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Royal Champions


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And while we are bemoaning the fact that the RCers have been denigrated by nasty comments here, more than one of us non-CCers have been called conspiracy nuts, paranoid, etc etc.


Exactly correct.

And don't forget that we have also been labeled as jealous! :cool: :D

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Since it has now been several pages since I pointed this out, and some of my interpretations and explanations of Royal Champions and programs like them have been split as responses multiple posts, I am going to consolidate some of them here.


First, full disclosure:

- I am NOT a Royal Champion.

- I am NOT an employee or representative of Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines

- I am NOT an employee or representative of Cruise Critic

- I am NOT a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV.

- I have, in the past, worked for a market research company in a non-market-related capacity

- I have, in the past, been a member of a program that I perceive as similar to the Royal Champions


What I'm seeing in Royal Champions is a program very similar to one I was a part of in a very different industry. This was called the MVP program, and was set up to recognize people who contributed positively to the community on a regular basis.


This doesn't mean being a lacky or full-time cheerleader, but simply posting their opinions, and helping out others who are new to the system. By definition, anyone with a choice who uses any product regularly is likely to be a fan of that product, and by and large say good things about it.


What makes MVPs, and I suspect Champions, different from other customers is that they are willing both to talk about their experiences, and go out of their way to help others. One key thing - MVP's can't generally seek to join the program - they are invited based on their past, voluntary, community activities. It sounds like RC's are selected in a similar way.


A part of this recognition is the occasional perk. You might get invited to participate in a product launch, or provide extra feedback to the company. You might get some small token of appreciation. You certainly aren't an employee of the company, and they don't pressure you to say good things. At worst, you might lose your extra status if you are somehow abusive, but generally, you are still free to speak your mind.


Like loyalty tiers, these programs are customer focused, and therefore they tend to be handled by the marketing and/or customer relations departments of the companies sponsoring them. So in a way, yes, they are advertising. But they are also customer service, in that MVP's, Royal Champions, or whatever, are answering questions for people that might otherwise have become calls to the company.


Have you considered that this is the true purpose of virtually every program by every vendor?

- Are you a member of a frequent flyer program?

- Do you get perks as a frequent cruiser?

- Do you enjoy the upgrades you get as a Gold/Platinum/Diamond/Unobtanium hotel guest?

Do you tell other people about it, or do you "hide" your membership in these programs in order to make sure folks don't think you are "unduly influenced" by them?


Just because the selection criteria are different, don't think for a moment that the GOALS or methods of the RC program are any less noble than the goals of the other loyalty programs. They are identical. I don't believe the RC program was *created* to be a viral marketing program, however it - like ALL reward programs - has been "used" in that way.


The only thing different here is that, since the "concept" of viral marketing is big on buzz these days, someone admitting to the psychological factors considered in this particular program got quoted.


If you thought the RC program was bad, if you saw the kinds of motivational analysis that takes place in formulating the other programs you would have kittens! Here are a couple links to searches on the phrase "loyalty programs and word of mouth" (without the quotes)






These have been related and cross-purposed for ages. If a frequent-X program did nothing but bring current guests back, it would be "ok", but buzz really is an important part of it. They make the high-end reward cards stand out so that the user thinks "I'll flash this and people will see how important I am." They'll brag to their friends how they got upgraded to the Ambassador's suite, or were comped a first-class ticket. (I see lots of RC Diamonds and other programs in signature lines around here… Did you know you were part of a viral marketing campaign?)


Believe me, they get a lot of word of mouth "advertising" from loyalty users. They have to in order to make the programs pay.


These programs are often misunderstood, even by people within the company sponsoring them. I'm not surprised that a front-line, or even escallation, customer relations person wouldn't have heard of it. Especially when the program is only a couple years old. That doesn't make it "secret", just something that isn't on the average employee's radar. (Of course, the current bruhaha probably put it on a lot more radar screens!)


On the disclosure front, the benefits to the program are minimal - the occasional invite to a special event, and the "Shiny Badge" that allows you to claim "I 'r' one" - even compared to a mid-tier frequent cruiser. I feel that if you don't require disclosure about one, you shouldn't need to disclose the other. Both are award programs based, nominally, on "things you're doing anyway". Both are designed, ultimately, to bring in more business. They just reward different activities.


