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Tipping While Unemployed

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I've been unemployed since the end of September, with no employment prospects in sight. Money is diminishing from my savings, and only $405 per week being added through unemployment insurance.]


Although I dont know your full situation, I would think a creative person would be able to figure out a way to make some pocket money before the cruise. You shouldn't skimp on tips for these poor people. Don't be afraid to take a job for a few weeks that might be considered below you.

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On X there is the optional casual dining area which many people take advantage of who have no desire to dine in the main dining room. There are tips applied there but lower than in the main dining room as there is only a waiter and not the full formal staff. I feel that if you are utilizing the casual dining and paying tips, then you are not obligated to the nights you missed in the main dining room.


But as you see you are still leaving a tip. You don't tip the same for a 4 star dinner as you do the local Diner. But you still leave a tip. The buffet servers work just as hard or harder, they deserve a tip also.


I feel every one should work in the food business at least once. Then they would understand.

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On X there is the optional casual dining area which many people take advantage of who have no desire to dine in the main dining room. There are tips applied there but lower than in the main dining room as there is only a waiter and not the full formal staff. I feel that if you are utilizing the casual dining and paying tips, then you are not obligated to the nights you missed in the main dining room.


There is no mention of lesser amount of tipping for for the casual dining area on X.

Basic waitstaff tip • Waiter: $3.50 per day • Assistant Waiter: $2.00 per day= $5.50 pp pd that covers 3 meals plus

If you choose to dine in the specialty dining area there is a surcharge which includes the tips

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Wow, who would figure this would be such a hot topic! I have 2 daughters who have worked in the industry. We tip very generously - in Canada the wait staff make minimum wage and rely on the tips, I get that!


I will admit, cruising NCL previously, I have not experienced what I would call exceptional service and base my opinions likely unfairly on this experience. I will tip for good service and I will tip the recommended amount at least, and more where I deem it is deserved. I'm not a cheapskate, however, I will not tip for service not provided. I think I'll just go with the auto pay system, and tip additional where I see fit.


I certainly did not mean to cause a fuss, however I do understand where GTJ is coming from - these are tough times - the overwhelming concenses is do not cut back on the tips! Message received loud and clear!!!!



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Wow, who would figure this would be such a hot topic! I have 2 daughters who have worked in the industry. We tip very generously - in Canada the wait staff make minimum wage and rely on the tips, I get that!




Minimum wage is a lot more in Canada than on cruise ships and in the USA for that matter.


Glad to hear you will go with the recommended amount.


Enjoy your cruise

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I worked as a server for many years. Even though you are unemployed, my kids still need to eat, and my bills still needed to be paid. The old saying goes "if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go." Sorry, just the facts. These people on the ships probably make around 2 to 3 dollars an hour. They depend on those tips.


I agree with this...

I was a server for a number of years too at $2.13 an hour. The only pet peeve I have is when people leave crappy tips. :(

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Just reading the question raised my blood pressure a bit!


Even in the United States there are "special" laws regarding waitresses that do not require restuarants to pay minimum wage. The few years ago 5 or so, that I was waitressing, the pay was probably $2.03 per hour and they claimed you made up the difference with tips to bring you up to minimum wage. Imagine working all week going home with a paycheck which reads $37.00 after taxes.


Of course you should tip. Skimp on your daily life now, until you cruise. Yes it is unfortunate you are in your situation, but if you really try you can do something right now which will allow you to do the honorable thing and tip properly on your trip and therefore sail with a clear concience(sp?) Skip a snack or coffee in the morning, skip the newspaper, sell some stuff on ebay, have a yard sale, go on a diet (eat only half a sandwich at lunchtime and water instead of softdrinks) skip fresh fruits and veggies, buy only the food that is on sale and make a meal out of it. (This is what I usually do anyway which allows me to be able to cruise ,and tip, on my meger salary.) Believe me, you'll feel better about yourself that you did the "right" thing and therefore enjoy your cruise more knowing you dont have to slink away at the end. You'll be able to look your servers and stateroom attendent in the eye when you say goodmorning each day. Just you asking the question, to me means that you know the right answer.


