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All I can say is, when I had a problem with the wine and dine package and was very angry, a RC memeber did their best to calm the situation and had "contacts":rolleyes: who they were in touch with and had information on the situation that I couldnt get.;) Why couldnt I? Because I wasnt a RC member.


May I ask what ship and when that was?

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All I can say is, when I had a problem with the wine and dine package and was very angry, a RC memeber did their best to calm the situation and had "contacts":rolleyes: who they were in touch with and had information on the situation that I couldnt get.;) Why couldnt I? Because I wasnt a RC member.


That wasnt because I am a RC...I have had contacts with the RCCL UK office for years now due to the fact amongst other things I have been trying to get them to give us a RCCL Visa Card. This is also why I have done two Pre-Inaugurals before I became a RC. :D

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Couple of points


There is no point in asking the staff here to give their actual opinion as to whether or not a scheme was set up on the premise of being directly from a cruise line, when infact it was just a marketing tool from a PR firm. Reason...with the level of cruise line involvement here...M&M etc...the company owning the board has much to lose if any staff happen to voice a concern or opinion that goes against the company line...they are biased by default, maybe not entirely by choice but certainly under the corporate thumb to think what they like but always speak the company line.


As to how the site I administer is run, by comparison. We have no cruise line bosses breathing down our necks or watching what we say. We are alot smaller than this, but as with big ships, size often loses the personal touch. A case in point....Freedom o/t Seas cruise, it was a group of mates who had a roll call on our site. Unfortunately a few erm...lets say unwanted parasites...arrived and started to cause aggro. Not a problem, we posted warnings that id anyone continued with the childish behaviour they would be booted. So then it stepped up a gear...I guess they thought they would get around us. Yeah right. We shutdown the RCI roll call section to guests (ours are open to read 24/7 by guests normally) and banned 3 parasites. They were not too bright as they re-registered under new names and emails...they had 4 or 5 to choose from...but they did not bank on their IP address. They were banned again and their IP was blocked, our last stand of defence was to moderate all new registrations, so we could cross reference IP's etc. The FOS cruise went ahead and we dropped our precautions as requested. If the same occurred now or in the future the same steps would be taken to ensure that our 'family' is as free as can be of intimidation and upset,


Now you tell me...how many sites would go out of their way to look after their members like that. Yes we are small but we do care about people and no we will not tollerate any form of b*tching or bickering. There have been many times when I have been on here that I have wondered how bad the b*tching has to be before steps are taken...when in fact the site here is too big to govern and keep safe from parasites out to stir up trouble,

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This whole nonsense reminds me of my mother's favorite phrase, "No one ever told you life was fair."


I'm not a Royal Champion. I have no issues with those who were selected or will be selected in the future. The reason I don't is because while I may appreciate their advice, opinions, guidance etc. I AM AN OPINIONATED WOMAN WHO WILL MAKE UP MY OWN MIND. Other than providing factual information - which can be gained from anyone on this site regardless of their experience or affiliations, everything else is an opinion and while I find opinions interesting, I form my OWN.


As the daughter of a journalist, I can bemoan the lack of ethics in reporting now. It used to be that a reporter was EXPECTED to keep their personal bias out of a story. "Stick to the facts...write the facts" was the true reporter's mantra. Now it appears that has been replaced by "make it attention getting and controversial" and "choose your side." This whole thing is drama over something quite unremarkable.


RC's - it's a small minority of posters that have issues with this. Please continue to enjoy your cruises and share information.


Non RC's - focus on some important issues in life. Are you really feeling so manipulated that you can't form your own opinion on your own cruising experiences? Has any advice provided by an RC negatively impacted your cruises or your cruise planning? Do their perks (which by all accounts are minimal at best and involve spending anywhere from $100's to $1000's of their OWN money for travel) really take away from your involvement on CC?


Jealousy is quite unattractive and no matter how I've tried to see both sides of this issue (I'm often called on to mediate in my work life so I feel a certain expertise ;)) I simply can't see what all the anger is about. No one is forcing you to value these people's opinions. Just as no one is forcing you to value mine. Read what you choose and form your own opinions. I certainly have.


So very well said.


