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Whenever I have a question or concern I call the Offices of Executive Customer Service..........which the little people can do also.:D The number is 1-888-305-4626

Just to correct myself :o ................the above number is incorrect. The number for Executive Customer Service is 1-888-767-4644.

The above number is for the RCI Coupon Redemption Center......what was I thinking????:eek:

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Just to correct myself :o ................the above number is incorrect. The number for Executive Customer Service is 1-888-767-4644.


The above number is for the RCI Coupon Redemption Center......what was I thinking????:eek:


Just another example of how helpful and what a great resource the Royal Champions are for the rest of us.


jc<---- is glad:) the Royal Champions are here, and is sad :(that many probably will stay away because of the false accusations about them.

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look at it from my point of view....


1. I'm not making a comment about anyone on a personal level.

2. You have disclosed that's fair. Those who haven't are the problem.

3. Part of our societal compact is that when we have a conflict of interest, we disclose it. Not everyone follows that compact and not everyone is moral. That has no weight on those who have disclosed.

4. Disclosure doesn't indicate that you are or aren't biased, but at least it tells us that you are honest about it.


You bet I would expect a TA to be neutral. Their job is to look out for their PAYING clients' best interests not to promote their own interests in a ship or product.


I simply don't agree. TA are in it to make money. The better ones realize that the way to make money is to service their customers well. But the point here is that we know that they are TA and that our booking makes them profit. It's disclosed. What we are talking about is transparency and the right for the public to disclosure.


For those calling for "transparacy." I want to know who is part of the loyalty program and who owns stock. Those people directly benefit from RCI. How do I know I am reading an honest opinion if you are an owner? And those Diamond members, well RCI's obviously showers you with benefits. Are Diamond members honest in their reviews? Might as well require travel agents to be identified also. Those three groups receive far more benefits and perks from RCI than any RCs do based on the RC status. While we are at it I guess we should require anyone who does business with the cruise industry be identified: Brokers, lawyers, produce salesmen...


Both the loyalty program and those who own stock is an open group. This is NOT an open group. This is a group who are invited and it's membership roster is secret.


Ever noticed that when a Disney branded film doesn't get good reviews that they always manage to get a good blurb from some unknown person at an unknown media outlet? That's because they ply him with gifts... It's the reason that I never trust a blurb in an advertisement. But the fact that Disney paid for the advertisement, tells you that.


The RCs identified themselves in their signatures.


No, some of the RCs have identified themselves, some have not. The question is... should they be required to disclose this bias. My moral code says to disclose, but not everyone has the same moral code.

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No, some of the RCs have identified themselves, some have not. The question is... should they be required to disclose this bias. My moral code says to disclose, but not everyone has the same moral code.


why do you automatically assume bias? you don't know me and i take that as a personal insult. it would take a lot more than what i've received from rci to make me biased in their favor. you're assuming that you have a moral code and are ethical, but i don't and am not. how condescending.


i don't get paid. i am not told when, what or how to post. any "event" i go to i pay the transportation and lodging for my wife and i.


i'll match my moral code and ethics against yours anytime.

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Don't ya just love it?


What's the expression? If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. I think we can both heed those words... or do I need to put links showing ToS violations on another board?

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And yet you advocate that private citizens must be identified for your pleasure so that you may know their bias. :mad:


That is twisted and pathetic.:mad: Do you not see the screaming hypocrisy.:rolleyes:




Still having trouble with the concept, I see, of a BOARD requiring tranparency after it has been complicit. As another poster referenced, you probably also have a problem with elected officials having to file what in Illinois we call the "nun or Catholic" form, which discloses potential conflicts of interest. We call it a "nun" form, because pols who are untaintable (or liars), write, "none, none, none" to all the questions.


You know a few pages back, where that RC said s/he had taken the RC out of his sig line and then had been "ganged up" on (my words) by other RC's to put it back and stick together -- any involvement with that?

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why do you automatically assume bias? you don't know me and i take that as a personal insult. it would take a lot more than what i've received from rci to make me biased in their favor. you're assuming that you have a moral code and are ethical, but i don't and am not. how condescending.


i don't get paid. i am not told when, what or how to post. any "event" i go to i pay the transportation and lodging for my wife and i.


i'll match my moral code and ethics against yours anytime.


