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A fabulous voyage was had by all!

Martita B.

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A truly fantastic North Atlantic, London to New York voyage! Then our "Gilligan's Island 3 Day Tour" was so much fun! With so many fun folks!

Soooo much to tell and so many stories to relate.......of course, the Pride ship, as always, was 6*! The service was of the highest level. The dining staff was super, Lulu, James, Anthony, and all the wonderful waiters could not have more personal. Our Cheffy, J.P. had come over from the Queen Mary 2 and I thought his food excellent! My adorable housekeeper, Kathie and I became best friends! Every morning she would come for our morning chat......a darling girl! Eric De Gray gets better and better! He's bound for Broadway! The "Girls" did a wonderful job, Michele and Pamela are extremely talented! We all enjoyed their excellent shows.

We loved our jaunt down to Kinsale.......hired a private van and 6 of us went for the day. In Dublin, I met my Cousins from Wexford. The next day 4 of us hired a car and spent the day by the Seashore (Bray) then went up into the Wicklow mountains and lunched at the world famous, Johnny Fox Pub. They even have a heliport. In the summer months one needs to make a reservation for dinner at least 3 months in advance. We had a few pints and lunch.......the drive back into Dubliin was so beautiful! On to Oban, Scotland. A most quaint village........we bought Oban whisky and Scottish heather for our housekeepers and for the "Welcoming Desk." Strolled the stoned sidewalks and window shopped! On to Derry........also very charming! You might know I was waving the wrong flag out my balcony window!!! A neighbor yelled, "Martha, quit waving that Republic of Ireland flag......we're on the Northern Ireland SIDE.......you're gonna get shot!!" hahaha I went back in and waved the Texas flag! All on the bank, CHEERED, then! Later I could just imagine what my "obit" would have read!


Later tomorrow.......maybe a few stories!

'Lest we forgot: "Life may not be the party we had hoped for......but while we're here we might as well dance!"


Martita B.

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What a great start for a review.I can't wait to read the next chapter the part about you waving the wrong flag is precious.

Did you get to wear your Texas Long Horn tiara??

I am so glad you all had such a good time.Hope we have as much fun on our up and coming Pride trip in Nov. it is our first Seabourn cruise.



p.s.By the way Welcome Home.

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Thank you for the warm "welcome home!" You will LOVE the Pride Ship!

YES, those longhorns with the tiny tiara probably confused a few guests. I did indeed wear them to the Texas Party! Perhaps Norm will post a few photos of the party! I hosted the dinner in the card room for 16......I simply couldn't take all the decorations, favors, etc. for a large party in the Constellation Lounge, like I always host. We had a super fun evening! Rooster hats, big beer stein hats, flashing light Texas pins, bandanas, bluebonnets and Texas flags made it festive!

I'll relate a true story........NO WAY could anyone make this up! One evening I accepted an Officer's invitation to sit at his dinner table......I was with a group in the Club around 7:30, thinking, "wonder if the invitation said, 7:30 or 7:45?" Someone piped up and said, "I think your invite said, 7:45"........so I lingered a few minutes. About 7:40 I strolled down to the dining room.......WELL, everyone was seated and the Officer was standing (as they always do) WAITING for me! OH NO, I was LATE for dining! The faces staring at me were not happy! All is could think of to say, was "OH, dear, I am soooo terribly sorry! I am so very embarressed about being so late, BUT, I was in a board meeting and couldn't LEAVE!!!" Everyone THEN, felt a 'lit sorry for me! The wine was poured, we had a few toasts, (me sitting like the 'lit matchstick girl, quietly) and we received the menus. As I always have escargot for my 1st course (a simple standing order) I told the sweet waiter, "I'll have my escargot and the beef......no soup or salad" Everyone ordered.........then when my snails came the woman seated across from me (never had seen her before in my life) said, "WELL, where did you get THOSE????" I said, "I think they came from the kitchen.".........she says, "Well, no one told me about any escargot!!!" Then in a raised voice and leaning over the lovely table, she says, "WELL, just WHO are YOU, anyway????" I was shocked and stunned! BUT, the worse of it was, "I didn't KNOW WHO I WAS!" hahahaha Has anyone EVER experienced any thing quite like this on any ship on any of the seas? Afterward, back in the Club I was telling this........we all absolutely "lost it" laughing so hard! NOBODY in our group knew who they were EITHER!!!!

AND to this day, I don't know who I am........and they don't either!


To be continued.......

Martita B.

