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A new HAL Blog! (Yes, I'm a HAL employee!)


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Agree Ruth you did not say significantly decreased, but others have said it & the numbers don't show it..IMO the question should not been asked of DBA..He does not make policy & should not be involved in this dispute.. I think he very nicely explained why he did not want to post on the other thread & I frankly don't blame him..There were so many assumptions being made without facts..


IMO, It's up to HAL'S top Management to answer that question & only if they want to..It's actually none of our business if we are happy with HAL's service..


If one is unhappy with HAL's service then it should be taken up either on board or with Seattle & not debated on this message board..


I also think that we all would be wise to remember DBA's post No. 29 when he first stated this thread..Quote <,snip > I appreciate your question and I'm happy to answer. And for the part that I didn't quote, you're exactly right. While our PR dept has given me the go ahead on the blog project and I've checked about some dos and donts, it is important to point oput that any views shared are my own, and I am not a spokesman for HAL, not am I in the PR department. (So that narrows it down a little bit, right? )/SIZE]



Love the quote and Post 29 reference Betty. I didn't know I have a DBA historian on the scene :D

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Hey Dutch; any word if HAL is looking into setting up "passenger account info" on cabin TVs, similar to what major hotel chains have so guests can remain appraised of their onboard account?


Haven't heard anything to this point... It may be down the pipe in the future, but if I had to guess I would say not in the next 1-2 years pretty safely.


Nieuw Amsterdam will have some other features that are consistent with new hotels... I just don't think I can mention them yet... But I'll keep an ear out and if I get the okay I'll be mentioning it

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Haven't heard anything to this point... It may be down the pipe in the future, but if I had to guess I would say not in the next 1-2 years pretty safely.


Nieuw Amsterdam will have some other features that are consistent with new hotels... I just don't think I can mention them yet... But I'll keep an ear out and if I get the okay I'll be mentioning it


Copy that, thanks!

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Haven't heard anything to this point... It may be down the pipe in the future, but if I had to guess I would say not in the next 1-2 years pretty safely.


Nieuw Amsterdam will have some other features that are consistent with new hotels... I just don't think I can mention them yet... But I'll keep an ear out and if I get the okay I'll be mentioning it


DBA, when and if you are able to share about Nieuw Amsterdam that would be really wonderful. Thanks

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Love the quote and Post 29 reference Betty. I didn't know I have a DBA historian on the scene :D


LOL... :DWhen there is nothing good on TV, (which is becoming more often,) I enjoy perusing old threads..It's keeping my mind active, in my old age....Promise,I'm not stalking you! :)

I vaguely remembered you saying something about not being a spokesman for HAL but could not place it, so I perused the beginning of your thread & lo & behold your post jumped out at me..

Realize, that we probably get you upset sometimes & honestly hope that we don't drive you away with some of our tirades & pettiness...

Just want you to know how much we appreciate what you are doing, both in your blog & on this thread..You may not realize it, but you are helping to prove that HAL is staffed by those who really do care about their Customers & are not just out to get our $$$$..I happen to love the Travel Business & sometimes wish I was still working in it...

You're like a favorite Son & we love you DBA! Thanks from the bottom of my heart!

Stay Well, Stay Happy & Cheers...... Betty

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Am booked on the Neiuw Amsterdam cruise that you were going to take. Wanted to use my HAL credit card reward points but the Credit Card web site does not have the ship listed. Hoping you can ask around and find out when I would be able the redeem me points. As always, thanks for your help.




ps. Wishing you were sailing with us.:)

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Betty, in my post above, I spelled out what those changes meant in terms of actual #'s of crew members. IOW, if the ratios had remained the same, there would be X more (or less in the case of the two ships) crew members aboard. Hope this helps.


Sorry tried answering you last night & my computer shut down on me..Have a modem which was moved whens the painters were here & don't think it was re-connected correctly..Every day at 5:p.m. & at 1: a.m. it shuts down both our computers if one of us is on the Internet & we can't figure out why..I tried to get back on last nite but no connx..May have to get a tech in to check it out..

In any event, ound your post & thanks for doing all the work..

IMO it's no more than 1 & 1/2 percent on some ships, but correct me if I'm wrong as I'm not an accountant or math guru..That to me seems to be insignificant & agree with others that HAL's ratio of Crew to Passengers is still higher than some other lines we've been on..Preety good considering the economy..



I noticed you write something similar before and wonder if you mean this specific thread or all threads on Cruise Critic?


