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Latest Glimpse of Solstice...here!


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I had the same thought as you. The spa pool does look to be very large, and I think people are forgetting about the Solstice Deck and the other areas alongside the outside of the spa pool's glass walls.

Not sure, but can anybody clarify what the solarium's age limit is? Is it 16 or 18?



I have expected those cabanas to be an extra charge since they were announced. There's no way they would be there without the idea of a profit.

Also, I wouldn't be suprised it they start to have a cover charge for the Solstice Deck.


If anybody wants to look, this video seems to show the pool area looking somewhat more spacious and the dining room chairs look much wider. You also get a nice perspective of the cabins' actualy size.


I think the real problem with the pool area is that the cabanas make it look smaller than it actually is.

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I've stated this several times on these boards and I'll state it again. The pool and deck areas are too small for a ship this size!

People!!!, Most of you have been to the ports this ship is headed to several times. The ports are passe and the times in port are strange. You know you'll be staying on board and those pools and the deck area are too small!!!

Reference the "awnings" , mark my words and this was solidified from Carolyn's comments "the "cabanas" have yet to be fitted out".........I predict Celebrity will outfit these with a refrig, and a few ammentities and will....get ready.....charge us to use these. Similar to Mandalay Bay et al in Vegas.

I hope I am wrong but I'm seeing a trend here......

I think it started when I was on Azamara Quest (Celebrity) and while awaiting to be tendered ashore I went to the Coffee Bar (not sure if it was a "Cova" Cafe) 2 iced coffee's with a shot of Bailey's and $24 later .........

Why do you think they are adding all the specialty restaurants?????

LOL, having said all this I am still excited about sailing on this new ship.

But........I'll take any and all "action" betting on whether or not they charge for those "cabanas"!!! You heard it here first!!!! AND, if I am wrong, like a previous poster said, people will be setting their alarm clocks to 4 am to put their paper back and towel on these to "claim them" as their own!!!!


whoa. relax. i think some people are way too passionate about this. i'm not worrying about it anymore. i am coming on this ship to enjoy myself, and i will find a nice place in the sun that makes me happy. the specialty restaurant additions are to give more variety, but charging for them is nothing new. they started this with the millennium almost 9 years ago, so without adding all of the bells and whistles like ice skating rinks, rock climbing walls, a "flow rider" -- what else are they going to do to appeal to their CURRENT consumer? add more variety with dining, it's only natural. and i for one am not surprised that they charge for them. if you are, you gotta roll with the changes. airlines are charging to check baggage now, and i see that to be ridiculous, but to pay for premium dining service? sure. at least i'm getting something out of it rather than having to now pay for something i had for free before.


the "cabanas" are a new concept, and i wouldn't be surprised if they charge for these too. who cares? if people want them, they'll pay for them, and celebrity knows this. if you think it's ridiculous to pay for shaded seats, fine, don't. whatever floats your boat. but when they start charging for bringing your luggage to your door, or adding a surplus for food costs...that's crossing the line. but the little extras that we didn't have before i EXPECT to have a price. and honestly, i really couldn't care less. i didn't have them before, i am fine without them now.

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I thought it was announced long ago that the cabanas were going to be an extra charge. ;)


Well, there has been a change for us...my parents may want to cruise with us, so now we have 4 people that need to make up our minds. :D I showed DH the stateroom and he said he liked the looks. Would the 2A's be clear of the lifeboats? They are actually less than the 2B in cost.

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I've stated this several times on these boards and I'll state it again. The pool and deck areas are too small for a ship this size!

People!!!, Most of you have been to the ports this ship is headed to several times. The ports are passe and the times in port are strange. You know you'll be staying on board and those pools and the deck area are too small!!!

Reference the "awnings" , mark my words and this was solidified from Carolyn's comments "the "cabanas" have yet to be fitted out".........I predict Celebrity will outfit these with a refrig, and a few ammentities and will....get ready.....charge us to use these. Similar to Mandalay Bay et al in Vegas.

I hope I am wrong but I'm seeing a trend here......

I think it started when I was on Azamara Quest (Celebrity) and while awaiting to be tendered ashore I went to the Coffee Bar (not sure if it was a "Cova" Cafe) 2 iced coffee's with a shot of Bailey's and $24 later .........

Why do you think they are adding all the specialty restaurants?????

LOL, having said all this I am still excited about sailing on this new ship.

