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LIVE from Explorer with a bad propellor 2/1/09


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I don't mean to start any trouble but I have a question for those frustrated by RCI's lack of response on this.


What would we be doing right now if there were no internet/Cruise Critic and we had no idea of this problem?


Exactly what I'm doing - packing for the cruise and hoping for the best cruise I've ever had!

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Exactly. I've got two weeks, give or take, til my final payment date for Explorer. If they are going to severly cut my itinerary due to this "temporary fix"...I'm not sure I still want to cruise. Taking three days down and three days back does not sound ideal or promising for anyone on an 8 or 9 night intinerary this spring..



Since you haven't made final payment yet why don't you look for another itineray that will work for you? I figured if they have to change my itineray then so be it. At least I am on vacation and will have to make the best of it. When they took off Tortola from the end of our cruise I wasn't happy and could have looked to book another cruise but decided to keep this cruise. Now we have a good chance of loosing Puerto Rico which would mean 1/2 our cruise is spent on the ship. Not what I booked this for but oh well!

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Am I the only one who is incredibly annoyed that we are unable to get accurate info from RCCL regarding this? It is totally unacceptable that their customer service folks have no idea what the status is, or worse yet, are telling people inaccurate info like the ship was fixed in NJ, when we know that is NOT the case. Meg is doing a great job of updating everyone, but it certainly isn't her responsibility to let all of us future Explorer passengers know what is going on. I know alot of this has to be played by ear because they can't know for sure if/when they are able to fix it, but for goodness sake RCCL, give us something!!! I am becoming increasingly nervous as we are to get married during the April 17th sailing. I realize that things happen and this is the down-side of planning a cruise wedding, but the lack of updates and info on RCCL's part is disturbing. If I need to come up with an alternate plan I will have no choice but to do so, but please don't tell me at the last minute!! There is no excuse for why we can't get some accurate info from RCCL about this!:mad:

Thanks for listening:D

Unfortunatly, this lack of information from CS has always been an issue, both at RCI and X, every time there are issues. I think they make up answers rather than saying they don't know. We ran into cases where we found more accurate info through CC rather than CS. I wonder if CS even knows there is a problem to begin with. I have criticized them on these boards about about keeping CS agents up to date on any issues affecting these ships on a daily basis so up to date information can be provided by the agents. Probably the best bet for info at this point is for somebody to find a senior officer on board and ask them directly, and they might give you a straight answer, or they may have told by HQ not to say annything. IF the next cruise goes back to the original schedule, the problem has been resolved. Otherwise, all bets are off. BTW, DW is on this cruise. I am not.



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I am on the April 5th sailing on Explorer and I am really annoyed about RCCL telling us that it is fixed and I found out about this problem right after I booked the cruise and had made final payment I called 3 hrs later and they told me I would be bound by the cancellation policy (which meant I would lose quite a bit of money) all I wanted was to switch my cruise but I have no out unless they tell us we are not going to Puerto Rico.

My daughter who I am taking with me does not like sea days and I had to talk her into the 3 days back saying it will not be so bad - but now 3 days down too - she is not going I don't know what to do.


All I want is a straight answer from Royal.

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I'm not sailing on Explorer until 5 April so haven't been getting too worked up about this but the more I read this thread the more annoyed I get. We already lost Tortola (and I found out on these boards long before RCCL informed me), it now seems we may lose San Juan. Since it was only a late pm/early evening stop and I've been before it's no great hardship for me. However, the 3 other families I'm travelling with would love to stop there.


I was very sorry to lose Tortola. I'm travelling from the UK don't have the opportunity to cruise the Caribbean very easily and it may be the only chance I get to see this island. That disappoints me, particularly to have to discover it from an internet forum, before RCCL informed me. There is a shocking lack of information from RCCL - it seems everyone who speaks to them gets a different answer.


