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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hey girls!


Belle ~ Yes, I've been eating all of the goodies. I've gained too much weight. I'll really have to buckle down after Christmas and get it off again. I'm so sorry you're still feeling bad. I hope you'll be able to take it easy some during the holiday.


To everyone else ~ I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and Hanukkah with your family. I love you all!






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Sheila it's so nice to "see" your

bright shiny face on here each



Feeling better just not great.

Busy two days coming up like

everyone else. Didn't sleep

very well, lots of rain and wind here

last night/morning. I'll survive.


Now to face my mother. This would

of been their anniversary today. Don't know

how she will be today. Keep my fingers crossed

for a good day.


Hugs to you and anyone else reading today!


Merry Christmas!

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From Wisconsin. Snow, Snow and more Snow! Planning on leaving at 5AM tomorrow with a very sulky daughter in tow. Looks like she is deciding not to drive herself and she isn't happy that we aren't coming back until Saturday morning. Not sure what we will run into in any of the 4 states that we will be traveling through so decided not to beat ourselves and drive home Friday night. Guess she'll get over it eventually!


Belle, Here is hoping that you Mom is having a good day today and enjoying your company. Hope that you continue to improve and are back to 100% very soon!


Jan, Hope the holiday spirit has caught up with you and the weather hasn't!


Sheila, I'll take your cold and send you some of our snow. We have over 30" on the ground right now! Picture postcard perfect and I absolutely hate it!


Baby, Hope your having wonderful holidays where ever you are!


Carolyn, fingers crossed that you Aunt behaves and you just get to relax and enjoy this vacation!


Needless to say, I am sulking big time and can't wait until it is time to go to bed tonight so we can get up and out of here. This will be the first time in 39 years that we haven't opened gifts on Christmas Eve and I'm missing the dgd's concert. So I am currently totally and completely bored. I refuse to spend the day doing house stuff so might just go read my book. Easy dinner tonight since I didn't get to the store. Joe should be very hungry by the time we get there tomorrow. He has forgotten that it is almost impossible to find anything open on the way there on Christmas Day.


OK, done pouting and off to find my book!


Hope you all have a safe and Happy Holiday!

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Donna - where are you traveling to? Hope the weather cooperates. We are to get snow today and then maybe freezing rain. Over the weekend we got an additional 17 1/2". I'm tired of it already.


I'm almost ready for Christmas ... It will show up even if I'm not ready:rolleyes: I have some baking to do, a bit of cleaning (MIL will be here tomorrow). I still find it sad that my middle child (DS) will not be here forthis Christmas, but I know he's having a good time.


GTG and pick up my youngest from the movies ... will write later. Jan

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Hope you ALL had a Good Christmas

Eve and Day.

Stayed warm and dry. Didn't get

to much snow, rain or wind.

Got everything you wanted from

Santa and enjoyed your time with

your family/friends.

Now on to New Years Eve and Day 2009!

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Good morning! :D


I hope all of you had a great holiday. Mine was pretty good. It is always so interesting when getting together with John's family, but this year was pretty good. I got some Wii games (Dancing with the Stars and My Fitness Coach), which I am totally excited about. I also got a fitness watch that tracks everything. Now, I'll just have to put them all to good use and lose these extra 18 lbs I've gained since May. It is a sad shame! :o


Belle ~ How is your Mom doing? Did she handle the anniversary day OK? How about you? Are you feeling any better?


Donna ~ How was the trip? You can keep your snow. If we got that much down here, we'd all be starving and frozen with no electricity. LOL


Jan ~ How was your Christmas?


I guess Carolyn is still in Hawaii. Must be so nice!


My DMIL works at a bakery. She brought us two huge boxes of cookies and croissants. This is on top of all of the baking I did. Well, yesterday was clean out day. The stuff I baked that was left over, went into the trash. I took the bakery items to my brother's business. I was going to bring them here to my workplace, but knew I'd get into them eventually. I have ZERO willpower. Today, I ate oatmeal for breakfast and will eat a banana, turkey sandwich and some yogurt. For dinner, we're having salad with turkey on top. I bought some Newman's Own Light Honey Mustard dressing and it is so good!


Have a great day!



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Sheila - I had a wonderful Christmas, even if my middle child wasn't home. Funny how you raise them to be independent and then feel sad when they are.


I'm going to plan on a family get together in 2010 (a cruise I hope ... depending on finances).


