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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hey girls! Just checking in to see how all of you are doing. Like all of you, I have been extremely busy and haven't been on CC much at all. We don't have a cruise booked and don't plan on it for a while.


I'll try to check in at least once a week. I hope all of you are doing well.




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Sheila and Jan And Carol..Glad to see

you ALL talking!


Sheila..How's your ankle? How was your

trip to Scotland? Glad your getting your

new business together for next year.


Carol..Sorry your not feeling well.

Hope your better now.

We leave for Hawaii Nov. 22nd out of

LA/San Pedro. Golden Princess. Hope your

Friends are enjoying.

Hey you leave in four days. Are you ready?

Have a great time!


Jan..I know what you mean about being pulled

in so many directions. Plus you work. Has to

be hard. Enjoy the gym. Mine closes down but

I hadn't been going any way but I miss it.


Can't tell you how long we've been married. Then

you would know I'm old and ancient. Or would

you belive I got married at 4? lol


Everyone watch out for the candy..Don't Eat It!

If you do, will show up on the scale on Thursday!


Everyone have a good week.

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Carol..Bon Voyage! Where are you staying?

How long will you be gone?

Have a great time!


Jan..Glad you like my posts, you'll get with it.'

I need to get with it to! Just staying the same

and it's not a good spot.


Sheila..How's it going?

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You'll get to Hawaii.

Just plan for it!

Save your money!

Convince your husband!

Do all the things we have to do

to get our way! lol


Carols there now.

I'm going in 18 days.

Carolyn goes in Dec.


You have to go NEXT YEAR!

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You can get there... and it's really not "that expensive" once your there.

We've been going 3 years in a row and will be returning in 45 days (think my math is right... leave home on 12/18). The main "bite" for most is the airfare. Luckily we've got frequent flier miles and if you're somewhat "flexible" in your dates (unfortunately we're not that flexible) you can definitely do that way -- where you don't have to pay the premium mileage to go.

What we've been doing is "churning" credit cards through Citibank for use on American. Our credit is good and we're not going to be doing any refinancing anytime soon. It takes 35K/45K to get to Hawaii and if you open a credit card and charge $750 you get 30,750 miles. Almost enough to get you there. Citi lets you open 2 different credit cards at a time so that way you get almost 61K Mile (counting the 30K bonus each plus the 750 miles each on spend). I open new cards every 3 months and then close out old ones so we don't have to pay the annual fee. I've been doing this now for my aunt (she's 96 and not going anywhere). We'll inherit her miles "when she goes" so that will put us over to make lifetime platinum. If we wanted (needed) to use her miles before "her time" (we've got plenty of miles so not intending on getting/using them anytime soon <Mike's got over 1M and I've got almost 500K) we could, she's now got almost 200K miles from my opening up accounts for her for about 1 1/2 years. Citi keeps letting us do it.

Once you're there hotels are really reasonable, or do what we do rent someone's condo. We're doing that again this year (from same person we found last year). Getting a really roomy 2 bd/bth condo (1500 sf) in Princeville over Xmas for $1135 total (including cleaning fee and tax). It's a smaller complex (only about 45 units) so it's perfect. Have pool/jacuzzi, on golf course... hotel just down road, Hanalei Bay a 10 min. drive.


Where are you going in Hawaii? Doing a cruise or land? I've thought about doing a cruise but at the moment land works best for our limited time allotment.

I've been so frustrated by my weight. It just keeps going up and up... even when I'm "good" nothing seems to help. I'm scheduled for surgery mid-January so hoping that when all is "done" I might be able to do something. Even if I don't lose any lbs I'll get rid of a bit of the "pot belly".

I'm so disgusted right now that I'm considering Alli as a "last resort".

Otherwise all is well in CT.



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Regarding what Alex did this summer... he did a Chinese summer program at BYU in Provo. It was a residential 3 1/2 week program and it worked out very well. As it turns out he's continuing taking Chinese this school year. It wasn't planned but he got really messed up w/scheduling/registrar and he didn't get his Latin 450.. so he'll only have 3 years of Latin for graduation. I was livid when I found out what happened... isn't supposed to happen at private school. So now he's in 2 yr Chinese.. Since he took it over summer he was able to place out of first year.

