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Kid bashing


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After several encounters with my mother's pain compliance techniques, she regressed to the "Look". I knew that after the "Look" came the pain, so the "look" was all it took from that point on.


Some of today's parents are trying to be their child's "best friend" or BFF. I do not know where this thinking started, but as far as I can see, it DOES NOT work. The "look" followed by Pain Compliances does.


I agree with you! I actually love kids and I'm a sap for babies. I was a foster mother for a number of years and the biggest thrill was when one of my "kids" found me after 30 years and a move from the north to FL. Funny how this foster kid also remembered "The Look"!!! :) I am not and never will be my children's "BFF" - I am their mother. If they want friends, they need to go find some on their own. I also follow your guidelines for cruising with the least amount of children, altho' I don't mind well behaved kids on cruises.

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I agree with you! I actually love kids and I'm a sap for babies. I was a foster mother for a number of years and the biggest thrill was when one of my "kids" found me after 30 years and a move from the north to FL. Funny how this foster kid also remembered "The Look"!!! :) I am not and never will be my children's "BFF" - I am their mother. If they want friends, they need to go find some on their own. I also follow your guidelines for cruising with the least amount of children, altho' I don't mind well behaved kids on cruises.


LOL I agree too!!!


I have my own BFF and certainly didn't want my children to be my BFF when they were growing up!


Funny, our 23 year old daughter was over with her boyfriend he must have said something to upset her because I saw HER flash HIM then eyebrow!!! OMG It was a priceless moment!!

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Funny, our 23 year old daughter was over with her boyfriend he must have said something to upset her because I saw HER flash HIM the eyebrow!!! OMG It was a priceless moment!!


OMG! How intelligent your daughter must be-to actually have the "eyebrow" without first having children of her own! :D

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OMG! How intelligent your daughter must be-to actually have the "eyebrow" without first having children of her own! :D

Her mother taught her well cause Mama uses it on Daddy too!!! The *eyebrow* is too good just to be used on children ...:p

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LMAO you have en on carnival 10 times.


You're right, but that was awhile ago. The dates never corresponded with school breaks except once. And that was enough. Actually, Carnival does a pretty good job of keeping the kids caged up. And we spent most of our days on the Funnel Deck.


Then we discovered other cruise lines that we liked better.


I said if you don't like kids around on your vacation, NEVER cruise Carnival or Disney. I have never cruised Disney, but that one is a no brainier, Carnival, on the other hand, I speak from experience.


I do see where you think that was funny though.

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You know, when you think about it, it's not really that surprising that a lot of kids today don't know how to behave in a restaurant. I couldn't quote them, but have you ever heard the statistics on how often American families sit down together as a family and eat dinner at the dinner table? It's like a forgotten art. How is a child who eats most of their meals in front of the TV or riding in a car on the way to soccer going to learn to sit and converse quietly during dinner? Not a good sign of the direction in which our society is heading.


I remember as a kid that my parents taught us "how to eat in a restaurant". Not just which cutlery to use, but how to behave.

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Actually, I have cruised on Disney several times and only saw one child not behaving. They have adults only pools and an adult only area on their private island and they strictly enforce it! The kids' programs are so good you have to drag your kids out of them. I have worse experiences on Carnival and on RCCL.

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It is the parent's responsibility to teach the child that screaming is not appropriate behavior. I have 3 kids and 4 grandkids and NONE of them screamed. It is not what normal unspoiled children do. They scream to get their own way and it's lazy parents who give into this type of behavior.


We were at a children's birthday party last year and one parent came to pick up his 11-yr-old daughter who started kicking up a fuss and was totally acting like a brat. I told my daughter later on, that I was so glad she wasn't like this girl.

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The other thing that cracks me up is when parents tell their kids to do something (or not do something).....then begin the "countdown". It goes something like "Junior stop climbing on the rail..........1,2,3,4,5 ,6, etc.". My Dad taught me, and I've taught my kids, that I'm not gonna order them around all day but when I tell them to do something it means this instant......not after a 20 second countdown or when they feel like it. You generally only have to get that straight once and you never have a probelm again. Just my 2 cents.

