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Weight Watchers and HAL


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Do any of you WW members have tips that keep you on the program while cruising? The elaborate presentation of food will be a challenge for me so I'd like to make a plan.

I will be taking my travel mug so I can always have my water handy. Your additional suggestions will be appreciated.

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Its really hard to do the Flex Plan while cruising. But it was easy to do the core for the 2 weeks we were gone. I think, though, that being realistic about your weight while cruising is important. I told myself it would be okay to maintain OR even gain about 4 pounds. I also used the gym for long periods of time before a visit to the hydrotherapy pool. The eliptical machines have television. I made sure to find a movie I liked and then did the machine for the remainder of the movie. Good luck!!

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I don't do weight Watchers but I do watch my weight. I try to get up and do the gym at 6AM most mornings and we walk our mile around the deck every afternoon. I only eat about half of what is put in front of me at dinner but I do eat some of everything. I find that by taking early dining I eat much less and avoid the pre dinner snacking that comes with late dining. I do relax a little and enjoy some treats but usually manage not to gain much during a cruise. It is such hard work to get it off afterwards that it is easier not to gain it in the first place.

At home it is easy to avoid temptation by not having offending foods in the house but on a cruise ship it is very difficult.

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My big thing is to stay active. I try and take the stairs, go to the gym, and walk outside as much as possible. I also try and pick between dessert and alcohol. I watch my weight while I am home and go to the gym everyday so when I am on vacation I like to treat myself. However, the second I am home I get right back on. I find sometimes I put on more weight when I get home then when I am on vacation, go figure! Good luck and enjoy your cruise!

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I lost 140 lbs on WW 25 years ago and have kept it off. I made a commitment to lifestyle changes and have never looked back.


I am not even sure what the new program looks like and when I was on it had to weigh portions on a postage scale. What WW taught me was the basics of portion control and healthy eating.


These days my diet is based on lean protein, lots of veggies, healthy carbs and very limited fat. HAL provides an alternative menu that works well for me when cruising. I don't enjoy buffets so limit my use if them and will choose the dining room and room service.


For breakfast I choose egg beaters and fruit or smoked salon and sliced tomatoes (hold the bagel and cream cheese). Lunch is a big salad with protein or similar. Dinner is a clear soup or salad (no dressing) and an entree prepared without fatty sauces. I also get a few veggies on the side.


HAL ships have really nice gyms so I stick to my early morning workout and often add some extra cardio in the afternoon if they are offering a class that appeals.


My advice is to use the knowledge you have learned at WW and stick to the basics of your program. Incorporate plenty of exercise and activit. And, stay away from those frou frou drinks and fatty snacks that pack on pounds.


I do not gain weight when I cruise as I simply stick to my lifestyle. My biggest indulgences are cheeses (when good ones are offered) and extra wine after dinner. Lots of dancing helps as well.


Good luck:)

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Our WW coach gave these pointers.


Never take the elevators

Never eat at the buffet

Always take the long way back to your cabin

Pick excursions that are physical


I will stick with the core plan and I get a least 6 extra points a day by going for a jog each morning and about a half hour in the gym.


Heck, your on vacation. Enjoy it and don't stress over it. The most I have gained by not following the plan was 4 pounds over a month.

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My husband is on WW and I am doing just a good way of eating and seeing a nutritionist . We had no trouble eating. We just returned from the Noordam and we did drive to the ship. He brought two containers of fat free sour cream and some small individual plastic containers. Every evening he took the sour cream to the dining room for his potato. He also brought along some Finn Crisp crackers which I think are free on the core plan and ate those instead of bread. We ordered room service for breakfast and in that way stayed away from temptation, although I did try the chocolate crosissant two mornings.


Also, the Noordam now has whole wheat pasta available if you order it 2 hours in advance so he did that at the Lido for lunch. The salad bar at the Lido is very good for lunch as long as you don't pour dressing over your salad. I brought along little individual packages of free dressing that I ordered from a company called minimus.