Good luck with the job search!!! Have fun on your trip!

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Wow, who would figure this would be such a hot topic! I have 2 daughters who have worked in the industry. We tip very generously - in Canada the wait staff make minimum wage and rely on the tips, I get that!


I will admit, cruising NCL previously, I have not experienced what I would call exceptional service and base my opinions likely unfairly on this experience. I will tip for good service and I will tip the recommended amount at least, and more where I deem it is deserved. I'm not a cheapskate, however, I will not tip for service not provided. I think I'll just go with the auto pay system, and tip additional where I see fit.


I certainly did not mean to cause a fuss, however I do understand where GTJ is coming from - these are tough times - the overwhelming concenses is do not cut back on the tips! Message received loud and clear!!!!




Do they really get minimum wage? Here in the US it's about half of the minimum wage. The rest is expected to be made up in tips.

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Do they really get minimum wage? Here in the US it's about half of the minimum wage. The rest is expected to be made up in tips.


the crew do not get minimum wage rate...they get a set pay rate for the month & the rest they rely on tips

You can check out some websites for Crew jobs to see what the pay is like for staff.

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the crew do not get minimum wage rate...they get a set pay rate for the month & the rest they rely on tips

You can check out some websites for Crew jobs to see what the pay is like for staff.


I know the crew doesn't get minimum. That is the whole reason for all these replys. I was replying to kodiaknurse's reply that servers in Canada get minimum wage. You need to read the whole post.

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I was replying to kodiaknurse's reply that servers in Canada get minimum wage. You need to read the whole post.


In that case ...It depends on each Province what servers get.

In any case our minimum hourly rate is a lot more than most daily tips for the crew wait staff.

EG: http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/guide/guide_4.html

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In that case ...It depends on each Province what servers get.

In any case our minimum hourly rate is a lot more than most daily tips for the crew wait staff.

EG: http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/guide/guide_4.html


This is true. We don't always appreciate how good we have it even in times like these. Most of us when we are out of work have state and government agencies to fall back on. (like unemployment) The country's these crew members come from don't have these services. Sometimes the tips they receive get sent home to support the whole families.

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Should my lack of employment and financial certainty affect my tipping of the people employed by the cruise line, the tour operators, etc.?


My short answer: No, your financial/employment status should have no impact on your cruise vacation tipping.

As for tour operators ... in your financial situation, I personally would book only a limited number of port tours, if any, and I would tip appropriately to the guides, drivers, etc.

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Full tips on RCL is $9.75 p/d p/p. We have always tipped at least the suggested amount, because we feel fortunate, and appreciate the good service.

I have heard stories from the asst. waiters about the lengths people go to, not to tip.

At the end of the day, it is a personal choice. Hopefully, the OP will be employed again soon, and it will all work out.

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I hate to put it this way...but if your financial situation has you posing this type of question maybe it isnt the best time to vacation...those on board or in any service situation still are giving good service and should be recognized for it...hopefully a prospective job finds itself your way soon

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I was in your situation back in 2003. I had a cruise paid in full and a non-refundable airline ticket. Then I got a 90-day layoff notice. I sat down and made a cruise budget (including tips!) for myself and stuck to it. I had invested a lot of money in the trip that I wouldn't get back, so I went forward with it. It really helped me with my job search. I came back home with a clear head and ready to tackle things.


Tips are such a small part of the cruise cost, why stick it to the hard working crew?



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I may be wrong, but if he gets a part-time job (say, a retail job in a department store) to supplement his income while he is looking for work, won't he then be giving up his ability to receive unemployment benefits?


In his case, he is making $410 per week, net pay, through his unemployment payments. Wouldn't he have to work "off-the-books" to get supplemental income during this time? Or can a person work a certain number of hours part-time at a retail store and still collect unemployment?

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I may be wrong, but if he gets a part-time job (say, a retail job in a department store) to supplement his income while he is looking for work, won't he then be giving up his ability to receive unemployment benefits?


