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Live from the Noordam - Transatlantic - NY to Rome


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Hi Dave,


It's a similar itinerary. Bermuda, Madeira, Lisbon, Cadiz, Morocco, Barcelona, Monte Carlo, Livorno and final stop in Rome.


Unfortunately missed trivia today in the Crows Nest. The questions included what is the size of a hockey puck? Who were the two actors to decline their Oscars? And what was the nationality of Aladdin?


Hoping to get the Noordam Wedding Cake picture posted here soon, it was a real beauty, she is currently moored in our apartment back in New York.




This is so wonderful to hear about a wedding on this fine ship! If you could possibly do something for me this would be wonderful. There is a fine young man in the dining room named Petersen Fernandez from India now working on your ship! He comes to you from Royal Caribbean and my family and I are very fond of him. He is outstanding in his service and his personality is top notch! If you get a chance to say hello, please do so and tell him Cris and Dee say hello and for him to check his email! We are so jealous that you have him on board and with your cruiseline! Thank you for sharing your adventures live to us. I have been checking out the ship that he is assigned to and I am very impressed to hear such wonderful stories and experiences. thank you again.

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Thanks a million for posting the Noordam Cake Picture, it's great to see her again at anchor in the Crows Nest. Thanks for the mention of Marks & Spencers, will go there tomorrow.


Thank you also very much for your warm wishes, NYCDeb, Geonna, Boytje (Peter), Bell Ringer (Mary Lynn).



No it wasn't us partying at 5 pm. Unfortunately we had to bid our guests farewell at 3:30 pm. I didn't see what time the Norwegian Gem left, they usually pull out at 4pm, perhaps they were toasting specialty beverages.


Mary Lynn,

Thanks a lot for the store suggestion at 49 Front Street. I pretty sure I ran across something of that description in a recent google search.


And thank you very much to one of you very friendly posters who asked Bermudalady for a suggestion, I really appreciate it.


A big swath of warm sunshine blasted across the ocean about twenty minutes ago, and continues to burst through the still thick cloud layer. Hoping for sunny Bermudan skies.


Thanks again JoAnn.





Congratulations! We wish you much happiness! I just love your cake!!!!!

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Jonathan - Congrats again to you and your wife. I always wanted to

get married on a cruise ship and then honeymoon - Now that's heaven.

I wish you both a wonderful marriage and an AWESOME cruise.

I just want to thank you from everyone giving us a LIVE POST as you know

us cruisers love "LIVE POST" - I always try to do the same. We usually cruise

4 times a year. Bermuda is my favorite port. I hope it is a warm day for you because April is kinda early for Bermuda but we have our fingers crossed for all you - We want you all to have 17 days of perfect weather.

God I wish I was there.

Have a blast and congratulations again Jonathan and wife and thanks again for taking the time to keep us going.

Happy Cruising!


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Love the photo of the cake, Jonathan! It's beautiful! As is your bride and her gown as well!

I did a post to BermudaMom this morning after reading your blazer story, but I don't think she's seen it yet...there's still time. Makes me realize the importance of having email addy's on here!

Just curious...I didn't think they allowed non-registered guests on cruise ships any longer...did you have to jump through hoops to invite wedding guests?

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This is so wonderful to hear about a wedding on this fine ship! If you could possibly do something for me this would be wonderful. There is a fine young man in the dining room named Petersen Fernandez from India now working on your ship! He comes to you from Royal Caribbean and my family and I are very fond of him. He is outstanding in his service and his personality is top notch! If you get a chance to say hello, please do so and tell him Cris and Dee say hello and for him to check his email! We are so jealous that you have him on board and with your cruiseline! Thank you for sharing your adventures live to us. I have been checking out the ship that he is assigned to and I am very impressed to hear such wonderful stories and experiences. thank you again.


Hi Cris,


I will do my best to try and find Petersen Fernandez and pass along your well wishes. Glad your enjoying our high seas adventures, I love to write about them.


I hope it is a warm day for you because April is kinda early for Bermuda but we have our fingers crossed for all you - We want you all to have 17 days of perfect weather.

God I wish I was there.

Have a blast and congratulations again Jonathan and wife and thanks again for taking the time to keep us going.


Thank you very much David, we're adoring being back aboard this beautiful ship and clear skies and calm seas are the gravy.


Love the photo of the cake, Jonathan! It's beautiful! As is your bride and her gown as well!


