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Crown & Anchor Program Revisions - join the merged discussions here


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I'm just a Gold C&A member, so I don't really recall all the benefits for the higher categories.

For Golds like me, we are apparently no longer welcome at the C&A Welcome Back party. We will merely be "recognized" at the captain's cocktail party. No free drinks or hors d'oeuvres anymore. Even Carnival offers their return passengers that!

Have always cruised RCCL now I think it would be much easier to try a new cruise line. Before I was always trying to work up a notch to a different level. Now it doesn't really matter the way I take it!!

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Sure I'll take a stab.


For some pax it has gotten to the point where all they care about is how much they can get out of RC while paying as little as possible. How many discounts can I combine, how many OBC's can I have, how much $ can I not spend. Keep that SeaPass under $100 for the week. I don't blame RC for limiting these.


Pax are bragging how they are cruising for less than $100 a day, and taking cash home at the end of their cruise, and they still want more.


There are many pax that once they become D their mission is to drink the CL, or overflow lounge out of liquor. I use the CL a bit during the day, and I have rarely ever seen 5 people in there, but come 5PM, look out. They are not satisfied with a drink or 2, they are there to get a full days buzz in 3.5 hrs cause they aren't going to buy any in the bar.


While this is happening, someone who is paying perhaps 5 or even 10 times what they are paying, can't even get in the lounge to sit and socialize, let alone get a drink.


For those who really are not like this, well, RC drew a line and you feel slighted. RC sure won't miss the ones who are the real abusers, if they really do cancel or stop booking RC.


Lets face it, until the economy got bad, and everything was running at capacity, stock over $40, etc ,some of this probably didn't matter. It just didn't start recently, though. We noticed this happening in the CL's in the last cpl yrs.


Once revenus started slipping, and the high end pax and other D/D+ members started complaining, RC needed to do something to something about it. As usual in any type of a situation, there are some who spoil it for others.


I had conversations on my last 2 cruises with the concierge on each ship regarding this. We were on the Serende this past Jan, and Kenny told us then this was coming, he just didn't know when it would be rolled out.


I wouldn't doubt some of the biggest complainers about this fall into this catagory of pax, and it is not the kind of pax RC needs, or wants for that matter.


Great post. At first I was upset about the the decision, but after thinking about it, I agree with RCI. We are not big drinkers, a before dinner wine for me and a beer for my DH, but we can survive without it. I loved going into the CL during the day for cappucino and just visiting with other cruisers. We will stay with RCI because we love their ships. They have always treated us fairly. We have never done a cruise under 7 days. We ofter said people are going to ruin the CL service because of their greed. For example a table mate on one of our cruises just could not wait til 5:00 o'clock to get his drinks. He would gulp them down, then go eat. As soon as dinner was done he would return to the CL. We felt that just was not right. If these changes help keep their prices at a good rate I am all for it.



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I've been reading about angry Diamonds canceling cruises, defecting from Royal, etc. Royal doesn't care. They can make up the difference by marketing to new cruisers who don't have a clue about C&A.


What do you think a new cruiser, reading all this stuff for the first time, thinks when he reads this from nasty D+ or RC cheerleader,.............hum I think I would like to go on this line, I don't think so.

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Great post. At first I was upset about the the decision, but after thinking about it, I agree with RCI. We are not big drinkers, a before dinner wine for me and a beer for my DH, but we can survive without it. I loved going into the CL during the day for cappucino and just visiting with other cruisers. We will stay with RCI because we love their ships. They have always treated us fairly. We have never done a cruise under 7 days. We ofter said people are going to ruin the CL service because of their greed. For example a table mate on one of our cruises just could not wait til 5:00 o'clock to get his drinks. He would gulp them down, then go eat. As soon as dinner was done he would return to the CL. We felt that just was not right. If these changes help keep their prices at a good rate I am all for it.




Great Post!!