Yes I did say it on the Breakfast thread, because IMO some went over board by stating that "Hal is not delivering what they are advertising" & also accused HAL of "False Advertising" ..Some, who used those words had not even been on a ship where the PG was closed for a couple of days, & never asked why it was....That's HAL bashing & ludicrous..

If I had a complaint, first of all I would double check my facts..In addition I would go to the Proper Management either on board or in Seattle before I aired it on a public message board..I'm certainly not a HAL Cheerleader as some are & if I think HAL is wrong, I'll say it..However, making "false accusations" against another person or company, when you have not checked the facts is unwarranted..Many hide behind their anonymity on this board & think they can say anything..What they don't realize is that they are doing harm to an entity & actually could be sued for liable...


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Agree Ruth you did not say significantly decreased, but others have said it & the numbers don't show it..IMO the question should not been asked of DBA..He does not make policy & should not be involved in this dispute..

Dispute? :confused: So, what you're saying that my question to DBA should not have been asked of him? That I started a dispute by asking him to cladify his own words? I can't see why not. He made a statement, in his own words. I asked him to explain his own words, since they did not cover all the possibilities.

My question to him had nothing whatsoever to do with the breakfast in the Pinnacle thread, and I do not understand why you would mix them together in one reply. You could not have meant to be that unfair to me.

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DBA - Questions for you. We have done 9 PC cruises and have always enjoyed Costa Rica. Punta Arenas is a fun port that we always give high marks to. On our last cruise we stopped at Puerto Caldera, which we rated as a zero. Now I see that all PC cruises list Puerto Caldera as the port of choice. Why the change ??? There is nothing at Puerto Caldera, and its only about ten miles from Punta Arenas. They used to list Puerto Caldera/Punta Arenas and the ship would always stop in Punta Arenas. And to add insult to injury, they charge to take you to Punta Arenas. Princess still stops at Punta Arenas, why did HAL change ?

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Dispute? :confused: So, what you're saying that my question to DBA should not have been asked of him? That I started a dispute by asking him to cladify his own words? I can't see why not. He made a statement, in his own words. I asked him to explain his own words, since they did not cover all the possibilities.


My question to him had nothing whatsoever to do with the breakfast in the Pinnacle thread, and I do not understand why you would mix them together in one reply. You could not have meant to be that unfair to me.


I'm so sorry Ruth I really did not mean to be unfair to you & you are right I should not have mixed the two threads together..Especially you who I've always respected for your down to earth opinions even when sometimes disagreeing with you....;) I was so tired of those who were making false accusations & the pettiness on the other thread, & actually believed that you asked DBA the question because of that thread where it was mentioned several times..

However, I still don't believe that DBA is in a position to answer your question & don't think he should be pressed for answers when he avoids them, as he said he does not speak for HAL..


That is strictly my opinion..


And again I'm very sorry..:o


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Thank you very much for responding to my question about Medallions.

Once again you demonstrate why HAL is so outstanding.


We are very pleased that HAL is keeping the silver, gold and platinum medallions. Combined with the 4-Star perks, HAL has an unbeatable combination which we appreciate very much.


Thanks again!

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Hi Dutch,


may I ask a question please and if you can't answer it's ok?


I have a couple of meet and greets organized for the next cruise and I lucked out and got Tia again!! (I did send a letter to her supervisor last time by the way).


Here's the problem it's the 32 day on the Nieuw Amsterdam or the 20 day transatlantic depending on what you have booked. A lot of the people have booked guarantees.


I always do up invites and deliver them to their cabins. I am concerned that they may not know their cabin numbers until they arrrive (a lot of people have to fly transatlantic so they will leave early)


Can the concierge help me with the stateroom numbers if I don't have them (I have their full names). it's a bit of a worry because I don't want to chase people down at the last minute, but I know how it is when you are trying to get out. You can forget these things or you might not be advised yet.


Sorry for the long winded question, but if you can answer or tell me who to go to it would be great.


Probably a stupid question and if it is, I apologize, but with all the privacy rules now I am a bit concerned. Thanks as always. Jacqui

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Hi DBA..


I have a question for you just a small on ;-)..When I buy wine for the cruise, and I plan to buy a case. I was just going to tape it up and slap a luggage tag on it...but do they need to check it to make sure it is just wine? should I leave it open? Thanks



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going on a southern caribbean cruise in Dec (Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire, Turks, Dominican Republic.


was wondering which side of the ship faces the port/dock at each stop.


I like to get a balcony room facing the port.


thanks in advance for your help

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going on a southern caribbean cruise in Dec (Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire, Turks, Dominican Republic.


was wondering which side of the ship faces the port/dock at each stop.


