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help me talk my dad into taking a family cruise


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ok heres my story

im 33yrs old and have been on 7 cruises...3 solo (loved it) 3 with my mom and 1 with a friend

in july of 2007 i lost my mom to cancer and she took me on my 1st 3 cruises and turned my into a cruise addict..lol

my ? is this...my parents were married 37 yrs and he never once went on any of the other cruise she took b4 turning me on to them.

he has a weak stomach but i am sure the patch or some meds would help him not to get sea sick

he has 2 beautiful grand daughters that have not been on a cruise yet either so i thought maybe july of 2010 i will turn 35 and we could all go on a family trip together.

is there any advice u can give for my 55+ dad?


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Age has nothing to do with it! At 55, he's still relatively young!!!!

Yes, there are medications that will really help with motion sickness.

Try him on a short cruise--get his "feet wet", so to speak! Most folks think they're going to feel "confined"--they don't realize how big the ship is and how little like a boat it feels!

Good luck!

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well great advice..my dad is 55+ so i should have typed 65 (this april)i would just love for him to have a great vacation to share with his grand daughters and me too...i should just book something when the rates come out for next yr and just tell him his goin ...and thats final!! thanks again

one more ? for anyone that might no....i live in ohio and it seems that the out door game "corn hole" is really popular and my dad as well as friends and family play alot ..is there any cornhole games on board....anyone seen then


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Book the cruise, pay for the cruise, then tell your Dad that his birthday present to you for your 35th birthday is his presence on the cruise ship.


Does he go on any sort of boat - row, motor, etc? If he gets queezy on them, definitely get him the patch. I get queezy on all boats so need the patch on a cruise. If he's OK on some, look for a Relief Band. You wear it like a watch and can put it on after you start feeling bad. It puts out a little electric charge, which you increase until you start feeling better. I use the Relief Band for car, plane and train trips.

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well i know that he has went deep sea fishing and had some troubles with that...but he has owned motor boats over the yrs and has been fine on them. does ok on airplanes, doe NO kind of amusement type rides (things that spin arent good for him, he cant even watch them on the side lines)but if i can get the patch and maybe the wrist band (and maybe a dart gun to knock him out until the ship sails away and he cant get off) (kiding)

but i like what u said...buy the cruise tell him that he is goin as my gift for my bday (maybe stick out my buttom lip too and say "daddy all i want for my bday is for us to go as a family" and have his 2 granddaughters say PLEASE PAPAW" then i might have a chance.

thanks again everyone for your replies

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Based upon my own motion sickness problems, I think you're right about the patch. Some people experience problems with side effects, but I haven't. You could have the Relief Band in reserve.


The stuck out lower lip and the "Please Paw-Paw" should definitely do the trick.


(My Dad would never do a cruise. Too many of his brothers and sisters told him about how bored they were, etc. After my Mom passed away, I decided it was time to give it a try. I talked to my Primary Care Physician about my motion sickness issues, booked the cruise and dragged my Dad onboard. He was hooked at 75. We've been very fortunate in taking seven cruises together before his health has gotten so poor that his travelling days are over.)


Please let us know how the cruise goes.

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  • 3 months later...

Try a Caribean cruise in the spring. These are probably the calmest waters as long as you avoid hurricane season.


Get Dad a cabin on a lower deck in the center. Not necessarily the lowest deck, but maybe one up. This is where there is the least motion.


Tell him how much it would mean to you and how you think this would be a great opportunity for the whole family to do things together, yet the grandchildren can also do their own thing for a lot of the time. Noone will be bored.


Hope it works out.

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Leave him be. If he does not want to go, don't make a federal case of it. I am sure that there are things that he does that you have no interest in. Does he try to force you to do them?


I am sure that you can find something that you are both interested in. Otherwise, you make the compromise and do what he likes, not visa versa.


Just because some people like cruising does not mean that everyone has to like it.



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I was the "Mikey" in the family when my wife and daughter first proposed a caribbean cruise. They came back so happy with the experience that they convinced me to try it. That was about 20 cruises ago. You could turn him into a Cruise Lover!