This summer he may end up in your "neck of the woods". There a science research program up near Bar Harbor (think it's Johnson or something like that) that he's going to apply to and if (gd willing) he's accepted he'll definitely go. It's very competitive but would be a wonderful experience. Right now he's got to buckle down and start filling out the applications for the programs since most have a mid-January deadline. That will be good practice for him for the following year for college applications.

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Carolyn good to see you.

See you've been busy with "life"

and the "kids"!

Glad you get to go to Hawaii again.

Happy I get to too.

We cruise on Nov. 22nd and do a b2b.

Love to cruise and love Hawaii.

What can be better for our Anniversary?


I'm with you on weight loss. I try really hard

(to lose)

and go up and down the same few pounds.

Mainly stay the same. My same spot isn't a

good spot!!


Hope your surgery isn't something serious.

Or is it a tummy tuck? Said getting rid of

'pot belly"!


Jan how's it going? You said you would write..

remember? Seems like we all are having a

hard time losing. Wonder why? I know we

have our bad moments but know we've been

good and don't lose. think it's my age and not

enough exercise. Plus my metabolism is shot.


Hey..Sheila and Donna come in and say HELLO!

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Belle thanks for the hug! It helped.


I know I promised to write more, but still don't have much oomph ... my DD (Kate - 26) will be going with us on our next cruise (next October)...so far away. She also struggles with her weight and we are really trying to be healthy. Kate found a dress that she would like to wear for formal night. She bought it about a size or so too small as she is going to use it as her motivater ... having a goal for her works.


Right now there are just so many things on my mind that its hard to have the energy for much ... nothing majorly bad ... just the normal "stuff"


Carolyn - I'm so glad you posted ... are you perhaps thinking of Jackson Lab in Bar Harbor? They do a lot of research .... what a great area for anyone to spend the summer - its beautiful there! If you've never visited you should at least see the area ... its amazing


Carolyn - hopefully the weight will go after the surgery -- it should anyway with the size. My DSIL had a tummy tuck as part of her hysterectemy (sp) ... thought that was a great idea - two for one special!! Man would I ever like a tummy tuck, but think there is way too much to "tuck" right now :rolleyes:


Hope Carol is having a great time in Hawii.


Today I have off for the holiday ... I'm getting my hair cut and colored and hopefully will make it to the gym this afternoon. I'm hoping that I will get a chance to sit down with my youngest DS and talk. He is now in college and he has a lot going on with his life ... he seems happy, but I don't see as much of him as I used to.


Have a great day all. Jan

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I truly wish it was a "tummy tuck"... just a hyster. and now I've got the MD to try to do it laproscopically (long story.. went to 3rd opinion who saw me for 5 minutes <had a resident do intake and most of the exam -- didn't realize when I made appointment that it was going to be that way> and said ...'ok, 95% chance for laproscopic.." and wrote it on chart. After I left I asked DS Alex what he thought since I was a bit taken aback from this MD that it seemed like hospital clinic and he said that MD's office probably took into consideration that I wanted that surgical option and that they'd say anything and once I was "under sedation" they could do whatever they chose. The next day their office called to schedule surgery which I wasn't so sure about since they were looking to do it about a 3 days before T=giving and I asked "who's doing the surgery-- MD or resident-- and all they said was that it's a teaching hospital, so chances are the resident would be doing surgery and MD looking on.

2 MDs prior had said abdominal.

I had asked first MD's secretary about tummy tuck and they said it took too long blah blah blah. Wish I could do that but I've got a bit too much of a fat pad and I thought tummy tuck was mainly for the excess skin (which I had plenty off before the peri-meno weight started to get piled on... now I've got this thick fat-pad which I got to see from the MRI)

As far as Alex, yes, it's Jackson labs. Would be a fantastic opportunity for what he needs for his school, for college application and also to be in a wonderful location. If he goes we'll drop him off but would plan on staying for almost a week when we go pick him up in August. Would be a great place for vacation since it will be the last summer one we'll be taking before he goes off to college,.


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I leave in a week! Yea!


Carolyn it's a cruise. Doing a b2b.

Sailing from LA to Hawaii and back.

We will just stay on and do it again.

Doing it now while we can. Don't know

what next year will bring.

My mother's heart and mind probably

will be worse. Plus mine might be gone..

my mind that is!

Glad you get to Hawaii again. Your going

about the time we're coming home.


