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Flawed On Board Credit Authorization Process


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I've just returned from the Carnival Miracle Jan 24 Southern Caribbean cruise. While most aspects of this cruise were excellent, one glaring and unresolved problem has caused me to cancel my future cruise plans with Carnival and to vow never to cruise with them again. For background, please note that I have had 8 cruises with Carnival, all within the last 4 years, and that 4 of these cruises were in suites--including this last one.


The problem has to do with the on board credit authorization process. I check in with my debit/credit card which is tied directly to my primary bank account. Easy. I monitor both the health of my card and my bank account while on board, utilizing my BlackBerry, at least twice a day--just to be sure there are no surprises. During this cruise, as has always been the case, all was well with my card, and my bank account had sufficient funds to pay for a normal person's ship board living expenses for a couple of months. So how could a problem develop? Trust Carnival to find a way...


On day 6 of this cruise, after attending a special reception hosted by Carnival for the purpose of reassuring us return cruisers just how important we were to the company, my wife and I proceeded to the dining room. Upon ordering our usual bottle of wine, our waiter returned with a slip of paper informing us that our sign and sail account had been suspended and that no additional charges would be authorized. Everyone at tables adjacent to ours became aware of our situation. I was told to see the Purser, and asked if I'd like dinner anyway. Well, with our dinner experience having just been ruined, and having just been publicly humiliated in the dining room, I did indeed decide to visit the Purser, to share my thoughts with them on this situation. What I met was a nasty bunch of folks who assumed I had credit problems and advised me to call my credit card company. They would not listen to my explanation that it was not my, nor my card company's problem, but was Carnival's. So I called my company and, of course, they informed me that there was nothing wrong with my account--no security issues, no credit issues, no bank account issues. Everything was 100% OK, as I knew it would be.


So back I went to the Purser's desk. They did not believe me, of course. Everyone says the same thing supposedly. Besides, they had already closed out my account. So they had to swipe my card again and re-establish my account. And when the card was accepted immediately they had no comment as to why. As I told them, it had been good all along, and it was their flawed authorization system which had just ruined my cruise. Did I pay $3000 for a suite in order to be treated as a criminal? Apparently. But it will be the last time. I demanded an apology from Carnival and some form of compensation for their error. I was told by the Purser that I would have an answer the next day. In the meantime, several other cruisers had overheard this conversation, and came up to me to let me know they had had similar problems. No surprise.


So back to the dining room we went--for a very late dinner. Our waiters were most apologetic (it was not their fault) and we had a fine dinner. Our hope was that Carnival would have some sort of decent apology for us the next day. But this company, who we now see cares very little if at all for their repeat customers, called us in our cabin the next afternoon to inform us there would be no apology and no compensation as this was clearly a problem between us and our credit card company. They advised us their authorization system functions perfectly and is installed in all their ships fleet wide. I replied that their system was flawed, that I could prove it in a courtroom if necessary (as my credit card company would gladly provide the records concerning the state of my account that night), and that I would ensure that I never set foot on a ship of Carnival's fleet again. To that last remark, the Carnival customer service representative said that would be just fine.


So I am gone from Carnival. All they had to do was apologize and offer something. A free bottle of wine would have been OK. I had three additional cruises planned with Carnival this year, but I will not be taking them. Instead, I've booked with Royal Caribbean. I've had 6 cruises with them, and they are just fine. No trouble. No hassle. Just good times. I even had a Royal Caribbean cruise preceding this ill-fated Carnival cruise. It was back-to-back. So the comparison was most obvious.


No, I will not sue Carnival. I am too lazy. I'd rather cruise. Many lines to choose from, but Royal Caribbean will benefit most from my last experience on Carnival.


A word of advice. If you must cruise Carnival and want to ensure you don't have an experience such as mine, bring lots of cash and use it to establish your account. Their credit authorization system is flawed, and you may be it's next victim.


