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Royal Champions


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Of course I believe you. Just the basic fact that people have to post publicly if a certain e-mail is legit or not shows that at least the majority does not have a list of RCs. :)


That begs the question who among the RCs has a list and why? We have established two different levels already: the members, the 'charter' members..maybe there is a third level: a 'chartered charter member' :D


..a friend picks a friend picks a friends...yeah, I call that effective marketing. ;)


Then again, I should have opposed you....I like getting in trouble. :D


Oliver I notice you keep mentioning this "a friend picks a friend" where on earth did that idea come from :confused:

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Of course I believe you. Just the basic fact that people have to post publicly if a certain e-mail is legit or not shows that at least the majority does not have a list of RCs. :)


That begs the question who among the RCs has a list and why? We have established two different levels already: the members, the 'charter' members..maybe there is a third level: a 'chartered charter member' :D


..a friend picks a friend picks a friends...yeah, I call that effective marketing. ;)


Then again, I should have opposed you....I like getting in trouble. :D



If this was a question regarding my post it's because I am rarely on cruise critic anymore... I have zero communication with anyone on cruise critic (member or admin)..


I have no clue as to the debate even being debated here and honestly don't really want to get dragged into it.


I have sailed on RCCL for 29 years almost exclusively and that's my story..


I received an e-mail asking for my full legal name, date of birth, e-mail confirmation, full current address and phone number. In this day and age, any time I am asked for that information, I am hesitant to give it..bank, credit card company or even to my mortgage company.. wouldn't you be?


My apologies if you weren't using my post as basis for making your point...


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Laura and other Administrators of Cruise Critic,


Thank you for allowing everyone interested in this discussion to give freely of their thoughts and ideas surrounding Royal Caribbeans production of the Royal Champions. I know that this needed to be aired, and agree that it's time to bring it to a close.


Ultimately, it will be Royal Caribbean that makes the decision to continue or close this program.



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Laura and other Administrators of Cruise Critic,


Thank you for allowing everyone interested in this discussion to give freely of their thoughts and ideas surrounding Royal Caribbeans production of the Royal Champions. I know that this needed to be aired, and agree that it's time to bring it to a close.


Ultimately, it will be Royal Caribbean that makes the decision to continue or close this program.





Totally agree

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. I have always enjoyed Cruise critic since '98 on AOL( cruise critics best years were on AOL, IMHO) and always felt the reviews/advice were uncompromised ...till now...Now I will always take what I read with a grain of salt

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I think the above suggests that in fact you knew a great deal about the program and followed it very carefully. For what purpose and to what end I am not sure. But clearly you knew more than just that some people were being invited to a cruise.


wow!!! So basically no matter what you are told you suspect that you are being lied to? Seriously?



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LOL!!!!!! We opted for cats, instead!!!!!! :D :D :D


Good for you. We have 3 cats.


Maybe we could get some of this magic RC power and try it out on the kitties since it seems to be working so well here. YEA,right.

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..a friend picks a friend picks a friends...yeah, I call that effective marketing. ;)


Then again, I should have opposed you....I like getting in trouble. :D


It's been pretty clear that RCs did not choose future RCs but you keep saying this. Should they have been chosen by a fine Expedia TA like yourself?

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Sorry can you point me in the direction as to where CC said "underhanded" :confused:



Elizanessie why do you think CC issued the statement saying they won't take part in this sort of thing again ?


Elizanessie the definition of underhand - Marked by or done in a deceptive, secret, or sly manner; dishonest and sneaky. I think that somes up the Champion program


Oh and by the way its now on the Biggest Travel and Tourism Industry Website Travelmole




"A Travelmole source, who asked to remain anonymous, said: “It is clear that RCCL's Royal Champions initiative has created an uneven playing field, not only on the Cruise Critic bulletin boards, but, quite possibly, in regard to user reviews in their main content area. "



“By giving such an advantage to RCCL, Cruise Critic has displayed a callous disregard for its users.


“Does this clandestine programme, facilitated and with the full knowledge of Cruise Critic's management, violate the policies and ethical standards of Trip Advisor, which relies on the integrity of its user generated content?”



Make up your own minds !!






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. I have always enjoyed Cruise critic since '98 on AOL( cruise critics best years were on AOL, IMHO) and always felt the reviews/advice were uncompromised ...till now...Now I will always take what I read with a grain of salt


i would hope you take everything you read anywhere with a grain of salt.