What also really annoys me - and apologies if you don't like this - some of us travel from a VERY long distance. We arrange our holidays around schools and we have to book flights a LONG time in advance. So imagine how it feels to have someone say - if you don't like the change in itinerary cancel it :mad: Additionally, even if it were logistically possible, those of us in the UK also lose our deposit if we cancel.


Please - don't be so flippant :(

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I'm sorry RCI seems so lacking in information but please be patient and remember this - part of their reservation system is in Kansas City. So when you call Customer Service you may not be speaking with someone in the home office building in Miami. They may honestly not know what's going on. Marine Ops in Miami may be trying to figure it out as well!

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This is what I don't understand. SOMEBODY knows what is going on and what the plan is. The ship is not going to continue to sail aimlessly and broken until the mood strikes someone to fix it. This is not the first time a ship has had a problem so there must be some protocol or some kind of decision making process that occurs. SOMEONE or SOME GROUP OF PEOPLE know what the plan is to fix it...whether that be going into dry-dock, sailing with it this way for another few weeks, months, etc, getting it fixed ASAP, whatever. SOMEONE out there has to know what the plan is to get this fixed, yet all of us remain clueless and given mis-information. Why can't the plan be made public so we can plan accordingly? I am sure they are doing all they can to remedy the situation, but there is no reason why we can't be told what the next course of action is. Until it is fixed (or they announce when it will be fixed), all of us sailing on her are sitting nervously wondering if it will be our sailing that is cancelled for dry-dock, or how the itinerary will be affected. The point is there must be a plan in place to fix this yet no one seems to be able to (or wants to) pass it along to the public. It is inconceivable to me that customer service folks have no clue what is going on and even provide inaccurate info. When I called RCCL about this last week the CS rep didn't even know there was a problem with Explorer at all!!! Then she put me on hold and came back to tell me it was fixed in NJ!! Unacceptable.

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If they take away San Juan, can we cancel?


It is possible that they are not yet sure of the affect their temporary repairs are going to have on speed. They may be trying to figure that out now on the way home.


While I would like to know, (My wife and I had a special Old San Juan visit and restaurant planned for our first cruise and 25th Wedding anniversary!) It would be terrible if they jumped the gun and told people San Juan was out, and then discovered they could make it later.


I don't know if this is the case, but it is possible. They might not know until the beginning of the next cruise. I think we will know if San Juan is cancelled as soon as the next group gets on Friday.


Also, I would think the group of people they hire to man the phones are not there to answer detailed questions about every ships location and condition. They are there to answer all the general questions and give info that is found on the website. Trying to accurately educate them every day on every ship and situation might be very difficult. In this type of work, turnover is relatively high and pay is low.


They should not, however, give answers they are not sure of. That is inexcusable, common, and therefore a management and/or training issue.

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Am I the only one who is incredibly annoyed that we are unable to get accurate info from RCCL regarding this? It is totally unacceptable that their customer service folks have no idea what the status is, or worse yet, are telling people inaccurate info like the ship was fixed in NJ, when we know that is NOT the case. Meg is doing a great job of updating everyone, but it certainly isn't her responsibility to let all of us future Explorer passengers know what is going on. I know alot of this has to be played by ear because they can't know for sure if/when they are able to fix it, but for goodness sake RCCL, give us something!!! I am becoming increasingly nervous as we are to get married during the April 17th sailing. I realize that things happen and this is the down-side of planning a cruise wedding, but the lack of updates and info on RCCL's part is disturbing. If I need to come up with an alternate plan I will have no choice but to do so, but please don't tell me at the last minute!! There is no excuse for why we can't get some accurate info from RCCL about this!:mad:

Thanks for listening:D


I agre with you 100%. There is no excuse for RC NOT to inform us of the developments. They haven't given us much of anything! I truly hope for your sake and the other future cruisers that this problem will be rectified soon and just as importantly that we get accurate information as to what is going on with the propeller. RC should be aware that the longer they keep everyone in the dark, their reputation will tarnish further and further.


Esbie I hope your wedding plans will go on as scheduled.