1. I'll bet the person quoted in the article (who, I believe, obviously misspoke) is sorry for the way he/she worded the comment. It happens sometimes, you know.


2. I'll also bet that more people on these boards are influenced by the badmouthing they read rather than by the "cheerleaders." Some people write that they have changed their cruise plans because of all the bad things they read.


3. I for one read and discern. 'Nuf said.

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Did you participate in a thread here that others have referenced and that Laura allegedly joined at the inception of this, when RC's were wondering what it was all about ( I have asked the person bringing this up to link it)? There is a post further back wherein Laura says she believes the RC's knew about this being a marketing program and says she believed most had met with the marketing person from RCI, personally. Then a RC'er speaks for herself only and says she never met personally with anyone. I am beginning to wonder what exactly was told to whom.


And when, and if, I have the time to browse through my subscribed threads I will obligue you. Last night I was too tired, and a bit too disgusted, to do it. I can't even remember how far back it was. That is how inportant that this distinction of being an R.C. is to me. The only letters after my name that mean squat to me are M.D.


And to further clarify things. The thread was not about when the first group of R.C. people (charter members as they call themselves) became part of this. It was when most of the rest of us were contacted about it.

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I guarantee you that your doctor is getting all sorts of perks from the drug company that manufctures that medication he just prescribed you...




In the US, this is called a kickback, and is illegal. I am sure that it happens at times, but having personal knowledge of the investigation process, I can assure you that it is not prevelant in the US.

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We attended a reception on the Liberty. Richard Fain, Adam Goldstein and Alice Norsworthy were there. I believe Alice was in charge of the loyalty program. I might be wrong, but that's how much I paid attention. Nobody told me there was an out agency involved. Until all this started, I thought RCI's own marketing division had done the selection. I didn't talk to anyone except to say hello. Nobody ever told me it was an ongoing "program". I think we were all surprised when we got invited to New York. Nobody's told me how or what to post.


Just to add a little levity to the proceedings, if RCI invites us to many more "free" events, we might have to file bankruptcy/


Same here.

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Actually, that is not true at all. Not that this really means much but RCI has ALL the info on anyone who has registered for a meet and mingle, as you must put your CC screen name on the registration along with your reservation info. A solid link to all the info. they would require. I am however, assuming that anyone who was asked to be an RC has registered for a meet and mingle.


You assume wrong.

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I have just found out about this by reading this thread today, and I will admit it rubs me the wrong way. Having been a member of CC for a few years now I know that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING has been discussed ad nauseum to the tiniest detail. Whether it's upgrades or loyalty programs or the newest RCI T-shirt. And yet we never heard anyone discuss how they had been chosen as a member of the "RC" club. Seems odd to me. Why is that? What is the secrecy for? It just seems a bit strange.


This HAS been discussed many times in the past two years. Just because you didn't happen to see any of it doesn't mean it wasn't discussed.



I’ve been on CC for a year, maybe two. From the very beginning I noticed the many unusual acronyms and nicknames used here. When I first saw the Royal Champion designation in the signatures, I asked them what it meant. Some of the very harsh critics in this thread have been on CC much longer than me. Why didn’t you ever ask what it was? I can’t be the only person who asked.


I don’t understand why there is so much animosity toward them. The RCs have always been very upfront. Not only are they seasoned cruisers, but they’ve been on the boards for awhile and I find them very knowledgeable. I think many are missing the point that these posters were “Royal Champions” long before anyone at RCI thought of the marketing campaign. It has been explained over and over in this tread how it came about.


There are cheerleaders on these boards; in fact every sub forum has them. Most of the RCs aren’t very good cheerleaders, Many have been highly critical and vocal about some of RCI’s decisions, such as the Chops Steak in the MDR, the new ad campaign, the Oasis of the Seas, the reserved seating by the pool, etc. And many are not “loyal” to RCI, they sail all the lines.


I find nastiness on message boards prevalent throughout the Internet. People will attack in this type of forum, but they would never confront someone in person or sign the attack with their name. There are many posters in this thread and in the previous ones who I have never seen before. I also find it odd when you have no RCI cruises listed in your signature line, yet you feel you have been maligned by the Royal Champions.