For me, it's incredible that they will not admit they may have problems in this area. I'm a retired Information Systems Manager with over 25 years experience in on-line financial systems. One thing you learn quickly is that no system is perfect. Communications problems develop (especially at sea!), errors occur, and some transactions need to be resubmitted to get a good result. This is normal. But Carnival's reaction to their problem is completely unacceptable. And they even enhance their chances of having problems by obtaining authorizations against their cruisers' accounts multiple times a day. Everytime you buy something, they go for another authorization--5 or 6 times a day they will do it. I guess they don't even realize this fits the profile for fraudulent credit card activity which some credit card companies use in order to deny charges.


But I don't need to be concerned with this. I, happily, will not cruise on a Carnival ship again, and Carnival is happy to be rid of me as well.


Looking forward to my next cruise--on Royal Caribbean!

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Too bad we don't all live in a perfect world. People & computers DO make mistakes.


Glad they were able to get the mistake cleared up & it didn't last the rest of your cruise.


Thats what I was just thinking..sounds like it was resolved with one more swipe of the card.

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I do sympathize with this situation as I had a similar one on my last vacation but not with Carnival. It is most aggravating but worthy of "compensation" I think not. That is laughable.

I also imagine that the other tables around the OP would only become aware if he made a fuss. A sensible reaction from someone who knows how these systems work (and is aware that these things are more common at sea) and is positive there is money in the bank would be to continue on with a lovely wineless dinner then head to the pursers desk afterword.

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You are way too upset over a minor computer problem. In this day and age no one is humiliated when their card is declined - everyone assumes it's a computer or bank problem. You are taking this WAY too personally and I think it's ridiculous you want compensation. You have let a computer glitch ruin your vacation - instead of posting here about happy memories of your vacation you seem bitter, venomous and full of unhappiness over one minor incident that was fixed. :(

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Even from A PR point what would a cheap bottle of the champagne that Carnival gives away all during the week cost them as a gesture. We had a bad experience at Disney World and mentioned to the concierge desk upon returning back to the hotel expecting nothing. The next day when we returned there was a basket of fruit in the room. That's been years ago and I am still telling the story. Thats "PR" and it does not have to be a big gesture.

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8 CRUISES in the past 4 years and this is your first post? Troll Alert!


Perhaps but I don't think a troll would wait almost 2 years to post :p


Too bad we don't all live in a perfect world. People & computers DO make mistakes.


Glad they were able to get the mistake cleared up & it didn't last the rest of your cruise.


As an IS Manager (w/25 years experience) this person should know that.


This actually happened to me on the first cruise...sadly it was on day 2 (a Sunday afternoon) and the bank was closed...FORTUNATELY I had some casino winnings from the previous night that I used to restore the flow of beer posthaste:D

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You are way too upset over a minor computer problem. In this day and age no one is humiliated when their card is declined - everyone assumes it's a computer or bank problem. You are taking this WAY too personally and I think it's ridiculous you want compensation. You have let a computer glitch ruin your vacation - instead of posting here about happy memories of your vacation you seem bitter, venomous and full of unhappiness over one minor incident that was fixed. :(


I can't remember anytime any credit card was denied and my charges for business are in the range of $3000 to $5000 a month. I would be humiliated if my card was denied and especially it was brought to attention at dinner in front of other table mates.


I still can't imagine why Carnival would not just make a small gesture to a repeat customer. Just my opinion.

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I don't care how "healthy" my debit/credit card is, I will never use it for an onboard account on a ship. I will use a "regular" credit card. We've had many threads here about the various issues involving use of debit cards.


Why wouldn't you call your bank while you were AT the Purser's Desk and let the bank person talk to them? Why leave the desk, make the phone call, then go back and tell them everything was OK? What would that do for the situation. For all they know, you walked around the corner, had a drink, came back and told them you'd called the bank!