On those "activities" and other selection criteria, another example would be United's Global Services. It isn't a "Champion" type program, but it is a "reward" program that you can't just sign-up for. While it has members that are otherwise Frequent Flyers (e.g. Premier 1k), that isn't the only possible criteria for membership. There is a subjective element.


All Champion-type programs have both objective and subjective factors. The objective factors might include how much posting someone does. The subjective would include the nature of those posts, and how broad the readership is. These are almost certainly NOT the only factors considered.

Another factor, independent of the individual "candidates" is that the number of participants is usually limited to a certain target, so most everyone who meets the objective factors won't make it in, and only the tip-top of the subjective folks.


While, over time, you can get a feel for the subjective factors, very rarely are they explicitly published. Again, this isn't unique to RCCL. The United Global Services and Microsoft MVP programs both keep their subjective factors close to the vest


The bottom line is, this is nothing new. You only just found out about it.


Now, I'm not saying that this is exactly how the RC program works, but I would be surprised if it was very different. I certainly have no problem with it (and I'm someone who got vocal against the for-fee Steak thing), and offer what I believe are well-deserved congratulations to those who were selected to be a part of the RC program!


Nice post, Woody, but I disagree..


First, all of those Loyalty programs are easily understood in how "membership" may be attained. Fly often, get miles. The Champ program was deliberately "mysterious" with no discernable way for a poster to understand how he might achieve free cruises, party invitations, etc. That mystery was a powerful part of how the pyschology of a viral program worked.


This is especially true because the "infection" was in a contained INTERNET group set up to give impartial info. When I get flyer miles I have no way to influence mutitudes of people for corporate "pay-back." On the Internet, in a contained group, the dynamic changes. Seeing the "chosen" posters, hearing them report their perks and invitations...encourages certain posters to mimic CHAMP posts to try and get chosen too. When CHUMPS post in a less favorable way...the swarm of wannabees join the thread to drive that poster off. So the whole dynamic of the sharing of information is infected.


That does not happen with frequent flyer. If I am in a restaurant and tell the waiter I love USAir...other diners who desire to have my status...do not rise from their chairs to chime in.


That's the Internet. That is why this "viral marketing" infects a Board.





Posters seeing a group...no common denominator...getting special status.


Hazence...Royal Chump

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Thanks Kathleen for the reply !!


My questions are


1/ Have RCCL or any cruiseline asked CC for any other members info in the past ?


2/ Given this whole sorry mess would CC enter into something like this again ?


3/ Was RCCL put under any pressure by RCCL to hand over details for this program ?


4/ How does CC think we can get past this sorry mess and move forward ?




Odd, not one of you fussed when the first group of RCs was chosen, the part of the group that actually got invited on the 2 day cruise if they paid their way to NYC or Florida. Why didnt any of you object to the program then or question it. Why just now after more were chosen. Had you cared enough then to voice your objections, then the second group probably wouldnt have been chosen.


As far are "getting past this", those of you not chosen who cant seem to accept anything less than total destruction of the program before YOU can get past this and move on..... Most of us have moved on,.... quite easily. It is clear some of you are so fixated here, it's like a train wreck, and you cant move on.


"Why dont some have signatures". As I said on my rollcall when it came up ... I turn them off and don't have one, not hiding, just don't read others, so why should I expect them to have to read mine. I cruise a lot more than some people and get comments how can I afford to cruise so often . Why Isnt my light on.? I got someone making personal comments to me a year or so ago and went to ignore him and accidently turned it off, again, doesnt seem important to me to annouce Im online?


If this is so important to some of you, maybe you need to rethink your online life, so that you can move on. I enjoy answering cabin and newbie questions and hope that Iv helped some. I do try and learn certain areas so that I know quite a bit about some ships and configuations. I also take pictures of my unusual cabins and sell them to the cabin site for the whopping 50 cents each. Most of us love to cruise and answer questions and help others, before and since RC. I havent changed my behavior, nor would I as others have said. If ya'all think I can be bought with a 2 day cruise, ya'all dont know me very well. Some of you seem to have too much to complain about here and do need to find a way to move on. I guess its a valid question, if you have to post it on a message board that you are having trouble moving on.