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By Bev Fearis



Interesting reading - maybe we'll get a statement soon from RCI saying they're going to scrap the program !!







I mean this in all kindness.


If they did, would you believe them and would that resolve this for you?

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Oliver I notice you keep mentioning this "a friend picks a friend" where on earth did that idea come from :confused:


Liz hun,

by now you should know I do not pull stuff out of the magic bag. Sometimes it may sound like it (like the no more OBC cash out, casino fees, my so legendary chart) but it really is not.


There is simply a difference between me and others. I am not running around and making big deals to who I talk and when I talk. I just state things and let them develop.


Even among the ranks of big corporations not everybody knows everything and more often than not those in charge do not exactly know what really is going on and rely on information below.


It is a maze you have to wander to get information at times and sometimes you find it on the bottom, sometimes on the top, sometimes in between.


You can also not dismiss the fact that I am a business owner for the past - almost - two decades down here with a customer base stretching from Palm Beach County down to the keys. There are many events and functions in the business world where you get to meet people i.e. sporting events (Dolphins, Marlins, Panthers, Heat), official functions such as charity, fundraisers and/or chamber of commerce etc


That's why I always have to smile about those "Adam and I are friends" type of posts. I think I made that pretty clear in one of the posts on this thread that I always have to smile a little when I read these posts.


I really think what most people irks is that I am just not the type of person who says 'how great I am" as many do or 'who did I meet or talk to" as others do. Heck, I don't even talk about my onboard spending or what my C & A status is most of the time.


A lot of my comments look like they are off the wall. But in the long run...you decide if they were really so off the wall.


To be honest, initially I had to smile about this whole RC thing. Since so many were involved in this RC thing who already knew each other and then some added to it with less exposure on CC and less cruises but met some of those more prolific posters on previous roll calls it was pretty clear to me it was a group of cruisers. I always had to smile when RCs were asked how do you become an RC and the sloppy answer was either because you cruised a lot or "no clue".


When one of the RCs mentioned a while ago that this is part of a marketing strategy I was a little dumbfounded. Having been involved in internet marketing since 1991 (anybody remembers AOL 1.1?) this group certainly was not a typical marketing strategy. There is absolutely no common denominator - none. But it sure didn't affect me one way or another. Of course it was annoying when an RCI newbee with an RC designation gave out wrong information on CC but that just emphasized my initial idea that it was just a loose group of of thrown together CC posters.


I personally don't need any kind of designators in my signature to make a point or give valuable information. That's why you will never see a C & A status in my signature or any past cruises listed.


Hey, there were many RC threads. Some were deleted, some stood. I guess the most common thing RCs had is that they all said they were 'selected' by RCI - which still might be true. The question is: how did RCI get those names?


I got a little curious when that one thread was running a few months back, way before the 'second wave' of invites and a person had the designation Royal Champion in the signature. One Royal Champion just jumped on that person, accusing that person that they are really not. Well that person was really not an RC. I found out because these posts were off topic in that thread (was something about onboard activities) and I only found out that the person was not an RC because in the sequence of these three or four posts I placed an :confused: and the person e-mailed me (my e-mail is always in my signature). I still got the e-mail.


I was trying to find that thread yesterday but there are just tooooo many threads. It'll take me days to find.


It was kind of funny though thus my question in this thread which Jean answered.


What really got me curious are the past few weeks. It really started out with a very innocent question by a poster. It ended up in a barrage of threads being deleted and this mommoth thread. And make no mistake, the curiousity went beyond CC. Because all these blogs and articles appeared after all these these thread deletions. The refusal by a lot of RCs to answer a simple question has turned this into something which it was not supposed to be. It gives to much credibility to RCs and of course the initial marketing strategy. A lot of curiousity has been created even by those who really don't care.


So I am digging too, and I am still digging, peeling one layer after another. Not everyday, not every minute but one by one.


Since most RCs really don't know, there is a solid - rather small group - who are part of the initiation of the program BEFORE what RCI calls it 'its brainstorming' event.


But I still have some dots to connect but I almost can pinpoint to these cruisers. Initially I though CC was heavily involved. I am not so sure anymore. Maybe CC was or not but at this point it really doesn't matter.