I have been trying to be good with eating ... I've slipped up here and there. I did say "no" to the chocolate covered macadamia's. They are my favorite. I did eat a bowl of reduced fat potato chips. (Cape Cod Kettle chips) they have lots of crunch. I'm drinking my water, but only exercising once a week.


I have an appointment with my GYN on the 12th ... I'm hoping he will have some ideas on kick starting this weight loss (he used to have a weight loss clinic). My lower back is much better, so there are good signs of improvement every day.


I ordered a dress from Coldwater Creek (formal) ... so that will be my motivation to get back to where I want to be.


If I don't "talk" before Thursday ... Have a wonderful, safe, happy, New Year. Jan

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Quick HI! Had to stop out to wish all of you a Healthy and Happy New Year~


On a tear today and have managed to get everything half done. Half works with some things but I really need to finish other's up before I go to bed. Actually, will drag my reports in the the bedroom which is the clean room at this point and sort the paperwork so I'm ready to work on "work" work in the morning. Have about 16 hours of "work" to get done over the weekend so need to get focused and get started.


Hope all of you are having a great time with friends and family along with an opportunity to just relax and enjoy!


Have a great holiday weekend!

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Happy New Year, Lovely Ladies! :D


We went to a NYE party and had a good time. I ate too much as usual. My tummy is now rebelling (thank goodness), which is forcing me to eat healthy. I also tried to get off of some of my tummy medication because I have been symptom free. No go....that combined with the junk food is no good. When will I ever learn? I'm pretty sure that chocolate is one of the culprits and I'm heartbroken. I have always had a great love affair with chocolate.


I ended up pulling a calf muscle using the My Fitness Coach. It is a little better today. The only time it hurts is when I walk and touch it. I couldn't hardly walk yesterday, but today I can. I made a stupid mistake of working out without my sneakers. :rolleyes:


Donna ~ You must be really busy with accounting work since it is year end...or are y'all on a fiscal year? Good luck with all of the paper work. I hope you have a great new year!


Where is everyone else?


Belle ~ How are you feeling? I hope better.


Jan ~ Are you doing OK?


Carolyn must still be in Hawaii.


Take care, girls!



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Hello my friends .... Happy New Year to all.


I am doing ok, trying to be healthy. Had to work new years eve until 10pm ... gotta love computers .... it was year end and I had to stay after processing was finished to print out reports.


(I'm also an accountant - so the next few months will be crazy) I also have a volunteer income tax site at work, last year I did around 250 returns --- all for free. I met some of the nicest people. Everyone has a story to tell, and I love to listen. Someday I will write a book (I have all of 1/2 page done ... long way to go).



Have a nice weekend all ... I'm still doing my spring cleaning (from spring '08) :rolleyes: Going to the gym today (I actually went on Thursday --- I'm very proud of myself). Jan

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I'm fine, just been busy..Can't

tell you what I've been doing thro! LOL

The days just slip by. My mother is alright,

as alright as she can be. Didn't mention

my father once on Anniversary or Christmas.


Sounds like you've all been busy too. You

all had nice NYE's, maybe except Jan.


Remember that Bingo Money I won on the

Summit think I'm going to book a Hawaii

Cruise with it. Two weeks out of LA. for

March, great prices. Not Celebrity but

Princess, never been on Princess.


Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Haven't been doing ..to good..with getting

back to eating right. Eating out with "kids"

tomorrow, then hoping Monday is D-Day!

Has to be. I've bought the right food to eat.

Just have to START!


Congrats to Sheila and Jan for exercising!

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Hello girlfriends! :D


My WOE and exercise began in earnest yesterday. Boy, my workout was a killer! I only feel a little sore now and hope I don't get even more sore later. Last night, I couldn't hardly turn over in bed because my back was hurting so bad. I'm calling my primary care doctor and ask him to refer me to a new neurologist. The one I'm using now is useless. I have to keep exercising though so I'll have to deal with the pain. Hey, it could be a lot worse. I should be grateful. ;)


Belle ~ Glad to hear your DM is doing OK. I guess you won a ton of Bingo money! WOW! Did you win enough to fly all of us over to the west coast and go on the cruise with you?


Jan ~ You and Donna both will be so busy now at work. I've been busy also, but hopefully won't have to work any overtime. Glad you're doing well.


I'm going to the gym tonight to lift weights for my upper body and then home for cardio, which is my Wii game "My Fitness Coach" and the Wii Fit. That coach kicks my bum!




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Hi - I'm so proud of myself .... I met with the trainer on Saturday, went to the gym on Sunday & Monday .... I've ate wonderfully well this week. I'm hoping to see 1# (at least) gone Thursday.