Too many taking advantage of the CL. It was time for it to go. I have seen plenty of cruisers that have 2nd seating dinner go to the CL at 5pm sharp hog up the seats and drink up a storm for a few hours.

If I were a "Suit" I would have gotten rid of the CL along time ago.


For all the folks that are jumping ship to other lines don't think for a minute that other cruiselines are loyal to you and there will not be any cutbacks in the future. In this economy they would be crazy not to cutback. ;)


Cruise rates are the lowest ever and cabins are available on ALL cruiselines. My summer Liberty cruise is $400. less then I paid last year during the same time. :eek::p


Anything that is abused has to be taken away however sometimes the folks that did not abuse have to pay the price. :rolleyes:



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I've been reading about angry Diamonds canceling cruises, defecting from Royal, etc. Royal doesn't care. They can make up the difference by marketing to new cruisers who don't have a clue about C&A.


Not to the person trying to book a cruise, and seeing RCCL costs more.


The "perks" seemed to have made up for that higher cost in a lot of peoples minds/posts.


Pull that away, and you are just paying more for the same cruise you can get elsewhere.

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hmmmm...looks like my 700 number is NOT such a wild exageration after all!:rolleyes:


Duh -- they said 667 diamond and [bOLD]platinum[/bOLD] on the cruise -- that is not even close to your quote of 700 Diamonds crowding the lounge. :rolleyes:

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A new cruiser might not care because they never had the CL to begin with anyway. Also Cruisers on all the cruise forums only make up a very small percentage of cruisers. Most cruisers don't even know these cruise forums are out there. :eek:


Where do new cruisers get their imformation, mostly from friends or cowokers that have been on a cruise before. I am known at work as Mr. cruise man, a day dosen't go by someone dosen't ask me about cruising.


And as far as people not know about these sites I tell everyone do alittle research before booking. Have you ever had trouble getting on CC or has it been slow on days. And you tell us very few know about these forums.


I have been sailing since 83 I will talk cruising to anyone who will listen, and up to last Friday I would try to talk them into RC, because I felt they cared more than the other lines. Now they are the other cruise line.

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So has anyone who wrote to RCI to complain about the changes in the loyalty program ever get a response? As I suspect in a couple of weeks everyone will forget about the changes and RCI will continue as they always have. I will miss the coffee in the conceirge lounge the most but will now save on tipping the Conceirge and his minion bartender.


Oh and since I have read that RCI guarrantees a minimum amount for tips recieved by crew and tops up any short falls, I will now only tip the time I use the dinning room and will not tip the head waiter if he doesn't show his face at my table at least 2 of the 7 evenings. Flame me if you want but times are tough and unfortunately I have to cut back somewhere.

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I've been reading about angry Diamonds canceling cruises, defecting from Royal, etc. Royal doesn't care. They can make up the difference by marketing to new cruisers who don't have a clue about C&A.



I think you may have stumbled upon the next advertising campaign -- "Royal doesn't Care" -- BRILLIANT!!! :)

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I think you may have stumbled upon the next advertising campaign -- "Royal doesn't Care" -- BRILLIANT!!! :)



Somebody on this board, I am sorry, I did not remember your screen name,

used this BRILLIANT sentence. I was impressed enough I remembered it.

I decided to write the suits in Miami about all of the cutbacks in services and, quality.

I did write MIA and, I used this persons quote which I really like. Actually,

in a few short words it says ALOT!


"You never give anyone a reason to go to the competition."


While it is true there are some looking for bare bones cruises with

not much in the way of quality and, services there must

be a cruise line willing to fill those cabins. But, there are also

other cruisers the DO desire a level of quality and, service.

R.C.C.L. is slipping big time. I am a stockholder and, I have alot

fo friends that cruise. Our circle of friends all agree with the sliding

quality of RCL. RCL should become an "ala carte" cruise line.

Offer $500 cabins for 2 weeks...then, charge them for EVERYTHING.

