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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hey girls!


Most of you are still staying away from this thread. I hope that you're just busy and not ill or having family issues.


Belle ~ Does you DM have Alzheimer's Disease? My aunt has it and she has her good days and bad days. Sometimes when I go see her, I have to remind her who I am. After I remind her, she's like her old self. I know it is very difficult for you to have to attend to everything in your DM's life and your own life. I think you handle it all very well and keeping your sense of humor speaks volumes about what a good person you are. {{HUGS}}


Our friends from Scotland are going on this cruise with us. They are also going on a cruise in July to Alaska. We couldn't swing that one and go on our cruise in May and to Scotland in Sept. However, we did get a free flight for one of us to Scotland AND a free hotel room in Edinburgh with our Capital One points.


Jan ~ Are you relieved now that April 15th is gone? Now you can focus on yourself. :)


Donna ~ As Belle asked, how is your DM doing? What about you and Joe?


I've been trying to lose at least 1/2 lb a week until my goal. However, some weeks I lose nothing, some weeks I lose points of a pound, and some weeks I lose one or more pounds. LOL




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'cause I've been frustrated with my trying to eat right but having an impossible time w/the scale. In addition stress, decreasing thyroid meds and hot flashes doesn't help.

Luckily aunt's situation has been "stable" but I'm having my hands full w/Libby. She's really in the "pre-teen/teen" stuff w/drama and all. Top it off she's been getting sick a bit and also her worried about her stomach. Luckily she's been eating a bit more and she's grown about 1 1/2" but has gained 14 lbs since December. W/stomach bloat etc. she's got a bit of a gut. Also she's supposed to do a school 4 night overnight trip that she's been very anxious about (she's never slept away from us) so the school is encouraging her to stay home. I really don't like that since the ones staying at home she really can't stand... one girl has even bullied her and with that in mind (plus all teachers off on trip/not aware of things) I think she'd be worse off going to school. Taking her out of school isn't an option since that would be "giving in". This field trip is nature's classroom and probably stuff at school for the next month and half will revolve someway around it. Libby keeps insisting that she doesn't like nature, sounds horrible and she's have an awful time (in addiiton to missing her mommy). Also she's scared. I tell her that she'll be ok (she's worried she'd get sick) and she might even like it. Also tried "bribing her" with a trip after she goes away but she doesn't want to be bribed. HELP.

Please some prayers for my sanity since I just got call from school at 8:30AM today that they need a definite answer from her by 3:30PM today. OK so I'll talk to her after school. Then about 45 mins later I get another call. They need to know by 1PM today. I have a call into Libby's MD and also therapist (just started on good friday -- 3 sessions). Not sure if she'll be more traumatized going to trip or staying h ome... all of these options are deadly to her.

Thanks for caring.


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Mike and I met w/Libby at the nurses office w/nurse "mediating... seems like the teachers are trying to discourage Libby from going since she's a bit anxious about things in general and since she's never done a sleep away/over. Long story short Libby realizes that it's ok to be scared that she's not going to be alone 'cause she'll be with classmates and not "total strangers" (she's in 6th grade and some kids have been there since 1st grade though not always in same class). She made the final decision and then the teacher (who was pressuring her) came by and asked if she decided and Libby said "yes, I'd like to go" and had a smile on her face (so it didn't seem like we were cooercing or bribing her). Now we need to survive until next Monday when she leaves. Hope the meds that she's started to take for tummy will "kick in" ... (their antihistimines) they're already making her sleepy. May also try prilosec on her in AM (with MDs approval) just as a safety.

Never a dull or stress free moment.


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Hey girls! I hope you're all doing well. Everyone has been so quiet...including me. There's just not enough time in a day any longer.


Carolyn ~ First off, hello! Glad to see you posting again. You know that you should come on here and posts even if your WOE is not what you want it to be. I'm glad Libby decided to go on the trip with her class. I know that was a tough decision for her and she made the grown-up decision. It sounds as if she might have a nervous stomach? I had one when I was a teenager. I still have it, but it is IBS now. It is good that Libby is getting help.


When my DS, Nick, was in 6th grade, his class went to D.C. for a week. One of his best friends did not want to go, but his parents decided that he needed to go so he went. When we were at the school seeing them off on the bus, his friend cried and cried because he didn't want to leave his Mom. It just broke my heart and his Mom was crying along with him. A couple of days later, I called his Mom and asked her how her son was doing on the trip. He was having a fantastic time and was so glad that his parents made him go.


It will all work out with Libby and she'll be so happy she went. Be prepared to be nervous yourself though. When Nick was gone for that week, I broke out in hives I was so nervous. Just take care of yourself and try not to let the nerves get to you.


Belle ~ How are you and your DM doing?


Donna ~ What about your DM, Joe and yourself?


Jan ~ Are you less stressed at work now that tax season is over?


I've been doing pretty well. I went to a dental appt. and the girls in the office kept complimenting me on my weight loss. I guess that's a good sign. :D




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Wow - It seems as if everyone has alot on their plates right now.