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Nice post, Woody, but I disagree..


First, all of those Loyalty programs are easily understood in how "membership" may be attained. Fly often, get miles. The Champ program was deliberately "mysterious" with no discernable way for a poster to understand how he might achieve free cruises, party invitations, etc. That mystery was a powerful part of how the pyschology of a viral program worked.


This is especially true because the "infection" was in a contained INTERNET group set up to give impartial info. When I get flyer miles I have no way to influence mutitudes of people for corporate "pay-back." On the Internet, in a contained group, the dynamic changes. Seeing the "chosen" posters, hearing them report their perks and invitations...encourages certain posters to mimic CHAMP posts to try and get chosen too. When CHUMPS post in a less favorable way...the swarm of wannabees join the thread to drive that poster off. So the whole dynamic of the sharing of information is infected.


That does not happen with frequent flyer. If I am in a restaurant and tell the waiter I love USAir...other diners who desire to have my status...do not rise from their chairs to chime in.


That's the Internet. That is why this "viral marketing" infects a Board.


Posters seeing a group...no common denominator...getting special status.


Hazence...Royal Chump


I have already said the objective criteria seemed obvious to me - lots of posts that were *helpful* to others. Yes, usually such posts are positive, but they also can be critical in a helpful way. e.g. "the disadvantages of ship X are A, B, and C. You would probably prefer one in the Y class." Note that you aren't saying that X ship is horrible. Just pointing out valid issues.


While CC may have been a major source of candidates for the program, it certainly wasn't the exclusive source - that has already been stated.


The Frequent X programs are design to increase the desired behavior, too - buying the service, and telling others what great deals they're getting.


Both programs reward what has already been done, in hopes that the behavior will continue.


You might want to read some of the results from the search links I posted before you say just how little viral impact frequent traveler programs have...

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And I never understood why posters would not want their light to be on. If I am online' date=' I want want my friends to know that I am here. [/color']:)


My email addy is in my signature. Anyone who wants to ask me a question is always welcome to email me.


On the other hand I often leave my computer online when Im just going to be gone from the house a hour, not worth rebooting to save on electricity.

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Odd, not one of you fussed when the first group of RCs was chosen, the part of the group that actually got invited on the 2 day cruise if they paid their way to NYC or Florida. Why didnt any of you object to the program then or question it. Why just now after more were chosen. Had you cared enough then to voice your objections, then the second group probably wouldnt have been chosen.


As far are "getting past this", those of you not chosen who cant seem to accept anything less than total destruction of the program before YOU can get past this and move on..... Most of us have moved on,.... quite easily. It is clear some of you are so fixated here, it's like a train wreck, and you cant move on.


"Why dont some have signatures". As I said on my rollcall when it came up ... I turn them off and don't have one, not hiding, just don't read others, so why should I expect them to have to read mine. I cruise a lot more than some people and get comments how can I afford to cruise so often . Why Isnt my light on.? I got someone making personal comments to me a year or so ago and went to ignore him and accidently turned it off, again, doesnt seem important to me to annouce Im online?


If this is so important to some of you, maybe you need to rethink your online life, so that you can move on. I enjoy answering cabin and newbie questions and hope that Iv helped some. I do try and learn certain areas so that I know quite a bit about some ships and configuations. I also take pictures of my unusual cabins and sell them to the cabin site for the whopping 50 cents each. Most of us love to cruise and answer questions and help others, before and since RC. I havent changed my behavior, nor would I as others have said. If ya'all think I can be bought with a 2 day cruise, ya'all dont know me very well. Some of you seem to have too much to complain about here and do need to find a way to move on. I guess its a valid question, if you have to post it on a message board that you are having trouble moving on.


