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Thoughts on American?


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There you go again.....another Southwest Basher!!;)


Be careful, or we'll have the usual "Southwest is Wonderful" chorus in response.:rolleyes:



I know, I know. I'm terrible. Hit me with a wet noodle for not drinking the canyon blue koolaid.

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I've flown with AA once and I hope to never fly with them again.


Some of our highlights:

- 6 hours late arriving at final destination due to a delayed plane that caused us to miss our connecting flight. They switched us to a later flight which was also delayed. Both delays were due to mechanical problems.

- no meal vouchers given for the delay. When we asked we were rudely told they don't do that.

- pilot cracking jokes about the delayed flight from MIA-JFK. At one point he announced to the passengers how we shouldn't be asking to be moved to other flights because nobody needs to be in New York more than him :rolleyes:


We complained to their head office and did receive travel vouchers for a small amount but they expired before we had a chance to use them. When we asked if they would be willing to extend the date on them they refused.


The only way I will fly AA again is if there is no other way to reach my destination (and this includes using dog sleds, canoes or any other means of travel I can find).

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I've flown with AA once and I hope to never fly with them again.


Some of our highlights:

- 6 hours late arriving at final destination due to a delayed plane that caused us to miss our connecting flight. They switched us to a later flight which was also delayed. Both delays were due to mechanical problems.

- no meal vouchers given for the delay. When we asked we were rudely told they don't do that.

- pilot cracking jokes about the delayed flight from MIA-JFK. At one point he announced to the passengers how we shouldn't be asking to be moved to other flights because nobody needs to be in New York more than him :rolleyes:


We complained to their head office and did receive travel vouchers for a small amount but they expired before we had a chance to use them. When we asked if they would be willing to extend the date on them they refused.


The only way I will fly AA again is if there is no other way to reach my destination (and this includes using dog sleds, canoes or any other means of travel I can find).


Please don't fly AA. No one could have made you happy. You got travel vouchers but couldn't use them because they were only good for a year. Then you wanted to extend the expiration date. Isn't that asking for more than you were entitled to.


Why would you feel you were entitled to meal vouchers??? If you read the find print, as a general rule, you are entitled to meal vouchers for canceled flights where an overnight is required. RARELY are meal vouchers passed out for a 6 hour delay. No one is going to starve in 6 hours. READ the fine print for the rules regarding your ticket. I think you would be hard pressed to find meal vouchers were required for a minor delay.


Pilot was trying to bring a little levity to the situation. His humor may not have been appreciated by you but in a stressful situation, it was probably appreciated by most.


Please don't fly AA again. It is too good an airline that should not cater to whiners and complainers for minor, petty problems.

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I've flown with AA once and I hope to never fly with them again...


Your statement is like my view on AirTran. I had the "trip from hell" with them over the holidays and will never fly with them again. I do realize that my view on this is somewhat irrational in that one flight does not provide enough data to really make a judgement.


AA I have flown on consistently over the last 20+ years - along with WN and to a lesser extent DL, AS, and CO. I will continue to claim that AA is the best run "legacy" carrier and second only to WN overall in terms of the US market.


To all note that "best run" is more than just the onboard passenger experience.

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Please don't fly AA again. It is too good an airline that should not cater to whiners and complainers for minor, petty problems.



Perhaps they should have been flying vaunted Southwest, where there are no meal vouchers and explicit language saying they aren't responsible for any additional expenses you might have, nor will they provide for any meals, even on an overnight delay.


And if you don't fly enough to use a voucher in a year's time....it's probably no great loss for AA.

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I've flown with AA once and I hope to never fly with them again.


Some of our highlights:

- 6 hours late arriving at final destination due to a delayed plane that caused us to miss our connecting flight. They switched us to a later flight which was also delayed. Both delays were due to mechanical problems.

- no meal vouchers given for the delay. When we asked we were rudely told they don't do that.

- pilot cracking jokes about the delayed flight from MIA-JFK. At one point he announced to the passengers how we shouldn't be asking to be moved to other flights because nobody needs to be in New York more than him :rolleyes:


We complained to their head office and did receive travel vouchers for a small amount but they expired before we had a chance to use them. When we asked if they would be willing to extend the date on them they refused.


The only way I will fly AA again is if there is no other way to reach my destination (and this includes using dog sleds, canoes or any other means of travel I can find).