Tax season is over and I am on vacation this week ... we have been staying at the coast, but came home for about 1 1/2 days, so that DH can do some work :rolleyes:. I'm about ready to throw the cell phone out of the car.


I've been trying to get back into a good sleep pattern, and to just relax. May 1st will be the time that I start my weight loss journey again. Funny, but I've had a lot of opportunity to eat sweets, chocolate, chips, etc. but I really don't feel like "pigging out" ... that's a good sign!


Have a wonderful week all. Jan

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Hi - Just checking in - We are back at the coast - It is rainy and foggy today. It is expected to be almost 70 by the weekend. I did have a glass of wine today, and a few potato chips. We also walked into town today only about 1 1/2 miles but its something.


Talk more when we get back. Jan

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Just busy with things and dealing

with mother, her moods, Dr. appt.s ect.


Jan hope you had a great relaxing time.


Sheila when's your cruise?


Everyone take care will talk more later.


Love from me

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Hey girls! I'm still here also, but it has been slow around here....the boards, I mean.


I still need to lose 3 more pounds to reach my goal. I wish I could set my goal lower, but I know I won't maintain the lower weight. I guess my body rebels against that weight. LOL


Belle ~ I'm sure you have your hands full with your DM. How old is she now? My cruise is May 24th and I can't wait!


Hugs to all!



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Hi All - Seems like time is going too fast, and I don't seem to take the time to write. Things are going well here, my middle child is home for a month, but he has gone up to his GF's folks house so I won't be seeing him again for a week or so. I remember the days of going to visit family ... which meant hanging around the house for a few hours and then spending the rest of the time with friends .... I'm sure my mom is up there laughing!!


I've started back on my diet, even though I had chinese tonight ... hopefully I didn't do any damage.


How is everyone else doing? Belle, I hope everything is going well (Donna, Carolyn, Sheila etc. also).


I need to find more hours to go exercising, I've used the wii a few times this week, but need to push myself.


Have a great night all. I'll check in tomorrow. Jan

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Almost forgot I needed to talk

Wish I could say I was walking the block


But sitting here on my @ss

Letting exercise pass


Have to be good each day

I know that's what I say


Your all doing good

In eating your food


Exercise is great for some of you

Others of us have to do it too


Know some have cruise soon

Hope you will have a full moon


Have fun and romance

Get your exercise and dance

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Good Morning - Happy Mother's Day to all.


Belle - Are you ok? How is your Mom doing?


Today we are going out for brunch. I have 3 kids and one is with his GF's family "up in the county" - he's home for the month from Colorado, but found a 3 week job about 2 hours north of here. My DD is working today ... she's in retail and it is a big shopping weekend, and normally she doesn't have to work, but this weekend she does. So today will be my MIL, my DH and my youngest son. I'm just happy that for this minute all my kids are in "good spots" in their lives. As a mom, I can't ask for more than that.


I am still having a problem losing weight .... but I am now starting a new motivator .... My DD calls it the "closet game". I have clothes that I only seem to wear for vacations (I wear jeans at home and work is beige pants and black top). I started trying on clothes last night, picking out what fits and setting aside what is too tight. Many items still work, so I'm not in the dumps. I'm just going to try to get everything to "work".


Have a lovely day all. Jan

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Hey girls! I'm sorry I haven't been on. I've been really sick with a sinus infection that wrecked my inner ear. I'm so much better now and will resume my exercising tonight.


I hope all of you had a nice Mother's Day. Mine was good except for my poor DM being sick. Bless her heart. My son didn't make any plans and we spent the whole day together. We visited my DH's mom, had an afternoon meal, and watched a movie. It was a nice day!


Jan ~ Glad to hear you're doing well. I know it is hard when your kids are here and there, but as you said, they are in a good place. How was your day?


Belle ~ How are you doing, sweetie? I hope you were able to spend some quality time with your Mom yesterday. Hopefully, she was in a good mood.


Donna & Carolyn are missing again. I've completely given up on Baby. I sure do miss her though.




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Sorry I'm not posting much but

reading most days.


Glad you both had a good Mother's

Day with your familys. Visit mother

and brought her lunch, she didn't want

to go out. Wanted a hamburger and

milk shake. In the evening went out

to dinner with dh and dd and ds.


Sheila am sorry you weren't feeling

well but glad your better now. Hope

your mother feels better now.


Jan did you have a good vacation.

Get some rest from tax season?

I'm with you in having problems

"losing weight". Wish I could get into

exercise like I can get into candy! LOL

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Wanted to post so wouldn't lose

what I wrote. Keeps happening to me.

Not this time!


You won't guess what I did?


Your right.....Booked a cruise!!!!!!

One of the cruises that was suppose

to go to Mexico. Going to Oregon, Victoria

and Vancouver British Columbia.

Couldn't pass it up. Got an Aft. Balcony for

"peanuts"! If booked a few days earlier would

of got it for less "peanuts"! But said we just

went on a cruise..don't need to go on another

one but....remember won a Royal Flush on

the Hawaii Cruise...So Canada here we come!

