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Anyone else feeling this?


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Was just thinking yesterday, that after a number of years on this board, I'm left with the feeling that there are quite a few folks who post here that I'd clearly have a ball with if we cruised together and then there are others that if I ended up seated with them in the dining room I think I'd need a table change. Interesting to me how much of a person's personality comes out in their posts.


I'm sure that those same opinions exist re me and my view of the world. Guess a lot of it comes down to the glass half full or the glass half empty approach to life.


PLEASE don't get into naming names.. that's not the point of this post.


Just wondering if there aren't quite a few others out there who've pondered the same thing from time to time.


The added benefit of throwing this out for consideration is that it has nothing to do with smoking, dress code, lite bulbs, smuggling booze, "swim" diapers, age or chair hogs. That alone should give it a life of its own. *L*

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I think I understand what you're saying, mitchmike. There are CC folks I've had the pleasure of sailing with, and there are many more I'd love to meet onboard. Some I haven't met yet ... well ... I'm a little skeptical they'd be "my kind of folks." Nice thing about a ship is that there's lots of room to move around. Avoidance is fairly easy! ;)

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To our OP:

My first reaction is to whole-heartedly agree with you. But I think I have found over the years is that "some" people are quite different in a message board/chat room situation than they are in real life. I have a rather good friend who actually took me aback for a while when I started to realize that on the net he became somewhat of an ***! When I do meet up with him in real life he's so calm, cool and level headed but online he's arrogant. Another example happened on a cruise last year when I first heard that so and so was going to be on the same trip! My first reaction was NOOOOOOOOOOOO....turns out this guy isn't nearly as frightening in real life.


Unfortunately, I have found myself having to step back. Maybe I take things a little personally. I have found that my enjoyment of planning this upcoming trip lately has become sour because the atmosphere on the HAL boards in my view has been far from gleeful - keeping this as nice as possible. In fact, I was actually misinterpreted by someone who then took great expense on chewing me out. Still I find, I have to develop a back bone and not get so caught up in anything that does drag me down.


Overall, you're going to find the tones on a board change from time to time. Everyone is different. Yes, you will find some you want to stay away from and others you are dying to meet. You might also be surprised by finding that people are really different from their online personalities. Keep this in mind and you will come out of it sane.


So I'm plowing ahead with planning my trip and hoping I see a spurt in growth in the roll call and hoping I can at least meet some of my fellow travellers.



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Good Morning,


I find that people get into heated discussions about the items they are passionate about..i.e. Trays in the Lido..;) One of my favorites because it means little to me, but is a big issue for others...


Everyone does have their own level of tolerance... I too have been "chewed out" for asking a question about a cabin on this board. It almost scared me off. But last July I met some of the greatest people at our cruise critic meeting on board Zuiderdam...


We must take the Cranky with the Happy...:D It takes all types to make the boards continue to be entertainment, which it is in most cases...


Have a great day! Wendy:)

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Was just thinking yesterday, that after a number of years on this board, I'm left with the feeling that there are quite a few folks who post here that I'd clearly have a ball with if we cruised together and then there are others that if I ended up seated with them in the dining room I think I'd need a table change.

LOL ... you'd be shocked. A lot of people are NOTHING like they would seem from their posts on the internet. And that goes BOTH ways. You can think someone would be so much fun to travel with, and then you meet them and find out that they are your worst nightmare.


Everyone adopts a certain "personality" when they post to message boards. It can't be helped. But when they are sitting across from you face-to-face at a Meet & Greet, they could actually turn out to be entirely different people. You just never know and that's what is so fun about the Meet & Greets.


Blue skies ...



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Was just thinking yesterday, that after a number of years on this board, I'm left with the feeling that there are quite a few folks who post here that I'd clearly have a ball with if we cruised together and then there are others that if I ended up seated with them in the dining room I think I'd need a table change. Interesting to me how much of a person's personality comes out in their posts.


I'm sure that those same opinions exist re me and my view of the world. Guess a lot of it comes down to the glass half full or the glass half empty approach to life.


PLEASE don't get into naming names.. that's not the point of this post.


Just wondering if there aren't quite a few others out there who've pondered the same thing from time to time.


The added benefit of throwing this out for consideration is that it has nothing to do with smoking, dress code, lite bulbs, smuggling booze, "swim" diapers, age or chair hogs. That alone should give it a life of its own. *L*



Yeah, but I sometimes feel the same way at family reunions. At least here, I can choose who I associate with...

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Here's an interesting thing I've noticed with regard to roll calls ...


You ever have a roll call, with some people who are very active on it ... and then you get onboard and those same people don't even show up for the Meet & Greet? In fact, all cruise long you never meet them?


Interesting, huh?


I can certainly understand people who may decline to join a roll call even if they are gonna be on the cruise. Maybe they are traveling with family and close friends and really don't want to be involved in the Cruise Critic stuff. That's understandable. But why join a roll call, and be active on it, if you have no intention of bothering with those people once onboard?


