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Royal Champions


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this is the one i'm interested in.


A viral expansion loop is similar to viral marketing with one notable difference: viral marketing can't be replicated indefinitely, while a viral expansion loop must be in order for it to exist.[15] When properly conceived and implemented, a viral loop almost guarantees self-replicating growth. Companies that have attempted to utilize viral loops to their advantage include social networking engine Ning, and viral loops power many Web 2.0 icons, including Twitter, Orkut, PayPal, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Digg and Flickr.

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It seems that no one will be able to change the minds of those that still feel that Royal Champions are receiving perks for being Royal Champions in addition to being told what favorable things to say about RCI.:(


You won't even believe the post that Kathleen Tucker so graciously posted and if you won't believe management.............why would you believe anyone. You even twist her words around so that it fits your agenda and adds more fuel to the fire.


So..........I will not be bullied by any or you nor will I let my integrity be tarnished by those that feel this way. I have always been truthful in my responses......and yes I have made mistakes and was always grateful when corrected.


I will continue to post my cruising experiences, whether they are good or bad. Nobody tells me what to say nor does any one influence me on what to say. If you think that my responses are being influenced or that I am biased because I am an RC..........you can put me on your ignore list. I won't shed one little tear.


I will continue to help those that have a cruising question if I know the correct answer. Since joining CC in 2004, I have learned so much and now I want to return what I have learned to those that are new to cruising.


Yes, I was invited to be a Royal Champion last June and my invitation came directly from RCI. Why, I have no idea...........maybe they liked my positive and helpful responses here on CC. They certainly didn't offer me a free cruise after I accepted, an upgrade on my cruise on Radiance to Hawaii last September or on any of my future cruises. I was invited to NYC for the Oasis reveal but could not make it and they were not paying my expenses to attend.


I will post no longer on this thread. You won't accept the truth...........in fact, some of you can't stand the truth.


Wishing everyone a wonderful cruise to wherever.

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I will continue to post my cruising experiences, whether they are good or bad. Nobody tells me what to say nor does any one influence me on what to say.


And for those of us that have known you and your posting style over the last few years, you have nothing to explain.


Good for you! :)

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I've already added a plea under my RC signature so I'm sure no one will bully me....


I commend your transparency. Thank you. That is exactly the kind of thing that will restore some integrity to the whole affair.


An admin policy, or better yet, an RCI policy to this effect would be better.

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For those of us who care about the ethics of viral marketing- making fun of the whole thing and mocking us in no way diminishes the serious issues it raises. We've already been through denial, claiming of jealousy and paranoia and being called conspiracy theorists, and spin. Mockery is just an extension.


Nevertheless, now that the entire plan has been revealed, it will proceed to work in the way that so many who have been involved to date claim it has always worked. It can no longer work in the original intended way. Once you know the game it ceases to work. So much of this becomes irrelevant.


And how you feel about having been involved in this is indeed your business. As is pretending that it is not an ethical issue. Your call.

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It seems that no one will be able to change the minds of those that still feel that Royal Champions are receiving perks for being Royal Champions in addition to being told what favorable things to say about RCI.:(


You won't even believe the post that Kathleen Tucker so graciously posted and if you won't believe management.............why would you believe anyone. You even twist her words around so that it fits your agenda and adds more fuel to the fire.


So..........I will not be bullied by any or you nor will I let my integrity be tarnished by those that feel this way. I have always been truthful in my responses......and yes I have made mistakes and was always grateful when corrected.


I will continue to post my cruising experiences, whether they are good or bad. Nobody tells me what to say nor does any one influence me on what to say. If you think that my responses are being influenced or that I am biased because I am an RC..........you can put me on your ignore list. I won't shed one little tear.


I will continue to help those that have a cruising question if I know the correct answer. Since joining CC in 2004, I have learned so much and now I want to return what I have learned to those that are new to cruising.


Yes, I was invited to be a Royal Champion last June and my invitation came directly from RCI. Why, I have no idea...........maybe they liked my positive and helpful responses here on CC. They certainly didn't offer me a free cruise after I accepted, an upgrade on my cruise on Radiance to Hawaii last September or on any of my future cruises. I was invited to NYC for the Oasis reveal but could not make it and they were not paying my expenses to attend.