When I was on Miracle, I received a note in my mailbox on the 2nd day telling me I needed to go to the Purser's Desk to have my card authorized. I had given it to them at check in and had used it to purchase wine in the dining room the first night. But I went down, they swiped it, and all was fine. No idea why that happened, but it did.


Did I throw a hissy fit so that everyone around would know? Nope. The only way neighboring diners would know there was an issue was if you'd done so. No need to have your dinner "ruined." So eat dinner (skip the drinks for the moment), go to the Purser's Desk and sort it out, and then go to the bar and have a drink.


So, because you spend more on your cabin than I do (who loves those cheap, inside cabins), you believe you should never, ever have a problem while onboard and that you should receive "special" treatment?


Sorry you expect the cruiseline to treat you like Royalty. Guess you need to move to Celebrity, because I don't think "Royal" Caribbean will treat you any more like royalty than will Carnival. Or perhaps Cunard. I believe they still employee a "class" structure to their guest privileges.


Whatever. I'm sorry you had a problem. I'm also sorry you feel that you were singled out to be humiliated. I'm just glad I wasn't at your table, because I think it would've been MY dinner that was ruined.

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The problem has to do with the on board credit authorization process. I check in with my debit/credit card which is tied directly to my primary bank account

While using your debit/credit card, do you realize they usually put a substantial hold on your account? Maybe there wasn't enough in your bank account to cover the hold. Next time, use a regular credit card.


Did I pay $3000 for a suite in order to be treated as a criminal?

How were you treated like a criminal? Did they drag you out of the dining room in handcuffs?


I replied that their system was flawed, that I could prove it in a courtroom if necessary

Gee, you wonder why they weren't kind to you? Threatening a lawsuit over such a minor inconvience that was easily rectified by re-swiping your card? Maybe the OP's attitude had a lot to do with not receiving any "kind gestures" from Carnival.

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Well, all I can say about this is have fun on Royal Caribbean. All of us telling you how utterly ridiculous this is isn't going to change how you feel.


I do suggest, however that no matter which line you cruise, next time use a regular credit card. It's been posted numerous times over the years on each of the cruise line boards, that using a debit card is usually a huge hassle.

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I don't believe this is a troll.

I wish it was.


Maybe not. But if he was truly an IT manager with online financial systems, he would know it is impossible to pinpoint what happened without the actual electronic records that may or may not exist. He admits no system is perfect, which would include his bank's system, but assumes the mistake was made by Carnival's system.


Heck, it could have been the mistake of a 3rd party processor.

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It's never a good idea to use a debit card to establish your onboard account. That is not tied to a credit card but, rather, to your checking account and problems can arise. A credit card is based on your credit limit with the bank who issued the card. Too bad he didn't spend some time on CC or other cruise forums where seasoned advice says don't use your debit card......


The problem was fixed easily by swiping the card again......


OP presents himself as a seasoned cruiser but pouts and holds his breath when a glitch comes along.... Sour grapes are usually visible in someone who hasn't traveled much but a seasoned traveler knows that ship happens and as long as the situation is resolved, that should be the end of it.


Interesting that "compensation" or "apology" is the only thing that will make his temper tantrum go away. Another member of the "gimme, gimme, gimme" crowed.


Carnival won't miss him, for sure.

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Most of you good folks seem somewhat complacent about what level of service you expect on a cruise...


And most of you haven't taken the time to closely read and understand what I've posted...


Many other folks on the ship with me fully understood the situation, had experienced it themselves, and we agreed on what should have been done by Carnival to resolve the problem. I guess you just had to be there?


And what the heck is a "Troll". No, sorry, I do not want to know.


Yes, I've had 15 cruises since Halloween 2005. 8 Carnival, 6 Royal Caribbean, and 1 Norwegian.


No, I do not spend (waste) a lot of time on cruise boards.


I prefer cruising rather than talking about cruising. It's like sex...


Whoops, now I've really offended you...


Sorry I dropped in this morning.


I'll leave you to whatever you enjoy doing here...


Have a nice day!

