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10 lbs in a month?


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I just started eating the Special K Challenge cereal for breakfast and lunch. For dinner I have either a Turkey, Roastbeef or Tuna (small amount of mayo mixed in) on wholewheat with a small portion of pasta salad (olive oil and vinegar). In the evening I have a Weight Watchers chocolate cone.


My form of exercise is walking. I walk three to four days a week.


Is it possible to reach this goal in one month?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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This is probably not what you want to hear but I can't encourage you to eat this way.

Yes you can probably drop some weight doing it but as soon as you stop you will gain it back.


Your body needs more than this to survive on. Try cutting your meals in half, eating more vegetable, fruits. If you are going to eat a dry cereal pick one with a higher fiber content. It will help you to feel full.


There is a website called mealsmatter.org that has alot of info and there is a place to find out how many calories you need to take in daily. And it's free!


Also if you can, up your exercise. How far/many minutes are you walking?


Some of the other threads have some good info to. Completely depressed & frustrated is one.


Remember it is not about dropping weight quickly but gaining a healthy lifestyle!


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Thanks Kelly,


I walk three to four times a week averaging 40 minutes each time. Thanks for the website too.


Unfortnately I do not like fruits but I do normally eat vegs. I will continue what I am doing and see what happens. It is sort of like the Special K Challenge but I have not purchased the snack bars...right now just doing the weight watchers cones.


Thanks again


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I agree with Kelly. With her suggestions you can probably reach your goal of 10 lbs in a month and learn better eating habits along the way. Another reason the method you posted may not be a good idea is, you are eating the same everyday and exercising the same every day. Your body is going to recognize that and start to accomodate likewise. Log onto WW online and read some of the information there. I've been doing WW online now for 3 months and have lost 22 lbs. Not much you might think in 3 months, but I am in my 50's and have another 55 lbs to go so I'm very excited about it. I had kind of slowed down on my losing for a few weeks and that's because I was not watching what I was doing and exercising way too much. Since I've slowed down to 30 mins/day of exercise I am back to an avg. of 2lbs/week.


Good luck!

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Thanks for the advice and congrats on the weight loss. Just trying this particular way of eating for now and see how it goes...although I would probably be better off with the higher fiber cereal such as raisin bran.





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Just my 2 cents but I think you could drop some weight on your plan if it is a short term thing. I definitely wouldn't continue with that plan for longer than a month. After that I would seriously look into the previous posters suggestions. Like she said, it will be gained back most likely if it is not a healthy lifestyle change.

Good luck and keep up the exercise..

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Hi Laura!

I found out with the Special K bars that they made me hungier than before! I actually lost a few pounds but gained them right back. I am back on WW for about a month and I've only solidly lost 2 lbs, but with excersize my clothes are looser and I feel so much better with lots more energy than before. I'm trying to mix up my activity and stagger my calorie intake this week to see if I can budge the scale, but if I can't and my clothing size goes down that's all I really care about. Just be careful not to eat too little. I know it's strange but it really is true that you can depress your metabolism by going too low on your calories. Please post your results. I hope it works for you.:)

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I just started eating the Special K Challenge cereal for breakfast and lunch. For dinner I have either a Turkey, Roastbeef or Tuna (small amount of mayo mixed in) on wholewheat with a small portion of pasta salad (olive oil and vinegar). In the evening I have a Weight Watchers chocolate cone.


My form of exercise is walking. I walk three to four days a week.


Is it possible to reach this goal in one month?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




Cut out the Mayo and Olive oil if possible both are 100 cal/spoon and eat something else like fruit. you need to walk 30 to 40 min every day to loose.

I've done it. Go Girl!

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Yes everyone is right, extra virgin olive oil does have 120 cal/TBL. But this is a good fat and our bodies need some fats. I use 1TBL of good evoo mixed with 1TSP of balsamic vinegar for a salad. I eat one almost everyday! The baby romaine lettuce has hardly any calories and any extra vegetables I throw in are just good for me! So I don't worry about the calories in the olive oil.


