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Sneaking a smoke...possible or not??


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this really gets so tiring....if you don't like a rule..whatever it is...smoking or not smoking...drinking... not drinking, whatever... move on to a different vacation. And hopefully a different thread.


Smokers will never change non smokers minds, and non smokers will never change a smokers mind...so keep the darn health issues...smelling smoke..ruining vacations , smoking where we shouldn't out of these boards...if you don't like the rule....whatever side you are on ...find a different vacation!!!!


I really don't care what the rules are on a ship....if I don't agree with them, I will find another ship or type of vacation that fits my lifestyle...I'm not going to try to break rules, but don't expect people to judge me if I am doing something they may not like, but I am acting within the guidelines....


I hate to get involved with these threads, but after reading the posts of some better than thou people, I have to add my two cents...flame on.

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First let me say I think smoking is a personal choice and as long as you have the information about the health risks I respect your ability as an adult to make the choice. I think areas should be provided for those who smoke to do so....however...


My Dad was a smoker for many years and after he quit he often commented on how he just hadn't realized how much it smelled. Non smokers can smell a smoker coming a mile away as the smell is on clothes and in hair. Kids at school always know when another kids parents smoke because the child smells like smoke. Items that come from smokers homes are unmistakably smelly for us non smokers. I'm sorry but sneaking a smoke is not going to fool anyone who doesn't smoke themselves. Asthma is often irritated by smoke so for the person who commented no one is going to die from second hand smoke...you're wrong, people can, and they should be able to avoid that smoke by having it only in the designated areas.

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Let me further clarify my post - posters without asthma talk about SHS giving them cancer, when in reality they are way more likely to die from lung cancer or other illnesses from industrial and vehicle pollution - or a car crash. And certainly not from a few whiffs of it on a cruise ship a couple days a year.


Asthma is a serious illness - asthma attacks can kill. They can be triggered by a whole host of things and I do think asthmatics have to be more careful than the average person. But it's also true that fragrances can trigger attacks in 72% of people who have asthma. Detergents, perfumes, soap, air fresheners. Not to mention that the EPA has determined that perfume contains something like 31 toxic compounds, including carcinogens. Where's the ban on those items?


Panic over the mouse, but ignore the lion about to attack - because it's not politically correct. Why is that? Because it would put a majority of people in the 'hot seat' they are so willing to put others in but want no parts of themselves.




Asthma is often irritated by smoke so for the person who commented no one is going to die from second hand smoke...you're wrong, people can, and they should be able to avoid that smoke by having it only in the designated areas.
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To all of you who took the time to give me insight on the "rules" on Celebrity cruises,,,,I thank you.

I would have appreciated some of the "obvious anti-smoking, bad for health, etc." comments to have been fewer, but so be it.


I am very sorry that you got trapped into buying a cruise line that is wrong for your needs. But your post begs for some clarification.


You say you would have appreciated fewer anti-smoking comments. But I didn't actually see much of that at all in this thread. What I saw were non-smokers imploring you to not break the rule and inflict something unpleasant on your fellow cruisers who have a right to expect NOT to have to face that on a Celebrity cruise. I hope you understand that those of us who dislike cigarette smoke, for whatever reason (health concerns, asthma, allergy, or as in my case, simple intense dislike of the odor), get concerned when someone suggests they are going to break a rule and foist it on us. And that is what you were asking in your original post - you were saying you wanted to do it, and wanted to know if you'd get "busted". We don't want to be the person stuck next to you, or in your cabin the week after you. What we'd REALLY prefer is to talk you out of it. I for one wasn't being "anti-smoking" - I am simply asking you not to break the rule.

I do understand the concerns,,,but some people truly are "anal" about such things.


I saw nothing in this thread was remotely "anal". What I saw are people like me who don't want to be forced to smell something we consider strongly unpleasant - that we paid NOT to have to smell in our cabins or on our balconies. I feel bad for any neighbors who might find themselves stuck next to someone who has no qualms about breaking this rule, in spite of how negatively it might affect others. But I get the idea you heard this message loud and clear, and won't do it. And for that I thank you.


From what I read, 'Most" of you understood the predicament I find myself in without getting nasty about it! For that I thank you.