Maybe that is what this cruise line is becoming. At least

they will be cheap and, provide a boat ride experience. Of course

one could get that on the Staten Island Ferry too. :rolleyes:


Our future cruises will look for quality and, we will pay for that quality. :)




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Copied this from another thread. (The poster had 40 cruises with RCCL, so I assume she knows)


"There will be new books July 1. Most all the decent coupons have been deleted or changed so old coupons or those purchased off e-bay prior to July 1 will be worthless.


No more free anything (D and D+ had free ice cream, speciality coffee, drink, photo, wine tasting, JR's). Now it will be (D and D+) 20% off photo purchase, $5 off of $25 laundry, buy one get one milkshake at JR's. I imagine plat. and gold books will have even lower values of coupons."

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Copied this from another thread. (The poster had 40 cruises with RCCL, so I assume she knows)


"There will be new books July 1. Most all the decent coupons have been deleted or changed so old coupons or those purchased off e-bay prior to July 1 will be worthless.


No more free anything (D and D+ had free ice cream, speciality coffee, drink, photo, wine tasting, JR's). Now it will be (D and D+) 20% off photo purchase, $5 off of $25 laundry, buy one get one milkshake at JR's. I imagine plat. and gold books will have even lower values of coupons."


How can ANYONE here know what is going to be in the coupon books after July 1st?? That's just a guess ...

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WOW soulds like the coupon books will be basically worthless... we used to buy tons of photos in addittion to the freebies we got, but if they take away all those free ones we will also cut back on buying the photos as well, since we have kids we allways had them pose for the photos on board but now well just get them done locally... too bad in a sense, the drinks were nice too so they take away concierge and take away our freebies there too heh not much left :)

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GF and I were just weighting options (we are Diamond) about what to do this summer and a return to Liberty OTS is (was) an option. I'm not to crazy about all these large companies cutting corners and screwing us. I'm seriously thinking I may opt out of an RCCL cruise this summer b/c of the CL lounge - not for the CL lounge per se but as a protest. We've spent good money with RCCL and I can't lie when I say there is a small part of me that has never felt I've received everything I put into it. The one thing I would enjoy though is being able to spot one of the flamers on this board on a cruise and dump my drink right in their face.


I am a bit curious as to what your intent is with this statement. You have never received everything that you put into it? We (I) have all spent good money with RCI. Things have changed over the years but I have always left the ship feeling that I had a great cruise experience. Not everything has been perfect and I would never have such an expectation. But my expectations for the things that are important to me are still being met, if not exceeded, so I continue to sail RCI. Although, I am starting to have some itinerary issues so I can't say that I won't be doing some investigation of other lines.


If you are not getting everything that you put into it, and I interpret that to mean not getting your money's worth but I could be wrong, why would you continue to sail with RCI? If I felt that way at the end of a cruise I would not be back. And I really am not trying to be a flamer so I hope I am not coming across that way. I am truly trying to understand your intent.

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Sure I'll take a stab.


For some pax it has gotten to the point where all they care about is how much they can get out of RC while paying as little as possible. How many discounts can I combine, how many OBC's can I have, how much $ can I not spend. Keep that SeaPass under $100 for the week. I don't blame RC for limiting these.


Pax are bragging how they are cruising for less than $100 a day, and taking cash home at the end of their cruise, and they still want more.


There are many pax that once they become D their mission is to drink the CL, or overflow lounge out of liquor. I use the CL a bit during the day, and I have rarely ever seen 5 people in there, but come 5PM, look out. They are not satisfied with a drink or 2, they are there to get a full days buzz in 3.5 hrs cause they aren't going to buy any in the bar.


While this is happening, someone who is paying perhaps 5 or even 10 times what they are paying, can't even get in the lounge to sit and socialize, let alone get a drink.


For those who really are not like this, well, RC drew a line and you feel slighted. RC sure won't miss the ones who are the real abusers, if they really do cancel or stop booking RC.


