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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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I'ver been reading this thread a little at a time for three days laughing hysterically. Ok, here's one. It was my husband. We had just finished a rather large lunch on the Voyager and I suggested we go down to take a look at the most recent batch of pictures which was on deck 3. After looking around for a while my husband gets a funny look on his face and says "meet you back at the room" and takes off. I, of course took that to mean "I need to go #2 and want a private bathroom". He hops in the elevator and pushes 10. The doors close and apparently he lets out this huge really, really stinky fart, the smell of which filled up the entire elevator. So now he is crossing his fingers and praying that he can make it straight up without anyone else getting in. No such luck though, he only made it to deck 5 when the door opens and 2 people get in pushing the button for 9 as my husband attempts to look as innocent as possible. One deck up, someone must have pushed the button, so when the doors opened, the couple exited quite hastily and my husband saw them going to the stairs. Perhaps they decided they needed the exercise?


Was he in one of the glass elevators? I have visions of it filling with a green cloud! :D:D

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I've spent the last three days reading this thread and I love it! I've only been on one cruise and didn't see this first hand but our tablemates told us about it.


They were sitting out by the pool and a couple in front of them were taking olive oil (yes the cooking oil) and rubbing it all over their body. They re-applied several times throughout the day. Our tablemates noticed they were getting really really burnt, like lobster red. When they went to apply more olive oil one of my tablemates leaned over and told them "You might not want to do that". She then got them to take a close look at themselves and the man got really upset with his wife. Aparently his wife had told him that olive oil had SPF in it and you used it like sunscreen! :eek: Since we didn't see it firsthand we had no idea who the people were but every time my friend and I saw someone losbter red we wondered if they were the olive oil people!

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Was he in one of the glass elevators? I have visions of it filling with a green cloud! :D:D


Yup! That's how he was able to see them going to the stairs, lol. Honestly, besides getting the great story, I was pretty lucky it was in the elevator instead of our cabin. We didn't have a balcony on that cruise, so no window!

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I'm only up to page 37, but I promise to read them all.


On one cruise, we were going down a staircase only to encounter a woman sitting in the middle with art supplies spread out all around her. She was trying to copy the painting on the landing. But the worst part was that right then a group of 5-6 Asian people tried to get by her and were talking quite loudly. She "shhsh'ed" them saying they were interfering with her concentration.


There were six of us sitting at a table for 8 on a Carnival cruise when the last couple showed up. In a loud voice that everyone could hear, the woman said, "You'd think they would seat us suite passengers with better people." We had already asked for a different table for other reasons so we don't know how the rest of that cruise went for them at that table.


On one cruise a couple showed up for portraits on formal night in their bathrobes. They said they did that on every cruise they took.


We ran into someone doing the stuffed toy animal thing. This guy had a stuffed monkey. He was always bothering people asking them to take his photo with the monkey. For some reason his wife wouldn't do it. :rolleyes: This same guy was the one who made an a$$ out of himself on the delayed charter flight from SF to Tahiti. He stood up in his seat after a considerable wait and said, "I'm a police officer from New York City and I demand to know why we haven't taken off yet." As if anybody cared that he was a cop.


We were leaving the dock in Venice, Italy, when a water taxi came screaming up to the dock with two couples who had missed the boat. The captain did not return to the dock. And to add insult to injury, a police boat gave the taxi captain a ticket for speeding.


And finally, we were on the Celebrity Xpedition. We weren't supposed to be aboard, we had signed up for a snorkleing trip but decided not to go. Our cabin stewardess walked in on my hubby right as he was leaving the shower. The only thing within reach to cover up with was a shoe. Where, oh where is your camera when you really need it.

Edited by gooch47
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I really find it offensive when people post pictures of total strangers who have no idea their picture was taken -why in the world would you do that? that is so childish and adolescent of you-and you think he is wild and crazy?


Regardless, I find it offensive when people come on here and say judgmental things like people are childish or adolescent. There are monitors on the board and they would remove any detrimental posts.


Besides, my mama taught me a long time ago, if you don't want anyone to take your picture doing anything inappropriate - don't do anything inappropriate!

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on my last cruise we met a man in trivia who had one of those insulated mugs. He had taped a note to it that said "I AM LOST - PLEASE RETURN TO CABIN # 5555 (or whatever number it was). I am sure he misplaced his mug a lot, but we laughed at his note that it meant HE got lost a lot himself and needed help to find his room.