This I just don't understand.


Blue skies ...



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There are only a couple of posters I've run into on CC that, if we were on the same ship, I fear I'd throw myself overboard. But overall, I think it's a pretty interesting group on the HAL forum... not everyone is exactly my cup of tea, but that's what real life is like, too. I belong to another (non travel) cruise forum, and everyone's views are nearly identical -- makes for a pretty boring discussion.


Me: I think blah, blah, blah.

Other: Yes, I agree.

One more: You're right -- I love the way you put that.


End of thread

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You ever have a roll call, with some people who are very active on it ... and then you get onboard and those same people don't even show up for the Meet & Greet? In fact, all cruise long you never meet them?
Yes indeed, Rita. Happened to me on a roll call when I organized a meet-and-greet. I did name tags, the ship provided cookies, the HM made an appearance. There were about two dozen active in the roll call. Four showed up for the M & G besides DW and me. Disappointing and embarassing.


On the Eurodam this past summer for the inaugural, practically everyone showed up. It was great! Maybe it was the special occasion, being the inaugural.

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Know what you mean.

We had a ball meeting friends on our recent cruise that we had sailed with before on other ships.


I missed out on the reunion, but feel certain we'll all sail together again someday soon!:D



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I have to say we've been extremely lucky with the people we have met through Cruise Critic on our cruises.

Our first cruise on the Oosterdam 2006 we met some people from Vancouver BC that we stay in touch with and have cruised with again. We will also be cruising together again in Jan 2010 and they are coming to visit us this summer. Great friends!!

Our last cruise - got to meet LaffNVegas and WanderingWinos as well as many many others. They were all a great group of people and would love to sail with any of them again.

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Here's an interesting thing I've noticed with regard to roll calls ...


You ever have a roll call, with some people who are very active on it ... and then you get onboard and those same people don't even show up for the Meet & Greet? In fact, all cruise long you never meet them?


Interesting, huh?


I can certainly understand people who may decline to join a roll call even if they are gonna be on the cruise. Maybe they are traveling with family and close friends and really don't want to be involved in the Cruise Critic stuff. That's understandable. But why join a roll call, and be active on it, if you have no intention of bothering with those people once onboard?


This I just don't understand.


Blue skies ...



I think that some people are just too shy to show up at a M&G. Some of the people that I chat with have expressed that they are too shy or might be embarassed to show up. I am very active on my roll call, but I might not go to my M&G becasue of the time that was set-up.

Have a great day!!


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Yeah, but I sometimes feel the same way at family reunions. At least here, I can choose who I associate with...


LOL...I feel the same way sometimes...I apologize & don't want to hijack this thread but must ask..Is that a Black Lab & is his name Sam..Our Black Lab named "Sam" lived to be 17 yrs old..I still miss him as he was somewhat like "Marley"


Here's an interesting thing I've noticed with regard to roll calls ...


You ever have a roll call, with some people who are very active on it ... and then you get onboard and those same people don't even show up for the Meet & Greet? In fact, all cruise long you never meet them?


Interesting, huh?


I can certainly understand people who may decline to join a roll call even if they are gonna be on the cruise. Maybe they are traveling with family and close friends and really don't want to be involved in the Cruise Critic stuff. That's understandable. But why join a roll call, and be active on it, if you have no intention of bothering with those people once onboard?


This I just don't understand.


Blue skies ...--rita


Perhaps it has to do with the spouse or person the CC Poster is traveling with..My friend & I started a roll call & organized a Meet & Greet..One poster was very active on our Roll Call...While my friend & I were waiting for our Spouses who were parking the car, she recognized us & had a long conversation with us before checking in...Came time for the meet & greet & they did not show up..We also had name tags & a member of the crew showed up..

Later on, I met them & said we missed them..She said they both wanted to play trivia instead...Perhaps it was her DH who did not want to come to the CC meet & greet..This is only conjecture on my part..

DH thinks i spend entirely too much time on this board, but he's into playing games on his PC, working on pictures from his camera while watching CSI..Our Desks are in the same room, but I really don't enjoy all the gore of CSI, so I'm on the CC board more..


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I agree with henepup, that some people are just shy and do not meet new people easily face to face. I have friends who are not adept at small talk or cocktail party conversation and they avoid any situation that might ask that of them.


Posting here, on the other hand, is easier because it does not require what some consider the risk of meeting new people in person.

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As far as M&G attendance... I'll bet it has a lot to do with the opinions of the non-CCer spouse. My DH wasn't thrilled about going to our CC M&G so I was going to go myself, but he ended up coming along. Some people might choose to go the route of spending time with their spouse rather then the M&G if that's the spouse's preference...

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And yes, there are a number of people here whom I think would be a blast to cruise with.