I am at the 'friends-pick-friends' investigation. LOL




If this was a question regarding my post it's because I am rarely on cruise critic anymore... I have zero communication with anyone on cruise critic (member or admin)..


I have no clue as to the debate even being debated here and honestly don't really want to get dragged into it.


I have sailed on RCCL for 29 years almost exclusively and that's my story..


I received an e-mail asking for my full legal name, date of birth, e-mail confirmation, full current address and phone number. In this day and age, any time I am asked for that information, I am hesitant to give it..bank, credit card company or even to my mortgage company.. wouldn't you be?


My apologies if you weren't using my post as basis for making your point...


No no its OK.


I just used your post as an example. It happened many times before. There was no hidden agenda against you at all. ;):D

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Having read all of the articles etc, I have come to the conclusion that RCI knew this was a risky measure so needed a fall guy incase the proverbial hit the fan, thus leaving them relatively untarnished.


You have RCI and the PR firm who instigated the scheme, you then add to the mix CC as the fall guy. CC was chosen due to a very close working relationship with RCI, so they aren't going to be in a position to argue when the proverbial hits the fan...reason is simple.


RCI needs boards to 'spread the good word', boards need cruise lines like RCI to pay advertising revenue which then keeps the board online.


RCI have come out of this mess reasonably OK...they ducked when the fan went into overdrive. The boards that were the fall guys, well they have got it right in the fizzog cos that was why they were used...you know, incase it all went wrong, we can shift the blame over to the cruise boards.


Now hindsight is a wonderful thing if you can get it in advance, I imagine that if they have any sense, CC who caught the backlash full in the fizzog will distance themselves from this sort of scheme in the future...if any cruise line is stupid enough to try it after this debacle with RCI.


Regardless as to whether RCI and CC try and plead not guilty, the seed of doubt has been sown, so no matter who they try to shift the blame to or how they try and talk themselves out of it, the general public will now approach cruise boards...all of them, not just CC...and have doubts about the integrity, honesty and plain truth of what they read.


That above all else is the greatest tragedy of this whole episode. The fact that people can join a board hoping to learn about what to expect on a ship or itinerary are now going to think twice. It was bad enough when newbies on CC were belittled and jumped on by the forum thugs, but now they have to consider what they are reading as truth or embelished in some way. The innocence has been tainted and it will take a long time to gain what confidence has been lost back...moreso on CC, as the saying goes, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and RCI really did use CC as their fall guy.

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In case you missed it, USA Today's Cruise Blog (Gene Sloan) has reported that all the major competitors (including Holland America, Norwegian Cruise Line, Princess and Celebrity) have told him that they won't "engage in viral marketing at online message boards."


I guess that should end the discussion on the Celebrity board.



Thats kind of odd....Celebrity is owned by RCCL so wouldn't it be RCCL speakng for Celebrity? As stated before just because someone "blogged" it doesn't make it true!:rolleyes:

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I've been reading all of the posts from coxswain, jaxon41, waldo5, hazence and the others who have worked feverishly to uncover the conspiracy (and disregarding the tainted posts by those who have been diseased by the conspiracy--those we know we can never trust)...and I can sum up...here is what we know:


Cruise Critic has secretly been compiling the names of naive cruise critic members most likely to be mislead, fooled and manipulated--those ignorant, stupid ones who do not recognize the clear genius of the pure and trustworthy posters...and turned those names over in a secret deal to Royal Caribbean International---a sinister agency seeking to rule the world's oceans in some sort of brand new international Fascist dictatorship called "The country of Whynot" or something like that...


The first step in their plan of world domination is to recruit a cadre of unwitting tools to propagandize the larger community...


They have taken 50 or so of the names secretly handed over to them (likely in some clandestine midnight exchange in a vacant warehouse near the shipyards in San Pedro on a stormy winter night) by Cruise Critic and have invited them onto a "pre-inaugural" cruise--really a guise under which to access their brains. While on the cruise, agents of Royal Caribbean and Whynot implanted small transmitters into the rear of the skulls of each of the members of this subversive cadre--called the "Royal Champions"--and have then unleashed them back into the Cruise Critic community to begin their evil mission of poisoning the minds of others.


Still, to this day, these so-called "Royal Champions" do not seem to know they have been subversely manipulated and are being used as unwitting tools of the evil empire of Whynot.