In his case, he is making $410 per week, net pay, through his unemployment payments. Wouldn't he have to work "off-the-books" to get supplemental income during this time? Or can a person work a certain number of hours part-time at a retail store and still collect unemployment?

Yes. Any income earned will have an impact on unemployment benefits. I, too, believe that if you cannot afford the tips, you cannot afford the cruise. It does sound like the OP could have cancelled without penalty and I would have done that in a heartbeat if knowing that the loss of income would have such a dramatic effect on my personal finances. That may sound stupid, but I spent many years saving to have a nice cushion for emergencies.....

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I'd have a garage sale or sell some things on ebay. Recycle aluminum cans. Sell clothes at a resell shop. Cut waaaay back on any expenses such as groceries, gas and entertainment. Babysit, house sit or dog sit. Look for rebates on things you have to buy. Scrounge for change in the sofa cushions. Drink water instead of soda , coffee or alcohol. If you really want to come up with the money for tips I'm sure you can.

Good luck with the job hunting and have a great cruise.

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I may be wrong, but if he gets a part-time job (say, a retail job in a department store) to supplement his income while he is looking for work, won't he then be giving up his ability to receive unemployment benefits?


In his case, he is making $410 per week, net pay, through his unemployment payments. Wouldn't he have to work "off-the-books" to get supplemental income during this time? Or can a person work a certain number of hours part-time at a retail store and still collect unemployment?


That's where being a server comes in handy. You could word a couple of nights. There is a minimum you can make before it affects the unemployment.

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That's where being a server comes in handy. You could word a couple of nights. There is a minimum you can make before it affects the unemployment.


In my state you are supposed to declare anything you make-and yes it cuts the unemployment-HOWEVER-I do believe working as a waiter/waitress 40 hours in a mid priced restaurant would bring more income than unemplyment-of course there is a catch to that also in these times-FINDING that wiater job. I recently read where a new restuarant opening up-with 40 slots to fill- got like a 1000 applications.

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I'm probably going to get flogged for this very opposite opinion, but here goes anyway. I too, have worked as bar staff, wait staff, retail, etc. where my wages depended on tips. BUT, that was always in a place where the job encountered few people a night or shift. I have been given NO tip for giving great service, and I've been tipped well, when I gave crappy service...


If this person (because of circumstance) cannot tip, but practically everyone else does on the ship, then the wait-staff will still be getting a decent wage for the cruise, just minus a little.


I have been on five cruises with Cunard, Azamara, Princess, RCCL, and Carnival. I travel solo and have overpaid for many services. There were a few times I "should" have demanded my "automatically charged" gratuity be removed, but did not. So the staff was paid, but probably should have been punished instead.


Therefore, if this cruiser has still decided to cruise, despite being unemplyed, to lift his spirits, by all means GO! Tip if you can. If you cannot, so what! Don't let all the above posts shame you.


Life is unfair for ALL of us at some point....


Good luck and have fun!

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I'm probably going to get flogged for this very opposite opinion, but here goes anyway. I too, have worked as bar staff, wait staff, retail, etc. where my wages depended on tips. BUT, that was always in a place where the job encountered few people a night or shift. I have been given NO tip for giving great service, and I've been tipped well, when I gave crappy service...


If this person (because of circumstance) cannot tip, but practically everyone else does on the ship, then the wait-staff will still be getting a decent wage for the cruise, just minus a little.


I have been on five cruises with Cunard, Azamara, Princess, RCCL, and Carnival. I travel solo and have overpaid for many services. There were a few times I "should" have demanded my "automatically charged" gratuity be removed, but did not. So the staff was paid, but probably should have been punished instead.


Therefore, if this cruiser has still decided to cruise, despite being unemplyed, to lift his spirits, by all means GO! Tip if you can. If you cannot, so what! Don't let all the above posts shame you.


Life is unfair for ALL of us at some point....


Good luck and have fun!

Oh, you're in trouble now.....LOL! Going to get the popcorn.......:D

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