I'm not assuming bias... I'm assuming that we have a right to know if there MAY be a bias. Very different things. I haven't said that anyone has a bias, just that if there may be, that it should be disclosed. If you prefer, add the word POTENTIAL bias.


I have NEVER said that anyone was biased. And I think I have said that repeatedly. But someone who discloses is infinitely more trustworthy than someone who doesn't.

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No, some of the RCs have identified themselves, some have not. The question is... should they be required to disclose this bias. My moral code says to disclose, but not everyone has the same moral code.


Here here



I see, of a BOARD requiring tranparency after it has been complicit.



Thats all we ask tranparency !!






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"Hi All~ I am a PR mgr. at HAL and will be chiming in here from time to time. I want to assure everyone that we do not have paid evangelists on any boards."


Humor on this thread. Funnier then heck. I almost fell on of the floor. I'm sure some are all upset by this comment but quite frankly, RCI has set themselves up for these types of comments and I'm sure we'll be reading more over the coming weeks, truthful or not.


"....we do not have paid evangelists on any boards." Gotta love it.....still shaking my head and laughing, and thanks to RCI for settting themselves up for this. It was very good of them to play the "straight man".

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So, you continue to post this mistaken quote to "prove" that the RCs, CC, RCI are all liars. :mad:






Mistaken? Prove it. Does Hancock, is it?, still have a job I wonder after letting the cat out of the bag at a marketing conference? Or are you saying it is mistaken because of a CYA response, yesterday?

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For what it is worth, what I'm seeing in Royal Champions is a program very similar to one I was a part of in a very different industry. This was called the MVP program, and was set up to recognize people who contributed positively to the community on a regular basis.


This doesn't mean being a lacky or full-time cheerleader, but simply posting their opinions, and helping out others who are new to the system. By definition, anyone with a choice who uses any product regularly is likely to be a fan of that product, and by and large say good things about it.


What mkes MVPs, and I suspect Champions, different from other customers is that they are willing both to talk about their experiences, and go out of their way to help others. One key thing - MVP's can't generally seek to join the program - they are invited based on their past, volunatry, community activities. It sounds like RC's are selected in a similar way.


A part of this recognition is the occasional perk. You might get invited to participate in a product launch, or provide extra feedback to the company. You might get some small token of appreciation. You certainly aren't an employee of the company, and they don't pressure you to say good things. At worst, you might lose your extra status if you are somehow abusive, but generally, you are still free to speak your mind.


Now, I'm not saying that this is exactly how the RC program works, but I would be surprised if it was very different. I certainly have no problem with it (and I'm someone who got vocal agaisnt the for-fee Steak thing), and offer what I believe are well-deserved congratulations to those who were selected to be a part of the RC program!


- Woody -

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I'm not assuming bias... I'm assuming that we have a right to know if there MAY be a bias. Very different things. I haven't said that anyone has a bias, just that if there may be, that it should be disclosed. If you prefer, add the word POTENTIAL bias.


I have NEVER said that anyone was biased. And I think I have said that repeatedly. But someone who discloses is infinitely more trustworthy than someone who doesn't.


should they be required to disclose this bias.


that sounds pretty specific to me. i wrote and managed contracts and have always liked words and how they're used. that sentence says you brand me as biased. read it as written.

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Just to correct myself :o ................the above number is incorrect. The number for Executive Customer Service is 1-888-767-4644.


The above number is for the RCI Coupon Redemption Center......what was I thinking????:eek:



Don't call them! It's a trick!! She's an RC and can't be trusted!!!:D

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Actually, it sounded to me like Christie was saying that she is done dealing with you.... But that is just my interpretation. :)


You're interpretation is right on. :D


Just another example of how helpful and what a great resource the Royal Champions are for the rest of us.


jc<---- is glad:) the Royal Champions are here, and is sad :(that many probably will stay away because of the false accusations about them.

Thanks, jc! No way will I ever stay away...I love cruising and helping people, and I need THEIR help as well! And I invite you to join on the REAL message board and get back to what we do best....love to talk cruising. Basically we are just fanning the fire with some people here who have no other 'cause' in their lives but to fight on a message board about untruths. It's been discussed over & over & over and I'm done.


