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kids cruise contract

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We will be traveling to Alaska with our 2 teenagers. They are interested in exploring the ship and taking part in different activities without ol' mom and dad tagging along. Everybody on this ship has paid alot of money for an enjoyable vacation and do not want uncontrolled teenagers spoiling their trip. Myself included. I like to believe that my children are well behaved when we are not with them. But, they are still teenagers. My DH and I came up with this contract and would like input on what you may think needs to be added.



This needs to be an exciting and educational trip for all. We want you to have fun, and at the same time be safe, and courteous to others on the ship. We want to bring you home in the same happy health condition in which you board the ship. We have set up a few rules that must be followed. Any bending of these rules, or stretching the interpretation of these rules will result in the remainder of the cruise spent with none other than your loving parents. Final say will always be your parents.

1) The meeting the first night in the teen club is required. Most teens from what I have been reading do not hang out there but chose that as a meeting point. The first meeting is required as that is when the parents sign informational papers for each child for you to participate. It is also when and where the introductions take place of fellow teen cruisers and the staff inside the teen club. This information must be filled out if you happen to decide to take part in any of the teen activities organized by the cruise ship.

2) Under no circumstances are you to go to anybody’s cabin nor is anybody allowed to come to ours.

3) You will not go through any of the cabin areas/hallways. There is absolutely no reason for you to be in any of these locations except to return to your own cabin.

4) You will not be playing around on the elevators. For example: pushing the buttons to every floor.

5) You do not accept a drink of any kind from anybody other than your parents or one that you have ordered and is brought to you by cruise ship staff. Nor will you leave your drink unattended. If it is left unattended you are required to order another one.

6) You will be required to check in at a specific time set by your parents and different intervals throughout the day. You will also tell us where you are going, what you will be doing and who you will be with. This is so if plans change for us we can find you to tell you.

7) If you are in our cabin alone or the 2 of you together, you will be required to have the do not disturb sign posted. Not even crew members (room steward) are to be in there when you are by yourselves.

8) You will be required to join us for all evening meals in the dining room. We have the early seating so you will be required to be back to the cabin and ready to go at the assigned time. Make sure you allow enough time to get ready.

9) If you decide to swim, you will be courteous to the adults in the pool. No splashing or “cannon balls” to be cute. Be courteous of adults swimming laps for exercise. Stay out of their way.

10) You will not be obnoxious whether we are with you or you are without us. We expect you to be well mannered using please, thank you, and excuse me at all times. Hold the doors for adults that are passing through at the same time as you, allow people to get off of the elevator before you step on. Just because somebody is rude does not give you the right to be rude.

11) Absolutely no running on the ship!

12) No butting in line at the buffet. And do not take more than you can eat. If you are still hungry you can go back for more. There is plenty of food. I’m sure they plan for people with bigger appetites than yours.

13) Absolutely no cell phone use on the ship (or in Vancouver) It will be set to airplane mode and turned off at all times as well as locked up in the safe. When we are in port, you will be allowed to have them but they are to be returned to us in airplane mode and turned off for return to the safe. You may have them back when we are on the land tour portion of our trip. If I find that you have been using your phone on the ship you will be responsible for the additional charges. It will not be cheap! NO ARGUMENTS!

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Sounds good to me. We took two teens on a cruise several years ago. We did not have the formal contract that you have, but we did set down essentialy the same rules.


Two suggestions:

1. Curfew at night.

2. Set a way for the kids to confirm that they are back on ship on port days. It can be as simple as something left on a bed or counter just to confirm they are on board to sail.

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I travel with kids. I never did a contract but most of what you have stated are required of them on a day to day basis. On a large ship number #6 could be a challenge. To keep in touch and tab, I use a walkie-talkie or leave post-it note with messages in the room. #12 could be tricky, since I always encourage my kids to try new foods. This means taking things they are unfamiliar with and may not enjoy but should try. This is not to say stack your plate a mile high because it's there. If most of these rules are already in-place, it should be a piece of cake for you all to have a great vacation. Keep in mind, there might be more adults ruining your kids' vacation than the other way around:eek: Tell them to keep an eye out for grandpa with the tray or in the wheel chair. He might decide to roll pass, into, or over them, this has happened to us.


Have a great vacation!

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I travel with kids. I never did a contract but most of what you have stated are required of them on a day to day basis. On a large ship number #6 could be a challenge. To keep in touch and tab, I use a walkie-talkie or leave post-it note with messages in the room. #12 could be tricky, since I always encourage my kids to try new foods. This means taking things they are unfamiliar with and may not enjoy but should try. This is not to say stack your plate a mile high because it's there. If most of these rules are already in-place, it should be a piece of cake for you all to have a great vacation. Keep in mind, there might be more adults ruining your kids' vacation than the other way around:eek: Tell them to keep an eye out for grandpa with the tray or in the wheel chair. He might decide to roll pass, into, or over them, this has happened to us.


Have a great vacation!

I agree that since the rules are already in place at home it should be easier. though a little reinforcement never hurt! Maybe I'm being a little too over the top but I'd rather have the rules in writing so they know what the consequences will be. This will be the first vacation that I have given them some independence.