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It all comes down to burning more calories than you take in. You can eat what you want as long as your burning it up along the way. I've dropped 30lbs. in 4 months and put on almost 10lbs. of lean muscle in the last month and a half, not with fad diets or starving myself. I try and eat 4-6 times a day, two of those regular size meals and the other two or three around 300 calories, lots of protein, lean meats (eggs, chicken, pork.) I hit the gym everyday for around 1.5hrs of strength and cardio training. Ellipticals at a good rate burn alot of calories, as does strength training. Muscle incinerates calories and strength training can burn as many if not more calories than cardio. If you take the time and do it the right way now, it will make keeping the weight off alot easier. Don't be afraid to eat like a normal (normal, not overweight, grabbin' handfuls of donuts and mcdonalds like alot of folks do these days) person. Your body needs variety. I do use supplements. I take hydroxycut hardcore 2 pills twice a day, once before workout and the second set 30 minutes before dinner. Hydroxycut isn't for everyone, you must have willpower when using it because it does speed up your metabolism so you will be hungry but as long as avoid over-indulging it will take the weight off and adding strength training to it eventually replaces it with fat burning muscle so the weight will stay off. I also take protein supplements because muscles need protein to grow, I have to consume almost 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight to keep up with muscle growth, about 300-360 grams a day. I have about 10-15lbs more of fat i would like to lose, I know it will take a good 6 months to burn it all off but I also know it will stay off since it's being done right. I'm 32 years old and in 10x's better shape than I was 10 years ago. Stick with it, take your time and do it right, the reward is well worth it.:)

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In my rambling I left out a good tidbit. You have to burn/reduce caloric intake around 3500 calories to lose 1 lb. This is why I said it takes time. So if you can burn or reduce 500 calories more a day that's a pound a week. This is why it's easier for really big people to drop weight fast because they are used consuming thousands and thousands of calories a day, it's when you get close to what your weight should be, those last 10-15 lbs. is a royal pain in the butt to lose because there's not alot of areas you can cut and still be giving your body what it needs to stay healthy. You have to want to do it.

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Thank you everyone, didn't quite expect all these responses:)


My only concern right now is that although I am cutting down the calories, most of my calories are coming from carbs (cereal, bread, pasta), but I would think it is okay because it is 100% whole wheat in all three with the added fiber.


I would love to work out everyday but the kind of work I do is very exhausting at times and I just want to come home and relax. I am putting in 4 days a week of walking, 40 minutes. I work in a supermarket working as a cashier right now and most know that it is very physically demanding. I would think I am burning some calories between standing on my feet all day and scanning and bagging groceries...not like I am sitting at a desk all day.


As far as a gym, not really possible. My only form of exercise is walking. I herniated the disc in my back two years ago and it still flares up at times so I need to be very careful not to reinjure myself again. I do not think using the machines at the gym would be a good idea in my case.


I really do appreciate all the advice from everyone. I cannot afford to join any programs due to financial obligations. I would love to join Jenny Craig again, I actually have a lifetime membership but it would be way too expensive for me at this time. And I did have success with Jenny, lost about 15 lbs a number of years back.


I realize I need to eat enough to keep my metabolism going and lord knows it is at a snails pace;) Alot of people here mentioned eating fruit, I just do not like the taste of fruit.


I will keep you posted, thanks



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Okay, I only started this on Tuesday and wanted to see if there was any difference....was scared to death to get on the scale thinking it might be going in the opposite direction because of consuming more carb food then usual....well down 1 lb. so far...I'll take it:D not bad in two days time...I realize it usually comes off fast in the beginning. I will continue eating this way, maybe mix it up for dinner and have something different besides a sandwich and pasta.



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I dont think you should expect to lose weight if you are eating all carbs. No, it's not okay even if it's 100% wheat. You might be eating 5 cups of whole wheat spaghetti when the serving size is one cup.


You need to eat a BALANCED diet..of fruit, vegetables, limit the carbs, a little protein. Sorry if this is too mean, but you can learn to like the taste of fruit. Try other fruits that are out there.