I did a post to BermudaMom this morning after reading your blazer story, but I don't think she's seen it yet...there's still time. Makes me realize the importance of having email addy's on here!


Just curious...I didn't think they allowed non-registered guests on cruise ships any longer...did you have to jump through hoops to invite wedding guests?


That's very thoughtful of you Innlady to post a queery to BermudaMom, I really appreciate it. The day's of Bon Voyage Parties with family and friends are long gone. Holland America works with a wedding coordinator called Royal Ocean Events. This vendor works with several different cruise lines. We arranged all of this a year in advance, there were very strict ID requirements we had to follow. It was a wonderful affair, magical and full of so many great memories.


Due to our late departure from New York yesterday evening, we are scheduled to arrive at Bermuda tomorrow at 10:30 am, we will pick up the pilot at 8:30 am.


We made it to the Vista for dinner tonight, last night we were completely wiped out. We have a superb table #26 on the upper level, traditional - right next to one of the large aft windows. The lights from the promenade deck help to illuminate the swirling ocean below.


We are also very pleased to have an all Cruise Critic Contingent for our tablemates. It just worked out that way. A jovial, funny and very friendly bunch, judging from tonight it should be a mirthful ride through the Mediterranean.


Of the "Parts" the Noordam picked up yesterday in New York I learned that they were delivered on at least 15 or so large crates. So it wasn't a back order of coffee filters, we were waiting on..these are some heavy duty parts.


Dinner tonight and the food in general on this voyage has been really superb. We thought the food on the Noordam last January was decent. This time however, the revamped menu features some really delectible offerings.


On the chilled soup front, the three berry soup tonight was heavenly, a rich, sweet, creamy concoction with a citrus bouquet, it was divine. I was torn between the Macaroni and Cheese and the Oriental Chicken Salad. Our fine waiter Yunnis - (pronounced Eunice) suggested the latter and what a great call. Crip lettuce and greens, a tangy sauce, perfectly cooked chicken with crunchy bean sprouts, it was really delicious. Most of the table myself included sampled the chocolate tear drop for dessert. What a beautiful looking confection this was created with a colorful relief painted in some sugary coloring across its chocolate sides. With a mousse interior and a marshmellow topping, it was among the highlights of the day.


We love cruising and Elene is in her mantra mode now where just about every few hours she announces with a great, gleeful smile "I love cruising" - It's the only way to travel. Thank you everyone for all of your sweet congratulations, we really do appreciate it.



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This is a marvelous "Live from..." thread. We get a virtual Noordam cruise, a wedding, a honeymoon AND traditional seating for dinner. All without changing out of slippers. :D Joy!


We arranged all of this a year in advance, there were very strict ID requirements we had to follow. It was a wonderful affair, magical and full of so many great memories.


I can't even imagine the planning and coordinating such an undertaking must have involved. When I try to imagine it, my head swims. But I am glad it came together so well. Bravo to all involved.


We made it to the Vista for dinner tonight, last night we were completely wiped out. We have a superb table #26 on the upper level, traditional - right next to one of the large aft windows. The lights from the promenade deck help to illuminate the swirling ocean below.

. . .

On the chilled soup front, the three berry soup tonight was heavenly, a rich, sweet, creamy concoction with a citrus bouquet, it was divine. I was torn between the Macaroni and Cheese and the Oriental Chicken Salad. Our fine waiter Yunnis - (pronounced Eunice) suggested the latter and what a great call. Crip lettuce and greens, a tangy sauce, perfectly cooked chicken with crunchy bean sprouts, it was really delicious. Most of the table myself included sampled the chocolate tear drop for dessert. What a beautiful looking confection this was created with a colorful relief painted in some sugary coloring across its chocolate sides. With a mousse interior and a marshmellow topping, it was among the highlights of the day.


This description of dinner is fab! I was never really a fan of could soups before I cruised on the Noordam but their cold soups - at least all the ones I tried - were all delicious. Is the chocolate teardrop new? I don't recall seeing it - but I may have been trying to behave and refused to look at the dessert menu. Such self-denial has no place on a honeymoon however so if you would do me the kind favor of having an extra dessert in my name, I would appreciate it. Thanks.


In return for the culinary delights found in your post, I offer you this culinary suggestion for Rome. Don't know how long you plan to be there but try and get to the best bakery in Rome - the Boccione bakery - in the Jewish Ghetto area of Rome (as are a number of PHENOMENAL restaurants). It's number 2 Via del Portico d' Ottavia, on the corner across from the school. Try the ricotta tart. It is not to be missed. Neither is the Portico d' Ottavia come to that but I am a tad food focused at the moment so perhaps I'd better go and rustle up some breakfast.


