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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Thanks for the vote of confidence Belle, but I did eat a piece of lemon pie...one of my favorites. It was sooooo good! However, I did eat a piece of sushi and didn't like it. I'm a very picky eater and it was a stretch for me to try it. So, I didn't eat a whole lot and only had a small piece of pie. ;)


DH gave me a Wii and WiiFit for my birthday yesterday so I'll be using it to do a lot of exercising the fun way. DS and I hooked it up last night after Bunco and I can already tell that I'm going to be addicted to it.


What is everyone's plans for the weekend? I guess y'all know what I'll be doing. :D




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Hi everyone! Had my WW weigh in yesterday and was up 1.4 which added to the .4 of last week. I am a reformed person today and plan to make some better choices this week and drink tons of water.

Shiela, I like the idea of putting a "fat" pic out so that we are not always so hard on ourselves when there's a slip. I have to look at the positive of how my blood pressure and cholesterol are down not too mention I'm still wearing size 8 jeans. I was up to a 14 two years ago. Good for you to only eat one desert. I'm such an addict...once I let lose, I can't stop.

Belle, I also had put on a lot of weight when dealing with sick FIL and DM. I just ate my way through all the stress and then when my mom passed away after heart surgery, I realized I'd be in the same boat if I didn't get my weight and eating habits under control. Just hang in there, it WILL get better.

Well, off to church. I will keep all of you in my prayers...Belle, special prayer for you & your mom. I know it's got to be so hard.


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Sheila Did I wish you a

Happy Birthday? If not

A belated Birthday Wish!

A Wii and WiiFit how nice.

Think you will get addicted

from what I hear.

Sushi yUK! You did good only

one piece of pie.


Marianne Thank You for the

prayer's for my mother and me.

I am trying to eat healthy and I

will make it in the diet and dealing with

my mother and all the stuff!

Sorry to hear about your mother.


Jan how are you today? Remember

how good you've been doing and just

keep at it one day at a time. That's

all we can do.


We're winners even if it

takes us/me FOREVER to get to our goals!

You THREE will get there sooner..bet this year or next.

It will take ME forever but not giving up!!


You all have a good week.

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Mornin' Ladies!


Belle ~ You aren't late with the b'day wishes....it is today. :D


Marianne ~ You're also in a size 8? You're doing GREAT!!!!!


Where is everyone? I'm really getting worried about Baby and Carolyn. Does anybody know if Baby still hangs out on one of the cruiseline boards?


Donna ~ How are you and Joe doing?


I had a good weekend. I spent a good bit of it playing on the Wii & Wii Fit. I'm sore all over so I must be doing something good. It really surprises me to be so sore because I've been lifting weights regularly. The Wii sure is fun though and it makes me look forward to exercising.


Take care,


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I had a nice b'day...very low key. I did have all of my celebrations over the weekend and my DM took me and my DS to lunch. John cooked dinner last night for us. We had grilled chicken, fresh green beans, and field peas. It was lovely and healthy. I did eat a piece of my b'day cake afterwards. However, that was the last piece since DH got me a really small one...thank goodness!


How's your Mom?


How is everyone else doing?




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Sheila - Happy Birthday (even if it is late) ... I would love to get a wii & a wiifit, I've actually been thinking about getting one as a family Christmas present.


I've been away at a conference, so haven't gotten much exercising in as I would like. Tried to eat a little healthy, but they had cake, so I had to try a piece ... they had about 4 different types, but I managed to only eat one!


Have a good day all. Jan

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Hey Girls! How are all of you?


We had a good weekend, but I ate too much. We had guests and a party on Sat. night. I've been working out like a mad woman though trying to counteract all of the damage I did. It is so hard for me to diet this time of year. :o


Belle ~ I went shopping on Sat. and bought some of the cutest Mary Jane shoes and some cross training sneakers. How is your Mom?


I need to get back to work. Have a great day, Friends!

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Sheila glad you had a nice weekend

with friends. All your exercise will

pay off. Isn't it madding so ...

"easy to gain..so hard to lose!"


We have only 18 days till we step on the

Cruise Ship the Summit!