You won't lose any weight unless you make healthy eating and regular exercise a priority. You should also consult your doctor about exercise in spite of your physical limitations about your disc.


You COULD lose maybe 10 lbs per month if you did NO wheat, gluten, flour, or sugar. Check out one of the old threads here "Easiest diet ever, no joke".


Bottom line: You need to eat a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, complex carbs and protein AND do a lot of cardio..like a minimum of 45 minutes per day and a little weight training. A balanced diet is usually around 1500 calories per day. You need to determine correct portion sizes


A good website for you to look at is www.stewsmith.com


Thank you everyone, didn't quite expect all these responses:)


My only concern right now is that although I am cutting down the calories, most of my calories are coming from carbs (cereal, bread, pasta), but I would think it is okay because it is 100% whole wheat in all three with the added fiber.


I would love to work out everyday but the kind of work I do is very exhausting at times and I just want to come home and relax. I am putting in 4 days a week of walking, 40 minutes. I work in a supermarket working as a cashier right now and most know that it is very physically demanding. I would think I am burning some calories between standing on my feet all day and scanning and bagging groceries...not like I am sitting at a desk all day.


As far as a gym, not really possible. My only form of exercise is walking. I herniated the disc in my back two years ago and it still flares up at times so I need to be very careful not to reinjure myself again. I do not think using the machines at the gym would be a good idea in my case.


I really do appreciate all the advice from everyone. I cannot afford to join any programs due to financial obligations. I would love to join Jenny Craig again, I actually have a lifetime membership but it would be way too expensive for me at this time. And I did have success with Jenny, lost about 15 lbs a number of years back.


I realize I need to eat enough to keep my metabolism going and lord knows it is at a snails pace;) Alot of people here mentioned eating fruit, I just do not like the taste of fruit.


I will keep you posted, thanks



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Laura -


If you did well on Jenny Craig, consider doing what I did a couple of years ago. Basically, lunch and dinner were frozen WW or Lean Cuisine (sometimes South Beach or Kashi) meals supplemented with bagged salad (low cal dressing - the balsamic I use is only 10 cal. per T) with a fruit snack. Breakfast was usually oatmeal with fruit.


You can almost always find a sale on one of these products - often for $2 each. Load up the freezer when you do. It's very easy to stick with. We have a microwave at work, so no problem bringing lunch (and dinner if I have to work late). Heck, I've even stayed at hotels that have microwaves in the room and brought my own dinner. If I'm doing a cat show on the weekends, I pack yogurt, HB eggs, little packets of water-packed tuna, raw veggies, fruit, etc. in a soft-sided cooler. Just takes a little preplanning.


While I try to exercise more, truthfully it's usually only 3-4 times a week for 30-40 minutes. I'm over 60 and managed to lose 70 lbs. in a little over a year (including set-backs for cruises and other vacations).


One of my biggest "hints" I can give you is to write down every morsel that goes in your mouth.

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I considered doing the WW or Lean cuisine but they are loaded with sodium. I retain real easily so I need to watch the salt, thanks anyway. All your suggestions are real good.




You are a tough cookie...I've seen you post on the "competely frustrated" that Brenda started. Maybe you misunderstood, I am getting protein each day as well, whether it being turkey, tuna or roastbeef. I also eat eggs once or twice a week. I will continue to use mayo or olive oil in small amounts. As far as fruit, what can I say, just do not like it...there must be foods out there that you would not touch. I might try eating apples if only for their fiber content. And I still believe carbs are okay as long as you are not eating the white stuff. The whole wheat products contain good fiber amounts. And I only serve myself small portions as far as the pasta is concerned. I only have 2 slices of whole wheat bread a day so I am not consuming in large portions.



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I'm not a tough cookie at all. I just call it what I see it..reality. People whine when they are asked to make a change, they complain when they are hungry when they cut their food back..duh..it's because your stomach is used to being stretched out so of course it protests when you give it less food.


What fruits have you tried and not liked? When we were kids we weren't allowed to say we didn't like something unless we had tried it first.