Firefly, most of us are reacting to the revelations about the program by the Loyalty Manager of RCCL. Frankly, it wasn't important enough to me to "analyze"...till I read her comments at the Marketing seminar. My first posts on this thread were just me...a newbie...giving my thoughts. But then a Champ jumped in to accuse me of being a formerly banned poster...another Champ posted about jealousy...one of my favorite Champs opined .."yes...jealousy...get a life." That's when I started thinking about how this Royal Champ thing really DOES infect a Board.


One just is not tolerated..the leaders beat off or try to discredit the Chumps saying anything too far off the company line. I started thinking how that effects the whole Board. Boards like tis are a valuable resource; their credibility and their open-ness need to be protected from this kind of infection...and what it does to the exchange of ideas on the Board.


Here is my best analogy:



"Suppose I have a class of 40 children. One morning I arrive and give five of the children brand new bikes. I announce that they may call themselves the Champion Children on all their classwork now. No explanation or rationale offered.


I invite the Champion Children alone to special parties at my home and they return and tell their classmates about all the special treats I provided. The rest of the class watches and wonders. What is teacher's criteria? How can the unchosen child behave so that all these great things come to him? I, the teacher, am mysterious about my criteria. HMMM, what should the unchosen students do? What is human nature that they will do?


The simplest strategy is to copy or mimic the behavior of the chosen few If they sing my praises...sing them too. If they attack another child who questions my grading...attack her too. Others will draw attention to themselves...always in a way that they guess might be what I want. THERE ARE NO OTHER GUIDELINES! The other children want bikes and parties too...so they fall in line and model themselves after teacher's pets.


THAT is an artificial enviroment, certainly not condusive to honesty and exchange of real ideas. That's the viral marketing that was practiced here.


The dilemma of trying to get chosen sucks all the air ...and reality out of the place. "

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I have already said the objective criteria seemed obvious to me - lots of posts that were *helpful* to others. Yes, usually such posts are positive, but they also can be critical in a helpful way. e.g. "the disadvantages of ship X are A, B, and C. You would probably prefer one in the Y class." Note that you aren't saying that X ship is horrible. Just pointing out valid issues.


While CC may have been a major source of candidates for the program, it certainly wasn't the exclusive source - that has already been stated.


The Frequent X programs are design to increase the desired behavior, too - buying the service, and telling others what great deals they're getting.


Both programs reward what has already been done, in hopes that the behavior will continue.


You might want to read some of the results from the search links I posted before you say just how little viral impact frequent traveler programs have...


I will be happy to read your links. The topic interests me greatly. But you miss MY point: I am not dismissing the impact of those other Loyalty programs at all! I am saying that on the Internet...a program like this has its own unique effect upon posting patterns...therefore "infects" and diminishes the Board.


It is the Internet factor and the dynamics of a Board like this that is the differing factor."

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Please read the original post oin the marketing blog.





"In my previous posts, I sited the recent study by Colloquy that found that customers who participate in loyalty-building efforts are 70 percent more likely to actively recommend a product, service or brand than the general population. I thought you might want to see this strategy in action with the Royal Caribbean Cruises’ efforts. Rachel Hannock, Manager Loyalty Marketing and Royal Caribbean Cruises shared their story at a recent loyalty marketing conference. Hannock noted, “The key to success in viral marketing is to subtly influence the influencers without them overtly realizing they are being influenced.”

The wotds used are Hannock "shared their story at a recent loyalty conference." The next sentence in quotes ...is a direct quote from the RCCL loyalty manager.


RCCL has called the quote "unfortunate" but NOT untrue. How could they? Apparently is was SAID at a conference where the whole program was detailed.


I sense your reason for denying it is true..is because...it is insulting and shows the "Champ" status to be nothing more than a manipulation.


Contrary to other posts...free drinks are between YOU and the cruiseline. That's fine. However this is a program to set one group of posters upon another...Champs manipulating Chumps. THAT makes it different. That involves a third party...a chump like me.


If the quote is a lie..let RCCL deny it...with the rest of that marketing conferenc able to confirm or deny. Let them put their corporate integrity on the line.


The attempts of some to close your respective eyes to the actual statement is becoming hilarious and somewhat pathetic. Must really sting...