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ITell them to keep an eye out for grandpa with the tray or in the wheel chair. He might decide to roll pass, into, or over them, this has happened to us. Have a great vacation!


Don't forget about those power chairs and electric carts too. There were so many of them on one of my Baltic cruises that at times Deck 7 from the shops to Club Fusion looked like the Capital Beltway at rush hour. I had to almost dive out of the way more than once to avoid getting run over.

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I love it. We had one more rule for the kids when they were 19 and sailed with us - No matter what, if you are out and about on the ship after dinner without us, you two are joined at the hip. You may not leave the other one alone under any circumstances, so if oneof you is ready to call it a night and return to the cabin, you will both be calling it a night then. Kind of an extension of the watch your drink rule.


Break this rule and be glued to Mommy and Daddy all evening every evening. :eek:

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My DS has cruised with me since age 7 (now 17) and he knows all the rules by now. :D


You may want to give just a *little* leeway on the dinner thing. Are they required to eat with you EVERY night? DS does not really enjoy the dining room experience and dressing up, and often he will meet other teens who, as a group, like to eat at the Horizon Court. I generally let him skip the second formal night and one other night of his choice. But maybe your kids are different and enjoy the dining room.

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In all the years of travel with all of my kids and with my grandson, I've never needed a contract. They were all raised knowing appropriate behavior and what was expected of them. They were and are polite, courteous and well-behaved. They all knew their limits....and the consequences of going beyond those limits. Never had a problem anywhere.....and we traveled extensively when my kids were growing up. My grandson has cruised once a year with me since he was 8. He's 17 now and we've just returned from Liberty in January. Never had a problem...ever.


The contract sounds like a good idea for those teens whose training started a little late.

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I think this is a great thread.

My family follows these rules , never a contract, but if that works for you wonderful.

I would agree about a teen being allowed to maybe go to the formal night with the teen club, that is one of my favorite photo op's.


I wish some adults would read it and take some of your advise. :eek: Sometimes it's the adults that forget there manners.


I will never forget my sons and I were on a elevator when this person blew his nose and pushed the button with the dirty tissue:eek:


My kids and I both looked at each other and said " It's Sanitizer Time!!!!:(


So the only thing I would add to your list is the importance of hand washing and being aware that some do not!

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In all the years of travel with all of my kids and with my grandson' date=' I've never needed a contract. They were all raised knowing appropriate behavior and what was expected of them. They were and are polite, courteous and well-behaved. They all knew their limits....and the consequences of going beyond those limits. Never had a problem anywhere.....and we traveled extensively when my kids were growing up. My grandson has cruised once a year with me since he was 8. He's 17 now and we've just returned from Liberty in January. Never had a problem...ever.


The contract sounds like a good idea for those teens whose training started a little late.[/quote']


i agree.

the contract would also be good for those kids whose parents don't 'parent'.


to the op: the fact that you are drawing up a contract for your children means you probably don't need it as your kids know the proper behaviour and follow the rules. btw, how old are your teens?

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I agree that since the rules are already in place at home it should be easier. though a little reinforcement never hurt! Maybe I'm being a little too over the top but I'd rather have the rules in writing so they know what the consequences will be. This will be the first vacation that I have given them some independence.


I am all for reinforcement. Mine gets the for heaven sake kids, if you ever embarrass mama, lecture. Believe me, they would rather get it in writing:D Sometimes parents and kids get into vacation mode, so the contract/lecture is a good reminder of our responsibilities even on vacation. IMOP, if the kids aren't used to these rules before vacation, they won't make one bit of a difference. Good habits take a while to form. The first time is the most nerve racking but also a joy to see how well they shine when they think you are not watching.

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As someone else posted, it seems as though your kids already know the ground rules from being raised this way. But as another said, the reinforcement (being in vacation mode) can't hurt. I say kudos to you for raising responsible & courteous children! :D

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I like this contract, and I like that it has all those exceptions kids can find written into it. It is just a reminder on behavior. Even adults need that at times. I do think the ships have a curfew, but the family might want there own.

Those who do not parent would not even think of a contract. You will have a lot of fun in Alaska. We going for the third time. Beautiful state with a lot to see and do.

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I never thought of this but actually think it is a great idea ----- there can be no misunderstandings when things are down in writing and signed by all concerned. Something else I might suggest adding is a request to treat all crew members with dignity and respect. A couple times on cruises, I've witnessed a group of teens making a game of mistreating the staff and then laughing heartily about it. This has usually been at the buffet, where they would be rude to the waiters or deliberately make a mess and then order them to clean it up----- all of this I assume just to feel like a "big shot." It might be worth a mention, anyway -- we all know that sometimes a group mentality can make teens seem like they have lost their minds! I can only imagine what their cabin stewards had to put up with.

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I commend you for your concern, not only about your own kids but also about your shipmates. It's refreshing to read your message instead of "my kids are always well behaved and we don't need to do this".

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I commend you for your concern, not only about your own kids but also about your shipmates. It's refreshing to read your message instead of "my kids are always well behaved and we don't need to do this".