There are some foods I don't like, but for different reasons. I can't stand any food that's not homemade, even if it tastes good. I'd rather take the time and effort to make something home cooked and take it for lunch or dinner as I work extremely long hours in the medical field. I just don't like the taste of the chemicals in it. I like the taste of sweets, but I get sick to my stomach if I eat it so I don't eat it. I don't like frozen dinners, even though they taste good, because of the junk they put in them and the high sodium content.


My point earlier was you need to eat a balanced diet, is all. Dried beans are good protein sources, and cheap too. Hummus is made of beans and is good for you. There are a wide variety of fruits out there. You could bake an apple and throw some cinnamon on it and that's yummy.




I considered doing the WW or Lean cuisine but they are loaded with sodium. I retain real easily so I need to watch the salt, thanks anyway. All your suggestions are real good.




You are a tough cookie...I've seen you post on the "competely frustrated" that Brenda started. Maybe you misunderstood, I am getting protein each day as well, whether it being turkey, tuna or roastbeef. I also eat eggs once or twice a week. I will continue to use mayo or olive oil in small amounts. As far as fruit, what can I say, just do not like it...there must be foods out there that you would not touch. I might try eating apples if only for their fiber content. And I still believe carbs are okay as long as you are not eating the white stuff. The whole wheat products contain good fiber amounts. And I only serve myself small portions as far as the pasta is concerned. I only have 2 slices of whole wheat bread a day so I am not consuming in large portions.



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I also have to watch the fiber intake and salt....too much fiber and I sound like a locomotive:eek: ;) if you know what I mean. I like the hummus but that also has alot of salt for the little amount they give you in that small container. I love chic peas too but again the fiber content is just too much. I once purchased those fiber bars...well each bar contained 7 grams of fiber:eek: I will never do that again. I guess everyones system is different but I have to have small servings of fiber at a time.


I do understand where you are coming from and I appreciate the advice. Just that some foods I have to stay away from because I do not have the best digestive system in the world.


I might try and purchase some apples and see how that goes.


Have a good day



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Laura: Salt in hummus? I make my own and the recipe doesn't call for salt. It's real easy. You take 1/4 cup tahini paste (can get at health food store or some grocery stores), lots of lemon juice, one can drained chickpeas, garlic cloves to taste (I used a whole head) and cumin. Put it in foodproceser for about 3 minutes until blended. It figures out to less than $1.00 per serving, and makes a LOT. You might try it, You can find recipes on line for it too..


Have you had a good physical from a doctor to ask his advice? Did you check out the thread "easiest diet ever, no joke" on wheat/gluten free??






I also have to watch the fiber intake and salt....too much fiber and I sound like a locomotive:eek: ;) if you know what I mean. I like the hummus but that also has alot of salt for the little amount they give you in that small container. I love chic peas too but again the fiber content is just too much. I once purchased those fiber bars...well each bar contained 7 grams of fiber:eek: I will never do that again. I guess everyones system is different but I have to have small servings of fiber at a time.


I do understand where you are coming from and I appreciate the advice. Just that some foods I have to stay away from because I do not have the best digestive system in the world.


I might try and purchase some apples and see how that goes.


Have a good day



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I also have to watch the fiber intake and salt....too much fiber and I sound like a locomotive:eek: ;) if you know what I mean. I like the hummus but that also has alot of salt for the little amount they give you in that small container. I love chic peas too but again the fiber content is just too much. I once purchased those fiber bars...well each bar contained 7 grams of fiber:eek: I will never do that again. I guess everyones system is different but I have to have small servings of fiber at a time.


I do understand where you are coming from and I appreciate the advice. Just that some foods I have to stay away from because I do not have the best digestive system in the world.


I might try and purchase some apples and see how that goes.


Have a good day




Laura I know what you mean about the fiber. I think the side effects depend on the type of fiber. I found that sometimes it isn't necessarily the fiber that bothers me but the carbs, so I found something called Digestive Advantage Gas Defense Formula. It doesn't take away all of the problem but taken daily it makes it a rarer occurance so I don't worry as much. The one thing I found that I can't eat is the South Beach snack bars.Sad because they really are very good. :(

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Hi Laura:)


Too bad we don't live closer...we could buddy up because

I have just cleaned out the freezer and this weekend I am

cleaning out my cupboards too.