Only problem is DS & I are going out to dinner Wednesday night at a place I haven't tried before ... Its a Greek restaurant, and I'm going to try to eat healthy.


Have a wonderful evening all. Jan

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Good morning, Ladies!


Jan ~ GREAT job! :D I'm pretty sure I'll show a loss tomorrow also. I hope some of it is fat and not all water.


How is everyone else?


My back is better today since I didn't do anything yesterday to make it worse. I focused on upper body toning and cardio. Today, I will try to do some lower body toning and will definitely do cardio.




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Hope you have a good weigh-in day.

Think I might be the same. Ate to

many dinners out this week. Have to

get stricter on what I choose.


Jan and Sheila your doing so well in

your exercising. Wish I had your drive.


Sheila you be carefull with your back,

go easy like husband said. Sometimes

their right. Did I say that? LOL


Sorry didn't win that much money, we

only have an inside, wanted a window..

all sold out and balconys were to much money.

I'm just happy that I can go on an other cruise

this fast. Glad we can now, never know how

my mother will be from month to month this year.

I did our hotel and air flights tonight.

Decided to fly instead of driving.

Quess you all could stow away and we will

bring you food to your "lifeboat cabins".


Jan you be carefull too in all your exercising.

Your doing so good..I have to get my act together

soon in exercising.

Will be "relaxing" for you after trying to do all

those income taxes? Well maybe it will be! LOL


Donna did you get all your work done? Hope so.

How are you doing otherwise? How's Joe doing?

Write us.


Carolyn are you still in Hawaii? Or home resting?

Think you should be home. Write us too.


Baby..Where are you..Come in and say HELLO!

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Hello ladies!


I hope you all are doing well. I had a good day yesterday. My back is a little better, but my sciatic nerve is still bothering me. I hope it goes away soon. I need to make a doctor's appt, but am putting it off.


I only lost 2 lbs this week and I should be grateful. However, I wanted to lose more. It is safer and more effective to not lose more than 2 lbs a week, so I'll hush. LOL


Belle ~ I'd get a cabin in the lower depths of the ship if I could just get on the ship. Enjoy your cruise!




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No one talking this weekend.

I thought I was but I put it on

last week's weigh-in post! LOL


How's everyone doing?

Sheila glad your back is better.

Your like me, I'll take any room

to go on a cruise. Aren't you

going on a cruise in May? What

ship? Where?


Jan how are you doing with your

exercise? Watch your back. Know

this is your busy time with taxes.


Donna and Carolyn hiw are you two?

Come in and say hello. Miss you.


I'm doing alright. Doing more paper work

for my mother. Every day seems like

something comes up. She's doing alright,

kinda of. Today wasn't a good day. Don't

know what got her in a mood today.


Hate to say went out to eat tonight,

ate small portions but ate the wrong foods.

Ate a salad first thro. LOL

Stress is a B****!

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Hello Ladies!


I'm really busy doing accounting since it is year-end. I tried to post before my boss got in, but didn't make it. Anyway....


Belle ~ My back is no longer better. It is actually worse since I've started back exercising like I've always done. I've got to make a decision about what to do about it. Some days, I can't even bend over. I have a hard time getting out of bed and I have to sit up to turn over in bed. I just hope that it gets use to the workouts and adjusts. Thanks for asking. We're going on a cruise on May 24th on the Freedom of the Seas to Western Caribbean. I am so excited as our friends from Scotland will be joining us. We'll also be cruising with a few CC'ers that we've met in the past.


I'm sorry you're under so much stress. It happens quite a lot lately. I hope your DM is better soon...or has better days ahead. Hang in there, sweetie!


Well, I better go. I'll try to check in again later.




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Sheila .... wow can I ever relate to your back. I hope that something "works" to make it better. It isn't fun!


I've decided that this weekend I will go out and break down and get a wii-fit. Maybe it will help.


Its been so crazy at work, I'm tired just thinking about having to go back in tomorrow! Jan

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Hey girls! Things are going well with WOE & exercise. I did skip exercising last night due to my back, but will make up for it this weekend.


I hope all of you are doing great!


Jan ~ You have back problems also? I'm so sorry. If you can't find the Wii Fit, the the Wii game "My Fitness Coach." It is awesome and just like having a personal trainer right there in your living room...or wherever you work out. LOL


Take care,


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So quiet over the weekends.

Where do we all go?


Sheila please watch it about

your back. Don't want it that

you can't move at all.


Jan you too. Be careful.


I want a Wii too!


Donna and Carolyn where are you?

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