I planned this trip as a gift to husband for Xmas. He too will be disappointed with all the "rules". I just hope that we can get thru it and at least experience some of the fun of cruising. Heads up next time!!


I do understand your predicament, and again, I'm very sorry this happened to you. But I'm confident that the minor inconvenience of having to leave your cabin to smoke will not destroy the entire experience for you. You're going to have a great time!


I sure hope that there are people who are not so "anal" about other issues than smoking. Man!! cruising is all about relaxing and holidays isn;t it??
Yes, it is...and that's one of the reasons I was imploring you not to break the rules - so that your neighbors will be able to relax and enjoy their own vacation. Trust me that most of us who dislike smoke are not anal - we just don't like tobacco smoke, and we chose Celebrity so we don't have to breathe it. And clearly this is not an unusual opinion. Why do you think smoking has been eliminated from so many public venues? Because to non-smokers, it smells REALLY REALLY BAD!


I do have a suggestion for you. I know it seems like a pain to have to leave your cabin to go for a smoke in your pj's, but what you might want to do is bring some loose t-shirts and a comfy pair of sweats, and use those for pajamas. No one will give you a second glance if you leave your cabin for a stroll to a smoking section wearing something like that. :)

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Panic over the mouse, but ignore the lion about to attack - because it's not politically correct. Why is that? Because it would put a majority of people in the 'hot seat' they are so willing to put others in but want no parts of themselves.


Allie, I understand your points, I really do. And I don't disagree with you. I'm no scientist or epidemiologist or whatever - I don't have the data or statistics to get into a discussion about the actual health risks of SHS. And the truth is, for me, that's not even the issue.


For me, I will come right out and say it's less about the health issues, and way more about the fact that cigarette smoke smells like cr*p and makes me want to barf. I chose Celebrity for my next cruise so I won't have to smell that awful smell in my cabin or balcony. And I would consider anyone breaking that rule, thereby subjecting me to something I find completely putrid, to be terribly inconsiderate.

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I thought this thread began well for a smoking thread. Good points from both pro and anti. Now degenerating into the same ole:(


I have said if a ship is smoke free it should be just that. However, I would hate to see somone thrown off the ship and lose their cruise just because I had a whiff of smoke on the balcony. If people are so intolerant, they are probably intolerant in other matters too!

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I thought this thread began well for a smoking thread. Good points from both pro and anti. Now degenerating into the same ole:(


I have said if a ship is smoke free it should be just that. However, I would hate to see somone thrown off the ship and lose their cruise just because I had a whiff of smoke on the balcony. If people are so intolerant, they are probably intolerant in other matters too!



Intolerant? Excuse me, I have a grandaughter who is deathly allergic to smoke. One whiff would send her to an emergency room. We have to be very careful, where we take her. If we took her on a cruise it would have to be on a ship that was nonsmoking, so yes if she was innocently standing out on the balcony and suddenly caught a whiff of some smoker's cigarette we would definitely be intolerant. We would be screaming for that smoker to not only be paying her medical bills, but also to be thrown off the ship. If she had to be evacuated, that smoker would have some very high medical bills to pay. He would be getting sued. For some people with asthma, smoke can ruin a vacation and for others it can cost them their lives. At the very least, it can cause terror for a small child that suddenly can't breathe.

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Well as a smoker and a respectable one at that I say just suck it up and go to the smoking area to have a cigarette. Now if you just happen to want one that moment before bed just go in whatever you are wearing or not wearing at the time because it is your cruise to and you should be comfortable and happy like everyone else. So sorry just a small attempt at humor. If it is a non smoking area than don't smoke that is the bottom line. Abiding by the rules won't kill anyone. Of course we should all abide by the all rules not just the ones we want to. If it is a non smoking area ....Don't smoke....If it is a smoking area ...Don't complain about the smoke.....If the booze you are carrying onboard doesn't meet the cruiseline criteria.....Don't smuggle.....One last thing ladies and gentlemen PLEASE be considerate of other people when putting on the cologne. I understand that there is NO RULE but there are a lot of people that have problems breathing because of it.My DW is one. I understand that there is no laws against cologne so people don't care about it but it is a major problem for a lot of people so just remember that a little dab will do ya.