But........I'll take any and all "action" betting on whether or not they charge for those "cabanas"!!! You heard it here first!!!! AND, if I am wrong, like a previous poster said, people will be setting their alarm clocks to 4 am to put their paper back and towel on these to "claim them" as their own!!!!


I don't know where you are cruising on this ship... but there is nothing passe about any stop in the Mediterranean, and I certainly won't be staying onboard in port. This ship will have incredible summers in the Med. Anyone who would rather stay onboard and fight over pool space... they be crazy!:D

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^^^ i agree. i forgot to make a comment about the poster's mention of the ports being "passe" -- maybe to you. but actually i plan on doing things on these islands that i have never done before, and i am looking forward to it. one of them i have never been to, and all of them my boyfriend has never been to. not everyone has had a chance to be so fortunate in visiting these islands or cruising on a gorgeous ship to visit them. so maybe they are passe for you, but not for everyone. and almost every port i have been to people rush to get off the ship. i never have seen a crowded ship while in port, unless we were getting ready for departure.

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If we stay with this cruise, we plan to get off in St. Kitt's (never been there), and probably St. Maarten (been there many times, but love the beaches), but stay on the ship in San Juan. We have been to San Juan on numerous occasion , both on a ship and shore trips.


If you have not done so and are up to it in SJ, you might want to consider dinner at The Blue Parrot. The port time on this cruise will allow for it.

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If you have not done so and are up to it in SJ, you might want to consider dinner at The Blue Parrot. The port time on this cruise will allow for it.

Thank you for the suggestion. I believe we have dined there before , or at seen/least heard of it. I have a terrible memory about dining places, but my DH remembers every place and what we have eaten...even details about our honeymoon meals on St. Thomas 29 years ago. ;)


One rule we try to stick to when cruising, is to take advantage of the ships dining whenever possible. Saves money! It's easy to do in the Caribbean, Bermuda and Mexican Riviera (although we did have a fabulous entertaining lunch in Puerto Vallarta). Much harder in Hawaii and the Mediterranean, because you wanted to try different foods.


Of course, if the ship food continues to tumble in quality, we may have to start venturing out, or at least try more specialty restaurants. The Tuscan Grill may just lure us in on the Solstice.

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Wow, one gives an opinion on here and get's jumped on!


First of all, to the poster who told me to "relax", I'm very relaxed and don't need you to tell me what to do.


Re: the "passe" comment. Wrong word to use and it did not come across well. Sorry. What I meant was many experienced cruisers (experienced only in number of cruises) have been to many of these ports many times. There is only so much to see. We all forget that there are folks on here who have cruised for many years as well as those who are first timers. I have only cruised the Caribbean four times and some (not all) of the islands seem the same to me. My opinion only, sorry, sorry, sorry.


For many, a cruise is all about the ship, the amenities, etc. So if I or they want to stay on board why would "they be crazy"?


I had never heard the Cabana's would be charged for. Guess I was naive not to think Celebrity would try to get us for another charge.


Lastly, to those of you who think I"m a complainer or a Celebrity basher. My wife and I have only taken 5 cruises (still a novice!) but all were on Celebrity. Well, one was on Azamara but to me Celebrity. I don't plan on switching anytime soon as I feel Celebrity is the best for us. But, these boards are a great venue for folks to share those opinions. I'll continue to give those opinions whether or not I"m told to "relax".

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^^^ hey now, no need to jump on me because i didn't jump on you. your many "!!!!!!" and "?????" just came across as a little, what's the word...angry? i wasn't trying to tell you what to do, just making a suggestion. you took the "relax" comment way too seriously. it was better than saying, "chill" -- hmm? you're not the only one to say on these boards that they have concerns about the pool deck space on the solstice. it's in just about every thread about her.


if you want to stay on board, that's your choice. to me the ship is like our "hotel" or "transportation" to experience what's on these beautiful islands. if they all are starting to seem the same to you, try a totally different itinerary, like mexico, europe, or hawaii. or if you prefer the caribbean but don't like the islands celebrity is sailing to, maybe you should try (dare i say it) another cruiseline. there's 2 other "premium lines" i have yet to try, but because i like celebrity and don't mind going back to these islands i prefer to sail with them. besides, you only get so many hours on these islands. it's a little different when you have stayed there several times and feel as if you have experienced all they have to offer. i have been to aruba on four different occasions and spent 3 of those times there no less than five nights. i feel i have experienced the island to its fullest, but would i go back there? sure. luckily for me this particular sailing includes an island i have never been to, and that's with 10+ cruises and other trips to the caribbean. i think celebrity is trying to branch out with their caribbean itineraries, but it's all in the talks they have with the ports and which islands are best for THEM to sail to, as well as their passengers.