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If they take away San Juan, can we cancel?


It is possible that they are not yet sure of the affect their temporary repairs are going to have on speed. They may be trying to figure that out now on the way home.


While I would like to know, (My wife and I had a special Old San Juan visit and restaurant planned for our first cruise and 25th Wedding anniversary!) It would be terrible if they jumped the gun and told people San Juan was out, and then discovered they could make it later.


I don't know if this is the case, but it is possible. They might not know until the beginning of the next cruise. I think we will know if San Juan is cancelled as soon as the next group gets on Friday.


Also, I would think the group of people they hire to man the phones are not there to answer detailed questions about every ships location and condition. They are there to answer all the general questions and give info that is found on the website. Trying to accurately educate them every day on every ship and situation might be very difficult. In this type of work, turnover is relatively high and pay is low.


They should not, however, give answers they are not sure of. That is inexcusable, common, and therefore a management and/or training issue.


I don't feel this is a detailed question. One of their ships isn't working and hasn't been working properly for several weeks now. There is no reason they shouldn't have some kind of knowledge to pass on regarding this matter. I could understand if I called and asked what color the comforter is in room 7312 of Voyager of the Seas, but asking about a cruiseship that is clearly not sailing well and causing a changed itinerary twice now is not really detailed info IMO. And if it isn't the CS folks responsibility to pass on this important info, whose job is it? Who else could/should we call to ask these questions? Since we can't call the captain directly, I would think there would be someone at RCCL who can give some answers:rolleyes:

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I don't feel this is a detailed question. One of their ships isn't working and hasn't been working properly for several weeks now. There is no reason they shouldn't have some kind of knowledge to pass on regarding this matter. I could understand if I called and asked what color the comforter is in room 7312 of Voyager of the Seas, but asking about a cruiseship that is clearly not sailing well and causing a changed itinerary twice now is not really detailed info IMO. And if it isn't the CS folks responsibility to pass on this important info, whose job is it? Who else could/should we call to ask these questions? Since we can't call the captain directly, I would think there would be someone at RCCL who can give some answers:rolleyes:


I would imagine that RCL is doing everything they can to get this problem fixed. They are probably waiting for concrete information before letting the world know what is going on. And at this point....they may not know themselves, how or when the problem will be completely resolved. Especially if it takes up to 6 months to schedule dry dock, as others have noted.


In a case like this, if they don't know themselves, then they really don't know what to have their Customer Service Reps say to the customers. So the poor CS reps are taking all of the heat.


They wouldn't keep running the Explorer if it were detrimental or unsafe to run, so they are continuing to sail with altered itineraries. As much as we don't like it....it is with in their rights to do so, and we have to live with it or go elsewhere.


For me...I am going into my reservation with my eyes opened, and if they change the itinerary I will have deal with it, if it happens.


I would say that if you don't hear from RCL, then your ship is still scheduled to leave as usual with the possibility of itinerary changes, and people need to adapt to that. There really isn't any other choice.


That being said....the contract signed by the customers at the time of booking states that RCL has the right to change the itineraries without notice.


Getting upset with the Customer Service Reps will not do anything except get your blood boiling, and no one needs that extra stress, especially just before vacation.

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The Explorer travels further on a daily basis. With a broken ship that they are relying on to travel these distances, wouldn't it make sense to temporarily switch the Explorer with a Miami based Voyager class ship. The cabin assignments are identical. I understand that you would have upset people that are booked on the healthy Voyager class ship, however the way it is running now the impact may be reduced or not realized at all. With the itinerary the Explorer travels it would make sense to me to mimimize the required travel distance with a healthy ship. And as you can see by my signature I have a self interest in this!

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The Explorer travels further on a daily basis. With a broken ship that they are relying on to travel these distances, wouldn't it make sense to temporarily switch the Explorer with a Miami based Voyager class ship. The cabin assignments are identical. I understand that you would have upset people that are booked on the healthy Voyager class ship, however the way it is running now the impact may be reduced or not realized at all. With the itinerary the Explorer travels it would make sense to me to mimimize the required travel distance with a healthy ship. And as you can see by my signature I have a self interest in this!