I totally agree! I can't believe a prior poster said, "The contract sounds like a good idea for those teens whose training started a little late."


I think my kids are pretty well behaved, but I also think it's always good to remind them of what's expected of them. As they get older, constant temptations come their way to break the rules "just this once." Our kids are going on their 7th and 8th cruises this year, but I think this contract is a great idea. Good parenting is an on-going process, and I hope I never think that either my kids or DH and I are too good to need reminding of our responsibilities and expectations.



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I'd only add one "catch-all" line.....that if I catch you or it's reported to me that your are doing "anything" inappropriate...that it will lead to consequences. "tell them to ask themselves.....would my parents think this was a good idea?"


Sometimes it's hard to imagine exactly what some kids will think of.....and if you know your children like it sounds as if you do....you are being pretty specific on items you would find offensive. The problem may only come along with the group mentality of teenagers you just don't know and issues you'd rather not even imagine.


Have a great trip....sounds like you've got great kids and more importantly you're actively involved and responsible parents (which unfortunately is more than I can say for some of the parents on board).


Enjoy & thank you,


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I like this (and think a similar contract might not be a bad thing for some adults I know . . . . ). Even if your kids are well-behaved and usually on good behaviour, the fact is, their first cruise is going to blow them away. It's so out of the norm from their everyday life that I think it's a good thing to set down in writing the basics -- because they are going to be seduced (you should forgive the word) by temptation: after all, the ship seems safe, everyone is here having a good time, it's not like anything bad could happen . . .

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Don't forget about those power chairs and electric carts too. There were so many of them on one of my Baltic cruises that at times Deck 7 from the shops to Club Fusion looked like the Capital Beltway at rush hour. I had to almost dive out of the way more than once to avoid getting run over.


My mom is a scooter user. Her scooter are her legs as she cant walk. Actually my mom had to watch out for the able bodied people as they wouldn't watch where they were going and would walk right into her.

So don't always blame the scooter driver. :rolleyes:


Instead of complaining about having to 'dive out of the way' may I suggest you thank your lucky stars that you don't have to use a scooter or power chair. :eek: My mom would be thrilled to be able to dive out of the way of mobility devices instead of in one.



To the OP....I like your contract, however, it doesn't have a curfew. On my Emerald Christmas cruise teens would rove the ship in packs of 20 or more. After midnight you couldn't go to Cafe Caribe as it was full of loud, foul mouthed, teens. Wish those teens had a contract. So, thank you.


Have a great cruise.

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I had seen a contract someone had posted on another site and thought this was something to do for our next cruise, whenever that is, because my daughter will be a teen by then. I would definitely put in a curfew as I don't want her wandering about the ship late at night. Of course, she will be in our cabin so I'll know when she's back.


I would also put in a spending limit...that if she spends more than X dollars, she will be responsible for the overage.

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I love this contract! Except I would have to agree, the only thing missing is a curfew. I think a reasonable curfew depending on your teens age would be for 10-14 year olds around 10:30-11. And then for the older children, 15-18, midnight would be reasonable. However, it does depend on different circumstances. Such as the plans from that day or the following day and also your teen's behavior. From the sounds of things though, I could assume your children are very well behaved since they have parents that are in control. You also have to consider though, you may not want your teens to ruin adults vacations, but it could also be the other way around. For example, you ruining their vacation by not allowing them to have enough freedom. They are at the age where they don't want ol' mom and dad tagging along holding their hand. :P Its a vacation, let's allow everyone to have FUN! :)

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I love it. We had one more rule for the kids when they were 19 and sailed with us - No matter what, if you are out and about on the ship after dinner without us, you two are joined at the hip. You may not leave the other one alone under any circumstances, so if oneof you is ready to call it a night and return to the cabin, you will both be calling it a night then. Kind of an extension of the watch your drink rule.


Break this rule and be glued to Mommy and Daddy all evening every evening. :eek:


Just a follow up on my last post :) This seems a little rediculous, having both of your teens glued at the hip. I'm sure your teens would not want to hang out with their brother or sister the entire trip, I am sure that could get old. I believe in the buddy system, but as long as your child is with another teen, it would be acceptable.

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I think it is a great contract. I am going to cut and paste it if you don't mind. I have been creating rules for everyday use framing them and hanging them on the wall since my children were young so this contract would be no surprise to them. However, how will you know if they will be hanging out in the elevator or halls if your not around. No doubt that they would probably be on their best behavior if it were just them. But, when you add the other elements you never know what will happen. My kids know right from wrong but they have also told me stories about what goes on in these groups of teens. They may not instigate the bad behavior but the fact that they are at the scene of the crime makes them an accomplice. So, if you have a secrete on how to enforce the rules if your not actually there please share them with me.


We are leaving in 2 weeks without the kids this time. I don't know if it's worse worring about the kids being with us or worrying about them being at home with Grandma and Grandpa. I know I will have to reprogram them when I get home. Has anyone else noticed that when your own parents become grandparents the rules are not the same as when they were raising you?

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