I’ve learned a lot on CC and generally enjoy reading it. I read every post with a critical eye- I look at who wrote it, how many posts they have, their CC tenure, where they are from, their affinity status. I don’t have any problem with Royal Champions or the program. I’m amazed that some people are so jealous over this “status.” I am also very sorry that the RCs have been attacked on here.


Steve this is probably the post that makes the most sense I that I have read since this nonsense began a few days ago!!!! Thank you! It's refreshing to see someone with common sense.

Funny others have said there was NO free Cruises !!


Maybe there's different levels of Champs - seeing some haven't had a free cruise yet !!


Many who are RCs have NOT been offered free cruises. :rolleyes:



Geez seriously some people need to move on. I can't even imagine getting so riled up over this that I sit behind my computer and devote myself to such a negative cause day in & day out.

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I don't have the original email from Laura, but my conclusion was I would be participating in opinion polls (which I haven't), and special "events" (which I haven't, either, as explained above). I likened it to a marketing focus group, a la secret shopper or blind tasting.



That was exaclty my impression also. And I, also, have done done of those things.

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gotchya! So when the insurance company learns I like Ben and Jerry's and I have high cholesterol (not really, because it's not high), I'm cancelled. The place this leaves us in this instance is that RCCL didn't ever have to go through CC, but they did, so why? What's the rest of the story?


The rest of the story is that the initial assumption that we have all signed up for M&M meetings in the past is erroneous.

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Actually, that is not true at all. Not that this really means much but RCI has ALL the info on anyone who has registered for a meet and mingle, as you must put your CC screen name on the registration along with your reservation info. A solid link to all the info. they would require. I am however, assuming that anyone who was asked to be an RC has registered for a meet and mingle.


Actually, the marketing firm contacted CC, because your id you sign in to the meet and mingle might be false. Or different from the one given to the meet and mingle. A lot of trollish folks, have multiple ids... several of them are participating here. :D


This has to be the funniest thread of all time, with the clueless accusing everyone in sight with all sorts of non misdeeds.:(



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I’ve been on CC for a year, maybe two. From the very beginning I noticed the many unusual acronyms and nicknames used here. When I first saw the Royal Champion designation in the signatures, I asked them what it meant. Some of the very harsh critics in this thread have been on CC much longer than me. Why didn’t you ever ask what it was? I can’t be the only person who asked.


I don’t understand why there is so much animosity toward them. The RCs have always been very upfront. Not only are they seasoned cruisers, but they’ve been on the boards for awhile and I find them very knowledgeable. I think many are missing the point that these posters were “Royal Champions” long before anyone at RCI thought of the marketing campaign. It has been explained over and over in this tread how it came about.


There are cheerleaders on these boards; in fact every sub forum has them. Most of the RCs aren’t very good cheerleaders, Many have been highly critical and vocal about some of RCI’s decisions, such as the Chops Steak in the MDR, the new ad campaign, the Oasis of the Seas, the reserved seating by the pool, etc. And many are not “loyal” to RCI, they sail all the lines.


I find nastiness on message boards prevalent throughout the Internet. People will attack in this type of forum, but they would never confront someone in person or sign the attack with their name. There are many posters in this thread and in the previous ones who I have never seen before. I also find it odd when you have no RCI cruises listed in your signature line, yet you feel you have been maligned by the Royal Champions.


I’ve learned a lot on CC and generally enjoy reading it. I read every post with a critical eye- I look at who wrote it, how many posts they have, their CC tenure, where they are from, their affinity status. I don’t have any problem with Royal Champions or the program. I’m amazed that some people are so jealous over this “status.” I am also very sorry that the RCs have been attacked on here.



Ding Ding another winner. Congratulations! I admire those who actually understand things so much!


jc<---- not a Royal Champion, didn't make the cut! :D

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thanks. The reason I asked about the thread that supposedly existed wherein this was all discussed by prospective RC's was that I was trying to determine how evident that thread was to cc'ers -- evidently not too evident, even to prospective RC's, but then, I understand there were two waves of selections. Were you in the first wave or the second, may I ask? ShirleyPM, for instance, speaks of only recently being invited, I believe.


Let me reiterate what others have said -- the focus is not to impugn the character of any RC's, rather, there is a concern about an appearance of impropriety by a board that purports to be non-affiliated that we are trying to examine.