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The other thing that cracks me up is when parents tell their kids to do something (or not do something).....then begin the "countdown". It goes something like "Junior stop climbing on the rail..........1,2,3,4,5 ,6, etc.". My Dad taught me, and I've taught my kids, that I'm not gonna order them around all day but when I tell them to do something it means this instant......not after a 20 second countdown or when they feel like it. You generally only have to get that straight once and you never have a probelm again. Just my 2 cents.


All of the "methods," be it pain compliance, the eyebrow or the look, only take a few times to work! After you supply punishment promptly and consistently, it always works!

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We have found that if we do the following, it minimizes our exposure to children on cruise ships:


NEVER cruise during school breaks (summers, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter or President's Week breaks.


Don't cruise Disney or Carnival.



I was on Carnival last November during Thanksgiving week and while there must have been lots of children on board, I was barely aware of them. I don't have children and I have zero tolerance for the ones who attract my attention in negative ways, but this was definitely not a problem on my last cruise.

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I know this is probably going to rile some people, but here goes.


It's very hard not to make generalizations about kids and their parents when it is necessary to have "Youth Security" on board ships required to keep kids in line. I don't mean the youth counselors in charge of the kids programs. I mean folks in yellow shirts labeled "YOUTH SECURITY" on the back whose job it is to patrol the ship 24/7 on the lookout for unruly kids. In 41 cruises, I have never seen that until last summer.


Last summer I sailed on the Crown Princess and I swear I will NEVER sail during school vacation again. I have often sailed during the summer. My last cruise before that during school break was on the Carnival Legend in 2003. There were a ton of kids on that cruise, most of whom were terrific.


Last year, these kids were totally out of control and I blame it solely on their parents. I wondered what the heck happened in the last few years.


I love hot tubs and find them very relaxing. Does anyone but me get annoyed when little kids use hot tubs as their little swimming pools and their parents think it's cute? They even give them swimming goggles to use.


Did anyone ever see kids at the buffet lines take food and put it back? Touch food with their hands after licking their fingers? All this while the parents are watching and not saying anything. I won't even get into the whole subject to table manners or food choices. It's no wonder that childhood obesity is such a problem in this country when parents let their kids eat what they want all the time rather than balancing it with what's good for them.


One night the comedian, Sarge, was supposed to have what was billed as a late night "adult" comedy show. We all know what that means. You're not going to get four letter words on a cruise ship, but there might be some subjects that we wouldn't want our kids to hear about. It's probably more like PG-13+ rather than R. Showtime was 11:30 or 12:00PM. Sitting right in the front row was a mother and her 9 year old daughter. I know she was 9 because Sarge asked her how old she was. He commented that he didn't know 9 years old was considered an adult and the mother thougth that was funny. Very few other people in the room did. I and most other people in the room went there expecting "adult" humor. But now Sarge had change his act because of 1 child in the audience. Is that right?


A friend of mine had a minisuite on Dolphin deck with an open balcony. A kid of about 8 or 9, in the cabin above hers would intentionally throw things down onto her balcony, including half eaten food. Not once or twice but several times. All while looking down at my friend and staring her straight in the eyes, so there is no question about it being accidental. My friend politely went upstairs and asked the parents to stop the kid from doing it. Their reaction was "Did he hurt you in any way? What's big deal?"


I could go on. And it's not just on cruises or vacations. If you really think there's nothing wrong with many kids' behaviors these days take a look around you. Take a look at the news. How about those girls that beat up that poor kid because she bashed their friend on Myspace. One of the parents even defended her daughter's actions saying the victim provoked the beating by what she said.


I have this saying about some parents. Your children should be the center of your universe, but don't expect them to be the center of mine. I will not accept parents' rationalizations or excuses for rude, unruly behavior that is passed off as "kids being kids".

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I know this is probably going to rile some people, but here goes.