PLEASE don't smoke where you are not allowed to so that the rest of us smokers can continue to enjoy our smoke in reletive peace. Have a great cruise:D

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Morning LeeAnne :)


For me, just as a FYI, perfume of all kinds, no matter how expensive, smells like cr*p and makes me choke, sneeze, eyes water, and want to barf. But hey - it's politically acceptable to get on an elevator and trap others with that :)


If you look back at any of my posts in this thread - I never advocated him breaking the rule on Celebrity- ever. For obvious reasons, and because it gives the rabid anti-smokers more ammo - which I clearly stated. He just picked the wrong cruiseline this time.


Allie, I understand your points, I really do. And I don't disagree with you. I'm no scientist or epidemiologist or whatever - I don't have the data or statistics to get into a discussion about the actual health risks of SHS. And the truth is, for me, that's not even the issue.


For me, I will come right out and say it's less about the health issues, and way more about the fact that cigarette smoke smells like cr*p and makes me want to barf. I chose Celebrity for my next cruise so I won't have to smell that awful smell in my cabin or balcony. And I would consider anyone breaking that rule, thereby subjecting me to something I find completely putrid, to be terribly inconsiderate.

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Considerate smokers generally don't get "lectures on not smoking" because they are considerate, and don't inflict the smell of their cigarettes on others


Oh LeeAnne - you can tell you aren't a smoker :) We get lectures all the time - everywhere - even in clearly posted smoking permitted areas. Even in this thread a poster said "oh, here's an idea, why don't you quit" - as if this person needed personal habit advice from someone on the internet. People who walk right through a smoking area on the ship and cough and wave their hand and make a big production of it. Or go into bars where it's permitted on the ship and then complain about the smoke. Or the casino.


There's a long thread on it on the RCCL board. Most smokers pick a line with restrictions they can live with - like RCCL - but the non-smokers won't pick a line with restrictions they can live with like Celebrity of Amazara, they'd rather whine and complain about it on a line that doesn't meet their needs. And the really ironic thing is - usually when you look at their cruise history/future cruise list - they'll keep booking on lines with same or even less restrictive smoking policies for the price or itinerary. Tough to take their 'health issues' seriously when they are willing to put them aside for a few bucks. They just like to complain. You're the exception, not the rule.

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Morning LeeAnne :)


For me, just as a FYI, perfume of all kinds, no matter how expensive, smells like cr*p and makes me choke, sneeze, eyes water, and want to barf. But hey - it's politically acceptable to get on an elevator and trap others with that :)


If you look back at any of my posts in this thread - I never advocated him breaking the rule on Celebrity- ever. For obvious reasons, and because it gives the rabid anti-smokers more ammo - which I clearly stated. He just picked the wrong cruiseline this time.


I can't deal with strong perfume either. It brings on migraines. so I wholeheartly agree with the perfume -especially as some people put on WAY too much.


So Celebrity is no longer allowing smoking on the balcony? I am surprised. I know Disney has that rule. Although my daughter has a severe allery to smoke-whether it is cigerettes or burning leaves-she has never had a problem on our blacony. She simply goes back in-and go out again after 10 minutes or so. We have never had a neighbor who chain smoked on the balcony, that woudl be a problem, and we also believe that everyone has rights, not just non smokers, it is simply a matter of being considerate of your neighbor. We had considerate neighbors. Besides when the ship is moving, you barely smell it-only when the ship is in port am I even aware if a neighbor is smoking.


One thing I have wondered-is why not have smoking and non smokings sides of the ship-you know starboard and port could be desinated for one or the other. Hotels have smoking rooms-why not cruiseships?


Only once have I experienced a problem with smoke on a cruiseship. This was a Carnival ship, (Inspiration) and for some reason that I could never comprehend, someone would go to the lido bathroom to smoke-why? when 20 feet away it was allowed? I supppose the person did not understand Carnival rules but surely they could see others smoking and know it was okay? Cigerette smoke only bothers me in very small closed in areas like a bathroom or a automobile.