Will I ever get ready? LOl


Mother is ok most of the time.

Seeing her every other day now.

"Kids" try to go once a week.

I have to have some time off once in awhile

to get ready for the cruise and just me time.

Almost going on 2 years now. Playing games

with her, listen to her stories (same ones

over and over) Take her books, treats, ect.

Want to keep her mind working.


Sheila have a good week.

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Belle ~ Your cruise is fast approaching! I know you're excited. Glad your DM is doing well. I know your visits mean a lot to her.


I got on the Wii Fit this morning and it said that I'd lost 2.24 pounds since yesterday morning. I'm now back in "normal" BMI. :D


We have a Halloween party on Fri. night so I know I'll eat then. However, I'm only passing out the Halloween candy; not eating it.


I told John on Sunday that we cannot have any cheats until Thanksgiving! Gosh, I hope we can stick to it. ;)


Hugs to my girls,


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Sheila..Did you have a good weekend?

I mean were you good?


I was pretty good..because I was sick.

Can you believe I got my flu shot and

then got sick the next day. Really bad.

Two days, nothing done.

You can't get the flu from the shot

but guess it was coming.


Mother has a rash on both legs, saw

last Thursday but couldn't get app.

till Monday. So she thinks I don't care

about her. Doesn't remember I was on phone

trying to get an app. So she was mad at me

yesterday visiting. So hope doc knows what it

is and I don't have to make a derm. app. too.

She has an ear app. next Mon. I don't have

the time. I have barely got started getting

ready for cruise. Still have to buy things.

Never been this behind before. All these Doc. apps.

take days away. But have to get it fixed before we leave.

We fly on the 14th..OMG I have only 12 days. 5 of

those days there's something planned, so far!

HELP ME! Help Me!


Jan..Baby..Donna..Carolyn..Where Are YOU?

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Hi Belle - Hope you are feeling better. I'm sorry about what you are going through with your mom ... Its so much harder on the families then on them. My DH asked if I would go with his mom to her new doctors, so I did and on Friday there was an appointment about her tests ... she let me know that she didn't want me to be there ... she's 82 and still drives, and is very co-herent (until she gets to the doctors and then she becomes an old lady that doesn't understand) ... but if she doesn't want my help that is ok, I tried!


We spent the weekend in Boston (about 250+ miles south from us), my middle child - DS has decided that he and his girlfriend need to have an adventure (they are both 24), so they packed a suitcase and flew off to Colorado ... GF is going to work on her masters and DS is going to snowboard :rolleyes: (he's planning on perhaps working part time as long as it doesn't interfere with snowboarding!) .... they both have good heads on their shoulders, they should have fun while they are young, and I know they will be fine .... but I think my heart is going to break! It is so hard to let them fly away, I would love to wrap them both in cotton wool and keep them close to protect them from the big bad world ... but I can't. No one told me that once you become a mom, you never stop ... you carry your kids for 9 months under your heart and the rest of your life they are in your heart ...


I have been carrying around this sadness of knowing he is leaving for awhile and it is part of the reason that I've had a hard time doing anything with dieting .... I told DH that I was going to wollow in self-pity for at least a few more weeks and then I'll be able to put it in perspective.


Thanks for listening ... Jan

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Hey girls!


Belle ~ No, I wasn't good at all! Will you come slap me, please? I keep telling myself...NO MORE CHEAT WEEKENDS! I sure hope I can stick to it. :rolleyes: You have been one busy lady! Sorry you've been so sick. No fun at all! I got my flu shot yesterday and hope it keeps it at bay. Take care of yourself and try not to do too much until you've recovered. I also hope your DM gets better. Don't let the stress of packing, etc. keep you down. You're Wonder Woman and can do it all. :D


Jan ~ Oh, that has got to be so tough seeing your DS leave. My DS is 20 and I know it won't be too long before he leaves. It just breaks my heart thinking about it. How long with your DS be away? Is it possible for you to visit? {{HUGS}}


I strained the tendons in my rotary cuff doing the Wii Fit boxing. I have to "rest" my shoulder for 2 weeks and wear a sling for a few days. I'm not happy! I really need to workout since my WOE hasn't been too great. Doc said I could walk, etc....just as long as I don't use my left arm. :rolleyes:




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Sheila - My DS is planning on making Colorado a permanent change. His SO wants to be there 1 year before starting her masters (it would cost less to have residency) and then the program is 2 years. I think they will come home, Maine is a way of life not just a state, and I think that will make the difference. Although, he says that Maine is becoming too "big city" and he is looking for something simplier. I've lived in bigger states and I don't think he realizes that the whole state of Maine (except Portland) is really just a small town.