Seems to me that the above would rather serve to lend credence to the point that the RCs were not really informed as to what this group was "indended" to be. It would pretty hard to "disclose" the plan and still subtly influence the influencers.

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Sorry, but you would be wrong. RCCL never told me what I could or should post. How can I PROVE it to you? Easy, look at all my reviews that brought me to the Diamond plus level BEFORE I was selected to be a RC in Sept. Look at everyones reviews that are RC. I really do not think you'll see any difference in their posts or reviews before or after becoming RC's.

I can't go any higher in the Loyalty Program unless they plan on letting me drive the ships myself:D so what do I or others have to gain. Nothing! If they ever send me an invite to an event or inaugural and I have to pay my own expenses like they say I do in the email I received the other day.........still nothing! They are making money ON ME as I'm paying! lol Talk about a great marketing idea!

Send out invites and get people to PAY to be on the ships or to go to an event! They are "giving" us nothing but an opportunity to spend OUR money to go see a new ship or to go to an event and to spend OUR money while we are there! Pure genius PLUS they have everyone buzzing about RCCL and basically........ it hasn't cost them a dime!

So now...... why is everyone so mad about the RC program again? :D


You can't prove it to her. It has already been demonstrated that when someone answers a question her response is that she believes otherwise......


It really isn't worth it Suzanne.

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I think the issue is that RCI wasn't candid about what the RC program was or what they expected to gain out of it.


They clearly want positive posts and plenty of them, in their own words. Unless they are total idiots they would make certain that those chosen would produce exactly those results.


Nothing is better than than to make people believe that someone else is getting something better than the next guy is. They created this program knowing that those chosen wouldn't be able to resist calling attention to their membership. Even nicer would be the "mystery" surrounding the chosen ones. Who knows how they were chosen. (Not giving specifics of criteria makes everyone believe they have a shot at getting in)


Posters would assume that in order to get in you had to make nice..nice to RCI. Wannabees would then post often and try to call attention to themselves to get noticed.(Have you noticed that some need to put "charter" in order to distinguish themselves from the johnny come latelys??):p


This is marketing at its best. RCI gets CC members to do the work for them and they throw perks around to keep the masses happy. Meanwhile they are getting positive posts from members...positive posts from those longing to be noticed and invited.



This would be the first time that RCI corporate has made a bone head decision?


If folks couldn't resist calling attention to their membership why did it never even occur to some of us to "disclose" this membership in our signatures?

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Seems to me that the above would rather serve to lend credence to the point that the RCs were not really informed as to what this group was "indended" to be. It would pretty hard to "disclose" the plan and still subtly influence the influencers.


You are correct! Most of us have said this from our first posts.


I have posted before that I DO NOT question any RC's credibility. Not at all. I am questioning how this stealth program might have effected this Board in "subtle" ways. RCCL is quite pleased with the results...so what "results" did they get? What has been happening on this Board that is , in their words. "worth the investment?"


What manipulation has been occuring "subtly?" What is RCCL monitoring?


I have given my ideas. Of course, they are contained up here out of the general public...where the whole RCCL marketing "experiment" is still taking place. Lots of "CHUMPS" are still unaware.


Hazence...Royal Chump.

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My email addy is in my signature. Anyone who wants to ask me a question is always welcome to email me.


Looking... (your signature is completely gone).


Incidentally, I always strongly suggest that people use Mailhide so that spam robots don't harvest your email address. It requires a human to type something in to get your email address (as I have done with mine)

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I do believe you.


I am offended by a program that infiltrates a Board like this, identifies a small group of posters that fit a certain profile...AND ON THAT BASIS...not cruises, posts, etc...gives them special status, special perks, and, in some cases free cruises. This is done with the express intent of CREATING A SITUATION ON THIS BOARD where one group of favored posters unwittingly influence other posters. IT creates its own VIRUS on this Board...attacks on those who critique RCCL, wannabe posters who try to be "chosen", attempts by others to post in a way that attracts RCCL attention and get them "chosen." These are all reactions to having a few Champs who were given special perks.