My friend told me what happened to her on her cruise. She had on a lovely strapless gown on formal night. She started walking down the staircase... The one in the main atrium where people mingled... And she stepped on the front of her dress and when she did her breasts popped out. She said she had never made an entrance like that before or since.


Keep em coming folks... Hilarious!

Edited by DMH15
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There was this time I was hanging out in the jacuzzi and there was this couple next to me... the woman took a seat on the guy's lap.. They started playing around w/ eachother (she was bouncing around).... I thought it was all harmless until I saw the guy's swimming trunks float up.. ewww!!!


I got the hell out of the jacuzzi with the quickness!!


Dang! Were we on the same cruise??? :eek:

In the Pool Deck Jacuzzi on the Serenade this past October..... And this one was the most conservative one.....Please...Get A Room!


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  • 2 weeks later...

So, these don't even compare to some of those that I've read, but


I was taking a high zoom picture of the fort in PR from the deck in front of the sky bar on Voyager and, just as I was holding the camera steady on the rail and about to snap a picture, the captain blew the ships horns (almost right above my head) as we pulled away from the dock. I jumped (those horns are LOUD) and the only thing that saved the camera was that I did remember the wrist strap. Don't know if anyone else saw, but I'm convinced that they did it on purpose!;)


We were pulling into St. Thomas and wanted to take pictures from the bow of the ship. There were a ton of birds flying just in front of the ship as we pulled in and as my DW was taking a picture of said birds, one of them decided to, well, lighten their load and the wind blew it all over her shirt. Of couse, my first reaction was not to rush to her aid, but to laugh histerically. Big mistake as it was apparently a chain reaction and an open, laughing mouth is NOT recommended (YUCK!).


Lastly, just one of those wierd things. As we were boarding the ship from a port on deck one, we took an elevator to our floor. MY DW had the passports and dropped one - no big deal, except that it fell vertically between the elevator floor and the door frame (I still don't know how). One of the nice Dharma folks (our name for the RCI jumpsuited techs) held the evevator on deck two and climbed down into the "pit" to retreive it. It's apparently more common than I would have imagined.


Like I said, not the craziest, but we still chuckle to this day.

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Years ago on our first cruise:

Before we left for our trip we had just heard in the news about a couple that found out that they had been video taped in a resort "enjoying the moment" in their room and the video was put in too a porn movie. They found out when they saw themselves being the stars of the movie.


So when we get to our room on the Celebrity Mercury I look up at the T.V. and see this funny looking little box kind of hidden on top. Hmmm, looks like it has some type of camera lens. So I walk over and notice that it is attached by Velcro and just pick it up and turn it backwards. Fricking genius!

The next day I tell our room steward that our remote control does not work for the T.V. :)


Later that same day we come back to the room and "Tony" says, Mr. Mike, we not trying to take pictures of you and your wife, that box is for the remote. :o


Next cruise:

We are on the Millennium and decide to go to the specialty restaurant. The couple we traveled with were not the "specialty restaurant" type people. Great people, just more salt of the earth. We all had a great time and enjoyed the "upper class" feel, but more importantly how the staff could cater to each table depending on the experience they wanted.


Well Terry the husband, decides that since he is paying extra he really wants to get vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce for desert. It was so simple that the staff didn't know what to do! After joking around with them for a few minutes one of the waiters says no problem.


Several minutes later they come back with a serving platter of ice cream. They used a melon baller to make this HUGE pyramid of balls if ice cream and a cream pitcher full of hot chocolate. It must have taken the whole staff to get this feat done since there were four of them that served it. All of the other tables were staring at this HUGE desert and all of the staff stood next to our table smiling so proud.


I counted to ten and then said very loudly: "Terry, you've got a lot of balls"!

  • Haha 1
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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone who has ever dieted will appreciate this one.


I had gained weight but still thought I could fit into a beautiful beaded dress I had worn on my last cruise. I took it along without retrying it on-come on, it was only 10 pounds “or so” I had gained! Anyway, my D’s who were in another room, came in to make sure which dress I was wearing , as we had somewhat tried to color coordinate our outfits for the picture that night.

I was in the bathroom dressing , and had trouble with the zipper. I told my husband to go get in line for the pictures awhile with my two daughters and I’d be right there. (I was embarrassed that I couldn’t get it zipped, but felt sure I could).