See you all on the main boards where the TRUE lovers of cruising are! :)

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should they be required to disclose this bias.


that sounds pretty specific to me. i wrote and managed contracts and have always liked words and how they're used. that sentence says you brand me as biased. read it as written.


I can't go back and edit it. I meant POSSIBLE bias. And this is the second message that I have had to post asking you to correct my words.


I'm not a lawyer. I am not versed in legal language. I am just a man. If you want to roast me for my words, please, pull out the spit and go ahead. Apparently I'm not allowed a mistake.


Sorry, Pharoah.

Sorry, Pharoah

Sorry, Pharoah.


Want me to continue with the self flagellation? Proud of yourself, now?

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The thread was started on the main boards and is now on Float-a-Way. It is called "The Internet Coalition to Stamp Out Whining". And just as an FYI it was started by an RC right about the time some people started talking about the RC Program on CC after various media forms and statements by RCL shone a light on the Program.


It is basically a club (I guess?) to whine about posters who are supposedly whiners. Didn't seem to have any other meaning but a negative one. Negative, whining thread complaining about supposed negative, whining CCers. The intent seemed to be "Stamp em out! Some people even put in their signatures that they were members or founders of the "Coalition".


Nice, uh?


Hey by the way, we are practically neighbors (or at least in the same Metro area) we are in Colleyville.





I fell asleep thinking about this last night. When I first read your mention of it, my mind went immediately to another such thread back around the time of the fuel surcharge fight. I thought you were referring to that, until I read more commentary, and learned that you were referring to something very recent, started by an RC. I got into this late because I was off on my vacation/cruise when all this started, so didn't see that one. Thanks for pointing it out.


Back when the other one arose, we had no knowledge of the RC viral marketing campaign having been started, and we just referred to those who said nasty things to us who were fighting to have our contracts upheld, or who started a thread to "stamp us out", as cheerleaders.


I posted before that if I were a marketing firm doing viral marketing, I would choose both sweetness and light and bull dogs. I think we have seen some of both, here, mostly the latter. I also posited if this program began with eyes toward the breach of contract coming down the pike, it could be used both to promote the line, and silence the "grousers."


RC's are not only promoters, but representatives, of/for the line, chosen to be such. They are examples of the kind of folks the line wants to encourage. And this is where the blowback begins, to use a CIA term. Blame it on my Prussian bloodline, thugs turn my stomach and I sure as heck don't care to cruise with them.


Just a note to coxswain, off topic,

prayers are with you and your beautiful country that "the troubles" not be reignited. I married into a family of Irish on their maternal line. Peace!

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I can't go back and edit it. I meant POSSIBLE bias. And this is the second message that I have had to post asking you to correct my words.


I'm not a lawyer. I am not versed in legal language. I am just a man. If you want to roast me for my words, please, pull out the spit and go ahead. Apparently I'm not allowed a mistake.


Sorry, Pharoah.

Sorry, Pharoah

Sorry, Pharoah.


Want me to continue with the self flagellation? Proud of yourself, now?


flagellate away. just read what you write before you post and look at it as someone else might. i appreciated your correction.

nice how you turned it back on me and made yourself the victim. i appreciate how you did that, too.

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If I have to read the term "transparency" one more time and see it used incorrectly, I'll beat myself with the strap from my life jacket. "Transparency" does not and cannot exist in an internet forum. You are kidding yourselves.


This is astonishing to follow and embarassing to see grownups act so foolish about such a non issue. As SO MANY have said, if you think RC's are so insidiously biased, IGNORE THEM. This blogger who wrote the original story lost a lot of credibility with me based on her acceptance of the Moran's side of the story when anyone with a degree of common sense could have seen that there was something "off" on that story. A true journalist investigates and reports BOTH sides of the issue.

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Nah they just get free cruises - free drink - a bag full of goodies and other stuff that RCCL won't reveal ( not my words RCCL ) !!


ROYAL CHAMPION - those two words explain it all, RCCL picked those specific words because it meant someone championing the RCCL cause ( please don't insult our intelligence )



I think this somes it up aqhacruiser if you're unhappy maybe contact Adam again.


