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Crude oil prices rising..getting nearer to $70 a barrel


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I think this is a bit harsh...some people live on budgets and can only cruise once every couple of years, so why judge them for having to reallocate funds from one part of their budget like souveniers, photos, etc. to something like paying extra for fuel. I hope the Fuel Surcharge doesn't come back, but if it does I'm not going to blast someone for being upset about it.
I understand what you're saying but when you book a cruise, you KNOW the crude oil prices could/will rise so you would budget for it just in case. I don't have a lot of sympathy with someone who ignores the reality of this and then cries because it actually happens. IMHO, they're mostly likely upset that they didn't win the bet that prices wouldn't rise and want to take it out on others.


While I can afford a cruise now without stressing over the fuel surcharge, it wasn't a long ago when I had to budget every single penny that I made so I understand exactly what needs to be done. If I couldn't afford it, I didn't get it or go on vacation. The issue is budgeting realistically and taking surprises into account. Only then will you know whether you can afford it and still enjoy it.

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I understand what you're saying but when you book a cruise, you KNOW the crude oil prices could/will rise so you would budget for it just in case. I don't have a lot of sympathy with someone who ignores the reality of this and then cries because it actually happens. IMHO, they're mostly likely upset that they didn't win the bet that prices wouldn't rise and want to take it out on others.


This is completely unfair. We are getting ready to cruise for the first time, and lucky for us, I've read enough on CruiseCritic to know it's a possibility, but what about people who don't do this research? Cruise Critic is the only place other than some fine print where it says a little blurb about fuel surcharges...and it just says "May" not "will" implement. Many people don't have time to pour over every post on here to know it's coming.


I'll be upset if they implement it, because we have saved pennies for years (FIVE!) to be able to cruise at all. That $200 takes away money I have budgeted for something else, like an excursion or from our one night in NYC after the cruise. I'll have every right to be upset.


Sometimes on these boards seasoned cruisers forget who overwhelming planning a cruise can be, and how you really can't prepare for all the nickle and diming that happens.

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This is completely unfair. We are getting ready to cruise for the first time, and lucky for us, I've read enough on CruiseCritic to know it's a possibility, but what about people who don't do this research? Cruise Critic is the only place other than some fine print where it says a little blurb about fuel surcharges...and it just says "May" not "will" implement. Many people don't have time to pour over every post on here to know it's coming.


I'll be upset if they implement it, because we have saved pennies for years (FIVE!) to be able to cruise at all. That $200 takes away money I have budgeted for something else, like an excursion or from our one night in NYC after the cruise. I'll have every right to be upset.


Sometimes on these boards seasoned cruisers forget who overwhelming planning a cruise can be, and how you really can't prepare for all the nickle and diming that happens.


I know how hard it is to save money for a cruise. We had planned to take our kids on their first cruise this summer, and had to put those plans on hold when my wife lost her job last summer. Fortunately, my wife got a new job shortly before Christmas, so we decided we would go ahead with the cruise, even though it has been a hardship the last 5 months saving up to pay for it as well as pay off the debt we accumulated while she was out of work.


However it was made very clear at booking that there was this possibility of the fuel surcharge. Both the Carnival rep, my travel agent, as well as the correspondence we received explicitly stated the fuel charge could come back. It wasn't small print in the back of a stack of paperwork. If that was the way your TA treated it, shame on them. You can feel upset if the charge comes back, as nobody wants to pay it, so long as you don't feel like you've been screwed over for it. The cruise lines have made every attempt to keep this out front for people, and ultimately, people are responsible to make themselves aware.

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I don't have a lot of sympathy with someone who ignores the reality of this and then cries because it actually happens. IMHO, they're mostly likely upset that they didn't win the bet that prices wouldn't rise and want to take it out on others.

Do you realise how judgemental and self opinionated this posting makes you sound?


$250 may not be a lot to you (lucky old you!), but to someone else this may be a lot of money.


Some people save to cruise, and some can afford it regardless of prices, and fuel supplements, but everyone is entitled to express their opinions without having derogatory comments made about them by you:mad:

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I don't think that Princess themselves know. I called, spoke with 2 different people but surprisingly received the same answer. Which in no way resembles what the quoted poster states. They told me that as soon as it hits $70.00 a barrel, the CAN reinstate the fuel charge. It would then have to drop below $70.00 a barrel for 30 consecutive days before it would be removed again.

I don't know who to believe. It sounds to me like its a wait and see type of thing.

It doesn't really matter to me. There are 4 of us on a 7 day cruise followed by a 7 day land tour. If $250.00 was going to make or break me, I shouldn't have booked it to begin with. We all knew it was a possibility!


Thats a better answer than the one I got. When I called last week, she told me she THINKS as long as it doesn't reach $70 the day before we leave we are safe, but she was sure it wasn't going to hit $70 before I leave June 2nd. She must be in the wrong business if shes so sure.

But the again the second time she told me she said it, the last day is the day we sail.

Who knows.

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Do you realise how judgemental and self opinionated this posting makes you sound?


$250 may not be a lot to you (lucky old you!), but to someone else this may be a lot of money.