I do plan on visiting, and right now I'm planning on a family vacation in May of 2010 ... all my kids (3) and their SO's (2) on a cruise. I have great plans to renew my marriage vows with Ken ... so its really important that all the kids can make it (and I'm back to a size 8 again!!!).


I've been working extra hours at work. I have someone out on medical leave (second time in a year) and her FMLA time is actually up this Thursday. She is now talking about coming back early (the beginning of December) if she can go on vacation for a week on December 7th. In the mean time I'm leaving my house at 5:45 to put in 10-11 hour days .. plus I'm going to have to start working weekends. I'm so far behind on my own work that I'm starting to stress out ... we have a bakery next door to work, and I'm becoming way too fond of their cookies.


I'm not going to weigh in tomorrow ... don't think I'm ready yet for that. Have a wonderful day / evening all. Jan

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Hey girls! Where are all of you lovely ladies? I'm beginning to worry!


Jan ~ I hope your son doesn't stay gone forever. I know that will be hard on you and you'll probably have to work out some sort of visiting schedule with them. I work 4 10-hour days and it is hard to get time to exercise and do everything you need to do at home. How are you having time to take care of yourself? You'll just have to resist the temptation of the bakery! Do you hear me?! ;)


My shoulder is doing so much better! I can now move it with not a lot of pain...just a slight twinge.


I hope y'all are doing great! :)




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Hi Sheila and Jan


Sheila..Sorry about your shoulder and

glad it is getting better.

Congrats on the weight loss. Wish I

could lose that much in a short time.

You working 10 hour days, don't know

how you feel like exercising. Just be carefull.


Jan..Sounds like you are busy with your work.

Extra duties in fact. Glad you got away with husband

for awhile.

Jan isn't it something..Our "kids" grow up and

do their own things! Don't they think of their

"poor moms"? Sorry that your sad, no body told us

motherhood was such a hard job? WE didn'y know

Because we were such wonderful "kids" and never

Gave our mothers any trouble or worry! (I moved away

at eighteen!) LOL

You'll be fine.

Just takes time.


Where are our "girlfriends"..Donna..Baby..and Carolyn?

Donna I saw you post on Tuggers thread..Now Post Here!


Seven days to GO!..Will I ever get ready? No!

Will see my mother three or four times before I go.

Why does things always happen when you plan to

go away. Her rash and ect, was because of her heart

problem. Double some meds, she will be ok while we're

gone. Each of my kids (only have two) will each have to take her

to an app. while I'm gone. So on trip I'll be worrying

of course. Know nothing will happen now but down the road.

Also have to get nails done and go to Bunco. In between all

this I have to get clothes washed/iron and all the extra stuff

together. Will still be packing Fri. 2am and taking Airporter

at five am. Also still have to get Euro's!



I did lose a few pounds this last two weeks. Lost

only TEN pounds in months and months and months of trying


You two have a good Friday and weekend.

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Happy Friday! :)


Belle ~ Slow down and take a deep breath. You can do it! Congrats on the TEN pound loss! Don't sell yourself short. It took hard work to get those 10 lbs off and you deserve a {{HIGH FIVE}}. I hope things settle with your Mom before you leave. It is good news that you have two children that will take care of your Mom.


Working 10-hour days really does cut into my exercising. I don't do nearly as much as I used to. I've gained a lot of inches and I feel like a blob. I get an epidural injection for my back on Mon. and when I recover from that, I'm hitting the gym hard. I won't get home until 7:45pm each night, but the reward will be worth it when I can fit back into my bikinis on our cruise in May. :D


I'm going to go looking for Baby. I bet she's posted somewhere on here. At least Belle has seen Donna post so we know she's OK. Carolyn has been too quiet also. I hope they aren't staying away because of their weight issues.