Jan where are you going in Oct.? Nice

your daughter is going to. Now you have a

"diet" buddy. Maybe that will make it easier.


Will try to come in again before I leave..Take care

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Where are you?

Try to get in here again before I leave.

Mother has a couple of Doc app's before

I go......

Doc Wed. and Fri.

Dinner with kids Wed.

Nails Thurs.


Packing Friday

Fly out Sat.

Sail on Sun.


Aloha```~~~~~~~~``` That's me doing the hula!

See my hips moving! LOL


Hope everyone is doing alright. Keep on keeping on!

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Where are you?

Try to get in here again before I leave.

Mother has a couple of Doc app's before

I go......

Doc Wed. and Fri.

Dinner with kids Wed.

Nails Thurs.


Packing Friday

Fly out Sat.

Sail on Sun.


Aloha```~~~~~~~~``` That's me doing the hula!

See my hips moving! LOL


Hope everyone is doing alright. Keep on keeping on!


I got home last week from Honolulu then spent 3 days in Fresno this past weekend so I got home last Monday. Waikiki was wonderful - perfect weather - sprinkled a bit but not too hot nor too cold. Belle - have a great time! I always love Hawaii and as much as I love to cruise, Hawaii will always be my most favorite place to go. We eat at the local places and just vegg out all day at the beach or riding around enjoying all our favorite places.

Glad to be home tho' = now it's time to gear up for the holidays - we will be going to Seattle for 4 days beginning of Dec so I am looking forward to that.

Aloha - carol

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Thanks for the good wishes Jan.

Have a Good Thanksgiving!


Welcome Back Carol..Glad you had a great time.

I love Hawaii and love cruising..this way..I get to

do both. Hope the weather holds up for us too.

Enjoy Seattle.


Carolyn take care, enjoy your trip to Hawaii.




Donna and Baby thinking of you..Wherever you are!

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Funny, on November 1, I too decided to get into better shape for life in general and because I am a newlywed. It's 6 months today and somehow I gained about 8 pounds since our wedding and it really shows up in my back fat! That and the fact that my pants don't fit!


So, I started walking...one hour every day and I have managed to keep this up. At the end of my work day, I walk toward home for an hour before catching the bus. It clears my head and it's exercise! DH is coming with me now!


I am a candy/ soda lover and I have managed to stay off this for the last 3 weeks...you have NO idea how in love I was...this was all with God's help!


And I have been eating much better. I have always loved fruit and veggies...I just eat more of them now.


I am keeping a food diary because it helps me see what I should have for dinner and what I ate without realizing it! I knew that I loved cheese....I just didn't know I loved it that much until I say in the diary how much I ate! If I haven't had enough protein all day or enough veggies, then a chicken breat with salad it is!


My biggest accomplishment is my milk and vitamins. Ladies...WE NEED OUR CALCIUM! Every morning, I start the day with one cup of vanilla soy milk and one cup of 1% with my vitamins. ( I hate regular milk so the vanilla makes it palatable) It makes me feel as if I have done something good for myself before I even leave the house to go to work. It's hard to have fries for lunch after I began so well!


But the weight....I don't see much weight loss on the scale...but I feel it in my clothes and my paunch has gone down.


Before our cruise, we have a few Christmas parties to attend...and I want to look AMAZING for my new husband in party dresses.


So I have a few incentives...just pray for me...that the appetizers and candy canes won't do me in :)



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I will be leaving on Sat. so

Happy Thanksgiving!


I might go on the internet in Hawaii,

if I do..will come in and say Hi.

Other wise will back in after the 20th.


Be good! Will be thinking of you.

Think of me...say Belle she's being good..

not eating to much..maybe it will get

thru to me and I will be good!

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I will be leaving on Sat. so

Happy Thanksgiving!


I might go on the internet in Hawaii,

if I do..will come in and say Hi.

Other wise will back in after the 20th.


Be good! Will be thinking of you.

Think of me...say Belle she's being good..

not eating to much..maybe it will get

thru to me and I will be good!



Have a safe and wonderful cruise Belle -

been thinking about Hawaii all week - I sure miss that place. I wish I was like my cousin who goes once every two months to visit her daughter - my cousin has a condo there where her daughter is staying while she teaches. WE will miss you... Carol

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