It's for June 14th. Hope it helps me to get



Donna and Carolyn..Where are YOU TWO?

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Hey girls! Everyone is well here. :D


Belle ~ I'm sooooo glad you booked a cruise! You deserve it! Your Mother's Day sounds nice. I bet your DM enjoyed her hamburger and milk shake.


Jan ~ How are you? Having a hard time getting back on your WOE? Check in when you can.


I wish Donna, Carolyn, and Baby would check in. :confused:


Well, I leave for my cruise next week and I'm so ready for it! I need a vacation!


Take care,


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Sheila you have less than two

weeks till your cruise! Know you

can't wait. Aren't your friends

going from Scotland and some friends

from this board?

You are doing so good on your weight

loss and exercise. You should be very


Thank you for being happy about my cruise.

Sounds funny I know but I need a vacation too.


Jan hope you are having a good week.

I know we are happy when our "kids" are



Donna how are things with your husband and

mother? Your health?


Carolyn are things better for you?


Baby we miss you.

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Happy Friday!


Bunco was fun last night. I didn't eat nearly as much as I normally do, so I was happy with that. I got home around 9:30pm and could not sleep for anything. I'm tired today.


Belle ~ I guess you got that great cruise deal due to the itinerary change because of the swine flu? What ship are you sailing on? I'm sure you do need a vacation. You don't have much time for yourself anymore.


We're getting to Port Canaveral one week from today and our cruise leaves on a week from Sunday. I'm getting very excited! I'm going to try and pack everything this weekend so I can watch American Idol. LOL


Hugs to everyone!



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Wish I could steal away into someone's suitcase and go on a cruise now!!! It is a long wait until August


I went to a seminar/conference/meeting for two days ... It was all work related and had to go with co-workers ... but on the plus side ... my co-workers left work at work and we had a good time socializing and my DH got to go too. The govenor spoke, the food was wonderful and all the drinks were free :eek: ... my co-workers love to drink (so it is always good for a laugh!!).


I work at a financial institution (VP of accounting) ... and with this economy, it is still unknown what will happen in the future ... I keep hoping that I will have a job and probably won't know what will be happening long term until around September (Unfortunately I am the one that helps determine what happens long term). It isn't my ideal job, but I want to be the one to decide if I want the job or not....I hate the unknown


At 56 (almost 57), good jobs are few and far between around here ..... I am whining, but it helps to put it down on "paper" and mull it around for awhile. I know that this is the reason that the weight doesn't want to come off. It isn't because of the eating it is just stress making everything stay. I'm not sure if that makes sense.


Friday morning I was down alittle weight wise (probably back up again ... but will be back on track today with exercising and eating correctly).


Professionally on a bright note, I received a note from the IRS (they are the one's that train me and give me the software to do the volunteer income taxes) ... It was a lovely "thank you" and it feels good to have the pat on the back ... so I'm off the whining track.


I'm fine, DH is fine, kids are fine .... life must be ok. Have a great week everyone. Jan

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Hey girls! I got most everything packed this weekend and I'm tired. LOL I'm so excited though!


Jan ~ It really is rough right now for a lot of people with the economic situation. Stress really can do a number on your weight. I'm a stressful person by nature and I really have to work on removing the stress. It is so hard. It is very understandable why you're feeling the way you are. I'll be losing my job June 30, 2010, but I know it is coming. It is harder to not know what will happen. I can plan on my future, but you can't right now. I feel for you. {{HUGS}} On a brighter note....that really was a nice note that you received from the IRS. They can't be all bad. ;)


I hope the rest of you are doing well. I'm be off of here on Friday-until. I'm taking my laptop on the ship and will get the WiFi package so I'll post...if I'm not too busy on the ship's treadmills. LOL




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Guess the hello is for you Jan and

Donna, Carolyn if their reading.


Jan how are you doing? I can't get

my act together. To much stress

here. Won't give up..will keep trying!


Have a good weekend Jan.


Hope Sheila is having a good cruise

and not having lots of rain.

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Thanks Belle .... I can't seem to get my act together either, but I know I don't have the stress that you do. It wonderful that you aren't giving up.


Have a lovely Memorial Weekend all. It is raining here today. Jan


PS ... Sheila I hope you are having a great time!!!

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Think I had a secret message to you.

I said..Hellp instead of Hello.


Think I was saying HELP!

(or was it poor typing) LOL


Sorry about your rain, we just had

cooler weather than normal. Of course

when the holiday is over..it's suppose

to be in the 80's.

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Belle: I think we are all trying to send messages, thank goodness for this board, and people that listen.

I have 90 days today until our next cruise ... nothing fits from the last cruise ... but I never did throw away the "big clothes" and they now fit again .... wish I knew why the motivation is gone.


It stopped raining and I got to play in my garden ... I keep trying to get people to come over and take some of my perrenials (sp) they just keep expanding ... I even have annuals that come up each year. I've planted a vegetable garden (very small) this year with: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, basil, cilantro, chives, sage, curly parsley, rosemary.


Wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, would love to do some more spring cleaning and finish outside work, guess it will have to wait until the weekend. Jan

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