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Here's my Zuiderdam 10/2 Review


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Here're my impressions of the Zuiderdam, October 2nd, cruise. We had rough seas much of the time, but I was never ill. Thursday night when I was reading in bed the ship seemed to be corkscrewing (we were in the bow), and we'd catch some negative G's occasionally. I started to get woozy so decided to go to sleep! The water was really sloshing out of the pool up on the Lido deck, too. My dh thought it was very entertaining. Here's the rest of the scoop. Sorry this took so long. I came home to sick kids and sick ME--strep throat.


The Night Before



We flew in on Friday, October 1st. We were delayed at the gate after boarding the airplane in Dallas by an hour and a half due to a severe thunderstorm so we didn't arrive in FLL until 1am.




We stayed at Marriott's Springfield Suites. It was DIRTY. We would have complained and at least changed rooms, but it was soooooooo late, so we threw the bedspreads on the floor with the wrong side up and walked on them while we got ready for bed.








We were assigned the tiniest cabin on the ship--4011--forward in the bow. (Our TA is so FIRED. When dh expressed concern about booking an NN, she said, “Oh, don’t worry. You’re sure to be upgraded at least two or three categories. Riiiiiiiiiiight. Except when it’s following a hurricane!) So we decided to get to the ship early in order to be first on the list for purchasing an upgrade. We got to Port Everglades at 10am and were, indeed, first in line. (We've never been first for anything.) We got distracted by the porters taking our luggage and somehow ended up 21st in line. (Go figure.)




Embarkation began at 11am and was very smooth. We had done what we could online, and we hardly had to wait. We then went upstairs and were given a boarding number (the first #2) and waited a little while until they started calling numbers onto the ship.




When they let us board, we were led by a steward to a place to check in our carry-on suitcases then we went right to the Front Office to see about purchasing an upgrade. We were second on the list. They said we’d know by 6pm. So we went up to the Lido to eat lunch.




While we were eating, we were told the staterooms were ready. There was a general cheer. I’m not sure what time it was, but it was well before 1:30pm. I want to say noon. Maybe someone else who was on that cruise knows for sure.

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Itsy, Bity, Teeny, Weeny Stateroom #4011




After we ate, we went to see our itty, bitty stateroom. It was sorta cute. Seriously teeny tiny, though. Our luggage and carry-ons were there, taking up ALL of the available space in the cabin. With the suitcases sitting at the foot of the bed, you could not walk into the room. We had to laugh. We figured if there wasn’t an upgrade available, that it would make a great story. Our cabin steward, Aris, was very helpful and the sweetest thing. Very friendly!




When we finally got the suitcases up on the bed so we could walk into the room, we found a note on the desk telling us they were unable to honor our request for a table for two, so between that and being angry at our TA, we weren’t having a good afternoon. We decided to have a little nap—waiting on word from the Front Office before unpacking—until time to go speak to someone about the table assignment. (Sleep always restores my good nature.)




The Afternoon




We napped until 1:30pm when we could go see about a table change for the dining room. We were to be disappointed. We were 51st in line for a change! He said in the very nicest way possible that they could not accommodate us. We felt grateful that we were at least seated at a table for eight so didn’t have to make conversation every night with only one other couple.




When we found the note about the table assignment, we also found one from our still FIRED TA that she had booked us in the Pinnacle Grill at her expense for the first night. (What promo code would that be? ‘Her expense’ my left foot!) So we went there and made a reservation for 6pm. Then we proceeded to explore the ship.




The Ship




What an extraordinarily beautiful ship! I loved the décor. Even the cow pattern in the Northern Lights. I really, really love art glass and marveled at the art glass sea creatures every time I saw them. The atrium, while not as stunning as some, was lovely. I liked all the strange couches. The ones in the Ocean Bar were my favorites. Also loved that multi-colored funky chair up on the Lido deck by the elevators. I like the retro look! We went everywhere and explored everything before returning to our teeny weeny stateroom. Does anyone know why they have POLAR BEARS in the pool? The Zuiderdam doesn’t go to Alaska, does it? I don’t think polar bears are retro, either. LOL




The Pinnacle Grill




Wow. HERE’S where all the great cruise food has gone! We had the crab cakes, caesar salad, porterhouse (dh) and filet mignon, and VOLCANO CAKE. It was unbelievably good. And those chairs are amazing!