I will post no longer on this thread. You won't accept the truth...........in fact, some of you can't stand the truth.


Wishing everyone a wonderful cruise to wherever.


Very nice post Patti.:)

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Last night I really needed a feel good justice movie, so I watched the Dr. Robert Kearns story, Flash of Genius, about the man who invented the interrmittent windshield wiper, had his idea stolen by Ford, and fought them for 12 years. The movie opens with a scene of him on the first day of his university engineering class. What serendipity! He writes ETHICS on the board. He goes on to say -- (paraphrasing) The DeBakey heart pump was invented by an engineer -- he will save hundreds of lives -- the ovens at Auschwitz were invented by an engineer -- he killed millions.


As Barbara Streisand said to Robert Redford in my all time favorite, The Way We Were, "People ARE their principles."


Yes. People are their principles. Very well said.


Over and over we have stated that we object to the concept...as described by the Loyalty Manager of RCCL at a Marketing conference.


We object to the subconcious effect it has on the posting at an opinion site when those WHO POST GOOD OPINIONS are awarded status, invitations or perks. Whether people intend to be or not...they are affected by it. WHY EVER WOULD RCCL DO IT IF NOT?


It was RCCL who said the CHAMPS were being "subtly influenced." But because that so clearly demeans the ROYAL CHAMP program...the tactic has been to pretend WE SAID they were "influenced.


No, folks..the LOYALTY Manager gave a talk about you, you, and you.


But several very good things have been achieved.


I'm gratified that CC is no longer participating in the program.


I'm gratified that the bullying, and "CHAMP tryouts" have been throughly

discussed. Folks will watch for that behavior and factor THAT into their opinions....both of posters and CC. If the new posters with dissenting opinions continue to be run of with sarcasm and disrespect...this debate will be remembered.


There have been enough wild accusations of rogue posters inflitrating this site from every cornor of the Internet, with stealthy and nefarious plots to infiltrate here... that one would think CC was an offshoot of Homeland Security. I had no idea the level of anxiety that could occur on a cruise ship discussion Board. Yes,this debate will be remembered too.


Since RCCL is still continuing to have a " special relationship" with their CHAMPS...some of us will factor that into our reading of their posts as well. More importantly, many who never even posted will remember this thread ...and both sides of the debate about RCCL's viral marketing intrusion. They will know what to look for.


This thread will be remembered for a long while.

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Trust is a big thing, even in here. I think this opened up a huge can of worms. I have been on this website for a while. I dont go into the RCCL too much because I was not always too happy with the cruiseline. Honestly, I would feel the same as I do if any cruiseline did this. I think this will be remembered by many and CC will never be the same. You are going to see a difference on this site.........




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So..........I will not be bullied by any or you nor will I let my integrity be tarnished by those that feel this way. I have always been truthful in my responses......and yes I have made mistakes and was always grateful when corrected.



I will continue to help those that have a cruising question if I know the correct answer. Since joining CC in 2004, I have learned so much and now I want to return what I have learned to those that are new to cruising.



Patti thanks for this post and reflecting what I feel as well. I have read every single word that has been said and it has been difficult at times. For me personally the best gift I have ever received from RCI is the opportunity to meet many wonderful cruisers on their ships and especially here on CC and on my roll calls threads. yes I am a Royal Champion and if you have read my signature you will have seen it noted since the day after I returned from the pre inaugural of Liberty.


I will continue to share my thoughts and cruising experiences...that is why I came to Cruise Critic in the first place not to get an invite to a pre inaugural cruise. I hope to meet many of the great people that frequent this site on one of my roll calls and sailings.


I sincerely hope to cruise with you one day Patti :)

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I have been on Cruise Critic for quite a while, although I don't post very much. I had a few hundred posts before they killed the whole site and started counting everyone from zero again. I post on another forum as well which is not cruise related (it's an airline forum).


There are a couple things that bug me about this which also happens on the other forum is that people who spend all day doing nothing but respond to every little thing and rack up the number of posts seem to be treated better than other posters by the admins.


Personally, I would rather hear from someone who rarely speaks than someone who can't shut up.