I like to get a balcony room facing the port.


thanks in advance for your help

See the thread you started yesterday with this question:


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Forgive me if this has been asked, but there is no way I can read all the pages..... Is HAL planning on having a ship at Pt. Canaveral again? I wish they would, as I'm sure everyone wishes a ship was berthed near their home! But I wish it more than anyone else!:)

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Forgive me if this has been asked, but there is no way I can read all the pages..... Is HAL planning on having a ship at Pt. Canaveral again? I wish they would, as I'm sure everyone wishes a ship was berthed near their home! But I wish it more than anyone else!:)
You don't have read all the back pages to find something. A "Search this Thread" for the word Canaveral quickly found this exchange:


Do you have any knowledge that HAL will be relocating to Port Canaveral from Fort Lauderdale?


Not through 2010, I can tell you that much.


And I would assume not after that point also... Port Canaveral already has a ton of ships going in and out of it. And with the proximity to the pier, I think Ft. lauderdale is much more advantageous. My personal opinion anyway.

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Forgive me if this has been asked, but there is no way I can read all the pages..... Is HAL planning on having a ship at Pt. Canaveral again? I wish they would, as I'm sure everyone wishes a ship was berthed near their home! But I wish it more than anyone else!:)
Construction is now going on to support a new Disney ship (the Dream, 4000 passengers) starting in Jan 2011, further decreasing the probability that HAL would want to try to compete there.


Edit: also, in 2012 the new Disney Fantasy is expected to start sailing from Pt Canaveral:

Initially, the Disney Fantasy will be based at Disney Cruise Line's terminal at Port Canaveral, Florida. Although no ship-specific itinerary plans have been announced, it is expected that the Fantasy will call on Disney's private Castaway Cay during cruise itineraries in the Caribbean Sea.

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However, I still don't believe that DBA is in a position to answer your question & don't think he should be pressed for answers when he avoids them, as he said he does not speak for HAL..

Ruth asked a perfectly valid question and it DBA doesn't want to answer it, that's totally up to him. He seems like he's a big boy so I wonder why you feel the need to pay board moderator.

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Ruth asked a perfectly valid question and it DBA doesn't want to answer it, that's totally up to him. He seems like he's a big boy so I wonder why you feel the need to pay board moderator.



LOL...Board Monitor? Of course he's a big boy & answered the question very nicely in Post No. 1530...It's quite obvious that you have not read DBA's answer in that post & all the subsequent posts about Staff cuts & PG Breakfasts on this thread..DBA does not want to answer that question & I think it's wrong to push him for an answer....We've had a long three page discussion on this thread about ratio's of HAL's Crew to Psgr's..

You failed to quote my entire post to Ruth in which I apologized for linking the two threads...Wonder why?:confused:

I have just as much right to my opinion as you do & question why you have now decided to take over as DBA's Thread Monitor & his Spokesperson....I also believe that Ruth is a Big Girl & has no problem answering for herself..


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Seems like you're still confused about my question, Betty. DBA's post #1530 has absolutely nothing at all to do with my question to him. Not a thing. Nada.

Neither does the reference to breakfast you just repeated.

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Come on guys and gals, this is DBA's thread.:confused:


let's keep it to the point of what this thread is about. ;) Dutch and his help. and info on Hal. Please don't flame me for this, but I think it's time to get back on track


I just hope he comes back with all this 'stuff'

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Seems like you're still confused about my question, Betty. DBA's post #1530 has absolutely nothing at all to do with my question to him. Not a thing. Nada.

Neither does the reference to breakfast you just repeated.


Sorry, but DBA's post specifically is in response to Kazu's question & reference to the Pinnacle Grill Breakfast thread..He obviously was quite upset at some posts..Guess we'll have to agree to disagree..:)


Hey Jacqui,

Unfortunately I must decline to get involved in that thread. Due to the 'bashing' that is occurring in which numerous folks that are high level Mariners have decided to declare with no lack of definitiveness that we have cut staff (not true) and are false advertising (also not true) I, on a personal level have decided not to get involved in that thread. Sorry I cannot be of more help.




Come on guys and gals, this is DBA's thread.:confused:

let's keep it to the point of what this thread is about. ;) Dutch and his help. and info on Hal. Please don't flame me for this, but I think it's time to get back on track..I just hope he comes back with all this 'stuff'


Yes you are right, this discussion should not have been in this thread in the first place.. I too hope that DBA is not driven away from this board, because he has been a wonderful link, (Not spokesman) to HAL



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