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Please remember that you can have these type of problems on any line... However I do agree that the customer service could have been handled better. Perhaps taking time to write a letter would better serve your concerns rather than the pursers staff on board who may not have enough information available to them to realize what exactly was happening. You have to remember the world we live in today, I imagine that they have quite a few guests who do have $$ problems and they are trying to minimize their potential loss. Again, thanks to the few, the many have to suffer.

Also, not to be rude, but your post made it seem that you were nervous about your account balance by checking it twice a day. It is as if you were looking for a problem to occur.

As for your table mates, who cares what other people think, you won't have to see many of them again. If you know your account is in good standing that is all that matters. Everyone has experienced embarrassment at one time or another but no one is perfect and should not be viewed as such.

Good luck on RCCL. You will have a good time with them and I hope they do not make any mistakes!

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"Troll," in the context of message boards and the like, describes somebody who is posting just to be confrontational or to raise hackles. One example might be a teenager who finds a Jewish message board and posts, "The Holocaust never happened." The teen may not know or care one way or the other--he just wants a reaction. He wants to piss people off. He is a troll.

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On day 6 of this cruise, after attending a special reception hosted by Carnival for the purpose of reassuring us return cruisers just how important we were to the company, my wife and I proceeded to the dining room. Upon ordering our usual bottle of wine, our waiter returned with a slip of paper informing us that our sign and sail account had been suspended and that no additional charges would be authorized. Everyone at tables adjacent to ours became aware of our situation.


If the waiter discreetly handed you a paper informing you of the credit card problem, it seems then that the only way adjacent tables would have known was that you were making a public stink about it rather than being calm and polite.



So back I went to the Purser's desk. They did not believe me, of course. Everyone says the same thing supposedly. Besides, they had already closed out my account. So they had to swipe my card again and re-establish my account. And when the card was accepted immediately they had no comment as to why. As I told them, it had been good all along, and it was their flawed authorization system which had just ruined my cruise.


I fail to see how this incident RUINED your cruise. You were on day 6 and you had your problem resolved very quickly!




Did I pay $3000 for a suite in order to be treated as a criminal? Apparently.


OMG, could you be more dramatic? Please clarify how you were treated as a criminal? You were arrested? Thrown in the brink? Accused of shoplifting? No, you were told you charging priviledges were suspended.


But this company, who we now see cares very little if at all for their repeat customers, called us in our cabin the next afternoon to inform us there would be no apology and no compensation as this was clearly a problem between us and our credit card company. They advised us their authorization system functions perfectly and is installed in all their ships fleet wide. I replied that their system was flawed, that I could prove it in a courtroom if necessary (as my credit card company would gladly provide the records concerning the state of my account that night), and that I would ensure that I never set foot on a ship of Carnival's fleet again. To that last remark, the Carnival customer service representative said that would be just fine.


Ok, so you threatened to sue them and at the same time told them you would never again set foot on a Carnival ship again. So you gave them absolutely NO incentive to do anything further for you because you're telling them it wouldn't matter.


No, I will not sue Carnival.


Well, that's a good thing as you would absolutely lose. Sue for what? A delayed dinner? What damages did you suffer? Absolutely ridiculous.


But I don't need to be concerned with this. I, happily, will not cruise on a Carnival ship again, and Carnival is happy to be rid of me as well.


I can see why.


Look, unlike some others posting, I can understand why you would be annoyed at the situation. I would have been irritated. Perturbed. Inconvenienced. But you made such a HUGE thing over what should have been a minor inconvenience, just a small blip on your fabulous week. Carnival didn't ruin your cruise, you did. You completely overreacted, probably treated the employees with such vitriol that you completely eradicated any good will they might have had and therefore any incentive to appease you with an apology or small compensation.


Is this how you go through life when someone makes a mistake? You must be constantly angry. How do you react when something disastrous occurs? I can only imagine.


Life's too short. Accept that people screw up and move on.

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