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The Entertainment




We liked all of the entertainment. We’ve always liked the Broadway style shows. My husband was unhappy at one point when they sang and danced to a song that was in French. He speaks fluent French and said it’s a terribly raunchy song. I pointed out that no one knew that. He reminded me about the young French-Canadian couple across the hall from us with their young children who were probably there. Oooops. My only concern was the two male dancers with the long hair. They got sweaty as the show went on and the sweatier they got, the more I worried they’d be flinging bodily fluids onto the people in the front row. Ewwwww. It was distracting.




(And while I’m on the subject of hair, what’s with Dane’s? He needs a new barber! I guess it’s the style. Sigh. My 14yo son is also sporting the same hairdo.)




Joel Mason was incredible! I came home and tried to find my Sir Elton John CDs. No luck. We ran into him several times, and the resemblance is uncanny. His piano playing ability is top notch. He was funny, too. I could have sat there all night.




(We heard the second show every night. Our stateroom, which they were unable to change, was right above the show lounge. We also heard the rehearsals when we were in the room. It was pretty entertaining.)




We enjoyed ‘Edge’ and the magician, too, but our favorite was Julie Barr. She’s a riot! (We didn’t go to her R-rated Adult comedy, though. We don’t enjoy that, but we WERE tempted simply because she’s so funny.)




We went to the Queen’s Lounge for ‘Zuiderdam Superstar’ each time they had it. It was very good. There were at least three professional singers and two very talented amateurs on our cruise. They were amazing! Not your typical karoke.




The Vista Dining Room




Imagine our pleasure when after being denied a cabin upgrade, we returned to the stateroom on the second day and discovered they’d been able to change us to a table for two after all. We were very happy, even though we had to change to an early (5:45pm) seating. Our table steward was AL with DEDE as his assistant. They were very competent but not at all friendly. They were too busy scurrying here and there to be friendly! I think those boys have altogether too many tables! The wait between courses seemed very long most nights. I felt sorry for them. Near as we could tell, they had six tables for two, one table for four, and one for eight. That’s WAY too many people to serve.




The food in the dining room was good—not great—but good. Only some things were great. When we first started cruising in 1991, EVERYTHING was great in the dining room—food and service. Not so much on the Zuiderdam. The presentation was often bland, and the beef was TERRIBLE. I know food is subjective, and I may be too critical, but I let them know on my comment card that I thought they weren’t doing so well any more in that area. (We never had dinner in the Lido, just a couple of lunches and breakfasts. We’re fans of eating in the dining room.)




The Ports




I can’t speak to the first three ports as we never got off the ship. This was a working cruise for us, and we’d been to Key West and Cozumel previously so stayed onboard and worked. We wanted to get off in Costa Maya, but both times we tried the clouds opened, and it just POURED, so we went back to work.




Half Moon Cay, however, is the most beautiful tropical island I’ve ever seen. I wish I could be marooned there! I’ve never seen sand so white and powdery nor water so clear. The vegetation was very brown and many trees had obvious hurricane damage, but it was still a great place beachwise. Just heavenly!

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Too soon it was Friday night and time to pack our suitcases and leave them in the hall. We kept a fair amount of stuff in our carry-ons since we were afraid we would be over the weight limit for Delta. We had disembarkation #1. Our flight was at 9:50am. (Another reason our TA is FIRED. “Oh, you’ll have time to get there. No problem.” Well, no problem except for the wife having a heart attack because we couldn’t disembark until 8:45am.) We had an early breakfast in the dining room then waited in the Queen’s Lounge until they started. We were the fourth couple off the ship, but the first to find our luggage, and the first through customs. (They barely looked at our form!) Taxis were waiting right at the curb. We were in plenty of time, but I still would never again book a flight that early. It was too stressful after such a relaxing a wonderful week!