So the family leaves and after taking off my underslip to make more room, I finally get the thing zipped. I lean over to gather my purse and hear the dreaded “sound”. Well, I look in the mirror and see that although the stitching has come undone a little, it’s not the actual zipper, and with my hair, you can’t see the place…all is still well.

I can’t find my room key and figure that the hubby took both, so out I go, shutting the door behind me. As I walk down the hall, I hear it again, “the sound”. But now I begin to feel the cool breeze on my back. I reach back an feel that yes, the zipper has now begun to go, and yes, the dress is ripping-but its still a relatively small tear. I decide to proceed and just have the picture taken and have my family stand behind me in the picture line. As I reach the stairs, I take one step and the loudest sound of all, as the hip seam rips. OK so I had no business wearing this thing.

At that very moment I got the giggles, and realized how ridiculous I was being by trying to wear this dress. I started laughing and rested my back against the railing. A couple passed me and smiled, wondering why I was standing there grinning from ear to ear and being “very friendly” to them. I was just trying not to crack up laughing. I continued to stand there in my beautiful dress (which is now backless and minus a hip seam). I knew I didn’t have my room key so I just stood there laughing and not moving! An older gentleman passes and starts up the stairs and turns to ask if I am OK. He thinks I am crying because I am laughing so hard that I AM crying. I literally wave himoff, not daring to move, and as he is leaving he says, “Well, you look absolutely gorgeous.” This sends me into more fits of laughing hysteria. He leaves and I look down, to see beads all over the floor where I have been standing. At this point, I am laughing so hard that I begin to wet myself. I turn and run down the hall back to my room dress ripping with almost every step, only to stand outside with no key. After only a minute or so, a cabin steward (not mine) came by. He didn't want to let me in, but i kept my butt against the wall and turned my upper back and he says, OH OH OH, and let me in. I slithered along the wall dying laughing, and I'm sure he too thought I was crying. I changed EVERYTHING. As I was almost ready for the second time, my husband and daughters came back to checkon me. I opened the door non chalantly and said, “the white dress didn’t fit so well”. Nobody in my family knows to this day what really happened. Maybe I should let the read this. Nah. :rolleyes:


I must say, I am in AWE! I wish I had your sense of humor! I am sure I would have been beside myself. You have a great outlook! It was a great story!!

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On our recent Liberty sailing one of the pax thought he was soo cool wearing a ridiculous captains hat all week long. At the end of the cruise we cought him schmoozing with the guests including us. Good for a laugh. See video below which includes his finale along with other great moments.


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  • 2 weeks later...

A few years back while on the Monarch of the Seas. There was a guest that packed all her clothes the last evening. We saw here running around the ship with a sheet on. Within an hour or so we saw here again but this time her sheet was neatly styled around her like a dress. Was a funny sight.

Moral of the story?? Dont pack all your clothes on the last day! Or you will also be wearing a sheet!

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Don't look then..... or let anyone near you with a phone... cause you are most likely on the web somewhere....


I am gonna be the crazy fat chic who is passed out some place, or a video will surface of me falling down, I fall upstairs sober all the time.


It is all about your sense of humor about things. Not that I hope I show up on the net, but it wouldn't bother me either.

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A few years back while on the Monarch of the Seas. There was a guest that packed all her clothes the last evening. We saw here running around the ship with a sheet on. Within an hour or so we saw here again but this time her sheet was neatly styled around her like a dress. Was a funny sight.

Moral of the story?? Dont pack all your clothes on the last day! Or you will also be wearing a sheet!


One of the standard things for Costa cruises (in the Caribbean, anyway) is a toga party on the last night. They even supply extra sheets and instructions how to wear them in the rooms.


As reported on their board, more than one person has had to depart the ship in their toga. When I booked our cruise, the representative even cautioned me about that during his spiel.

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OMG...I have been reading this thread for the last few nights and have been ROFLMAO. I tried reading several to my DH but almost couldn't because I couldn't read my laptop screen for the tears.:)


On our very first cruise we were on HAL Ryndam and we signed up for a couples massage class. I wear glasses for reading and driving (and walking around for that matter) so I left my glasses in the cabin and headed to the spa for the class. I'm lying on the mat, wrapped in a towel and there is a woman across the room waving at me. I had no idea who she was until after the class when we mingled and it turned out that we used to work together but hadn't seen each other for a couple of years.


Looking forward to our next cruise on HAL Veendam in April in one of the "secret cabins" :D



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