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Martha B,

Are you indicating there was a RUDE person on your Seabourn cruise?? How in the world did they get past Seabourns personality profiling? Rudeness belongs elsewhere, and certaintly not on Seabourn!! (although a few years ago on Legend, I was sunning up on deck with my CD Walkman, listening to music wearing my headphones, and a guy walked up to me and rudely told me to turn down the volume, as it was bothering him! (I was wearing headphones remember?) It turned out to be the stereo at the sky bar!




PS Why the new screenname?

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First, my new screen name......I installed a new computer when I arrived home and a new e-mail address. My "Computer Doctor" thought it was high time I live in the 2000's! hahaha (I loved that old junkbox!)

NO, the lady was not being RUDE.......I guess perhaps a 'lit on the native side or maybe a tad lack-witted. When I ran up to the dinner table, making my "board room" excuse, I guess she believed me! (do we say on the seas "that they are a few that don't have both oars in the water?") But, I swear, that was the only thing I could think of to say.......Dan, would you have had me to say, "OH, I've been up in the Club having cocktails with my Sailor friends?" No, No! It was really funny, though!

We certainly had a marvelous voyage! Lost our satellite in Dublin! NO communication until the home office "hooked us" back up........well, Frances hit Blue Lagoon Dr......but we did just find! I felt so bad for our guests, though, that had children, pets and homes in Florida. Then, of course, we had Ivan.......now we have Jeanne. I'm beginning to think "God is mad at us!"


We missed you! When is your next sailing?

Miss M.

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YES, the ship was totally, completely full! We had ALL club members except 14!

The Northern Crossing was rougher than our March Southern Crossing. For a day or two we didn't know when we were going to Cross from Derry to St. John's Newfoundland because of the hurricanes. Captain T.T. would never EVER take a chance. It was a 'lit rough and a few were ill, but I didn't suffer a minute. No one in our "Gang" was sick.......except a couple with a cough and a cold.

When are you sailing on Seabourn?


Miss M.

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Lefty Bob~~~I had thought about booking the Legend, Nov. 10th, and Crossing back with good friends, but the ship is sold out, with a long waiting list! It's just as well for I need to stay home and get ready for "Thanksgiving at the ranch!" Every year our family meets and we enjoy being together.......I have a son with two teenage daughters and a daughter with triplet boys 14 and 'lit Will (the Con) is 12. I'm in charge of food .......Wed. evening is our traditional Mexican food night, Thanksgiving is our turkey/dressing, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie/whipping cream day, Friday, turkey sandwiches and leftovers, Sat., T-Bones steaks cooked outside on the grill and baked potatoes~~~~Some things DON'T EVER change, like The Jamacian Inn in Ocho Rios, Eye Charts and OUR menus during the 4 day Thanksgiving Ranch Holiday! (The same 'ole menu since I was a child!) My creative son is always in charge of entertainment! Could we say he is "The Entertainment Director?" He lives 50 miles to the West and always starts "hauling" his "entertainment devices" on Wednesday.......he always brings a long flatbed truck with at least 6, 4-wheelers......(says, "Mama, having to share a 4-wheeler is NO fun at all!) He sets up the skeet and clay pigeon shooting range out in the pasture.......one year he landed his little airplane on the ranch road and taxied the Piper Cub thru' the ranch gate, driving right up to the house and yelled, "anyone wanta take a ride???" (talk about the wild West?) Another year he drove up in a HUGE wench truck.......he had fashioned a leather seat on the wench chain and offered "carnival rides" to the kids.........AND YES, I had to take my turn and swing around and around pretending I was at the State Fair in Dallas!! BUT, the absolute high-light of our Thanksgiving entertainment is: He brings dyamite so that on Saturday afternoon, we can all go to the "backside" and blow-up a 'lit hill! (NO, I don't think we're nuts.......just Texans, havin' a 'lit fun!) When the triplets (they live in El Paso) were small they would call me before the Thanksgiving Holiday and say, "Oh Honey, be sure and tell Uncle John to bring LOTS of dyamite!!!"


"Home, home on the range, la dee da, dee da......and never a discouraging word!"


That was "off topic", I guess, sorry.........back to "cruise talk" later!

Martita B.

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Welcome home and thanks for the entertaining accounts of your trip-- you do get into the most interesting predicaments.


Keep the board hopping while I sign off for two weeks while we head West to Tucson (I'll think of you as we drive through Texas).





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Martha, thanks for your story of a typical Texas holiday. Our are wild also, but we can't blow up anything inside the city limits.

There was an interesting item in today's (Sunday) New York Times.

"The Seabourn Pride is combining a seven-day cruise departing Oct. 10 from Quebec to New York with the six-day trip from New York to Alexandria, VA. The rate is $2,995/person." Looks like a excellant price.