When did you get the misunderstanding that this board in non-affiliated? Seriously, there are RCI ads all over the board. Expedia is a travel agency. Were you on the Watergate committee?:rolleyes:



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The recent controversy over Royal Caribbean’s “Royal Champions” program has certainly inspired debate on Cruise Critic and elsewhere over the past week. Offering answers and clarity is Bill Hayden, Royal Caribbean’s associate vice president of marketing, who talked with Cruise Critic Editor in Chief, Carolyn Brown, on Tuesday.


Question: What are the Royal Champions?


Bill Hayden: The idea that inspired Royal Champions came as we were brainstorming ideas for the launch of Liberty of the Seas. We went through the usual list of people who attend our ship unveilings – travel agents, cruise writers, high-level Crown & Anchor members – and thought about expanding outreach to a small group of travelers who were particularly passionate about and prolific in sharing information about cruising.



Question: How are Royal Champions selected?


Hayden: We engaged a company called Nielsen Buzz Metrics to go out and, using a general profile (with criteria that, as already noted, included being passionate about cruising in general), but that also included experienced Royal Caribbean travelers, and, in general, people who were helpful in sharing online their experiences, insights and advice with fellow passengers. Nielsen Buzz Metrics came back with a list. The list was not limited to Cruise Critic by any stretch; it included folks who post frequently in other communities and who write blogs. We didn’t pick Cruise Critic -- the data showed us where to go. Other sites included TripAdvisor and various Usenet boards.


What we did then with the various communities was, in respect for peoples’ privacy, ask community managers if they’d mind asking the posters and bloggers that were discovered by Nielsen Buzz Metrics if we could contact them.



Question: What do Royal Champions do?


Hayden: This group, which started out with about 50 participants and now has grown to 75, is involved on several levels. First, they engage in passionate discourse on all-things cruising, just as they have always done. As well, they’re definitely part of an informal focus network – we run information and ideas by them, ask for feedback. A couple of examples: we asked some Royal Champions to give us input as we were designing our new “nation of why not” website. We invited some Royal Champions to attend an Oasis of the Seas event in New York (in June, 2008, we showcased developments such as the boardwalk, royal promenade, Central Park and the loft suites). Some traveled to New York, Los Angeles or Miami for two-night pre-inaugural cruises.


When we were testing out an early version of a social networking site of our own, we invited the Royal Champions to log in, take a look at it and send comments, and we’ve really taken the input to heart. It’s important to note that when travel is involved, Royal Champions pay their own costs for transportation and hotel.



Question: Can Royal Champions be removed from the program if posts are negative or infrequent?


Hayden: Categorically -- never. After we have an event, we look at various places where Royal Champions might be writing and blogging to see what we can learn from them. To learn if we need to make changes. We have never, ever contacted anyone about anything that they’ve posted and we never will. We have identified them as enthusiastic but they are more than welcome to say anything they want and that won’t affect their ongoing status. I feel very comfortable saying never.


Question: Do you pay Cruise Critic for its participation in the Royal Champions program?


Hayden: We have not in any way compensated Cruise Critic for its participation in this program. And let me make this clear: Cruise Critic didn’t actually really participate in the program other than to pass on a message from us and obtain permission for Royal Caribbean to contact the members that were identified via our research project. This approach applies to the other web sites and blog sites that we reached out to.


******End of Q&A With Bill Hayden of RCI**************


Note from Cruise Critic Community Manager:


In light of questions over messages deleted from Royal Champion’s-oriented threads, please take a reminder look at our community guidelines (http://www.cruisecritic.com/community/guide.cfm). This should clear up any issues, specifically, about why some posts were removed yesterday. As Cecilia mentioned, and I later confirmed, posts were removed because they contained large blocks of copyrighted material lifted from other sites (http://www.cruisecritic.com/community/guide.cfm#9). In addition, the threads contained harassment, flaming and posts created to humiliate and/or cast members in a less than favorable light were too numerous to clear out (http://www.cruisecritic.com/community/guide.cfm#6).