In conclusion, we loved our cruise. It was just what we needed. Sure, we were disappointed about our stateroom and in the food, but it meant I gained less weight! LOL We'll go again--maybe next year for another 'working' cruise. Work seems less like work when your view is of the beautiful Caribbean Sea!



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I'm curious as to whether the ship was full and if so, did you ever feel crowded?

Thanks, Beth. When they told us about their inability to offer us an upgrade, they said the ship was completely full. We never really felt crowded at all, though. It was busy up by the pools most days, however. We spent a lot of time in the Half Moon room or the library working, though, so maybe we just didn't notice any crowds.



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Hi Robin, thanks for sharing your review with us, we love to read about the Zuiderdam, especially when you had a good time. Very sorry about the cabin but it sounds like you made lemonade out of lemons! Hope you next cabin will be a great one! :)

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Robin, what a great review, I loved the way you put things. I would be looking for a new TA as well. I book early and pick out my cabin so I am not disappointed and also so I can get the dining assignment I really want. I also book my own flights, flying in a day ahead and I never book a flight as early as your TA did, my goodness. I did, however, book an 11:30 a.m. flight coming home for my next cruise, but I am flying home on a Wednesday and hope the airport isn't too busy that day. I think I'll be ok!!


I agree, the food on cruise ships over the years have definately changed. But I am one who as long as I don't have to cook it and clean up the mess, I am happy. I haven't come home from a cruise yet, loosing weight!!!!!!!!!!


Welcome back to reality, that's the hardest part. Now, you have to look forward to booking your next cruise.

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What a beautifully written review! Marvelous. Simply marvelous.

Although the Zuiderdam isn't a ship I want to sail---or the Caribbean a destination I want to go to---your review made me wish I had been aboard.

Sounds like all-in-all a good cruise.

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I too was on the Oct 2 sailing of Zuiderdam. I never saw a single hour of rough seas. I kept commenting on how lucky we were and the fact that this ship makes almost no wake. I booked a BC balcony gty and got upgraded 5 categorys to an A.

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I agree, hdawson, that we found the seas to be far calmer than we expected.



Thank you for your good review, Robin. I really enjoyed reading it and especially enjoyed being on your same cruise.


I agree with much you wrote but not everything. As soon as I can, I'll try to get something of a review posted. I think you did an excellent job. Thank you for taking the time and effort to do it.

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I too was on the Oct 2 sailing of Zuiderdam. I never saw a single hour of rough seas.
I guess it was sitting in the library and the Half Moon room so much. That ticker thingy that gives the ship's position, route, air temperature and the sea temperature and such was right there so I saw it a lot. The seas were 'moderate' some of the time but 'rough' (7.5-12 feet) a lot of the time. (Those were the terms the 'Navigator's Log' used.) I thought the ship did a great job with the stabilizers and whatnot. Perhaps we felt it more that one night because we were in the bow and without a window or way to view the horizon?


Also I was taking a medicine which required milk at bedtime so several nights we were up in the Lido after midnight getting milk from the ice cream bar, and the pool was just sloshing away. They had a steward out there with a mop and warning cones set up so you'd know it was wet. The pool was quite noisy as the water ran from one end and hit the other.



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the fact that this ship makes almost no wake. I booked a BC balcony gty and got upgraded 5 categorys to an A.

One afternoon we were up on deck 10 walking around and looking down at the wake from the ship. My husband said, "Look! There's a dophin!" I never saw it but stood there looking for it for several minutes when I saw a whole school of them. They start leaping and jumping through the waves, and we watched them for several minutes. It was the most amazing sight! Then, just as if one of them gave a signal, the entire school disappeared from view. I was so glad we were right there at that moment.


I also learned a very important lesson on this sixth cruise: do not book a category of cabin unless you will be satisfied with that very category. We've always booked outside cabins or been upgraded to them, so this was a first for us. I'll never again let a TA convince me to 'go cheap' and not book what I want. But I have to say, once we got the luggage put away, the teeny stateroom was fine. I would have liked more room, but it wasn't essential to my happiness. I just loved being on a cruise!!!