It's very hard not to make generalizations about kids and their parents when it is necessary to have "Youth Security" on board ships required to keep kids in line. I don't mean the youth counselors in charge of the kids programs. I mean folks in yellow shirts labeled "YOUTH SECURITY" on the back whose job it is to patrol the ship 24/7 on the lookout for unruly kids. In 41 cruises, I have never seen that until last summer.


Last summer I sailed on the Crown Princess and I swear I will NEVER sail during school vacation again. I have often sailed during the summer. My last cruise before that during school break was on the Carnival Legend in 2003. There were a ton of kids on that cruise, most of whom were terrific.


Last year, these kids were totally out of control and I blame it solely on their parents. I wondered what the heck happened in the last few years.


I love hot tubs and find them very relaxing. Does anyone but me get annoyed when little kids use hot tubs as their little swimming pools and their parents think it's cute? They even give them swimming goggles to use.


Did anyone ever see kids at the buffet lines take food and put it back? Touch food with their hands after licking their fingers? All this while the parents are watching and not saying anything. I won't even get into the whole subject to table manners or food choices. It's no wonder that childhood obesity is such a problem in this country when parents let their kids eat what they want all the time rather than balancing it with what's good for them.


One night the comedian, Sarge, was supposed to have what was billed as a late night "adult" comedy show. We all know what that means. You're not going to get four letter words on a cruise ship, but there might be some subjects that we wouldn't want our kids to hear about. It's probably more like PG-13+ rather than R. Showtime was 11:30 or 12:00PM. Sitting right in the front row was a mother and her 9 year old daughter. I know she was 9 because Sarge asked her how old she was. He commented that he didn't know 9 years old was considered an adult and the mother thougth that was funny. Very few other people in the room did. I and most other people in the room went there expecting "adult" humor. But now Sarge had change his act because of 1 child in the audience. Is that right?


A friend of mine had a minisuite on Dolphin deck with an open balcony. A kid of about 8 or 9, in the cabin above hers would intentionally throw things down onto her balcony, including half eaten food. Not once or twice but several times. All while looking down at my friend and staring her straight in the eyes, so there is no question about it being accidental. My friend politely went upstairs and asked the parents to stop the kid from doing it. Their reaction was "Did he hurt you in any way? What's big deal?"


I could go on. And it's not just on cruises or vacations. If you really think there's nothing wrong with many kids' behaviors these days take a look around you. Take a look at the news. How about those girls that beat up that poor kid because she bashed their friend on Myspace. One of the parents even defended her daughter's actions saying the victim provoked the beating by what she said.


I have this saying about some parents. Your children should be the center of your universe, but don't expect them to be the center of mine. I will not accept parents' rationalizations or excuses for rude, unruly behavior that is passed off as "kids being kids".


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Thanks for the post, it was a good read. I have never experienced some of the kid problems that you have and of course would be pretty mad at these occurances, I for one do not let this type of activity go without getting involved to some extent. I have seen poor buffet behavior but from the adults touching, sneezing without even turning thier heads. I even saw an enployee durring the outside sushi buffet go to grab a new tray and sneeze right onto it. I had to alert someone to remove it or.... well you know. Again Again Again I have FAR more trouble on ships with rude adults than I do Kids. At least you can blame a parent BUT THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR A RUDE, TACKY, UNPLEASANT ADULT.

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Pain compliance is a wonderful tool, unfortunately the have made that illegal.


Hey, euthansia is legal in some places, maybe we can stretch it and extend this to the old, annoying, invalid crowd that are weighing on societies resources with no potential to add value :rolleyes: :D

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I love hot tubs and find them very relaxing. Does anyone but me get annoyed when little kids use hot tubs as their little swimming pools and their parents think it's cute? They even give them swimming goggles to use.


It annoys me as well...especially when they are in the hot tubs with signs saying, "Adults Only." Also, isn't the temperature of the hot tub water unsafe for children...especially for long periods of time?