It appears to us that some believe that Cruise Critic removes negative postings from the boards when asked to do so by a cruise line. This couldn't be farther from the truth. And, you can all rest assured that we have never once entertained a request of this nature. We do, however, as noted above, remove postings that do not abide by our community guidelines and at times entire threads if they contain too many community guideline violations.


Finally, our message board policies have never been open to discussion on the cruise forums. This has been in place since the day we opened our doors here on the "web"; and is also clearly stated in our guidelines. We have always asked that you contact us for information, and we will continue to do so in the future.


One more piece of information I was asked to share with you all comes directly from the PR Department, verbatim, at Royal Caribbean:

"..the only thing I would like to add is that it would be very helpful to reiterate that this is totally separate from our loyalty program and that being a Royal Champion is in no way tied to the number of Royal Caribbean cruises a person has taken."



Good night,



Thanks Laura! I am doubtful that anyone who seems to want to grind their axe is going to believe the truth, no matter how clear it is to everyone else!


I find it fascinating how something so innocent can be turned into some super secret nefarious plot to twist the minds of so many people. :rolleyes: Good grief.



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What say you, RC's? Who helped with the new ad campaign, Nation of Whatever? Who helped with RCCL's own cruise forum blog set up? The only things that we have learned that you have been involved with is writing your opinions of RCCL, and attending an "event" but Hayden says you have been doing far more. True, or not? If I read some of these posts correctly, some of you seem to say you have had only one email contact, the intital one, since about last summer. I judge a person's veracity by what can independently be verified, and the RC's are the independents here for purposes of verification. Responses to Hayden's list of what you are doing for RCCL, or have been invited to do for them?


I have done nothing nor have I been invited to do anything. But I sure wish that they had asked for my opinion on this "Nation of Why Not" stuff. Well, they really didn't have to ask. I stated my opinion on these boards in no uncertain terms.:D

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Thanks Laura! I am doubtful that anyone who seems to want to grind their axe is going to believe the truth, no matter how clear it is to everyone else!


I find it fascinating how something so innocent can be turned into some super secret nefarious plot to twist the minds of so many people. :rolleyes: Good grief.




When threads, posts, and CC members are caused to disappear for simply questioning the Royal Champions, it lends credence to the existence of your "super secret nefarious plot to twist the minds".

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When threads, posts, and CC members are caused to disappear for simply questioning the Royal Champions, it lends credence to the existence of your "super secret nefarious plot to twist the minds".


Have you read the community guidelines?

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Couple of points


As to how the site I administer is run, by comparison. We have no cruise line bosses breathing down our necks or watching what we say. We are alot smaller than this, but as with big ships, size often loses the personal touch. A case in point....Freedom o/t Seas cruise, it was a group of mates who had a roll call on our site. Unfortunately a few erm...lets say unwanted parasites...arrived and started to cause aggro. Not a problem, we posted warnings that id anyone continued with the childish behaviour they would be booted. So then it stepped up a gear...I guess they thought they would get around us. Yeah right. We shutdown the RCI roll call section to guests (ours are open to read 24/7 by guests normally) and banned 3 parasites. They were not too bright as they re-registered under new names and emails...they had 4 or 5 to choose from...but they did not bank on their IP address. They were banned again and their IP was blocked, our last stand of defence was to moderate all new registrations, so we could cross reference IP's etc. The FOS cruise went ahead and we dropped our precautions as requested. If the same occurred now or in the future the same steps would be taken to ensure that our 'family' is as free as can be of intimidation and upset,




And yet you slam CC for the way they are operated. My goodness but this just gets humorous an humorouser! :D:D:D



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And when, and if, I have the time to browse through my subscribed threads I will obligue you. Last night I was too tired, and a bit too disgusted, to do it. I can't even remember how far back it was. That is how inportant that this distinction of being an R.C. is to me. The only letters after my name that mean squat to me are M.D.


And to further clarify things. The thread was not about when the first group of R.C. people (charter members as they call themselves) became part of this. It was when most of the rest of us were contacted about it.


howdy neighbor, in CT here!!