Do you know how many people complain and never even receive any form of compensation? You were given vouchers and CHOSE to not use them before they expired. Yet you still are mad at AA ?!?!

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Wow - I give an opinion and get attacked. I didn't realize there was a rule that stated to give an opinion one had to have flown with an airline multiple times.


greatam - you weren't there so stop acting like you know everything about the situation.


1) I am not mad at AA for not extending the date of the vouchers. However, had they been willing to extend the deadline by three months they would have received over $1400 from us as the amount of the voucher didn't come close to covering the cost of the two tickets we were booking. They refused so we went to their competitor (who happened to be offering a better price and schedule).


If I lived in the US, the vouchers would have been used. However, in Atlantic Canada flights are a lot more expensive than in the US. Furthermore, AA offers very few flights from this area (at the time it was one a day to JFK). When we looked at the AA itineraries for our preferred destinations, it just wasn't feasible. The domestic airlines were offering better pricing and itineraries. We even thought about just flying to NYC since it would be a direct flight and it still would have cost $1000 in airfare for the two of us (after using the vouchers).


2) Regarding the meal vouchers, we didn't go up to the desk and demand them, we politely asked (along with other passengers) if they would be providing any and that is when we were rudely told they "don't do that sort of thing". If their policy is overnight stays only, the rep could have politely communicated that to us. There was nothing in the fine print regarding this - which is why we asked. Once we were home my TA contacted her representative at AA concerning the problems we (and other passengers) had. She was told that we SHOULD have received meal vouchers as the delay was more than 4 hours.


I don't care that we didn't receive meal vouchers. I was not happy with the rude response we received for asking a simple question.


3) I can assure you that nobody on that flight was humoured by the pilot and his comments - and this includes the AA staff at the gate. When AA responded to our complaint, they let our TA know they received several complaints about the pilot.



Everyone has different experiences. Just because someone has a differing experience or opinion doesn't mean they should be attacked.

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Wow - I give an opinion and get attacked. I didn't realize there was a rule that stated to give an opinion one had to have flown with an airline multiple times.


greatam - you weren't there so stop acting like you know everything about the situation.


I was not there but I certainly know what is in the FINE PRINT in AA 's Conditions of Carriage. And NOWHERE does it state you are entitled to meal vouchers. Per my previous post, AA will provide overnight accommodations and meals IF your flight is delayed overnight or you don't arrive in your destination city on your scheduled arrival date.


2) Regarding the meal vouchers, we didn't go up to the desk and demand them, we politely asked (along with other passengers) if they would be providing any and that is when we were rudely told they "don't do that sort of thing". If their policy is overnight stays only, the rep could have politely communicated that to us. There was nothing in the fine print regarding this - which is why we asked. Once we were home my TA contacted her representative at AA concerning the problems we (and other passengers) had. She was told that we SHOULD have received meal vouchers as the delay was more than 4 hours.


The information you required is IN THE FINE PRINT. Don't know who your TA spoke to but there is NO provision in AA Conditions of Carriage for meals UNLESS you are delayed overnight. You SHOULD NOT have received meal vouchers.


The information is contained in this document, paragraph dealing with delays,cancellations and diversions (close to the end of document)




I don't care that we didn't receive meal vouchers. I was not happy with the rude response we received for asking a simple question.


Here we go again with RUDE. You were told- "don't do that sort of thing". Not rude, just the truth, which you obviously did not want to hear and were not prepared for.



Everyone has different experiences. Just because someone has a differing experience or opinion doesn't mean they should be attacked.


Again, you are asking for things you were never entitled to. You did not READ THE FINE PRINT nor know what your rights were. And your TA gave you erroneous information.

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I didn't realize there was a rule that stated to give an opinion one had to have flown with an airline multiple times.


Everyone has different experiences. Just because someone has a differing experience or opinion doesn't mean they should be attacked.

No, there's no such rule. But there are two bits of common sense.


First, if you don't actually have any real experience with flying on a particular airline, having only done it once, don't be surprised if your views aren't taken very seriously. And you might think about whether they are actually in the least bit helpful to the people who are reading this discussion and hoping to get reliable information.


And second, if you choose - on the basis of no real experience with flying on the airline - to attack the airline yourself (which is what you plainly did), don't be surprised if your views are themselves attacked.

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No, there's no such rule. But there are two bits of common sense.