Explain that the center of the ship in a lower balcony cabin is the most stable place to be on the ship. For a first cruise, stay away from the Caymans and Cozumel, as the Cayman Trench on the way to Cozumel is some of the roughest water we've encountered.


Explain to him that he does not have to drive anywhere, dinners are at the middle the ship (at least on Princess) and if all else fails remind him about bikinis at the pool!


Good luck and I hope you all enjoy your cruise.



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  • 4 weeks later...
ok heres my story

im 33yrs old and have been on 7 cruises...3 solo (loved it) 3 with my mom and 1 with a friend

in july of 2007 i lost my mom to cancer and she took me on my 1st 3 cruises and turned my into a cruise addict..lol

my ? is this...my parents were married 37 yrs and he never once went on any of the other cruise she took b4 turning me on to them.

he has a weak stomach but i am sure the patch or some meds would help him not to get sea sick

he has 2 beautiful grand daughters that have not been on a cruise yet either so i thought maybe july of 2010 i will turn 35 and we could all go on a family trip together.

is there any advice u can give for my 55+ dad?



it is the best way to spend time with family, we have don it twice

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im with Don..if he s set in his way s there no way he s going to want to

get on a ship..that is if his reason s are legitimate..


he s got a comfort zone..the older you get the less likely he ll want to leave that zone..he feel s out of control and the last thing a senior want s to do is make themselves out to be a burden..


i d ask him if he could come along and help watch over his grandchildren..one of the great joy s of being a grandparent is being wanted and needed..say there a few thing s you d like to do that you just could nt involved your kids..


if he feel s compelled to go cuz you won t have a good vacation he just might consider it..bring it up in casual conversation and see how his response go s..:)

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We had a situation somewhat like yours only mine was my middle daughter. She swore she would not get on a cruise ship, she would have no control over anything. We planned a family cruise as their Christmas present, it took an act of congress to get her on the ship (her sisters embarassed and nagged her 24/7) She went and an OK time. A few months later, she was graduating with her Masters degree and we had a transatlantic planned, she asked when it was and if she could go along. We had canceled that trip but rescheduled another, we were in a JS that would sleep three so we invited her to go along. She loved it. She was still in school and sending information back to UF for her next degree. Since then she has also been to Alaska. I do believe she is hooked. The only advise I might add, is when you get him on the ship don't keep asking him how he is, let him "forget" he is actually on a ship.

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Having served in WWII and been on troop transport ships, my father-in-law swore up and down that he would never get on another ship. Well to make a long story short, we got him to go on a Bermuda cruise and he was hooked after that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't cruise until I was in my 40s and married. I finally went to Bermuda in '98 and I was hooked. Now I'm over 55 and I've done 7. The patch is called TransDermScop (Transdermal Scopolamine) and I've used it for EVERY cruise. It does work. Each patch is good for 3 days, so for a 7 day cruise you have some spares. I hope he does it for you.

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I'm not sure that I would force him if he really is adamant about not cruising (your mother wasn't successful and she should have had lots of influence over him!), but the pouty lip might work.


Or you might see if there are any fishing expeditions associated with the cruise (I know there were on our Alaska cruises, and on the one we took from New York to Quebec Canada). Since he apparently likes fishing, that might be a "hook".. :)


But if he really gets stubborn about not wanting to go, please don't make a huge issue of it, and make it a family quarrel. It's not worth that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our situation was quite similar. We wanted to surprise my parents with a cruise for their 50th anniversary. They have never cruised, and my dad has no interest in a cruise. He goes to Florida for the winter and we never really travelled when we were kids as he is not a "tourist"! We knew my mom would LOVE to go. We just booked it and even pre-paid the tips for them. I put together a little video of all our favourite things to do on a cruise and at the end of it - it said Happy Anniversary - you are coming with us! It went better than expected and my dad is actually excited! We just made it very clear to him, that this is his vacation as well - we know what we want to do - and he can sit by the pool and read if that what he wants to do!!!! Good Luck!