The Board is effected by it in MANY ways. Yet posters here were unaware that all this stategy was going on...NOT by the Champs..but the Puppetmasters at RCCL behind the Champs.


It creates an artificiality here.


How can you say that they didn't identify us on the basis of cruises, posts, etc.? What other profile do you feel that they went by? What does anyone know about any of us other than what we chose to post here?:confused:

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Suppose I have a class of 40 children. One morning I arrive and give five of the children brand new bikes. I announce that they may call themselves the Champion Children on all their classwork now. No explanation or rationale offered.


I invite the Champion Children alone to special parties at my home and they return and tell their classmates about all the special treats I provided. The rest of the class watches and wonders. What is teacher's criteria? How can the unchosen child behave so that all these great things come to him? I, the teacher, am mysterious about my criteria. HMMM, what should the unchosen students do? What is human nature that they will do?


The simplest strategy is to copy or mimic the behavior of the chosen few If they sing my praises...sing them too. If they attack another child who questions my grading...attack her too. Others will draw attention to themselves...always in a way that they guess might be what I want. THERE ARE NO OTHER GUIDELINES! The other children want bikes and parties too...so they fall in line and model themselves after teacher's pets.


THAT is an artificial enviroment, certainly not condusive to honesty and exchange of real ideas. That's the viral marketing that was practiced here.


the dilemma of trying to get chosen sucks all the air ...and reality out of the place.

My advice is me careful. In this day and age that type behavior is likely to land you in jail.;):D

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Seems to me that the above would rather serve to lend credence to the point that the RCs were not really informed as to what this group was "indended" to be. It would pretty hard to "disclose" the plan and still subtly influence the influencers.



You have hit it in one , I have said before, and I now repeat, I do not believe that ANY of the RC 'ers fully understood what they had been selected to take part in. (Indeed none of us did until the recent disclosure). I believe they thought RCL were rewarding them for being prolific and positive posters, full stop.


All the personal attacks on them, and their understandable reaction, have only served to deflect the spotlight away from the real culprits, RCL and CC (for their handling of the issue).


Thought we were going back to the main board with this ???




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After catching up from last night I have a few observations:


1. That viral marketing is known to the internet board messaging community as I believe other internet board hosts have posted here recently.


2. That viral marketing is an accepted practice and will continue to be an accepted practice and is going to be here to stay.


So after RC's were being duped, and after hosts indicated their involvement was limited to passing information and that it ended at a point in time when they completed that task, today we know that this viral marketing is actually a sanctioned process on many, many sites and is a well known mechanism utilized for consumer influencing. Let's face it the marketing company that has been related to this issue is going to blow their horn very loud and suggest they did a great job tell you how they did their job even if they didn't do it exactly that way in this instance. So they have their own brand of selling BS for themselves.


The recent host comments further diminish the integrity of the RC's a bit more today than when I left yesterday IMHO. Sadly, I think there will be little support from any of those who orchestrated and participated in the top down process and I think the RC's are on their own, without friends and support from anyone here on in despite my belief that their efforts were overwhelmingly in good faith following their initiation and ever since.


For those who are not part of the RC program and are still feeling left out of those free two night cruise offers, would you really want it now that you know what you know and have seen what has gone on?

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I do indeed fully believe that CC did not give out email addresses to anyone - I'm 100 percent certain of that. On the other hand, I also believe that CC management did something for Royal Caribbean that they would not have done for just anyone who had asked nicely. There's at least an economic slant to this.


No surprise. Cruise Critic is a commercial web site. They have relations with the travel industry. There are ads from cruise lines and travel agencies. Cruise Critic does not hide that. Also relations with the cruise lines is one of the ways the site provides articles and information. The same holds true of other sites like for example, Cruisemates. These sites have to have income to maintain the forums that we cruise consumers find useful for information etc. If I went and started a web discussion forum as a hobby, if it became anywhere near as popular as Cruise Critic it would quickly fall short of bandwidth. Unless I had a large pile of money socked away that I did not mind depleting I could not do a forum with that many users without revenue. So of course there is an economic slant.