Harrison Liu, manager of brand communications for Royal Caribbean International


"Harrison said that the selection criteria, responsibilities and BENEFITS of Royal Champions are confidential in order to ensure the maximum level of objectivity among the group."




And let me make it crystal clear - i'm not against RCCL doing this or CC being involved in it - also i'm not jealous of the Champs !!


I only ask that the Champs avatars or something is highlighted so that impartiality is brought back to the boards !!







First, the RC has been in my sig since day one so I have never hidden anything. 2, I am TELLING you I have never received anything from RCCL and that's a fact and if you would like and you are on the same cruise with me someday I will show you my paid receipts from every cruise I've been on and trust me, RCCL's name is NOT on my credit card statement and they are NOT paying my bills, so please don't insult MY integrity and I won't insult your intelligence! Please be aware there are TWO groups of RC's. I was in the second group selected in the fall of 2008. I have not received anything from RCCL, no money, no gifts, no cruises, no perks, nothing for being a RC.

The simple way to prove who is a cheerleader and who is not to those that say they can't trust RC's now is to just read our reviews or posts. In my case you will see no difference in my posts and reviews from 2006 until present and I was not selected as a RC until Sept. 2008.

I do not have a problem with Goldstein or RCCL but I do have a problem with people saying I received something I did not or that I post or answer questions just to "promote" RCCL. If you call saying you had a great time on your last cruise as promoting RCCL then I guess the majority of CC members on the RCCL boards are guilty of that. Maybe we should all have to highlight if we are posting in a positive manner or a negative one about anything discussed here.

I have no problem starting my posts with I am a Royal Champion if it makes you happy but it is in my sig and it's pretty hard to miss. If you have a problem with certain people who you believe are "cheerleaders" for RCCL no matter what happens, then address them as individuals and don't lump us altogether as a group because we are all very different from one another. The only thing the RC's really have in common from what I can see if we all love to cruise just like anyone else on CC. If we as individuals had the same opinions and manner of posting long before we were RC's then it's really not fair at all to accuse any of us of saying things purely to promote RCCL now and that's real easy to check.

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Mistaken? Prove it. Does Hancock, is it?, still have a job I wonder after letting the cat out of the bag at a marketing conference? Or are you saying it is mistaken because of a CYA response, yesterday?


So let me see if I got this correct, you believe everything you read on the internet as gospel, dont need a back up to prove its the truth. By George if someone reported someone said something, you know THAT is the truth, over and above what a lot of us have said. You would accept a 3rd hand report of what someone said they think they heard over us?


If you were in the RC shoes, wouldnt you take this personal? Saying things that are libel that you cant prove. Then some of the attackers, like you, get mad if someone says something to them, say back "dont get personal". .... when you simply dont get that you are calling us liars, and accusing us of bias, and that we are accepting perks so we cant be trusted and worse .... and you dont feel this is personal against us? This is personal to hear that folks are saying these things about me and others.


Good thing Im getting ready to leave for the weekend. I think its safe to say none of us appreciate being called all the things Iv heard folks say on this thread. Jaxon, I realize you arent the only closed mind and no one like you is ever willing to learn or accept you may be wrong about this. That we may only be what we say, a volunteer marketing focus group, not paid shillers.

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"Transparency" does not and cannot exist in an internet forum. You are kidding yourselves.



Why not ??



Hi aqhacruiser why do you think Harrison Liu said that ?



"Harrison said that the selection criteria, responsibilities and BENEFITS of Royal Champions are confidential in order to ensure the maximum level of objectivity among the group."






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If I have to read the term "transparency" one more time and see it used incorrectly, I'll beat myself with the strap from my life jacket. "Transparency" does not and cannot exist in an internet forum. You are kidding yourselves.


This is astonishing to follow and embarassing to see grownups act so foolish about such a non issue. As SO MANY have said, if you think RC's are so insidiously biased, IGNORE THEM. This blogger who wrote the original story lost a lot of credibility with me based on her acceptance of the Moran's side of the story when anyone with a degree of common sense could have seen that there was something "off" on that story. A true journalist investigates and reports BOTH sides of the issue.


Thank you for not believing every word of every blog you read. Well said. Im applauding, sorry I had replied once more and shouldnt have. Bravo!!


Yes, it is a non issue, that a few are trying to make a mole hill into a mountain.

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