Lets face it, until the economy got bad, and everything was running at capacity, stock over $40, etc ,some of this probably didn't matter. It just didn't start recently, though. We noticed this happening in the CL's in the last cpl yrs.


Once revenus started slipping, and the high end pax and other D/D+ members started complaining, RC needed to do something to something about it. As usual in any type of a situation, there are some who spoil it for others.


I had conversations on my last 2 cruises with the concierge on each ship regarding this. We were on the Serende this past Jan, and Kenny told us then this was coming, he just didn't know when it would be rolled out.


I wouldn't doubt some of the biggest complainers about this fall into this catagory of pax, and it is not the kind of pax RC needs, or wants for that matter.


It's not fair to comment that some Diamonds that are no longer welcome in the CL are some of the biggest complainers without conversely mentioning that some of the biggest complainers remain eligible for usage of the CL.

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I am a bit curious as to what your intent is with this statement. You have never received everything that you put into it? We (I) have all spent good money with RCI. Things have changed over the years but I have always left the ship feeling that I had a great cruise experience. Not everything has been perfect and I would never have such an expectation. But my expectations for the things that are important to me are still being met, if not exceeded, so I continue to sail RCI. Although, I am starting to have some itinerary issues so I can't say that I won't be doing some investigation of other lines.


If you are not getting everything that you put into it, and I interpret that to mean not getting your money's worth but I could be wrong, why would you continue to sail with RCI? If I felt that way at the end of a cruise I would not be back. And I really am not trying to be a flamer so I hope I am not coming across that way. I am truly trying to understand your intent.


Oceanboy - my intent was to say that quality - and what they give you for the money - has been at a pretty steady decline over the years. RCCL is far from what it was as recently as 10 years ago. My folks are heavy cruisers as well and they agree (particularly with Celebrity - we think they have plunged even further down the crap path). We have a family friend who works for Carnival and is always sending me their friends and family emails - and frankly we've always chosen RCCL over a half-priced Carnival cruise - but this next time I may just go for the half priced Carnival cruise instead because - think about it - WHY NOT? The RCCL loyalty program and the overall quality of food, land excursions, etc... are ONLY going to CONTINUE to DETERIORATE. That was my point - I'm going to stick it to the big guy and all you cheerleaders on this board keep having a good time - b/c I know RCCL is having a fabulous time with your wallets! But not mine anymore!

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It's not fair to comment that some Diamonds that are no longer welcome in the CL are some of the biggest complainers without conversely mentioning that some of the biggest complainers remain eligible for usage of the CL.




Yip you're spot on - we'll see how they like it when the D+'s aren't allowed in.







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Oceanboy - my intent was to say that quality - and what they give you for the money - has been at a pretty steady decline over the years. RCCL is far from what it was as recently as 10 years ago. My folks are heavy cruisers as well and they agree (particularly with Celebrity - we think they have plunged even further down the crap path). We have a family friend who works for Carnival and is always sending me their friends and family emails - and frankly we've always chosen RCCL over a half-priced Carnival cruise - but this next time I may just go for the half priced Carnival cruise instead because - think about it - WHY NOT? The RCCL loyalty program and the overall quality of food, land excursions, etc... are ONLY going to CONTINUE to DETERIORATE. That was my point - I'm going to stick it to the big guy and all you cheerleaders on this board keep having a good time - b/c I know RCCL is having a fabulous time with your wallets! But not mine anymore!