Have a great day, girls!

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Belle - thanks, you are right, I will be fine and it will just take a little time. You mentioned you moved away at 18 ... I was brought up in Michigan and at 22 I left and moved to Maine with my DH ... my parents were so upset, but I told them that I had to be where ever my husband wanted to be and seeing how his family was from here and he loved this state this is where I have lived most of my adult life. I think part of the problem is that I now understand why my mom was unhappy that I left home ... I wish that she was around so that I could tell her that I finally understand .... what goes around comes around.:rolleyes:


On a happier note .... Belle, congratulations on losing 10# (no matter how long it took ... you still lost 10#).:D


Sheila ... thanks for reminding me to resist the bakery ... I will keep your "voice" in the back of my head whenever the temptation becomes too strong :)


You both are wonderful .... thanks so much. Jan

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Been staying away a bit because of the weight creep... been trying to get back on track without much success... the kids have been on computer a bit making it sometimes difficult to post. Also just been in a bluesy funk... between weight, aches (back, leg and foot acting up lately.. know if I'd watch carbs it would probably help), $$ issues (Alex tuition coming due and the economy -- lost a TON of $$ luckily a loss that I thought I couldn't deal w/a year ago wasn't as bad and luckily most of what was left then is in cash -- but earning nothing). Mike doesn't know what the h3%ck is going on w/his company and job -- major problems there and supposedly they're going to be cutting heads after Nov. 17th... day after Mike "finally" leaves for Europe. I say finally since he's got his travel cut drastically this fall (out of 7 trips he was looking for approval only 2 got a go -- not a good sign). It never fails Mike's is always out of office when major "upheaval" happens.. Last time takeover we were in Hawaii and got call at 3AM prior to that Mike was supposed to go to Zurich but I just happened to need to go to hospital since I broke foot,heel and ankle and had to wait 2 weeks for surgery.. SO you get the picture... Mike's been assured by an "insider" that he's safe but I won't count anything out. Luckily things seems to be quiet w/Aunt but (Belle I'm sure you've been there) I'm expecting something to blow up there.. it's just a matter of time.

OK I've vented.

Sheila, is this a new round of epidural's . Hope it helps. I had one and it didn't do anything and kind of permanently numbed my calf (not intended to do that) so from then on I try to do things on my own.. exercise and watch diet (when I'm conscience).

Belle, bon voyage.. (if I haven't missed you). Go enjoy... you can manage things at a distance ... take it from someone's who's been there... don't know if you have this or not ... a HIPA release form that you should keep on you to fax "just in case". I had one for my mother and ammended that one for my aunt.. It's been a godsend. If you'd like I can forward it to you and you can substitute your mother's info in it. That way you will be able to get any information g-dforbid your mother gets into a medical problems when you're away they'll "have to" give you all info on phone. Used it for my mom (unf. I was on cruise and in Hawaii when she had been hospitalized) and w/Aunt when we were in SanDiego. I was talking to hospital while at Seaworld.. not ideal situation but at least I got away.

Jan -- welcome.

Hope Donna and Baby are well.

Take care everyone

Now I'm off to be go into "mass production" making brownies. Alex'll be 16 tomorrow and for the last 3 years (ever since I'm home) I make brownies for him to take to school. Tonight's not going to be any different.


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Got back to work after the cruise and it was chaos. Fixed it but then it has been one project after another and they keep showing up before the prior one is finished. Good news is finally started that major house clean out that I swore I would do last June when we moved Mom. Was going well (and probably still is) but my house is currently officially trashed. Decided to drag everything out of the closet from "h@ll" along with the holiday decorations and we will be making a huge Good Will run when I finally get done sorting it all out.