Not possible, its not like the airlines who have spare planes.


Voyager is out of Galveston, Adventure out of San Juan, Mariner almost to LAX, Explorer...we know about her, then there is Navigator. Navigator sails from FLL and I don't know that the cabin numbers are exactly the same because actually its one of the newest Voyager class ships and she and Mariner have some slight design differences (improvements).


RCCL knows what they are doing, they have lots of pax to take care of and will do so as best they can.

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RCCL knows what they are doing, they have lots of pax to take care of and will do so as best they can.



What they are doing is hoping for a dry dock slot. When they get the OK, whatever cruise is next, will be cancelled.

They aren't going to tell anyone anything until that day.


There is no way they can go all the way till next january for the scheduled dry dock less one prop.

Not in the Atlantic, where wave height of 30-40 feet is normal.

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If it wasn't for people onboard posting about the propeller problem, then noone would know about it, there have been no announcements from RCI or any other news source that I am aware of.


This really is no different to a hotels pool or resturant etc., being closed due to renovations, or to Disney closing a ride or two for maintainance. They don't advertise the fact, you normally find out when you arrive, no refund or credit from Disney because Space Mountain is closed.


The point I am trying to make is that you cannot really expect RCI customer service to have any idea or news on the outcome of the problem, because the initial problem has not been reported.

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The point I am trying to make is that you cannot really expect RCI customer service to have any idea or news on the outcome of the problem, because the initial problem has not been reported.



Of course it has been reported.

The captain was removed from the ship.


The fact is rccl is counting on the fact that 90% of the passengers will have no clue until they board and then find out as the ship sails, there is a problem and ports will be cut.


If they announced it, they'd have a bunch of unhappy people. Once onboard, these same unhappy people don't really matter much now do they?

What are they going to do? Swim home? LOL

That, in a nutshell, is rccl's attitude.

And as you said, most travel corporations attitudes.


The glory of the internet is that we do get to find out things a corporation wished we wouldn't.

I book cruises based on itinerary. I booked this particular cruise because it left on our anniversary and we have never been to antigua or dominica.

It's just as easy for me to jet down to miami as it is to drive to bayonne. I live in the land of airports, living in long island. And by the time I pay $240 for parking for the 12 days or hire a limo, I can add a few bucks and we can fly roundtrip to miami.

Next year, we are back to doing that.


However, I do agree with you that I can't see any cruise line putting out an announcement, hey our ship is running at 2/3 power and we are cutting ports but come on down and sail away with us.

It is self preservation for the cruiseline.

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Of course it has been reported.

The captain was removed from the ship.


The fact is rccl is counting on the fact that 90% of the passengers will have no clue until they board and then find out as the ship sails, there is a problem and ports will be cut.


If they announced it, they'd have a bunch of unhappy people. Once onboard, these same unhappy people don't really matter much now do they?

What are they going to do? Swim home? LOL

That, in a nutshell, is rccl's attitude.

And as you said, most travel corporations attitudes.


The glory of the internet is that we do get to find out things a corporation wished we wouldn't.

I book cruises based on itinerary. I booked this particular cruise because it left on our anniversary and we have never been to antigua or dominica.

It's just as easy for me to jet down to miami as it is to drive to bayonne. I live in the land of airports, living in long island. And by the time I pay $240 for parking for the 12 days or hire a limo, I can add a few bucks and we can fly roundtrip to miami.

Next year, we are back to doing that.


However, I do agree with you that I can't see any cruise line putting out an announcement, hey our ship is running at 2/3 power and we are cutting ports but come on down and sail away with us.

It is self preservation for the cruiseline.


I agree with what you are saying, and that was the general point I was trying to put accross.