And, without the brave crusaders who have posted upwards of 50 or 100 times each in this thread--who have done the careful research to unearth the true story despite the contrary testimony by those who have obviously been corrupted and controlled by Whynot--without them, this unholy cabal would somehow push on to rule the cruising world...


But these brave souls have given us the truth...and now, the job is done...the plot has been uncovered...


We all now realize what has happened...the corrupted RCs need to be deprogrammed...the transmitters must be removed from their brains...


We all know that the so-called incentives must end...free cruises, free drinks, free upgrades, free gifts...They are all evil plots to buy our loyalty to the evil empire Whynot...


Left alone without these subversive influences we all know, deep in our hearts that we do NOT want anything given to us by evil Whynot lest it corrupt us and unfairly buy our loyalty...(Perhaps we should all move our cruising futures over to the competing fun world of the Carnival Empire--people who would NEVER engage in such manipulative tactics...or to the "Freestyle" realm of NCL--where they don't make anyone comply with a sinister schedule--Yes, I am certain that RCI is alone in these dastardly manipulative schemes--these competitors would never give anything away to customers to buy their loyalty, would they?)


We have uncovered the subversive plot, but still cannot rest until it is brought to an end...for the good of all mankind...


They can call us crazy, call us conspiracy theorists, they can mock us or satirize us...but, in the end, we must convince them of the truth and power of our holy crusade.


This is what I have learned from this brave company of true patriots...


But, let's take it a step further.


Is it good enough to merely allow these unwitting accomplices in the evil fascist Whynot plot to continue to post among us, to live among us--even if exposed by a badge of dishonor? I say no...


We must find these people and bring them to justice. Let us set up "camps" for deprogramming. We can surgically remove the transmitter along with the infected parts of the brain. Then, we can put them to work in these camps to pay off their debt to society. There needs to be a solution to the problem.


coxswain, jaxon, waldo, hazence et al...You are with me, correct?

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Elizanessie why do you think CC issued the statement saying they won't take part in this sort of thing again ?


Elizanessie the definition of underhand - Marked by or done in a deceptive, secret, or sly manner; dishonest and sneaky. I think that somes up the Champion program


Oh and by the way its now on the Biggest Travel and Tourism Industry Website Travelmole




"A Travelmole source, who asked to remain anonymous", said:


“It is clear that RCCL's Royal Champions initiative has created an uneven playing field, not only on the Cruise Critic bulletin boards, but, quite possibly, in regard to user reviews in their main content area. "


“By giving such an advantage to RCCL, Cruise Critic has displayed a callous disregard for its users.


“Does this clandestine programme, facilitated and with the full knowledge of Cruise Critic's management, violate the policies and ethical standards of Trip Advisor, which relies on the integrity of its user generated content?”



Make up your own minds !!







You are selective in your quotes... the ones you chose to use are from an anonymous source... unidentified source that could be anyone from anywhere.


"A Travelmole source, who asked to remain anonymous, said:"



The rest of the blog has quotes from CC and RCCL... but you chose to leave those out of your post..but ask for folks to "make up there your minds"... so much for unbiased information.


What you left out were these quotes from the same blog from identified sources:


CC representative..


"“At this time, we have decided that it is not in Cruise Critic’s best interest going forward to contact members on behalf of Royal Caribbean or any other cruise line.”


RCCL representative:


“Royal Champions are a small group of passionate travel enthusiasts and prolific individuals, who were identified by an independent third party on behalf of Royal Caribbean International, as frequently engaging in online discussions and sharing information about cruising on the internet."


and the same RCCL representative goes on to say:


“They are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses which are not paid by Royal Caribbean. Royal Champions do not receive any compensation for their participation nor do we influence what they share or how they participate in their online discussions. "


Now make up your minds....

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I mean this in all kindness.


If they did, would you believe them and would that resolve this for you?



Yes the matter would be closed for me and we could move forward from this sorry mess.



You are selective in your quotes... the ones you chose to use are from an anonymous source... unidentified source that could be anyone from anywhere.



Hold on a minute the only people who were selective was RCI when they didn't tell CC why they really wanted the email addresses of certain members !!







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Maybe but you also chose to be selective on your quotes to try and swing the feelings towards one way.



I posted a link to the article more than RCI did !! were they not trying to swing people to their product ???







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