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We are taking one in Jan 2011 when my brother in law is getting married aboard ship. My mother in law passed away 7 months ago and we told my father in law he was going. He travels all over the country in his RV and told me he had already been a cruise in the 80's. He then said he doesn't even buy green bananas because he doesn't know if he will be here tomorrow. He is quite healthy and plays golf daily at 75. We are paying his way and did give him control over who he wanted in his room- he said just himself - but I can't afford that so he gets the youngest grandson. I also was prepared with the "what if I die before then" and had the answers from Carnival.

For your father- I agree with the inside cabin at the bottom of the ship. Also make sure it is a big ship. I get deatly sea sick and always end up in the infirmary. The best cruise for me was having the inside cabin on a really big ship, the transdermal patch and picking a cruise that goes along the shoreline. My first cruise went through the Gulf of Mexico and those where terrible days. The other was island hopping and I did better.

Good Luck to you.

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You are never too old for cruising. My next cruise is coming up and I will be traveling with a group of 10 ranging in age from 15 to 101. This should be interesting.


Even if our most senior cruiser stays on the ship she is excited. She wants to be where the action is not staying home with out anything to do.


You never know. Your dad may become a cruise addict or decide in the end that it just isn't for him. But it's worth a try.



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  • 1 month later...

Get him at least a window cabin, I'm sorry, but I have motion sickness and hate not being able to look outside once in a while! I do just fine with Bonine, although I find that the ships are so stable that I rarely need to take anything (but do stick to a low, midship cabin.)


See if you get get him hooked into the "nautical" aspects of the trip. I've been on ships where they have bridge and engine room tours and the guys are just fascinated by this. That, and all the navigation charts just send them into heaven! Being out at sea can be quite addictive.


On to of that, if he likes to dance at all, he could be quite popular on the dance floor in the evening!

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ok heres my story

im 33yrs old and have been on 7 cruises...3 solo (loved it) 3 with my mom and 1 with a friend

in july of 2007 i lost my mom to cancer and she took me on my 1st 3 cruises and turned my into a cruise addict..lol

my ? is this...my parents were married 37 yrs and he never once went on any of the other cruise she took b4 turning me on to them.

he has a weak stomach but i am sure the patch or some meds would help him not to get sea sick

he has 2 beautiful grand daughters that have not been on a cruise yet either so i thought maybe july of 2010 i will turn 35 and we could all go on a family trip together.

is there any advice u can give for my 55+ dad?






By all means PLEASE talk him in to going.....he will love it. I am VERY prone to sea sickness and have gotten deathly ill..to the point of having the "dry heaves"...after trying the prescription only "Trans dermal Patch" I worry no more. This December will be going on my 10th sea sickness free cruise. If he has any questions have him contact me..I will gladly answer any question he may have. I am older then he is and took my first cruise at age 59.

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Speaking as a single grandma of 8 I love my children & oh those grandchildren!! But I would strongly discourage the " I need you to help with the kids" bit. I love to cruise. If my grandchildren were onboard I would end up volunteering to watch while my children did so & so. I love seeing them do things I never had a chance to do at their age. But...But... I would resent them asking me on cruise so I could be a babysitter. Like I'm too old to have any fun so I can just watch the kids. Thats what grandparents are for . Poop!! Stick with I bought this as a surprise, can't get money back or change, ( we do hate waste) Get patches, script from dr. for phenerghan, cabin on lowest deck midship, Ask TA to arrange dinner seating with other seniors traveling alone, & when papa disappears from you for a bit.... don't page us we're on the water slide!!! We'll be back to watch kiddies in pool later.Get him a pc & show him a roll call so he can meet folks before he cruises. Oh remember to take med or put patch on about 6 hrs before you embark! Enjoy

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My mother passed in July and they took one cruise together. My hubby and I have done 6 cruises and love them. We would like to take my 89 year old father with us but were thinking of getting a suite - Any suggestions for the cruise line with the largest and nicest suite with balcony. Gathering info and then ask him to come along with us. Sail out of Florida for the Eastern Carib. a week. Any suggestions?


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I didn't see anyone or yourself mention this but I would make sure he was no longer grieving over your mom, his wife. There are lots of older cougars out there and there are way more older single ladies on a cruise ship than men. Please don't think he would spend all his time on a ship with your family. Also pick an itinerary that he would enjoy, not necessarily where you want to go.

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