Can you show me where this incident/accident has been reported, other than on this thread? I would like to read the companies side on this

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I agree with what you are saying, and that was the general point I was trying to put accross.


Can you show me where this incident/accident has been reported, other than on this thread? I would like to read the companies side on this


From the Miami Herald and Business Week Online.


Damage delays Royal Caribbean cruise ship



A Royal Caribbean ship was delayed when its propeller was damaged last week.


Explorer of the Seas was leaving Semana, Dominican Republic, on Thursday when a propeller on one of the ship's engines struck an unidentified object and was bent, Cynthia Martinez, Royal Caribbean spokeswoman said Wednesday.


The 11-day cruise skipped its last port call in Labadee, Haiti, and returned to Cape Liberty, N.J., on Sunday.


The next cruise, which began Sunday, skipped its port call in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is now en route to St. Thomas, where divers will repair the propeller early Thursday morning. The St. Thomas port call has been extended six hours to 11 p.m. Thursday.

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"The next cruise, which began Sunday, skipped its port call in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is now en route to St. Thomas, where divers will repair the propeller early Thursday morning." Replace "repair" with "semi repair" and you've got a more accurate news story. I wonder how much duct tape and baling wire was used in making the semi repair?

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If they take away San Juan, can we cancel?


It is possible that they are not yet sure of the affect their temporary repairs are going to have on speed. They may be trying to figure that out now on the way home.


While I would like to know, (My wife and I had a special Old San Juan visit and restaurant planned for our first cruise and 25th Wedding anniversary!) It would be terrible if they jumped the gun and told people San Juan was out, and then discovered they could make it later.


I don't know if this is the case, but it is possible. They might not know until the beginning of the next cruise. I think we will know if San Juan is cancelled as soon as the next group gets on Friday.


Also, I would think the group of people they hire to man the phones are not there to answer detailed questions about every ships location and condition. They are there to answer all the general questions and give info that is found on the website. Trying to accurately educate them every day on every ship and situation might be very difficult. In this type of work, turnover is relatively high and pay is low.


They should not, however, give answers they are not sure of. That is inexcusable, common, and therefore a management and/or training issue.


Then maybe reading Cruise Critic should be required reading for all CS employees!:D

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Meg, your going to encounter some rough seas today as you sail closer to the Mid-Atlantic

Coast. According to Real-time Data Bouy info, Seas are 15'-20' and building off the North Carolina, Va, MD, Coast. This is due to a strong frontal system that is exiting off the coast. Gale warning are up for your ride home, with storm warnings north of your route.


Thanks again for your updates. :)

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"The next cruise, which began Sunday, skipped its port call in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is now en route to St. Thomas, where divers will repair the propeller early Thursday morning." Replace "repair" with "semi repair" and you've got a more accurate news story. I wonder how much duct tape and baling wire was used in making the semi repair?


The last cruise left on the 1st and is due in tomorrow when our cruise takes. off. They did some repairs in St. Thomas but the reports from the ship is that is is traveling back to Bayonne with only 2 screws working. People on the ship are not seeing a 3rd wake from the back of the ship. They may have just taken off the broken propeller to reduce drag. We hear that Capt. Ryan is back on the ship.

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wow. this really is a bummer. here i am thinking that it was fixed in st and now there are doubts. stinks cause i just made my final payment on monday based on the fact that it was "fixed" in st. if they for some reason cancel my cruise in may due to either a dry docking or for some other reason, do you get all your money returned?

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If the complete propellor was not damaged, just one or two of the blades, this would mean that the vessel would not need dry docking as it could be repaired by simply unbolting the relevant blades by using divers.


They would attach a line to the first blade, unbolt it, hoist it clear, lower the new blade, bolt it on and do the same to any other blade. Thus it could be done in a couple of hours, or during a stop over in port.


As regards to three wakes behind the ship, a ship might not always use the three screws, but for economical reasons reduce to two. Hopefully this problem has now been rectified and cleared a lot of CC members worries

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