Fair enough. I might be tempted to try Carnival or Princess someday to see what their cruise experience is like. But as I said RCI still meets my expectations with the things that are important to me. It is a bit difficult making a change at this point and risking that I might then have a sub-par cruise experience. It would be great if a cruise didn't work out well and one could just have the attitude of so what, I'll just take another one next month. Unfortunately I am not in that position so it is a bit hard to take the risk. I don't book just to accumulate C&A points and I am not cheerleading for RCI. One major thing holding me back from Carnival is I think there ships are so stinking ugly!:D

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Great post. At first I was upset about the the decision, but after thinking about it, I agree with RCI. We are not big drinkers, a before dinner wine for me and a beer for my DH, but we can survive without it. I loved going into the CL during the day for cappucino and just visiting with other cruisers. We will stay with RCI because we love their ships. They have always treated us fairly. We have never done a cruise under 7 days. We ofter said people are going to ruin the CL service because of their greed. For example a table mate on one of our cruises just could not wait til 5:00 o'clock to get his drinks. He would gulp them down, then go eat. As soon as dinner was done he would return to the CL. We felt that just was not right. If these changes help keep their prices at a good rate I am all for it.




Great Post!!


Too many taking advantage of the CL. It was time for it to go. I have seen plenty of cruisers that have 2nd seating dinner go to the CL at 5pm sharp hog up the seats and drink up a storm for a few hours.

If I were a "Suit" I would have gotten rid of the CL along time ago.


For all the folks that are jumping ship to other lines don't think for a minute that other cruiselines are loyal to you and there will not be any cutbacks in the future. In this economy they would be crazy not to cutback. ;)


Cruise rates are the lowest ever and cabins are available on ALL cruiselines. My summer Liberty cruise is $400. less then I paid last year during the same time. :eek::p


Anything that is abused has to be taken away however sometimes the folks that did not abuse have to pay the price. :rolleyes:



I am so glad that others have experienced greed in the CL on their cruises. We have seen those that overly indulge get rude and obnoxious going so far as to make in appropriate comments about fellow passengers that are also enjoying the CL.


I know that not everyone who is extended the privilege of the CL acts in an inappropriate manner...........but it only takes one or two to spoil it for everyone.

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Yip you're spot on - we'll see how they like it when the D+'s aren't allowed in.









Just want to clarify, when I hear that the Diamonds were free loaders, and CL campers, it bothers me because it is a disparity to single out the Diamonds like this when after all, a Diamond plus is a Diamond, only with more experience at ALL habits good or bad in their CL usage. Also, I have made many friends over the years with Diamonds that have made it to plus and I would not want to see them experience the heave ho that we Diamonds have gotten. Some of those Diamond plus folks have been vocal here expressing empathy and I've expressed my appreciation for that. Some, not as vocal as I'd like to see.

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I am so glad that others have experienced greed in the CL on their cruises. We have seen those that overly indulge get rude and obnoxious going so far as to make in appropriate comments about fellow passengers that are also enjoying the CL.


I know that not everyone who is extended the privilege of the CL acts in an inappropriate manner...........but it only takes one or two to spoil it for everyone.



Yip i've seen that but the C can throw them out - as for greed maybe i'm wrong but is there not a limit on the number of drinks ?






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I am so glad that others have experienced greed in the CL on their cruises. We have seen those that overly indulge get rude and obnoxious going so far as to make in appropriate comments about fellow passengers that are also enjoying the CL.


I know that not everyone who is extended the privilege of the CL acts in an inappropriate manner...........but it only takes one or two to spoil it for everyone.


Funnily enough the only time I felt uncomfortable in the CL was when a couple who were in a suite said to me they didnt like the fact that those in "cheap" inside cabins were allowed in the CL. They thought it should only be for those who paid lots of money for suites :eek: I did reply that I was a Diamond member in an inside cabin (14 night sailng on the Med and not cheap!!) their faces were a picture :rolleyes:

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Funnily enough the only time I felt uncomfortable in the CL was when a couple who were in a suite said to me they didnt like the fact that those in "cheap" inside cabins were allowed in the CL. They thought it should only be for those who paid lots of money for suites :eek: I did reply that I was a Diamond member in an inside cabin (14 night sailng on the Med and not cheap!!) their faces were a picture :rolleyes:



Right, I'd like to see their faces too. I'd like to see a specific loyalty program category for those suite guests that are also Diamond/+.

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