I did eat the cold soups for dinner. They were listed as spa selections so I figured they couldn't be that bad. For dessert, I ordered a fruit plate and that was delicious. Sometimes I'd order the fruit appitizer for dessert. I did have chocolate dessert in the Pinnacle, and I did eat a very small taste of the bread pudding. DH asked for fat free, sugar free desserts and after a day the chef made them for him. After 10 days I had gained 1 1/2 pounds which I quickly took off. Haven't asked DH what he gained because he probably didn't weigh himself and didn't go to the meeting this week. But he's right back on the program.


Keep active and don't be tempted by what is in front of you and by what others order. It's possible to eat healthy and still have a good time.


By the way, I find the hardest part of the day to be around three pm when on ship I always want ice cream. Towards the end of the cruise, I did have it twice, but other times I ate some cheese sticks which I had brought on board. They are good with the Finn Crisp crackers.

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Also, the Noordam now has whole wheat pasta available if you order it 2 hours in advance so he did that at the Lido for lunch. The salad bar at the Lido is very good for lunch as long as you don't pour dressing over your salad. I brought along little individual packages of free dressing that I ordered from a company called minimus.



Thanks for this post, Carol. When we were on Maasdam, Chef Schumann told me he had ordered whole wheat pasta but for some reason it wasn't delivered but it gave me hope we would be seeing it on the ships. Now I know to continue to ask for it.



Happy you were able to stick with your healthy eating while on board.

I've posted here in the past how I try to eat healthy and I just recently learned I am reaping a huge benefit for having done so.



I LOVE Minimus. I just received an order from them. Dependable company with excellent travel size items. The best selection of things I've seen anywhere.

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It's great hearing from other people who are successful with Weight Watchers. I lost 25 pounds about 3 years ago, and am sold on the plan!


I know that one big vulnerability for me is a breakfast buffet with bacon and pastries. We always eat at the Lido because it's quick and easy. So before we go on vacation I just decide that my breakfast everyday is going to be oatmeal with Splenda and a few of the walnuts that are usually on the line, and whatever fruit looks tasty. At home another temptation is late evening snacking. I don't have a problem with that on a ship either. While food is always available if you take the trouble to seek it out or order from room service, it isn't sitting in the cabinet waiting for me! :D


We stay active by taking the stairs, doing lots of walking in port, and some time on the treadmill on sea days. Also, don't forget On Deck for the Cure! I hope they still do this - a mile around the Promenade for a great cause.


If you have a flight of any length, prepare for that too. Beware of airlines' "food available for purchase". The portions are large and the nutrition is low. Buy something at the airport (yogurt is about the only thing that comes to mind that you can't pass through security with), or bring something better from home.


I've never gained more than 2 pounds on a 2-week cruise.


Only one month, and I get the chance to practice what I preach again!

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We also participate in the 5k On Deck for the Cure. We have quite a collection of the white t'shirts and eagerly look forward to the walk on every cruise. (I must confess I can't finish 15 laps or however many it is but I do my 2 miles and am happy to do so.)

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Sail - Thanks for mentioning Minimus. I hadn't heard of them before, and just went to the website. It looks great!



Live4........ I'm so happy it's helpful for you.


I placed an order about 3 weeks ago which included a small size after shave balm for DH.....under 3 oz so it was permitted by TSA to bring onboard. They actually called me to say they were out of it and would I like to select something different or should they send the order without it. I thought that was great. I got the order 2 or 3 days later and everything was as ordered.


Fun scrolling through to see what they have.

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I forgot. We did order a plate of veggies to arrive at our table every evening. After the first evening, never had to ask for it again. It was always there. Sometimes I felt guilty because we couldn't finish it.


Sail, you're the one who told me about minimus. Thanks. I've gotten so much help from these boards that I just ravel with more and more items. It will be a real test to see what I can leave home for a three day cruise.:eek:

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Never take the elevator, only the stairs. Wake up and power walk the promenade before to many others are out there. In port, see the sights by walking, skip the taxi. Just because the food is there, it doesn't mean you have to eat it.


Most of all, enjoy your cruise and don't obsess. It will be over before you know it and you'll be back on plan.