This is my suggestion to the OP-instead of "sneaking"-why not switch to a stateroom on the lido deck. Then you need only step out your door and go out a short ways on deck to smoke.

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I would think if someone is so allergic to smoke that they would need medical attention from a whiff of smoke on a balcony, then they would not be able to go ashore. Have you noticed the amount of smokers on the cruise stops, nearly everyone. Some even smoke in shops!

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So Celebrity is no longer allowing smoking on the balcony? I am surprised. I know Disney has that rule.


One thing I have wondered-is why not have smoking and non smokings sides of the ship-you know starboard and port could be desinated for one or the other. Hotels have smoking rooms-why not cruiseships?



Disney actually does allow smoking on the balcony at this point. Their staterooms are smoke-free.


I absolutely agree about making staterooms on one side of the ship smoke-free. This would be a great way for cruise lines to test preferences and determine if guests would be willing to pay more for a smoke-free stateroom and balcony (I would).

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Nope, Celebrity changed their policy this year - they lost some pax, they gained some pax, only they know which side the scale tipped to.


As for smoking/non-smoking sides of the ship...it's been debated ad nauseum on the RCCL board for example. The bottom line is that the non-smokers reject the idea because then they might not be able to get a balcony cabin on that side and have to be on the smoking side - they'd still take it - but they would complain. Bottom line is - they choose the line, they know the rules, but they still make that choice. I don't see how they can justify complaining.


After many many threads on this topic - there are people that swear they can smell a cigarette in the car beside them or 3 cars ahead of them in 65mph traffic, there are people who swear they can smell smoke filtering up from the inside of the ship from 5 decks below. So a whiff of smoke on a balcony, outdoors, on a moving ship, is enough to send them into a total fit.


As for why that person was smoking in the bathroom - quite possibly - it's because smokers usually smoke in the bathroom :) I've known quite a few non-smokers who when they were experiencing - uh - 'difficulties' - smoking a cigarette cured it.


Agreed - OP shouldn't sneak it - and move cabin if possible - when I stay in hotels that don't have smoking rooms available, I get a room closest to the elevator or any outdoor area when I can.



I can't deal with strong perfume either. It brings on migraines. so I wholeheartly agree with the perfume -especially as some people put on WAY too much.


So Celebrity is no longer allowing smoking on the balcony? I am surprised. I know Disney has that rule. Although my daughter has a severe allery to smoke-whether it is cigerettes or burning leaves-she has never had a problem on our blacony. She simply goes back in-and go out again after 10 minutes or so. We have never had a neighbor who chain smoked on the balcony, that woudl be a problem, and we also believe that everyone has rights, not just non smokers, it is simply a matter of being considerate of your neighbor. We had considerate neighbors. Besides when the ship is moving, you barely smell it-only when the ship is in port am I even aware if a neighbor is smoking.


One thing I have wondered-is why not have smoking and non smokings sides of the ship-you know starboard and port could be desinated for one or the other. Hotels have smoking rooms-why not cruiseships?


Only once have I experienced a problem with smoke on a cruiseship. This was a Carnival ship, (Inspiration) and for some reason that I could never comprehend, someone would go to the lido bathroom to smoke-why? when 20 feet away it was allowed? I supppose the person did not understand Carnival rules but surely they could see others smoking and know it was okay? Cigerette smoke only bothers me in very small closed in areas like a bathroom or a automobile.


This is my suggestion to the OP-instead of "sneaking"-why not switch to a stateroom on the lido deck. Then you need only step out your door and go out a short ways on deck to smoke.

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I would think if someone is so allergic to smoke that they would need medical attention from a whiff of smoke on a balcony, then they would not be able to go ashore. Have you noticed the amount of smokers on the cruise stops, nearly everyone. Some even smoke in shops!


Yes, well, you Spanish always have been a funny lot:D the only country in the EU who banned smoking in public places, then allowed it again:D:D As the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right, if smokong on board ships is against rule, it is against rule. I recently went on a short cruise and the cabins previous occupants smoked and the cabin really did smell. They had to basically fumigate the room and I was told not to return for a few hours. On returning, the smell was still there but not too bad, but, I used to smoke so accepted it, my wife, however, has never smoked and complained again. Back to the OP, I personally would not think it worth the risk, you are usually ashore most of the day or maybe in a smoking area on the ship, take advantage then.