I have been suspect for a while about some of the people posting, usually in the ports of call sections as being fake tourists, and usually with low numbers of posts. Now with this debacle I feel I will hold suspect those who have more than 5000 posts as well.


I think providing information to RCI was a mistake as I'm sure you Admins realize now, and unfortunately I think you've done your site a great disservice which is too bad because there is a lot of good that comes from forums such as this.


I would add that I think the best course of action for the Admins and owners of this site (tripadvisor and expedia) should undertake some swift measures to create more transparency and develop policies that prevent fake tourists, fake posts, and users with an agenda.


Cruise Critic, please pay attention, because I've already started looking for alternative forums to get unbiased information. If you take measures to restore integrity to the site, I will likely stick around for years to come. But the more of this fake posting that I discover, and the more cliquey the site becomes, the less likley it is I'll stay.


Great Post!

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First of all, let me say...I am NOT a RC.


I could care less who , when or how anyone became a RC.


I have earned the title of a Royal Caribbean Casino VIP member, some may play more or less than I, and have not be given a membership....Big Deal


I have an Executive position in my Career...Have a Title...Big Deal...


I was invited as a Guest from my T/A to go on the Liberty Inagural, couldn't attend due to other obligations....Big Deal


I have been jumped on by RUDE responders to a post in regards to my posting........Big Deal


I am one cruise away from Diamond+...Big Deal


I have been a CC member and have less posts than some..and more than others that have been a member as long as me......Big Deal


I try to provide my honest opinions on topics in different posts, whether they are positive or negative towards Royal Caribbean.


When a RC start affecting the price I pay for a cruise....That's when I will make a Big Deal out of the situation.


I have cruised long enough to make my own judgements from a thread, as to whether the poster is being honest in their opinions, whether it is about the food, robes, the Ship, the captain, the pool towels, islands, etc.


There are so many other more serious issues going on in the World today, to be wasting nonsence on Why, When, and Who are the Rc's and who is responsible from the Start until it ENDS.



Happy Cruising:)

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If........what has been reported by this one media person.........is true..........I will be the first to let RCCL know that I'm not a Royal Champion.


However.......if this proves not to be true...........a tremendous amount of energy has been put forth for nothing..........and I will have all of the negative posters names........and they will have no credibility on CC.





Is this one of the responsibilities of a "RC"? Taking down names of members that posted something negative, then pronouncing they have no credibility? Seems rather high handed. I can't imagine this was Royal Caribbean's intent when they created the RC program.


I for one take offense to the statement. I will continue to post my experiences regarding Royal Caribbean and other lines, and it might not all be positive. I certainly don't expect my name to appear on some "list" because of it.


If Royal Caribbean keeps the RC program I think they are making a mistake. Someone posted earlier that any publicity is good publicity and that the RC program is serving it's purpose by generating interest. I don't agree. For a Hollywood celebrity that might be the case for not for a travel company. I love Royal Caribbean, but they can't afford bad publicity right now. The stock is in the toilet, investor confidence is down, debt is through the roof, and yields are way down. What Royal Caribbean needs is positive publicity. This viral marketing strategy has backfired right in their face and I think it's done more harm then good. No offense to the RC's who did not solicit this. I think right now the best thing for Royal Caribbean and Cruise Critic is to put this behind them and move on. RC's will continue to be advocates for the brand with or without the title.



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Hazence and Jaxon, I just wanted to say thanks.

I have enjoyed your posts and inquiries that seem to get pushed off by those that want this to go away without facing responsability.

It appears that you guys really get it. That viral marketing is a pestilance and that those who propogate it are not to be taken at face value for their view of things.

If my views of your views are mistaken, please feel free to correct me.

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Thank you for the reply Kathleen - i feel CC have taken a step forward and i must give credit were credit is due.


Thank you jj


Kathleen would you see a time when CC would adopt this ( from Tripadvisor )


"No. Property owners are welcome to encourage their guests to submit user reviews upon their return home but they are not allowed to offer incentives, discounts, upgrades, or special treatment on current or future stays in exchange for positive reviews. If someone has offered you an incentive for a review, you should tell us about it."






I can tell you that whenever a new situation arises that isn't covered by our community guidelines we review them and determine if we need to make some changes. I can also tell you that whenever we have reason to suspect that there are fraudulent postings or reviews on the site we investigate and take appropriate action.