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My hubby and I lost 163 lbs between the two of us several years ago, and have gained some of it back, but are trying to get back into the program now. On vacation, I don't usually worry too much about what I eat as long as I keep the portion size reasonable and stay very active.


While we were on Noordam, we walked about 3-5 miles a day on the Promenade deck on days we were at sea when the weather was nice, otherwise we just did the most active excursions we could find. We also rarely took the elevators, and since we were on the Navigation Deck, that's a long haul up the stairs sometimes. :)


Over the years, we've found that we feel deprived if we don't enjoy foods that we normally don't eat while we are on vacation. I ate far more than I usually do while on the cruise, but in the end I only gained 1.5 pounds. Now that vacation is over, and it's a week later, I've lost that 1.5 pounds and ready to lose more.


Enjoy your vacation!

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I've also heard some people say that instead of the breadbasket before dinner, they ask for a plate of veggies to nibble on. Sounds like a good plan, which I might try this cruise.

I did this on the "O" last summer and it helped. Also had all veggie sides with my protein entree. After the first night I didn't even have to tell them...we arrived at our table and they brought bread for my husband and a plate o veggies for me and when I ordered my entree they said "extra veggies right?".

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We walk 3 - 5 miles a day - we wear pedometers because walking the corridors and stairs count too! Ate sensibly but did enjoy some desserts and ice cream. I gained 4 pounds in 50 days and hubby gained nothing. On one cruise he even lost weight. We throw all those pillow chocolates in a bag and take them home for the grandchildren.


Will check out the Minimus and ordering raw vegies instead of bread is an excellent idea.

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We wear pedometers all the time as well. Sometimes I shocked at the end of the day to see we've walked as much as 8 or so miles.....combination of laps on Promenade Deck. Up and down and all around the ship and, of course, all the walking in ports. Walking really makes a difference in weight control and general wellness.


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I agree with Aloha Pride - Core is easier to follow than Flex. Even though I ate more than my 35 extra points per week, I stayed the same due to all the walking Sail referred to.


Kudos to you for thinking ahead and committing to a healthy lifestyle while onboard.



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LOVE the idea of the veggie plate before dinner! Thanks guys for that tip.


I lost 40 pounds on WW a coupla years ago, and that included a week-long Alaska cruise where I kept losing. I've since gained back some 5-10 pounds, but am TRYING to get rid of them again.


I echo the walk, walk, walk everywhere thing. I take the stairs at all times, except formal night when I'm in heels. And just go, go, go ... around the ship, sightseeing, etc.


Other tips: A light breakfast in the cabin. A green salad in the Lido for lunch, along with a little bit of something starchy .. either a whole wheat roll or a bit of pasta or something. The starch will hold me over for several hours, without it I'm hungry again almost immediately. And then a sensible meal for dinner, but I'm not too strict about it ... PLUS dessert! Can't deprive yourself completely. :rolleyes:


And, try to stick to wine and beer for your alcohol, because the points value is a known quantity ... so many of the mixed drinks contain a TON of hidden points, either in multiple shots of liquor, or high fat or high cal mixers (coconut milk, anone?). While I LOVE a pina colada, and will probably have one or two, I just can't allow myself to suck 'em down like I'd like to.

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Thanks for the tip on the pre-dinner veggie plate! I'm gonna do that too!


I lost 40 pounds on WW a coupla years ago, and even managed to lose a bit on 7-night Alaska cruise during that. I've since gained back some 5-10 pounds, and am trying to get of that now.


I agree on all the walking and stairs. I rely on that myself ... except on formal night, when I'm wearing heels. Otherwise, it's just go-go-go-go-go!


For food, I try to do a light breakfast in the cabin or Lido, followed by a green salad and some sort of healthy-ish starch for lunch in Lido, and a fairly sensible dinner -- with dessert, of COURSE! It's VACATION!


I do try to stick to wine and beer for alcohol, because the points value is a known quantity. Whereas mixed drinks can hold a LOT of extra fat and calories, from multiple shots of liquor to high-fat high-cal mixers, like coconut milk. I WILL have a pina colada or two, cuz I LOVE them, but try to limit myself to one or two the whole week.


Good luck and enjoy your cruise!!!

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