We love cruising and Elene is in her mantra mode now where just about every few hours she announces with a great, gleeful smile "I love cruising" - It's the only way to travel.


Your bride and I are very much on the same page. I've been repeating similar sentiments regularly since I got back and even my nearest and dearest are beginning to wonder if there is any hope of switching me off. (Note to nearest and dearest - no). Anyway, thanks very much again for the "Live from . . ." Enjoying it immensely.


-- nycdeb

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LOL, you confused me for a minute...then I realized what happened! CarolineInToronto was on last week's charter to Bermuda.


Oops, my bad! Was surreal seeing me posting from the ship after having been pulled off kicking and screaming Saturday morning :)


Congrats on your wedding and here's to many many years of wedded bliss!



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Oops, my bad! Was surreal seeing me posting from the ship after having been pulled off kicking and screaming Saturday morning :)


Congrats on your wedding and here's to many many years of wedded bliss!




I know the feeling exactly, Caroline...when I read my post from the Noordam, from my own computer at home...it was very weird!

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I was wondering about the cake and actually thought it was made on board. Now, I'd like to know.


CruiseKing mentioned that it was done in NYC, but I can't recall if he mentioned the baker or not. He's very good about answering questions, so I'm sure that we'll have an answer when he signs on!

Now, I'll have to think of an occasion to have one! Depending upon the cost, it would be a great cake to bring on board for a Meet and Greet! Or, maybe you could host your own Bon Voyage/Anniversary party before your Baltic cruise, Carol! LOL! Rob will have you decorating it with jelly beans!

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I'll add my congratulations too Jonathan. Have a wonderful honeymoon!


My mom and her husband are sailing on the ship with you also! Bill & Edna G. If you meet them tell them I said hi! Patti


Thank you very much Patti, we appreciate it! If I run into your folks, and I'm sure I will, I will give them your best.


This is a marvelous "Live from..." thread. We get a virtual Noordam cruise, a wedding, a honeymoon AND traditional seating for dinner. All without changing out of slippers. Joy!


Thank you very much nycdeb. I love to cruise and write the pleasure is all mine.


I can't even imagine the planning and coordinating such an undertaking must have involved. When I try to imagine it, my head swims. But I am glad it came together so well. Bravo to all involved.


It was an enormous production to put this wedding event together. The folks at Royal Ocean do a tremendous job and I worked very hard planning a multitude of tasks. I have produced a number of regional theater productions so pulling off this show was right in my wheel house.


Thanks for your nice comments on the meal descriptions, just doing my best to create a virtual meal and something to look forward to next time you board a HAL Ship.


Thank you Caroline in Toronto!


Love the Beach and Mamaofami, yes the cake was baked and designed by a very good friend of ours who is a professional cake designer. I would be happy to pass along her information but do not want to be flagged by Cruise Critic. If you email me at jpptrs@aol.com I will give you her contact info.


The Blazer Quest was successfully Accomplished.


Thank you so much Mary Lynn for the huge call on the English Sport Shop. We discovered it very soon after debarking the speedy ferry from the Dock Yard. A very friendly chap named David helped me and I was able to purchase a sporty, new blue blazer. Several people along the way had mentioned the prices in Bermuda would be steep and I was half expecting to pay a king's ransom. I was pleasantly surprised. My new Chilean made jacket was quite affordable. Picked up a couple of ties too, forgot those as well.


7:00 am this morning saw overcast skies still hugging the air space over the Noordam as we steamed for Bermuda. In the distance, a crescent shaped cut in the clouds glowed yellow with sun.


At around 8:20 am as we enjoyed our Lido breakfast Elene yelled out like so many explorers before her..."It's there, Bermuda!" And so it was, the first spit of land jutted out, the iridescent, turquoise waters shimmered in the ever warming sun. As we floated past the channel into the interior part of the harbor small wavelets crested all around us, almost as if they were bowing and welcoming us to their part of the world.


The ferry ride was very quick, it takes about half an hour but, the time goes quickly, it's a scenic trip. The weather heated up to around 72 degrees. It was my first visit to Bermuda since the early 70's when I was a kid. Yes, it's built up, but, the streets are very clean, there are an assortment of nice stores and clothing shops. I imagine if you forgot to pack a certain item you could easily find it in Hamilton...:rolleyes:


We strolled through the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, a beautiful stone church with it's interior pillars crafted from Italian marble. The sun shone through the stain glass windows in a cornucopia of color.