On the QM2, they allow smoking in a section of the Red Lion, but because of what I can only describe as excellent ventillation, there is no smell anywhere else in the pub, but it niffs a bit outside.

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This is a perfect example of how certain selfish, inconsiderate smokers can give ALL smokers a bad rep. This is definitely one of the more selfish, inconsiderate posts I've seen on this topic.


First, let me say that, like Fannish posted above, I have absolutely no problem with considerate smokers. I recognize that there are places they are allowed to smoke, and if I don't want to be exposed to it, I will avoid them...and if I go in them anyway, I will not complain about their smoke.


But we non-smokers have a right to not have to smell it in areas that are explicity non-smoking. And on Celebrity, that includes the cabins and the balconies.


I also recognize that second-hand smoke is probably not going to kill me. But the bottom line is that I truly detest the smell of tobacco - ESPECIALLY if it's anywhere near where I'm eating. The smell of cigarette smoke can completely destroy my enjoyment of a meal. If I'm eating in an area that allows smoking - oh well, that's my cross to bear, and I will not expect anyone to deny themselves a cig on my account (but I will probalby try to find some place where I can't smell it). But if it's a non-smoking restaurant, you can be damn sure I will insist that the offending smoker put out his butt. Why should MY meal be destroyed by someone who is blatantly breaking a rule?


Interesting that you ask how "stupid" people think smokers are. Well I can tell you this: it's pretty "stupid" to assume that we can't smell your smoke wherever you've smoked, for a very long time afterwards...particularly if it's in an enclosed area like a cabin or bathroom. Do you REALLY think that the fan in the bathroom is going to eliminate the smell? Or that perfume is going to hide it??? Please. :rolleyes:


As for smoking the balcony - as others said above, I too would report it in a heartbeat. I eat the majority of my breakfasts from room service, on my balcony when weather permits. Celebrity's new smoking rules assure me that I will be able to enjoy my breakfast and coffee without my neighbor's smoke wafting up my nose. That's one of the reason I chose Celebrity. Nor do I want to be in a cabin in which someone was "sneaking" smokes in the bathroom for the entire week before me. The smell of stale cigarette smoke in a small room like a bathroom is something that I find truly disgusting. This is why I always ask for non-smoking rooms in hotels. Celebrity has a policy that assures me I will not have to smell it in my cabin. But your breaking the rule means that someone will. Very considerate.


As for what might happen - I don't care how much "perfume" you spray in your room or bathroom - trust me that your cabin attendant will know instantly that you broke the rule. And you may very well find yourself with a $250 "cleaning fee" applied to your on-board account, as specified in Celebrity's smoking policy.




I was disappointed to hear you say this, because it sounded as if you were at least making an attempt to be a considerate smoker...whereas this poster openly states he/she thinks its perfectly fine to smoke where it is not allowed, and where it would directly impact others. *I* for one am NOT glad that there are still smokers like that around.




Your intentions indicate that you are NOT a considerate smoker, as you are saying that you fully intend to break a rule that causes unpleasantness to your fellow passengers. If I am eating my breakfast next to your balcony, or trying to enjoy my nightcap, I do not want to smell your smoke - and Celebrity's rules say that I don't have to. So I would report you...and you would probably have to pay that $250 cleaning fee.




Considerate smokers generally don't get "lectures on not smoking" because they are considerate, and don't inflict the smell of their cigarettes on others - ESPECIALLY where the rules specifically state they are not allowed to. So, just don't do it, and you won't get any lectures.


As I'm sure your balcony neighbors are too - and they are more than likely hoping they are not stuck next to someone who will selfishly break the smoking rules and foist their smoke on them. Want to have good neighbors? Start by BEING one.


My smuggled booze has no impact on you. I don't make you drink it. I don't make you smell it. I don't even make you see it. I drink it in the privacy of my cabin, impacting no one but myself. See the difference now?


And finally...sorry, but I couldn't resist...