First, if you don't actually have any real experience with flying on a particular airline, having only done it once, don't be surprised if your views aren't taken very seriously. And you might think about whether they are actually in the least bit helpful to the people who are reading this discussion and hoping to get reliable information.


And second, if you choose - on the basis of no real experience with flying on the airline - to attack the airline yourself (which is what you plainly did), don't be surprised if your views are themselves attacked.


Unless you want to attack Southwest after flying them on a single flight, then fire away!!!

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I was not there but I certainly know what is in the FINE PRINT in AA 's Conditions of Carriage. And NOWHERE does it state you are entitled to meal vouchers.


And it also does not state that we should not have received them. Rather than go through the 20+ conditions of the fine print many passengers decided to just ask AA staff what their poliocy was.


American Airlines and American Eagle will provide amenities for delayed passengers, necessary to maintain the safety and/or welfare of certain passengers such as customers with disabilities, unaccompanied children, the elderly or others to whom such amenities will be furnished consistent with special needs and/or circumstances.


This statement of the AA conditions is what made us question meal vouchers. At the time we asked them what their policy was, we still had not been rerouted and had no idea what time we would be arriving home. We were in Miami and flying to JFK to catch a connecting plane to YHZ. AA offered two flights leaving JFK that went to YHZ. We already knew we would be missing the first one.


If passengers have questions about the fine print or any policies concerning the airline, they should be allowed to ask.


Here we go again with RUDE. You were told- "don't do that sort of thing". Not rude, just the truth, which you obviously did not want to hear and were not prepared for.


And again, since you weren't there you can't comment on whether someone was "not rude" in their response. We simply asked them what their policy was concerning meal vouchers. We did not demand a meal voucher. Had she just provided the information like we asked, then it would have been fine. There was no need for the sigh, tone and eye roll that went with it.


I had no problems hearing the truth and I was fully prepared for them to say it wasn't policy. Quite frankly, I didn't care whether they offered them. I just wanted to know what their policy was should the delay end up being quite lengthy. Please stop jumping to conclusions and making accusations about a situation that you were not part of.



And your TA gave you erroneous information.


This erroneous information that you speak of was actually provided by AA to my TA.



You may not think my complaint was valid, but clearly someone in AA's office did as they sent a letter of apology and travel vouchers. That is because they received similar complaints from other passengers and know the full details of the situation - unlike yourself, who prefers to jump to conclusions about a situation you know very little about.


I am done with this thread. Have a nice day.

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You may not think my complaint was valid, but clearly someone in AA's office did as they sent a letter of apology and travel vouchers. That is because they received similar complaints from other passengers and know the full details of the situation - unlike yourself, who prefers to jump to conclusions about a situation you know very little about.


I am done with this thread. Have a nice day.




We also had a bad experience with another airline and relayed our experience here for advice from the ailrine "experts". Like you most implied that we were complainers and the airline was under no obligation to do anything for us and writing a formal complaint was a waste of time.


Just as you found, the airline acknowledged their mistake and we were compensated more than generoulsy. And as you indicated, the biggest complaint we had was the condescinding attitude of the airline agents on site and their inability to provide consistent answers to our questions.

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We also had a bad experience with another airline and relayed our experience here for advice from the ailrine "experts". Like you most implied that we were complainers and the airline was under no obligation to do anything for us and writing a formal complaint was a waste of time.


Just as you found, the airline acknowledged their mistake and we were compensated more than generoulsy. And as you indicated, the biggest complaint we had was the condescinding attitude of the airline agents on site and their inability to provide consistent answers to our questions.




Autumn3 became upset after being criticized by others after his/her first post. Here the problem, Autumn3 did not fully describe the bad customer service in that post. Only complained about:

1. delays (which happen on all airlines)

2. lack of meal vouchers (stated in contract of carriage they would not be provided)

3. pilot cracking jokes (maybe not professional but probably just trying to make light of the situation)

4. vouchers they received expired before they could use them (not anyone's fault but yours)


That was all the information we were given. my suggestion to Autumn3 is to more fully explain your situation next time and not leave room for people to have to fill in the blanks on their own. example: Did you ask to talk to a supervisor at the airport?