and it's not crazy for people to want to stay on board. i have done it, because the ship almost feels like home to me, especially when i spend a full day on an island and get back to my cabin in the ship. it's comforting. the only reason i am getting off in san juan is because my boyfriend has never been to the caribbean and this is the first island we are coming to, so i want him to get the most out of his trip. if i was sailing with my family or a friend who's already been there, i would probably skip san juan. but my mom also made a suggestion about the last time we sailed to san juan and while i stayed on board, they went into old san juan, walked around, and stopped at a quaint little place and had some chips and salsa. i kinda like that idea. so for my boyfriend i have decided to get off the ship this time. but normally i would probably stay on board.

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I've stated this several times on these boards and I'll state it again. The pool and deck areas are too small for a ship this size!

People!!!, Most of you have been to the ports this ship is headed to several times. The ports are passe and the times in port are strange. You know you'll be staying on board and those pools and the deck area are too small!!!


With all due respect, since none of us have actually been on board this ship yet, how can you judge viewing a bunch of pictures? I'll let you know when I get back from the inaugural, ok? Worst case scenario, you can have my chair.

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Sorry guys! The server is very overloaded.

More then 120 Gigabyte traffic in two days is too much for my private

webserver to give you a smooth video performance.

Best thing is to download the files and watch it offline. No buffering!


OK, this may be a dumb question, how do I download this video :confused:. I recently inherited my daughter's Mac and it only has Firefox. She's away at college and not much help. I'd really like to watch it.

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LOL, I just reread my post and maybe you were right, "Cruising The Waves", I did sound a little angry!! Maybe "chill" would have been more accurate. Sorry about that, guess I had a bad day yesterday!


jt1120, you also are right, hard to tell from pics how things actually will be.


I'm just a little frustrated with how easy it is too spend way too much money on these cruises, whether it is Celebrity or another line. Probably just need to ease off the drinks with the little umbrella in them;)


But we love cruising, love Celebrity and can't wait to board the Solstice. I've been viewing all the videos and pics like all of you and my wife and I can't wait.

Excuse my lapse of negativity, chaulk it up to my old age!

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LOL, I just reread my post and maybe you were right, "Cruising The Waves", I did sound a little angry!! Maybe "chill" would have been more accurate. Sorry about that, guess I had a bad day yesterday!


jt1120, you also are right, hard to tell from pics how things actually will be.


I'm just a little frustrated with how easy it is too spend way too much money on these cruises, whether it is Celebrity or another line. Probably just need to ease off the drinks with the little umbrella in them;)


But we love cruising, love Celebrity and can't wait to board the Solstice. I've been viewing all the videos and pics like all of you and my wife and I can't wait.

Excuse my lapse of negativity, chaulk it up to my old age!


Old age has nothing to do with it. We do not REALLY know what the ship will be like. The furnishings appear to be cleaner lines & more modern. This is our 1st Celebrity Cruise -so we reserve opinion. As for cabanas & possible charge- it would require a designated staff to run around the deck & open (unchain?) the cabanas. On Princess there is a private ($15.00 half day pass) area. Its very relaxing & if you want to completely chill out & withdraw from the cruise its a great area to do so in. Everything on every cruise is what you make it. DH & I are on E. Med- there are only 2 full sea days so the actual amt of time spent in any venue is ltd. In the meanwhile we are looking forward to more info,photos.videos. Its a well earned, well planned out vacation & we can't wait.


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Good post emcee207 - Nice to see posters respond back when they read their posts with a different perpsective. I few weeks ago I went high-order on a post about adult-only cruising, and it wasn't appropriate. Didn't get removed, but it wasn't very nice - almost rude. When I was called on it by the OP, I re-read my post and realized I had come across stronger then needed/wanted.


Few of us recognize that, and even fewer acknowledge it, especially on a public space. Nice to see. Love to cruise with you, emcee. I like people who are passonate, but understand limits and can self-eval.


Looking forward to the Solstice. We've cruised on Celebrity 6 times and have the 3 to follow. We look at Celebrity first and then another line if we don't find an itinerary matchup or pricing is better. Try not to be a 'cheerleader' but I'm afraid I haven't found much to ping on, inclulding other lines. Just love cruising!



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LOL, I just reread my post and maybe you were right, "Cruising The Waves", I did sound a little angry!! Maybe "chill" would have been more accurate. Sorry about that, guess I had a bad day yesterday!


jt1120, you also are right, hard to tell from pics how things actually will be.