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Robin, terrific review ... love the way you write and I love your overall upbeat attitude even when things aren't perfect ... and when are they:) ?

I think being in the bow might have had a lot to do with your feeling it was rougher than did Hdawson and Sail. I always request a specific cabin just to be sure I'm midships.

From what all of you on the Zuiderdam have said about the food that week, I will simply rejoice in the fact that I won't have to plan what to cook, buy the food, etc. Such a pleasure to sit back and order for a week;) . In the end, for me, on a cruise it's more about the ambience and the people your with (we prefer to have a large table and meet several new people) ... if you're having a good conversation and feeling good about where you are, the food IMO becomes secondary.

Thanks again for a great review!

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Great review Robin.


After being sailing since 1985 on 25 plus I agree with your evaluation of food. Over the years the quality of food has gone down on HAL.


No matter what a travel agent says their is no gurantee that you will be upgraded. I always book the category I want and hope I will get better but never expect it.

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I will simply rejoice in the fact that I won't have to plan what to cook, buy the food, etc. Such a pleasure to sit back and order for a week;) . In the end, for me, on a cruise it's more about the ambience and the people your with (we prefer to have a large table and meet several new people) ... if you're having a good conversation and feeling good about where you are, the food IMO becomes secondary.
Thanks, Heather. I really did enjoy the cruise. The food quality was definitely a secondary thing. It in no way impacted my enjoyment of merely being able to relax and not worry about a thing--in addition to not doing the dishes! (Dh said someone told him the dishwashers work 10-12 hour shifts. Can you imagine???)


This is the first time we have not cruised with friends/family and have cruised alone. I really found it isolating. We didn't make an effort to talk to people. It was exactly what our marriage needed at this juncture, though. My husband travels for a living and is in his busy season. He had a week's break because the second biggest tax deadline is October 15th so we took the chance to go and be together before he ramps up again. He leaves tomorrow and will only be home to sleep two nights between now and 30 October. So since we needed that time for just us, the isolation was self-imposed, but I'm not sure I'd choose to do it again. I really missed talking with other people at meals. If we ever go without our friends/family again, I think I'll be sure to request a large table.



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Thank you so much for taking the time to post your review (especially being sick & having sick kids - no fun) - I really enjoyed reading it and I'm glad you had a great time in spite of your "teeny, tiny" cabin!


The crew does work so hard - I wish they would add more staff in the D/R as well. It is always nice when you get a few moments to chat will them, but with the amount of tables they have anymore, it so difficult.


Thanks again for sharing your cruise with us! :)

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Robin I too really enjoyed you review, you really have a delightful way of expressing yourself in writing. Even though some things were not to your liking you still had a great time and can joke about it. I love the comment that your TA is So Fired (lol)


I think you are the first one to bring up that fact about the Polar Bears at the Lido Pool. Ya know I always wondered this one myself. I don't think they ever planned to send the Zuiderdam to Alaska. I think (I am not sure) that the Westerdam has Dolphins at the Lido pool. That would of been more appropiate. I think the the Ryndam that I will be on in 4 weeks has the Dolphins too.


Thanks again for posting a very good review.

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Thanks for posting your review. Enjoyed reading about your experience and smiling through your amazing way to turn a frown into a smile..way to go!


We were on the Zuiderdam May 03. I love reading other reviews of the ship, as it's like reliving our experience. We too liked the ship, and found the colors, despite being rather vivid, to work very well together. We liked the overall beat of the ship and the entire cruise experience.


We were in a bow cabin once on a crossing from Boston to Bermuda..I fully understand what you're talking about...I thought we were going to be tossed out of bed each night as the ship hit one wave after another .. each slam sent us flying upward. Got to be rather comical. We traveled with DH sister and brother-in-law, and he actually kissed the ground in Bermuda when we got off the ship.


Have you used this TA before? I think I would be hunting him down!! You must update us after you've had a little chat with him/her!! lol!!


Hope you're feeling better. Thanks again for taking the time to post your review. Appreciate the effort!


Peggy Sue

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