did send an email to the station , did not get a reply, I don't expect one, but will post here again if I do.

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If anyone gets a respons from emailing the news site, please post!


The webform was limited to 1500 characters so I had to send 4 parts.


First response I got was:

Sir, thank you for your comments. We did receive them, just thought you

should know. Thanks again.


Courtney M. Caligiuri

Internet Reporter


25 Catamore Blvd.

East Providence, RI 02914





I then asked if they received all 4 parts and the answer was:


Yes we did, thank you very much. I know on the website there are various places to send comments. So, it can get a little confusing. But, just wanted to confirm with you we’ve received them and they have been passed along to the appropriate parties. Thanks again.

Courtney M. Caligiuri

Internet Reporter


25 Catamore Blvd.

East Providence, RI 02914





And I bet my mail went into the trash bin as soon as it entered their mailserver. :D

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I am glad y'all took the time to write. That was definitely some poor journalism. I hate it when the good guy is made to look like they were in the wrong. The woman's situation was definitely a tragedy, but I think RCL's response was appropriate.

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The widow didn't seem all that broke up about losing her husband. But then I have long been of the opinion that people who call TV stations with sad stories are looking for money or their 15 minutes of fame. I know that sounds very harsh. However they didn't look like rookie cruisers to me either and should have known about travel insurance.


RC was more than fair and if that makes me a cheerleader then pass the poms poms.

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The widow didn't seem all that broke up about losing her husband. But then I have long been of the opinion that people who call TV stations with sad stories are looking for money or their 15 minutes of fame. I know that sounds very harsh. However they didn't look like rookie cruisers to me either and should have known about travel insurance.


RC was more than fair and if that makes me a cheerleader then pass the poms poms.



I agree with you and I made that clear in my letter to them. Considering that the cruise was Jan 13 and the piece was done on Jan 31 I was astonished that


a) that lady was concerned about a lousy 3000 dollars immediately after her husband of 18 years died.


b) that immediately after her husband died she was watching the port of Miami


c) that she in a span of 18 days was able to make transportation arrangement for her husband, change flights, make funeral arrangements, have a funeral and in between get the bill (from whoever), contact RCI, negotiate with them, talk to others and then get this TV thing set up


..all this in 18 days immediately following her husbands death and then she seems extremely composed on cam.

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I think most people are upset about the reporting of the issue. Not the fact that she got her money back. I'm happy she did - don't get me wrong, but I don't like the result of it....the news report and how it made RCCL look bad when in fact, they were the good guys in this.


That was the issue that I had with the entire story. The reporter should have taken the time to let viewers know that in the cruise industry that travel insurance is suggested and then she should have covered the terms of the contract so that viewers would have had a better understanding of how things work. Again, just bad reporting but it doesn't surprise me. Ratings.

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I just ordered my race tickets for a NASCAR next Oct. If I don't go I lose my money. Granted it is not 3000 but they give no refunds. In fact, once I lost my tickets and had to pay again for the same seats as they do not refund for any reason.

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Wow, a tragic story to be sure. But it's a prime example of how our society doesn't want to take accountability anymore. It's become far too common (and easy) to just complain about something until you get your way. I don't buy travel insurance, and if something like this had happened to me I would know that I'd just have to eat it - it was my decision not to buy insurance after all, and my tragedies are not someone else's fault.

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As other have mentioned, I believe the reporter did a big disservice to viewers by not stressing the importance of travel insurance. Guess it makes for better ratings to show some poor woman being victimized by the big, bad cruiseline. Why ruin the moment by trying to interject some logic. And as well all know, that bill did not come from RCI. And if the reporter had done her homework, she would have realized that. Again, stating the facts would have diluted the impact she was going for.


Don't get me wrong, I can't imagine what that family went through losing their husband/father that way. But to use that tragedy to try to stick it to the cruiseline is just contemptible. JMHO.



I think this is pretty typical of "expose" type stories on television. They are one-sided and slanted, but people just blindly believe. I don't recall ever seeing a retraction on these types of shows, but then again I know better than to believe half of what they report. Since they stated they offered a full refund for the deceased and 75% to the other pax, the total she would have owed would probably be around $500-600, but that's just not shocking enough for us to hear, not like the over $3000.00 owed by a single mother.


I think RCI was generous in their offer, a full refund of the deceased and 75% refund to the other 3 passengers. In reality, if you read the contract they really owed not a dime to the family.

But, reality (the real kind, not the kind you see on TV) and truth are boring in comparison.


The media just keeps sinking lower and lower. We'll all have Jerry Springer guest/audience standards if it keeps up.


My condolences to this woman and the family, it must have been a terrible ordeal.

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I think all of us agree that it is not the fact she got compensation but how this story was reported. I'm sure we all have sympathy for the widow and her family, death is never easy, but even more so when you are away from home. I won't condemn her for the "watching the ship sail away without her" issue because I know that you sometimes go a little crazy after a loved one dies. But this report makes RCCL seem like the bad guy, when they offered compensation they didn't have to. This reporter could've made a great story about the sad, destroyed travel plans of a family but how a company actually came through with more than they needed to in the face of something bad and also given a lesson in travel insurance - you know actually relied on facts. Instead, she took a grain of truth and painted a company that was actually going above and beyond what was required of them as evil, and as to the bill I'll go as far to say as lied about certain facts.


When my stepfather died, he was supposed to take my aunt and a friend to Russia two days later. Airplane tickets purchased, hotel rooms paid for, etc. Instead my aunt and friend had to buy new tickets to Alaska (even though they were supposed to fly there two days later, airline would NOT let them change their tickets) at walk up prices (have you seen the price of an airplane ticket to Alaska in the summer?) AND lost all of the money spent on their Russia trip. There was no railing against the airlines for the money lost or the hotels or tour companies, etc. No money was ever recovered on any of it. We never even thought of going to some consumer advocate, especially not so close to the death of a loved one.

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I too wrote the station with a complaint about this story, pointing out the suspicious points (like the bill). I urge everyone reading this thread to do the same.


Perhaps if they get enough comments, they will ammend their story, or at least pull the video from their website.


I think consumer complaint shows are great for people who have been ripped off by shady businesses but this is simply not the case here. While the woman has had a terrible ordeal, I think that RCI was more than generous! I would never have even thought to ask for anything from the cruiseline if I had not bought insurance!

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