Belle, You will have a wonderful trip! Enjoy every minute on the Summit! If you haven't been on the Millie class before, your in for a treat! Glad Mom is holding her own and I know how that whole "You don't care" routine goes intimately. I'm sure they will cover for you while your gone and you'll come back rested. BTW, Great job on the 10 lbs.! Right now, I would kill for that! We are thinking about/trying to schedule a cruise with Tuggers, TeeDee and Joramrose (God willing) so I try to keep track of them. Between JoAn having health issues and the economy, just taking a wait and see at this point.


Carolyn, A Happy Sixteen to Alex! How did the brownies come out? Glad the Aunt is quiet right now and fingers crossed that Mike doesn't have any job issues coming up.


Jan, Glad your here! I've done the same thing. Wasn't easy to lose the first time and is definitely harder this time round. Have a funny feeling that my thyroid is back in the mix but don't have time to deal with it until after Jan. 1. As to losing your son, none of us will tell you that it is easy but I can tell you that the relationship gets even better once they have been out and at a distance for a bit. Seems to be the final growing up process and they definitely appreciate you more.


Sheila, A Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Now look at that pic and remember just how far you have come. You'll get it off just don't hurt that shoulder more while trying!


Marianne, Glad you are joining us!


Baby knows better than to disappear just because she doesn't have a cruise booked!


Vacation was great! Joe was hesitant about Mt. Ranier but it ended up a major highlight and we were both really glad we did it. Mercury was great with lots of extra staff on board so no need to lift a finger for anything. A good portion of the staff disembarked with us and flew to Amsterdam to their new assignment on Solstice. Really enjoyed both the new buffet offerings and new menu's. Can't say I missed anything in particular since I knew the 4 day cruise was going to have limited favorites on it. Actually, Joe stuck to his guns and didn't drag formal wear along so (of course) we were invited to the Captain's Table which we turned down in favor of spending time with our table mates rather than the hassle of renting formal wear. He actually fit in well with less than 25% actually dressed for dinner. Turned down the behind stage tour too in favor of a nap. Definitely the highlight was the bridge tour on our only sea day. He actually grabbed the camera since he didn't think I was getting the right pics. I'm thinking that I will blow up and frame him and the captain if I can manage to cut me out of it.


OK, better get back to work! The stacks are piling up on my desk so time to move them to somebody elses! Boss is out today but will be back tomorrow. Can't wait till the FL runs start so I actually have more time!


Belle, If I don't make it back before Friday:



Have a great week!

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Hate the computer or this site..

which ever causes the problems! LOL


Last night wrote a post to each of you,

clicked on send.."poof'!


I was so happy to see Donna and Carolyn

joining Sheila, Jan and me. Sorry can't

do the post again..I'm tired, long day.


Last thing today/night was visit my mother. She seems

to understand that we will be gone. Says go and

Enjoy..but when I don't visit, she will think

I don't care, she'll forget I'm gone or when coming back.

Can't win for losing!

They will remind her, my kids too.

(My father kept saying when are you going

on a cruise and I would just say in Nov., wouldn't

go when he was dying and behold I'm cruising

in Nov. He must be smiling down)

I need this cruise..think it will keep me

from exploding! Hey maybe if I did, would I

weigh less? LoL


Might make it in a few minutes tomorrow. If not..

I want to wish you a good Thanksgiving now.

Keep posting. Maybe get Baby in here too.


Thank You for all the Bon Voyages!


Sheila if not busy can you start the weigh-in

posts. Thank You.

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Hey all! I guess we've all been busy!


So glad to see Carolyn and Donna post! Just made my day! :D


My epidural went fine. My back/legs are better today. Hopefully, the epidural will "take" this time. The last two haven't been effective. I plan on starting back to exercising on Monday! I'm so excited!!!


Carolyn ~ I hope everything is OK with Mike's job. Take care of yourself and I'm so glad you posted. Now, keep coming back so we can motivate you!


Jan ~ How's it going keeping away from the bakery? ;)


Donna ~ Glad to hear your vacation was great. Too bad you came back to chaos. Don't you just hate that?


Belle ~ Have a fantastic cruise! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get home. Don't worry about your Mother...your "kids" can handle it. I'll definitely start the weigh in thread next week.



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