Ocean I have read all of your posts and I understand you are frustrated, I disagree with anyone personally attacking the RC's, I have no problem with the RC's,imo more power to ya, I hold no jealously or ill feelings toward any individual here, the RC's are not responsible for causing this commotion



The problem I have is I never knew that cruise critic was involved with RCCl to this extent, I never saw it posted that they were working with RCCL behind the scenes per say, moving forward now that most of us know this I would say that it should be made clear so new members will understand what this program is all about, the little Royal champion siggys dont cut it, (obviously)but I also am not entirely sure what they should say.


The RC's also have to look at this from our perspective and try an understand that for most of us we are not mad about free cruises or the little perks etc. It is the deceit that some of us feel from CC. its pretty hard to swallow


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When threads, posts, and CC members are caused to disappear for simply questioning the Royal Champions, it lends credence to the existence of your "super secret nefarious plot to twist the minds".


That is because when something is so wrong, there is really no reason to discuss it.


I think this thread shows CC's willingness to let this be discussed once and for all time. I expect that the clueless will remain so, and eventually because they are just wrong, it will again dissappear into the internet ether.


I was reading the letters to the editors the other day in the local paper. Seems there are some military or black ops that are dumping chem trails in the atmosphere. The military is secretly putting out clouds of secret chemicals on the population in order to attack people for some unknown purpose.:D These tin foiled headed people actually think that regular old jet vapor trails were some secret military experiment. In fact you can search the net you will find these people still discussing this. Yet planes have been leaving vapor trails since the 1930s. When this thread is gone the vapor trail mentality folks will still be discussing this nefarious plot here.



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howdy neighbor, in CT here!!


Ocean I have read all of your posts and I understand you are frustrated, I disagree with anyone personally attacking the RC's, I have no problem with the RC's,imo more power to ya, I hold no jealously or ill feelings toward any individual here, the RC's are not responsible for causing this commotion



The problem I have is I never knew that cruise critic was involved with RCCl to this extent, I never saw it posted that they were working with RCCL behind the scenes per say, moving forward now that most of us know this I would say that it should be made clear so new members will understand what this program is all about, the little Royal champion siggys dont cut it, (obviously)but I also am not entirely sure what they should say.


The RC's also have to look at this from our perspective and try an understand that for most of us we are not mad about free cruises or the little perks etc. It is the deceit that some of us feel from CC. its pretty hard to swallow


And here, I think, is the crux of the issue. We don't see it as "us and the rest of you". You can believe it or not but I see myself as just one poster out of many on the C.C. site. You state that your issue is with CC. That is all well and good. But if you read, as I suspect you have, most of this thread you will have to agree the issue that you have with CC is very much getting blurred into an issue with the R.C. folks and their integrity. THAT is what is becoming very old and very tiring.

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I think some of our posters are all in a twit over nothing.


So, some regular posters are participating in a sponsored program. And so?


Some folks have kind things to say about RCCL, some have not so kind.


As I commented in a previous post - and it would be "kind" of the ptb on the boards to post why something is pulled - it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Hooray for the folks involved in the RC program. They are usually more articulate and thoughtful in their reviews of cruises. They also tend to notice things that blow right by me and then write about them.


Is there anyone in the world who is going to book a cruise because 1 or 2 reviews out of 100 are over the top? I suppose they would also be dissuaded from taking the same cruise if 1 or 2 reviews out of 100 told how terrible things were.


We are too involved in the "gotcha" mentality. Get a grip. Unless you have actually seen something on the boards that shows undue influence from the cruise lines - find a new cause in life.


There are dogs being mistreated and neglected, abused women shelters closing, homeless people, roads in complete disrepair, schools need updating, etc, etc. There are many other things in this life that could be affected in a positive way by some of this venom that is spewing forth from some of our posters. Channel it where it would do some real good.


Stepping off my soapbox and remembering why I usually only visit my Roll Call these days.

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Actually, the marketing firm contacted CC, because your id you sign in to the meet and mingle might be false. Or different from the one given to the meet and mingle. A lot of trollish folks, have multiple ids... several of them are participating here. :D


This has to be the funniest thread of all time, with the clueless accusing everyone in sight with all sorts of non misdeeds.:(




Hey buddy. Well, it must just be my state of mind because I am totally missing the funny part to this thread. Twelve days until I'm on Adventure (and I'm not sailing for free I might add!):D and I suspect that my mind will be in a much better place!!:p

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