There are a few really negative people that I'd rather not meet though. If you (general) have so much negativity radiating through an internet board, I would rather NOT meet you in real life. I like to surround myself with positive people - not Negative Nellies or Eeyore. :)


Also there are a few folks whom I don't think I could meet without rolling my eyes at them, constantly reminding people that "we only stay in suites", "we only travel in limos", and so forth. Obnoxious and exasperating. I think those kinds of statements are kind of pathetic, actually. Who are you (general) trying to impress? Do you (general) really think anyone cares that you have X amount of money?? Why try to constantly draw attention to that fact? Pretty classless if you ask me. :rolleyes: I'd rather spend my time with people who do have class, thankyouverymuch! :p

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You ever have a roll call, with some people who are very active on it ... and then you get onboard and those same people don't even show up for the Meet & Greet? In fact, all cruise long you never meet them?
Maybe they have pretended to be something that they aren't, and don't want to be found out??? :confused:
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LOL...I feel the same way sometimes...I apologize & don't want to hijack this thread but must ask..Is that a Black Lab & is his name Sam..Our Black Lab named "Sam" lived to be 17 yrs old..I still miss him as he was somewhat like "Marley"


Actually, I'm Sam, he's Elliott. We're hoping we have him to at least 17. He's 6 now. He's already starting to get a little gray under the chin - that makes two of us.


He's not a "Marley", and in fact comes to my office with me almost everyday. He has a bed in the corner, and if I'm bringing clients in to meet with me, I just remind him to stay on his bed and he will. Once I've finished my meeting and stand up, he will wake up, stretch, and walk over to do a "meet and greet" of his own. Often, clients never even realize he's in the room until that point (unless he wakes up before and starts scratching, licking God knows what body part, and/or gnawing a bone.)


They know Elliott at the bank and pharmacy drive-throughs we frequent. That's the favorite part of his job - going out and running errands, scoring dog biscuits, of course. He's so loved at the bank that they even send dog biscuits when he's not with me, and at Christmas, they sent him a box of dog biscuits as a present.


As you are obviously an animal lover, you should read this recent thread from the Princess board. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=943135 I've shed tears every time I've checked it over the last week or so.


I add my apologies to the OP, for it seems I am now a co-conspirator in the hijacking of the thread. But wait, perhaps we can rehabilitate...


I frequently lurk in the rollcall boards for our cruises, and have even posted to some, particularly to alert about price-drops, etc.


All in all, however, when I'm on a cruise, I prefer just to relax with DW. That's one of the things we like about cruising: there's stuff to do, entertainment, good food, etc., but unless you want to, you really don't have to "interact" with anybody you don't want to, other than on a superficial level. For someone who deals with the public on a daily basis, that anonymity is a welcome change. No demands, just be polite and do my own thing.


For DW, who is painfully shy, group gatherings are stressful. That's not what she wants on vacation. All in all, she'd much rather deal with Elliott and all her other animals. She would probably be quick to point out that our animals are always just who they appear to be, "Marley-isms" and all. None of this stuff of seeming one way online and another in person. Hmm.


That said, it would be polite if folks would just say they don't plan to attend a M&G. Perhaps they don't realize the planning, etc. that goes into one. Or, it may be they're just not comfortable admitting in writing their shyness or personal preferences.


It might be a good idea that rollcall/M&G organizers remind posters of the amount of work involved, the ship's providing refreshments, etc., and that it's perfectly fine to participate in the roll-call board prior to sailing, but to skip the M&G once onboard, for whatever the reason.


See, I did tie it all in. No more hijacking!




Sam (and Elliott, stetched out flat on his bed within 5 feet of me as I type)

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[DH thinks i spend entirely too much time on this board,


* laffin* Quite a while back my DW rolled her eyes and said "Are you on Cruise Critic AGAIN?"


I quickly typed in a search for a derivative of "large bosoms" and opened up a soft core site of gals w/ impressive endowment. Looked over my shoulder at the wife and asked "Would you rather I spent my time HERE?"


She doesn't bother me anymore when I'm on Cruise Critic....

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Maybe they have pretended to be something that they aren't, and don't want to be found out??? :confused:


IMHO, it is the "spouse doesn't want to do it" that probably is the biggest reason for not attending a M&G. My DH would NEVER go to something like that -- I know him well enough to not even ask :)


I think that people who are "poseurs" are actually happy to mix and mingle, to continue the charade in real life, in an attempt to feed something in themselves. (Even when it is obvious to everyone but themselves that they are not who they purport to be.)

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Since we've cruised on many different lines, I read a lot of the various boards. It seems to me that the HAL board has some of the nicest people, but also the most "know-it-alls" and pompous people compared with the other boards (I don't mean everyone - just a few of the regular posters who try to come off as an expert in every HAL topic).


I still enjoy reading this board though, because I know what (and who) is fact and what is nonsense.

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