On cruise ships??? :rolleyes: :p


You make it sound like I am a smoker I am not, so I too can smell the smoke. As other poster have said "Booze smugglers" are breaking the rules but no one cares. Let's ban perfume wearers as there is people out there that can't stand the smell. I allow smokers to smoke in my house then use febreeze and the smell is gone. The OP want a smoke outside, give them a break:cool:

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It is unfortunate that common courtesy is so uncommon. Smokers should be aware that non-smokers have rights which include not having to smell someone else's smoke; just as non-smokers should not try to impose their views upon smokers: if they want to smoke, and can do so without imposing on others or causing risk of fire, be gracious and let them.


As a former smoker (for 25 years - encouraged by the US Navy with $1 per carton sea stores cigarettes - and four free cigarettes included with each C-ration meal) I found it pretty hard to quit. It might have been easier for me had today's anti-smoking attitudes and outrageous prices been in effect in the early 1980's -- it was the realization that I did not want to set a terrible example for my then-young children that made the difference. Today's smokers, who must realize that they are burning a lot of disposable income while damaging their health, may some day appreciate the anti-smoking crusaders for helping them find the will power to stop.

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It is unfortunate that common courtesy is so uncommon. Smokers should be aware that non-smokers have rights which include not having to smell someone else's smoke; just as non-smokers should not try to impose their views upon smokers: if they want to smoke, and can do so without imposing on others or causing risk of fire, be gracious and let them.


Agree - and very nice balance and polite.


Today's smokers, who must realize that they are burning a lot of disposable income while damaging their health, may some day appreciate the anti-smoking crusaders for helping them find the will power to stop.


This is where folks go off the track. I'm sure you mean well - but do you have any idea how patronizing and condescending that is to adults? If I spend my disposable income on cigarettes or orphans or rides into outter space - it's not anyone's place to judge it. What if I decide that dessert you had is not healthy and you shouldn't be eating it and banned it? Oops - NY state did just that already! Anti-smoking crusaders don't 'help smokers find the willpower to stop' - it just irritates us.

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This is where folks go off the track. I'm sure you mean well - but do you have any idea how patronizing and condescending that is to adults? If I spend my disposable income on cigarettes or orphans or rides into outter space - it's not anyone's place to judge it. What if I decide that dessert you had is not healthy and you shouldn't be eating it and banned it? Oops - NY state did just that already! Anti-smoking crusaders don't 'help smokers find the willpower to stop' - it just irritates us.



Totally agree. How would over weight people like it if I (at 100lbs) saddle up to them in the buffet line and start preaching how over weight they are and that they should not be eating all the fryed food because it will harden the arteries etc. Or saddle up to a person drinking and explain to them how that drink is destroying their liver. Yep I can see that going over really well. If I was that fluffy person I would grab another deep-fryed onion rings and as a drinker I would have another drink and salute you. People do not realize that - that is what smoker do (have another cig).


I don't know what the taxes are in the US, but it is the smokers that help keep our government out to debt. Must be true because when price of smokes go up, smuggling goes up and the government then really cracks down. They don't want to miss out on the taxes.:rolleyes:

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I absolutely agree about making staterooms on one side of the ship smoke-free. This would be a great way for cruise lines to test preferences and determine if guests would be willing to pay more for a smoke-free stateroom and balcony (I would).


Well said. So would I because I value clean air. Cruise lines are you listening?

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I can't deal with strong perfume either. It brings on migraines. so I wholeheartly agree with the perfume -especially as some people put on WAY too much.


So Celebrity is no longer allowing smoking on the balcony? I am surprised. I know Disney has that rule. Although my daughter has a severe allery to smoke-whether it is cigerettes or burning leaves-she has never had a problem on our blacony. She simply goes back in-and go out again after 10 minutes or so. We have never had a neighbor who chain smoked on the balcony, that woudl be a problem, and we also believe that everyone has rights, not just non smokers, it is simply a matter of being considerate of your neighbor. We had considerate neighbors. Besides when the ship is moving, you barely smell it-only when the ship is in port am I even aware if a neighbor is smoking.


One thing I have wondered-is why not have smoking and non smokings sides of the ship-you know starboard and port could be desinated for one or the other. Hotels have smoking rooms-why not cruiseships?