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This entire thread is pathetic. If you want to be outraged by something then read this.






People are getting upset over nothing more than some posters receiving a two night cruise when there are more important things happening in this world. This is nothing but petty jealously. Of course it's the usual suspects that are throwing the darts. Doesn't surprise me that they only come out when they can cause more controversy. You people should find something more constructive to do with your time.:rolleyes:


To the Royal Champions, why respond to this crap? You are only feeding the sharks with more chum. Ignore them and let them fight among themselves. After reading this, it seems that only a very small group has an issue with the program and again look at the posters and take it for what it's worth.

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My advice is me careful. In this day and age that type behavior is likely to land you in jail.;):D

You are SO right! LOL! LOVE your murals by the way!


As to your other point...the "mystery" around the selection was, IMO, a very powerful tool in manipulating other posters to post in a fashion that might bring them yo RCCL attention and then...get them chosen.


That's part of the "infection." I do believe the RC's just continued on as they did before "selection." However, now, some Champs are quite invested in saving this program that makes them "special." That has effected recent Champ posting unfortunately.


"Ignore this! Don't Post! It will go away and we will still be SPECIAL!"

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If you have reached Diamond status it is pretty evident that you like RCI and are more than willing to give them good reviews and ratings.


The RC program wasn't based on money spent..or number of cruises taken. It was based on how many positive posts you made and how hard you were willing to cheerlead for RCI.


As pointed out before...Diamonds earn their perks by spending thousands with RCI. RCs may have spent a fraction but obtained their "status" by their activity on a chatboard. That in and of itself made it attractive to wannabees who were more than willing to do whatever it took to get noticed and acknowledged.


Didn't take long for RC members to make certain their new status was displayed in their sig lines. Do you think RCI didn't think that would happen?:rolleyes: Questions started. Other members wanted to know how one got chosen. New invitees made certain others knew they had benn chosen..and on and on.


Human nature dictates "bragging" about such things. RCI can't have failed to notice that many posters feel the need to list every cruise they have been on and those they are booked on. They had to know that RCs would add to that list and the intrigue.


It isn't in my signature line and never has been. Find a thread where I have even talked about being an RC other than this one and the one where I was trying to find out what this was about when I was first contacted. If people put it in their line then they are bragging. If they do't then they are non-disclosing. Sometimes ya just can't win.:D


I don't have any past cruises listed in my signature or any future cruises. I don't see where I fit into your "bragging" theory. So, why was I chosen? You don't have an answer and neither do I. And unless the folks who made the decision tell me why then the answer to the question will always be the same... who knows?

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This entire thread is pathetic. If you want to be outraged by something then read this.






People are getting upset over nothing more than some posters receiving a two night cruise when there are more important things happening in this world. This is nothing but petty jealously. Of course it's the usual suspects that are throwing the darts. Doesn't surprise me that they only come out when they can cause more controversy. You people should find something more constructive to do with your time.:rolleyes:


To the Royal Champions, why respond to this crap? You are only feeding the sharks with more chum. Ignore them and let them fight among themselves. After reading this, it seems that only a very small group has an issue with the program and again look at the posters and take it for what it's worth.


This is a good example of one of the points I'm trying to make.


Rather than address any specific issue, the tactic is to discredit the poster ("usual suspect".) Days ago I was told ny newness made me suspect; today, it is inferred I am part of a long standing band of discontents. LOL! Kill the messenger!


Only a "small group" may be posting...but LOTS more are reading. In some way, they are MUCH more important than any of us. Wonder what THEY think? Do they feel like CHUMPS too? Do they see the posting patterns I contend show infection?


I don't know. But I know that "avoidance" in a debate usually means that one has no rebuttal.

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I agree that the RC reward people who have lots of time to sit and post on the internet. Those of us who have family responsibilities and a job don't qualify.


Often when we cruise we book two rooms because we have adult kids. My cruising dollar would go farther with one cabin and no kids. But spending habits are not the criteria.


That is why I am a Chump not a Champ since I have to work.


There must be some other answer to why you are a Chump as I also work... and often times at the strangest hours.

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