You were more than fairly compensated for "poor customer service" and then became annoyed when your vouchers could not be extended. It is not AA's fault you live in Canada and they didn't have flights you could have used. (You were obviously able to find some before.) Tough luck. If you don't like the opinions you receive on here, no one will force you to post your experiences.

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Topic is Thoughts on American


OP's question was: Anyone have any experience with American?


Autum3 related his/her "experience" and was not asking for advise or opinions, just related the problems he/she had with AA. Details of the problem(s) were not requested bu the OP, just member's experience.


The very next post was from a member with very high AA staus who in conclusin stated: " Please don't fly AA again. It is too good an airline that should not cater to whiners and complainers for minor, petty problems"


That was inflammatoy and name calling, nothing else and in no way added any value to the OP's question.


A few posts later Autum3 was all but discounted because he/she admitted he/she only flew AA once as if a one time experience was not valid and implied if you only tried it once your opinion doesn't count. Somehow I don't think that would have been said if Autum3 reported that he/she only flew AA once but it was great.


I joined this site as a soon to be first time cruiser to ask questions and learn as much as I could. I think the OP was trying to do the same in regards to AA.


In a very short time I've learned that there are some members here with stong beliefs that make a habit out of berating those with opposing opinions.


I may not have much experince or knowledge but I know a spade when I see it and I'm not afraid to call it like I see it and do my part to support those who are being attacked.

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Topic is Thoughts on American


OP's question was: Anyone have any experience with American?


Autum3 related his/her "experience" and was not asking for advise or opinions, just related the problems he/she had with AA. Details of the problem(s) were not requested bu the OP, just member's experience.


The very next post was from a member with very high AA staus who in conclusin stated: " Please don't fly AA again. It is too good an airline that should not cater to whiners and complainers for minor, petty problems"


That was inflammatoy and name calling, nothing else and in no way added any value to the OP's question.


A few posts later Autum3 was all but discounted because he/she admitted he/she only flew AA once as if a one time experience was not valid and implied if you only tried it once your opinion doesn't count. Somehow I don't think that would have been said if Autum3 reported that he/she only flew AA once but it was great.


I joined this site as a soon to be first time cruiser to ask questions and learn as much as I could. I think the OP was trying to do the same in regards to AA.


In a very short time I've learned that there are some members here with stong beliefs that make a habit out of berating those with opposing opinions.


I may not have much experince or knowledge but I know a spade when I see it and I'm not afraid to call it like I see it and do my part to support those who are being attacked.


Let's look at this in order and maybe you will see why the problems were very minor and I responded the way I did.


First line in Autumn3's response- "I've flown with AA once and I hope to never fly with them again"


You anticipate a HORROR story with that introduction-plane left while they were in the jetway, plane diverted to another airport and they were stuck, plane sat on the tarmac for hours and hours with no food, no bathrooms, NOTHING. But NO-please carefully examine the reasons why quite a few of us found the complaints invalid.


1. They were 6 hours late for final arrival ON THE WAY HOME. Shouldn't matter that it was on the way home, but it somehow lessens the impact. Delays happen, in fact it happens all too frequently anymore. And ESPECIALLY flying through JFK, one of the busiest airports in the world and one that suffers a lot of delays.


It appears this flight was booked by a TA. First, the TA should have KNOWN that AA does not have a lot of service to Canada. So when you fly ANYWHERE and it is very important not to be delayed, you pick an airline with FREQUENT service to your destination, not one that has only a couple of flights per day. Air Canada has 5 flights per day that would have gotten them from MIA to YHZ after a cruise. Delta has 3 and United has 3 connecting flights, all which would have married up with flights out of MIA to the connector city. Why did the TA book them on AA??? I don't know this definitively, but I would guess price.


2. No meal vouchers-they were not entitled to any. And again, the TA should have KNOWN this. TA's should be the first ones to read airline Contracts of Carriage.


I appears the TA had NO knowledge of meal vouchers on AA. Why make the phone call to AA otherwise? There are "group sale/TA agents" working for AA through a subsidiary. They work on commissions. Who knows exactly who the TA called, but I will guess one of the independent booking agents that work for the subsidiary. And since those agents work on commission, they were most likely preserving future business by agreeing with the TA about the meal vouchers. In the airline business, the saying is-"you may need to call three times until you get the answer you want".