Lefty Bob

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Those ARE excellent rates! If I were not involved in a few things in Oct., I would indeed book! Speaking of wonderful places......We absolutely love St. John's Newfoundland and will certainly return! The people are so genuine and friendly. When I returned home I had a "St. John's Post Card" waiting for me sent by JB's and my driver/guide! His name is Ron and we spent the morning and part of the afternoon looking for JB's big dog a handcrafted leather dog leash and collar. We had such fun with him. He has a home with a guest house and we agreed to return and stay a week with he and his family!

We also accompanied Cheffy J.P., along with other guests, grocery shopping! The large Super Market was quite interesting! I was needing cute Birthday hats for the upcoming "Gilligan's Island Tour" (our 'lit Sky Bar party) and as I was looking at some "Hunchback of N. Dame" cardboard dunce hats Cheffy walks up and says, "Marta, what are you buying?" I HAD to tell him......then he says, "OH, can I COME to the party?" I told him, "Only if you wear a goofy hat".......he stated, "I'll wear the longhorns you gave me!"

We drove on to the fish house.......what fish! Cheffy bought all kinds of good, fresh fish. Huge live lobsters, mussels, shell fish, etc........for our special Seafood dinner that evening.......dee-licious! Wish all of you had been there to overeat with us!


Have a great Sunday evening!

Martita B.

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I checked with my TA and she could not confirm the attractive fare on the cruise on Oct. 10. She said that Seabourn informed her that the cruise was sold out. As for the cruise from New York to Fla. - the lowest price was about $5,600/person. Sorry for bad info but was in the NY Times - so must be true, they never make mistakes.!!!!


Lefty Bob

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The Quebec to NY portion sounded funny. Not on their web site. The 13 day at $2995 still shows on the Seabourn Web site. You might want to call them direct and see if they still have it. You can always book with TA after you do so. Feel free to email me at garycruise @ krkms.com



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BTW, Any recent reports from the original fabulous young Cheffy? (All Seabourn "Cheffys" are wonderful, obviously.) The last we heard he and his "Mrs. Cheffy" were happily ensconced somewhere in the Maldives. (Who are you? is always a concern for some Seabourn "newbies"--not to worry--real Seabournites know.) How is Aileen holding up under the "stress" of yet another six months onboard? Champagne wishes and caviar dreams to all!

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Hey Gal~~~~I had an e-mail from Cheffy Jorge and Bitti when I returned home from the Pride Crossing......they are living on land now in Cape Town, South Africa! He is the Chef for an upscale and "Ritzy resort." Bitti is also employed....I think maybe as Manager. I know it must be "post card beautiful!" And I'm so happy for them.......being a "Sailor Cheffy" can not be easy! Maybe, one of these days they'll book a Seabourn cruise and we'll all be together again! I sure hope so!


Happy Wednesday!

Martita B.

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Chairsin said, "you always seem to get into ridiculous predicments!" I guess I do!

One evening after I had been "socializing" in the Club I strolled back to my suite......when I opened my door, I was flabbergasted! My beautiful suite had been "destroyed" with huge black and white balloons hanging from the rafters!

They had been tied together and were hanging between my living area and the bedroom! There was a note taped to one balloon sayin', "I kept one".......well, I managed to "part the balloons" and went in to sit on my couch to try to figure out just who might be the "guilty culprit!" I started simply by deduction.....the next morning my good friend, JB came for coffee time......by 9 am, I had a very small list of "suspects." I told JB, "'ya know I KNEW I had forgotten something......I forgot my finger-printing kit! Yep, I left it on the dining table!" Had I brought it, I could have used it on the white index card left by the suite-intruder." After much thought and addin' up conversations that day, I did "draw a conclusion!" Sooooo I started a rumor that I would be hosting a Hanging party at 6 pm, (they use to call them "necktie socials" back in the wild Texas west) that afternoon, at the aft of the ship.......I was adding it to the "today's program at a glance" in the Seabourn Herald! Up in the Sky Bar later, some were excited and said, "we didn't want to go to the lecture anyway........this will be more ALOT more FUN!" Believe it or not, "Security" offered to take part in the social! hahaha

To end this saga, I did, finally "guess" the guilty party.........my good friend, J. Griffin, from Dallas, had committed the CRIME! AND confessed!

Jim, when do we sail next together?????? Hopefully, I'll have the time to think about a "counter retaliation!" Just a small en revanche!


Who says we 'ole Seabournites are stuffy and boring?


Sail on, happy Sailors!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Martita pressed me to post a few pictures from the seven days I enjoyed on the cruise. Not had much time but I've put a few up here. Sorry I didn't do better this time but the images of Londonderry, which is still a "divided" city, were thought-provoking.

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