Only once have I experienced a problem with smoke on a cruiseship. This was a Carnival ship, (Inspiration) and for some reason that I could never comprehend, someone would go to the lido bathroom to smoke-why? when 20 feet away it was allowed? I supppose the person did not understand Carnival rules but surely they could see others smoking and know it was okay? Cigerette smoke only bothers me in very small closed in areas like a bathroom or a automobile.


This is my suggestion to the OP-instead of "sneaking"-why not switch to a stateroom on the lido deck. Then you need only step out your door and go out a short ways on deck to smoke.


Thank You , Thank You Momofmeg.....finally,,,,,reasonable.......honestly,,,I hear you all,,,,it has gone from a whiff of smoke in open air nearly causing death,,,,to perfume.....to drinks being smuggled,,,,,etc.etc. Momofmeg gave me the info I was looking for or should I say a tip....I am going to check the Lido deck staterooms to see if there is still space...as being closer for the morning or night time smoke,,,where it is allowed,,,,where no one is going to start yelling at me,,,,,,,,and waving their arms around,,,,,that would be great....I will call my agent right now!!

As I said,,,it was a mistake of the smoking laws changing on Celebrity and already having my short trial cruise booked....I just really want to have a good time,,,that;s it.

To the grandparent concerned about their grandchild,,,I hear you, our daughter was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes....it has been hell around here for the last year,,,,,hubby and I just wanted a relaxing break,,,smoke and drink when and where we want,,,spend quality time together,,,etc.etc.Bottom line the booking with X was a mistake,as we found out. As I said before....live and learn.

When a loved one is inflicted with any type of illness,,,obviously you are more aware of hazards,,,,but everyone please be reasonable.


It is sad,,,but pretty soon,,not only will smoking be regulated,,,but we will be told what food we are allowed to eat,,,,whether or not we can wear perfume,,,,the list goes on. Hey,,,they are trying to impose a law in Canada that says you "have" to purchase snow tires or you will not be allowed to drive on the roads!!" Get the drift.


All I can say is I hope this thread ends so all the little back and forth stuff stops....i do not like to see feelings hurt, etc.

I will be a good girl....honest,,,,,trust me,,,I am scared of some of you.

But Momofmeg,,,you are the winner,,,your suggestions and comments were very helpful and "reasonable"..


Actually,,I am looking forward to the trip,,,even with concessions having to be made. Again,,,thanks to everyone. I do find the topics/info on these boards to be very informative to say the least.


Happy Sailing to you all;)

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Nope, Celebrity changed their policy this year - they lost some pax, they gained some pax, only they know which side the scale tipped to.


As for smoking/non-smoking sides of the ship...it's been debated ad nauseum on the RCCL board for example. The bottom line is that the non-smokers reject the idea because then they might not be able to get a balcony cabin on that side and have to be on the smoking side - they'd still take it - but they would complain. Bottom line is - they choose the line, they know the rules, but they still make that choice. I don't see how they can justify complaining.


After many many threads on this topic - there are people that swear they can smell a cigarette in the car beside them or 3 cars ahead of them in 65mph traffic, there are people who swear they can smell smoke filtering up from the inside of the ship from 5 decks below. So a whiff of smoke on a balcony, outdoors, on a moving ship, is enough to send them into a total fit.


As for why that person was smoking in the bathroom - quite possibly - it's because smokers usually smoke in the bathroom :) I've known quite a few non-smokers who when they were experiencing - uh - 'difficulties' - smoking a cigarette cured it.


Agreed - OP shouldn't sneak it - and move cabin if possible - when I stay in hotels that don't have smoking rooms available, I get a room closest to the elevator or any outdoor area when I can.


Carnival got rid of the Paradise being smoke free because they learned lots of religious groups who also were nonsmokers liked booking that ship in group sails-these groups also did not drink or gamble. That ship was losing money big time. Although the fares rarely got discounted for that ship-they were not making enough money onboard.


I certainly thought Disney said no smoking on balconies-but then we don't smoke-and that was 4 years ago when we cruised the Wonder-my memory is often faulty.

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