I'm just a little frustrated with how easy it is too spend way too much money on these cruises, whether it is Celebrity or another line. Probably just need to ease off the drinks with the little umbrella in them;)


But we love cruising, love Celebrity and can't wait to board the Solstice. I've been viewing all the videos and pics like all of you and my wife and I can't wait.

Excuse my lapse of negativity, chaulk it up to my old age!


First, we all have bad days. :o But on the other hand, I like to hear differing opinions on all subjects. Keeps me open and thinking - always a good thing. :)

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In regard to the ports being passe... I guess you were only referring to the Caribbean and not the other half of the ports that this ship will visit. But... I do stick to my "they be crazy!" if someone would rather stay onboard and secure a seat by the pool over getting off the ship and exploring Santorini... or Istanbul?? See what I mean?? Personally, I agree with you on the Caribbean for quite a few ports. I am so sick of the itineraries out there but when there are deals, it is worth it to get out of the bad weather here. I am so sick of St. Thomas that I won't get off the ship if I choose an itinerary that goes there again... And Nassau?? Been there too many times to count.


Nobody knows anything for sure about the Solstice yet... I guess there are a few of us out there that are so excited to FINALLY sail on her, that we are a little passionate about anyone that is criticizing her in a way that they can't possibly know.

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As a passionate person who tends to wear his emotions on my sleeve,I have learned over the years that when I step over the line I need to always apoligize to those I may have offended.


Hyla's Girl, that is exactly what I meant. "Passe" was just not the correct terminology. I was referring ONLY to the carribbean ports such as San Juan, Nassau, St Thomas etc. that many of us have been to several times. I told my wife I can't go to St Thomas or St Maarten again as I can't afford any more jewelry for her.;)


And I certainly didn't mean any Mediterranen or Greek islands!! We did a 14 day cruise around Italy last spring and didn't stay on the ship at any stop.


But, to us, this cruise is all about the ship as opposed to the ports.


Lastly, to Denny01,thanks for the nice remarks but you might want to think about wanting to cruise with me/us. Let's just say we enjoy ourselves to the max when we cruise!!!;)

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Hey All!


I'm glad to see all of the pictures and videos, although I have to admit I couldn't get through the entire video in German... I feel so lost... I want to know what they're saying!!! :confused: , it was great nonetheless and I do thank the poster for sharing those with us.


I loved finally seeing pictures of the "Grand Foyer", I think it looks amazing, and for me, I always look forward to that as the Foyer or Atrium on ships are some of my favorite places on the ship. Also, it's nice to share our views and opinions, and as far as I'm concerned, I think the "Grand Epernay" looks amazing I appreciated it better in the video that was posted from Sky Travel. Let's hope that the chairs do end up being comfy for our friends that need the lumbar support etc.


As far as the open areas and pool deck, I was actually a tad bit dissapointed from the first time that Celebrity posted the deck plans on their website as I felt the "square" pools were just so unimaginative after seeing all of the advances other lines are doing with their pools, however, it's nice to see the pictures and the fact that at least they're incorporating some new features like the "Splash Zone" and, according the cruise critic first glimpse, the fact that there will be LED ligts. That oughta make these spaces very dynamic at night.


I know some people are concerned about the deck space but I'm sure it will be sufficient, I was actually concerned that the cabanas would take a lot of space, but I found this website with a lot of renderings (http://www.hideaways.com/main.aspx?form=hideaway&HideawayContext=AZGLR240&prp_id=2690&frame=overview&stk=-00WTMP5DHZ) and I see that the cabanas downstairs seem to not be taking that much space. Can't really tell about the upstairs, but it seems that the space will suffice. Also, the solstice deck looks like a nice spot for the sun worshippers and they seem to have daybeds there as well (as far as the rendering shows), so I hope Celebrity won't charge for those... but we'll see.


All in all, I can't wait to see her live and sail her... though I'm currently not as fortunate as some of you that are already booked... but I know the time will come, but perhaps it'll be on Equinox as we're already looking at a Med Cruise for late summer '09.


Happy Cruising to Everyone!!!

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Later today I'm boarding Celebrity Solstice to get a look at this ship, which is now, I'm told, 97 percent complete. We'll be posting thoughts, photos and video on the site through Monday. Stay tuned right here for the latest!



Carolyn Spencer Brown

Editor in Chief

Cruise Critic



Can anyone point me to the photos and video that Carolyn posted last Monday?



Many thanks



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