As to the RUDE comment, the AA agent simply stated, "we don't do that". Visualize a few hundred passengers on cruise day trying to get out of MIA. And the plane is delayed, so all connecting flights must also be rebooked. It is a HUGE job for the gate agents and ticket agents. It is true pandemonium until everyone gets rebooked, the planes show up and people are out of the airport. Very few people ever look at the situation as it truly is, only as they wish it to be. And most wish agents had the time to patiently explain all the rules and all the WHYS when things don't go as planned. Throw in a lot of arguing with various passengers and you possibly have a short answer which could be construed as RUDE. But your rude, my rude and Autumn3's rude can be completely different things. I don't require long explanations as I have usually rebooked myself and am not dependent on the AA agents (actually, I usually call the EXP desk and let them deal with it.). Why wasn't Autumn3 on the phone to the TA???


Last thing about the meal vouchers-in later posts (co-incidentally AFTER I posted AA's Conditions of Carriage), Autumn3 seems to imply that they are in the special group of people that MAY be entitled to meal vouchers. Please make note of the word CERTAIN (not all, not most, CERTAIN passengers)


"American Airlines and American Eagle will provide amenities for delayed passengers, necessary to maintain the safety and/or welfare of certain passengers such as customers with disabilities, unaccompanied children, the elderly or others to whom such amenities will be furnished consistent with special needs and/or circumstances."


IF Autumn3 really falls into the "protected class" of passengers, why no mention previously? And IF Autumn3 read the above statement BEFORE the problem occurred and was NOT in a "protected class", why would you even think you were entitled to meal vouchers and ask for them. There would be NO reason to ask for vouchers if you read the statement pre problem UNLESS you are delayed OVERNIGHT (which had not happened when the vouchers were requested)


3. Autumn3 GOT cash dollar vouchers to make up for any inconvenience and RUDE comments. But then a complaint that they could not use them in the time allotted. This is a totally uncalled for complaint. It certainly was not AA's fault that the vouchers were not used. Talk about looking a gifthorse in the mouth.


One flight with minor problems, some possibly caused/contributed to by outside parties, is NOT enough experience to post an answer "I will NEVER fly AA again" in answer to the OP's question. Delays happen on all airlines, meal vouchers are generally NOT given out in this day and age and Autumn3 was COMPENSATED for any inconvenience. Again I ask, WHERE is the MAJOR problem???

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It appears this flight was booked by a TA. First, the TA should have KNOWN that AA does not have a lot of service to Canada. So when you fly ANYWHERE and it is very important not to be delayed, you pick an airline with FREQUENT service to your destination, not one that has only a couple of flights per day. Air Canada has 5 flights per day that would have gotten them from MIA to YHZ after a cruise. Delta has 3 and United has 3 connecting flights, all which would have married up with flights out of MIA to the connector city. Why did the TA book them on AA??? I don't know this definitively, but I would guess price.



I thought , as you have pointed out several times, one of the "perks" of flying a carrier like AA was the fact that they have interline agreements with other carriers.


My questions are; since the delay happened because of a mechanical on the aircraft why weren't they accommodated on one of the flights that you had listed? If it was because the other airlines were full then why is interlining such a "perk"?

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I thought , as you have pointed out several times, one of the "perks" of flying a carrier like AA was the fact that they have interline agreements with other carriers.


My questions are; since the delay happened because of a mechanical on the aircraft why weren't they accommodated on one of the flights that you had listed? If it was because the other airlines were full then why is interlining such a "perk"?


Two or three things come to mind in response to your question:


1. We have no idea if there was space available on another airline


2. We have no idea if Autumn3 was willing to fly on another airline, which may have involved multiple connections and not a one stopper through JFK. Quite often, people are not willing to be rerouted from a one stop JFK to a 3 stop, DFW-Toronto-Halifax routing which may or may not experience the same type of delays. Just like buying a house-you make your "profit" at first purchase. Anything else is gravy. Thus, my previous discussion about why the TA picked AA.


3. We have no idea if Autumn3 even asked for another flight (most likely not or that would have been part of the previous discussion). Airlines do not, as a general rule, "volunteer" to interline their passengers. It costs money (even though most time it is merely a paper transaction) and it involves a lot of paperwork. But as I have posted so many times, IF you are prepared with alternative airlines, flights, etc, when YOU ASK for ticket endorsement, the originating airline is much more willing to help find an alternative. Preparation is key. Thus, the "perk". YOU have to do the homework.

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