I am fed up with my weight. Personally I think 10 lbs in

one month is probably not real healthy.....don't want anything

bad to happen to you!:D


I was going to join Jenny, then looked at this one, that one, etc...

and decided maybe a cruise forum support group might be the

best help;)

Seems like many of these threads are quite helpful!

I sail in Sept and not only do I want to take some off for

that cruise but overall I am too heavy:eek: :( ......

I know people call it a lifestyle change and not a diet...

so I need to make a change!

Anyone have any suggestions? Lower the fats? Lower the carbs?

I love veggies AND fruit......

Anyone try Kashi brand of items? They are supposed to be

a bit healther (the frozen dinners?)....I have tried them before

and they are quite tasty!


I know I need to start exercising but am not real motivated.....

Walking is good....so since I don't want to spend the $ at a gym

I better start walking....

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Hey Lois:D


What a nice surprise....miss chatting with you on these boards. Now back on topic...since you love fruits and veggies I think losing weight would be quite easy. I love veggies too but I just never had a taste for fruit...most people look at me like I am crazy LOL...I think a combination of low carbs, low fat and calories should work for you. I always make sure I have protein everyday whether being from eggs, turkey, tuna or roastbeef. Roastbeef is lean and tasty. I tried Kashi once and again sounded like a locomotive passing by LOL;) too much fiber and I am in trouble. I like to take in small amounts of fiber spread out throughout the day.


As far as exercise, walking is very effective in weight loss. I just started up my walking regimen this past week and so far walked three days this week. Sunday I will walk again with Kevin. I think the "Lose before you cruise" forum can be very helpful. I have been disgusted with my weight for years. I would say I am about 20 lbs. overweight. Jenny Craig worked well for me a number of years ago...lost about 15 lbs. but the money is not there to start the program again. Post here again and let us know how you are doing.




Thanks for recipe for the hummus...if I can eliminate the salt that would be great.




So glad I am not the only one with fiber effects should I say LOL...I take in small amounts throughout the day. I need a whole new digestive track LOL...missed ya from the "Special K Challenge" thread...hope is well.



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Hi Laura,

The fiber effects are funny to read about. When I first started upping mine oh my! But gradually increasing it worked. For me it is not even the fiber that is the worse it is dairy, milk in particular, so I just avoid it.


Hope everyone is getting out and enjoying spring! Take an extra walk, plant some flowers or vegetables, do some weeding. Be active!

Enjoy this first day of June!


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Hi Kelly:)


Glad you enjoyed my little description of my "fiber effects" but it is so true. Too many in a serving and no good:eek: I am trying to take in small amounts at a time. I switched from Special K to Cheerios, really like that brand better and the fiber content is a tad more. I purchased the whole wheat pasta but that was doing something to my system too and realized I am defeating the purpose of doing too many carbs. The cereal in the morning is enough carbs for the day.


Instead of just following the usual sandwich at night I will make some different choices....I so much want to try Jenny Craig again, wish I had the extra money. I actually have a lifetime membership to the program so I could walk in tomorrow and just purchase the foods if I wanted to.


Hope everyone is having a good weekend....I slipped the other day and had myself a whole canister of Pringles reduced fat chips...they were so good, I couldn't help myself;) and had turkey with it....well, between the sodium in the turkey and the sodium in the chips. I got on the scale the next morning:eek: 2 lbs up, but I did not freak, I know I was just retaining water from all the junk I ate. Got on this morning and the weight was back down some.



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Hi folks:)


Well, back to the old plan. Carbs (cheerios or toast, sometimes with eggs) in the morning and no other carbs for the rest of the day. Dinner is fish, chicken or lean beef and veggies (Broccoli or green beans). Lunch I just grab a low cal snack. And I sometimes have hummus as a side dish with dinner.


Walking 4 days a week now. Lost 2 lbs this week, will continue the regimen:)


Thanks again everyone for all of your input.



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