I do want to make one thing clear, however, and that is that Royal Caribbean did not offer RC's incentives or payment in exchange for positive reviews. They invited some RC's to preview a new ship along with travel agents, media, diamond plus members. They didn't ask or require them to do anything. They didn't tell them to post positive reviews, and in fact, what I have read is pretty candid -- positive and negative.


One thing that has gotten lost in all of this is that when the RC's came back on the Liberty of the Seas they answered a lot of members' questions about the ship who were eager to learn more about it. In their own words, with their own opinions of what they liked, what they didn't like.



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Is this one of the responsibilities of a "RC"? Taking down names of members that posted something negative, then pronouncing they have no credibility? Seems rather high handed. I can't imagine this was Royal Caribbean's intent when they created the RC program.


I for one take offense to the statement. I will continue to post my experiences regarding Royal Caribbean and other lines, and it might not all be positive. I certainly don't expect my name to appear on some "list" because of it.Ernie


Then please extend the same courtesy to me.

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I do want to make one thing clear, however, and that is that Royal Caribbean did not offer RC's incentives or payment in exchange for positive reviews. They invited some RC's to preview a new ship along with travel agents, media, diamond plus members. They didn't ask or require them to do anything. They didn't tell them to post positive reviews, and in fact, what I have read is pretty candid -- positive and negative.


This lone point has been rehashed several times now, but I'll ask again. How is an invitation to a pre-inaugural sailing - something generally not offered to the public - not an incentive?

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Hazence and Jaxon, I just wanted to say thanks.

I have enjoyed your posts and inquiries that seem to get pushed off by those that want this to go away without facing responsability.

It appears that you guys really get it. That viral marketing is a pestilance and that those who propogate it are not to be taken at face value for their view of things.

If my views of your views are mistaken, please feel free to correct me.


Viral marketing is here to stay. Hazence and Jaxon have been part of a viral campaign and you don't even realize it.

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For those of us who care about the ethics of viral marketing- making fun of the whole thing and mocking us in no way diminishes the serious issues it raises. We've already been through denial, claiming of jealousy and paranoia and being called conspiracy theorists, and spin. Mockery is just an extension.


Nevertheless, now that the entire plan has been revealed, it will proceed to work in the way that so many who have been involved to date claim it has always worked. It can no longer work in the original intended way. Once you know the game it ceases to work. So much of this becomes irrelevant.


And how you feel about having been involved in this is indeed your business. As is pretending that it is not an ethical issue. Your call.


I think that it will work in the way that so many who have been involved to date claim it has always worked because what the RC's have been trying to tell you is that was the original intended way.


I find it interesting that some people here continue to believe everything on every blog that has written about Royal Champions, even when factual errors have been pointed out on some of the blogs, some of whom clearly didn't check their facts. Yet they refuse to believe anything we say here. The consumerist blog didn't even get Rachel Hancock's name correct -- (that's a fact) but how do you know that she wasn't misquoted? Or that her words weren't taken out of context? Or that any of it is true?


I think people will believe what they want to believe, regardless of what anyone says about this issue or any other. I've done my best to explain what has happened here. Royal Caribbean has also explained. The RC's have tried to explain.



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Hazence and Jaxon, I just wanted to say thanks.

I have enjoyed your posts and inquiries that seem to get pushed off by those that want this to go away without facing responsability.

It appears that you guys really get it. That viral marketing is a pestilance and that those who propogate it are not to be taken at face value for their view of things.

If my views of your views are mistaken, please feel free to correct me.


Nice post, Jim.


So, despite the fact that you have met me in person, you believe that


1. I am not facing responsibility.

2. I am not to be taken at face value for my view of things.

3. I don't "get it".

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I'd like to make one thing clear... I'm not mad or angry or anything else at the Royal Champions and I don't think they're getting anything for free really.. well except that little 2 nighter on Liberty. I don't understand why the RCers don't feel used because you were.

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I'd like to make one thing clear... I'm not mad or angry or anything else at the Royal Champions and I don't think they're getting anything for free really.. well except that little 2 nighter on Liberty. I don't understand why the RCers don't feel used because you were.


You're not speaking for me with that comment.

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