We passed a post office and thought hmm.. we could go back to the ship, grab the wedding dress, take it back to post office, mail it back to the states. Three minutes waiting, four minutes...What are you kidding me..let's get out of here. We're on vacation we have other more important things to worry about..what's for lunch?


It has turned out to be a beautiful day, bright, blazing sunshine. The Noordam looked so powerful and strong from the distance as we chugged along toward the Dock Yard aboard the ferry. My dad spent 40 years in the travel industry, he seemed quite sure there would be passengers boarding the Noordam in Bermuda. I wasn't sure about that. But, sure enough as we prepared to re-board the Noordam a group of some 200 travelers congregated outside the boarding area.


Well, I think I'll take a couple of turns around the promenade and drink in some more of this golden sunshine. Tonight at 5:30 pm we begin the transatlantic portion of our voyage. Hopefully we'll continue to sail with the sun.



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Thanks, Jonathan. I shall email you as well, although I'm in the Boston area so probably dreaming, cake-wise!

Glad you were successful in Hamilton on the blazer brigade. We have not been to Bermuda since 1993; before that, several times. I'm sure much has changed in 15 years. I've heard Front Street is "not the same" without Triminghams, Smiths, etc. Did you notice if A. S. Cooper is still there (china/glassware). The names of the other shops escape me...but Front Street was lined with very elegant shops. In those days, many of the ships were small enough to dock in Hamilton.

I am really really enjoying your "Live from...." Very interesting and eloquent...can't wait for the next installment! ;)

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Hey Jonathan:


Glad you found your blazer. I am so happy the weather in Bermuda was in the 70's it could have been chilly. So far perfect. Sounds like everyone

is having a blast. Now starts the real exciting part the transatlantic part.

I swear I am doing a transatlantic repo cruise. So I am realling interested

in your live thread as I said I want to do this next year.


Again enjoy your honeymoon and the next two weeks.


Warm weather and happy sailings Mr and Mrs. Jonathan (LOL).



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Glad your wedding went well. Beautiful bride! :)


Will Captain Hans Mateboer be the Captain of the Noordam for the next few months?



I think your question got lost, Sea Island Lady.




Yes, Captain Mateboer just boarded Noordam so should be there for about 3 months.

Captain Scott left the ship about April 1.

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I think your question got lost, Sea Island Lady.




Yes, Captain Mateboer just boarded Noordam so should be there for about 3 months.

Captain Scott left the ship about April 1.


Does anybody know if they sell his book on the ship? We board Noordam in Rome on April 22 and I would love to get him to autograph it while we are aboard. Thanks!

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I think your question got lost, Sea Island Lady.




Yes, Captain Mateboer just boarded Noordam so should be there for about 3 months.

Captain Scott left the ship about April 1.

Thanks sail7seas! I thought that perhaps the Captain might take the helm for the crossing only and then turn the ship over to another . I wasn't sure. :o


I'd love to get his book, also!


I was torn between the Macaroni and Cheese and the Oriental Chicken Salad.


Mac and Cheese! Are you kidding? Does HAL really offer this "dish" on a menu other than the children's menu? :eek:

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Usually, HAL Captains are on for three months, then off for three. Wherever the ship is scheduled to sail is where they take it. Same Captain could easily have the ship in the Caribbean, up the coast, transatlantic, do the Med, bring the ship back across.....

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Mac and Cheese! Are you kidding? Does HAL really offer this "dish" on a menu other than the children's menu? :eek:


They do!!! In fact, I had it on our cruise...it was yummy...and it seemed very popular. Sometimes it's nice to just have a little comfort food! ;) And, as I recall, there wasn't anything else on the menu that jumped out and said "order me!!!"

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They do!!! In fact, I had it on our cruise...it was yummy...and it seemed very popular. Sometimes it's nice to just have a little comfort food! ;) And, as I recall, there wasn't anything else on the menu that jumped out and said "order me!!!"

Was this a side, or the main entree? I can get Mac and Cheese at Cracker Barrel...I want something a little more gourmet on a cruise. :D

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:) No need to order it if you don't want to have it. ;)


Not long ago, they offered meatloaf on the menu one night. Many of us scoffed at it but many others thought it delicious and looked forward to having it.


I think they now only offer the meatloaf at lunch in Lido.


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