Did anyone ever see kids at the buffet lines take food and put it back? Touch food with their hands after licking their fingers? All this while the parents are watching and not saying anything. I won't even get into the whole subject to table manners or food choices.


That's the main reason why we don't go to the buffet.

One night the comedian, Sarge, was supposed to have what was billed as a late night "adult" comedy show. We all know what that means. You're not going to get four letter words on a cruise ship, but there might be some subjects that we wouldn't want our kids to hear about. It's probably more like PG-13+ rather than R. Showtime was 11:30 or 12:00PM. Sitting right in the front row was a mother and her 9 year old daughter. I know she was 9 because Sarge asked her how old she was. He commented that he didn't know 9 years old was considered an adult and the mother thougth that was funny. Very few other people in the room did. I and most other people in the room went there expecting "adult" humor. But now Sarge had change his act because of 1 child in the audience. Is that right?


Please don't flame me for this, but why do some parents feel that they must take their children everywhere with them? A late night adult show is no place for a child. Where was the Youth Patrol then?


A friend of mine had a minisuite on Dolphin deck with an open balcony. A kid of about 8 or 9, in the cabin above hers would intentionally throw things down onto her balcony, including half eaten food. Not once or twice but several times. All while looking down at my friend and staring her straight in the eyes, so there is no question about it being accidental. My friend politely went upstairs and asked the parents to stop the kid from doing it. Their reaction was "Did he hurt you in any way? What's big deal?"


I would have complained to the Passenger Services Desk...strongly! And if that doesn't work, start throwing things back!;) (just kidding)

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Hey, euthansia is legal in some places, maybe we can stretch it and extend this to the old, annoying, invalid crowd that are weighing on societies resources with no potential to add value :rolleyes: :D


:p LOL, just wait till you get to be that age.:rolleyes:

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:p LOL, just wait till you get to be that age.:rolleyes:


It's the Circle of Life!


You go from being an incontinent, dependent, toothless, annoying child to being an incontinent, dependent, toothless, annoying adult! With any luck, you'll have a few good years in between!:)

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It's the Circle of Life!


You go from being an incontinent, dependent, toothless, annoying child to being an incontinent, dependent, toothless, annoying adult! With any luck, you'll have a few good years in between!:)




And during those years what will be one of life's joys might be the those moments with the innocence, pure love of your grand children or great grand children... opps thats only for those that invested the love and time to raise some of those screaming brats that shared the hot tub with us, the dinner shows, and those 2 hour formal night dinners :p


I know what my parents and inlaws are most looking forward on our upcoming cruise is all that quality time with those pesky, whining, screaming grand kids and eating dinner with them every damm night :D:D

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Following up on what TOTO just said....

Please do us all a really BIG favor and have yourself some tremendously memorable cruise adventures together---just please make sure that you pay your full fare and restrict your business to the Disney cruise line....


...for me my motto is that if the parent isn't going to control his/her kids then I will...


And this is the attitude of the young cruiser of today???????????? Oh My!


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Again Again Again I have FAR more trouble on ships with rude adults than I do Kids. At least you can blame a parent BUT THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR A RUDE, TACKY, UNPLEASANT ADULT.
Rude and unpleasant adults were probably rude and unpleasant as children. It's entirely possible that those rude and tacky adults you observed have rude children running around and being equally as annoying.


So if all parents are as responsible as they claim to be, why do we have to have yellow-shirted Youth Security on board? Or, the letters left in cabins reminding parents that they will be held responsible for the minors in their care?

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spongerob.....So if all parents are as responsible as they claim to be, why do we have to have yellow-shirted Youth Security on board? Or, the letters left in cabins reminding parents that they will be held responsible for the minors in their care?


possibly because the cruise line has a duty of care to all its passengers!

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The comments about elderly passengers are among the most offensive I've seen on this board. Please pull this thread !


Everyone is entitled to express their opinion. So far, this thread has been full of very strong opinions from quite a few posters and no one has taken it personally. If you find it offensive, then don't read it!!

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