Some people save to cruise, and some can afford it regardless of prices, and fuel supplements, but everyone is entitled to express their opinions without having derogatory comments made about them by you:mad:

Yes, of course I do. And yes I'm opinionated because I've been there. I know what it's like to put pennies together for a vacation but when I did, I planned and budgeted, taking into account all the possibilities. I don't feel my comments are derogatory as IMHO, I'm just saying that you're aware of the fuel surcharge possibility and should budget accordingly. That way, there are no surprises, upsets or disappointments. If you don't and ignore the possibility or gamble that it won't happen, then I'm not totally sympathetic. I also know that planning can go to hell in a handbasket very quickly if the car breaks down, the refrigerator gasps it's last breath, you get sick, etc. Trust me, I really have been there.
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Yes, of course I do. And yes I'm opinionated because I've been there. I know what it's like to put pennies together for a vacation but when I did, I planned and budgeted, taking into account all the possibilities. I don't feel my comments are derogatory as IMHO, I'm just saying that you're aware of the fuel surcharge possibility and should budget accordingly. That way, there are no surprises, upsets or disappointments. If you don't and ignore the possibility or gamble that it won't happen, then I'm not totally sympathetic. I also know that planning can go to hell in a handbasket very quickly if the car breaks down, the refrigerator gasps it's last breath, you get sick, etc. Trust me, I really have been there.


With all due respect Pam, by the looks of your past and future cruise list it doesn't appear that you have had to want for much, and believe me I'm happy for you, but again there are many who really do have the right to be disappointed if they pay a few hundred dollars more for the Fuel Surcharge. I guess you don't need to have much sympathy and that is your preogative, but try not to be judgemental.

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At the risk of being accused of defending Pam and sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, if you look at her cruise history, it doesn't indicate a life of riches. It looks like a well earned retirement. I don't know how old she is, but I'm guessing mid to upper 60's, and all but 2 of her cruises listed have been in the last 10 years.


I know nothing about her, but I do know there are many ways people have money in their golden years, and some of those reasons can be from the loss of somebody you'd gladly trade the money to have back. I guess if people want to accuse somebody else of being judgemental, they should also watch their own words.

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I was patched into call with a Princess agent thru our own TA yesterday afternoon and she was obviously reading from something but the gist of it was Princess was reminding the TA that they reserved the right to impose the fuel surcharge if the price of crude oil........but she didn't say they would nor did she suggest what the amount might be.

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We are one of those few families that have to budget everything from daily living expenses to vacations.


A fuel charge added on after we have paid in full would be like getting a bill from your local gas station/grocery store a few days after filling up/shopping demanding more money due to a price increase.

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At the risk of being accused of defending Pam and sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, if you look at her cruise history, it doesn't indicate a life of riches. It looks like a well earned retirement. I don't know how old she is, but I'm guessing mid to upper 60's, and all but 2 of her cruises listed have been in the last 10 years.


I know nothing about her, but I do know there are many ways people have money in their golden years, and some of those reasons can be from the loss of somebody you'd gladly trade the money to have back. I guess if people want to accuse somebody else of being judgemental, they should also watch their own words.


Very well put, Dan.



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We are one of those few families that have to budget everything from daily living expenses to vacations.


A fuel charge added on after we have paid in full would be like getting a bill from your local gas station/grocery store a few days after filling up/shopping demanding more money due to a price increase.


Not the answer you're looking for, but these days you should reserve (sorry for using a geeky accounting term) for possible fuel surcharges as part of your price for the vacation. You can either look at it that way or you can re-budget your vacation and cut down on excursions, drinks, and other onboard spending. There are ways of making up the couple hundred.


As I wrote on another thread, the price of oil is following the economy. If the economy comes back and the price of oil goes up, I'll take the trade off if it means less people losing their jobs and everyone's 401(k) recovering a bit.

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We are one of those few families that have to budget everything from daily living expenses to vacations.


A fuel charge added on after we have paid in full would be like getting a bill from your local gas station/grocery store a few days after filling up/shopping demanding more money due to a price increase.


I totally understand the budget thing for vacations (been there done that one), but when you book a cruise, they alert you to the chance that the fuel surcharge could be added if the price of oil goes up to the target price. I am sure you knew this when/if you booked, as Princess has it printed on everything now.


So, it comes as no surprise if this is added, and should have been planned for in the budget. IMHO!

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You can feel upset if the charge comes back, as nobody wants to pay it, so long as you don't feel like you've been screwed over for it.


This is it exactly. Of course its ok to feel upset that you have to pay more money. We all will be upset. The cheerleaders are just trying to make it EXTREMELY clear that its not Princess' fault that the price went up or that you didn't know about the charge. Thanks guys, we're well aware of your love for PCL.


In Pams defense, she is one of the most helpful and honest posters to these boards and I would much rather have her tell it like it is, than sugar coat it for the sensitive types. She has earned her right to be opinionated. :D

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This is it exactly. Of course its ok to feel upset that you have to pay more money. We all will be upset. The cheerleaders are just trying to make it EXTREMELY clear that its not Princess' fault that the price went up or that you didn't know about the charge. Thanks guys, we're well aware of your love for PCL.


In Pams defense, she is one of the most helpful and honest posters to these boards and I would much rather have her tell it like it is, than sugar coat it for the sensitive types. She has earned her right to be opinionated. :D


Some of these Princess cheerleaders live in fantasy land. I see now from being on this Princess board that you can not take them serious. They have blinders on, Princess can do no wrong in their eyes. I am happy that you love PCL but some of these Princess cheerleaders need to come back to the real world. I guess you want us to say" Please Princess charge everyone additional fuel surcharge, I understand your not making enough money." Hopefully Princess isn't as cold as you guys and won't hit us up with the fuel surcharge.

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What in heaven's name does being a Princess cheerleader have to do with a fuel surcharge? Do you think that Princess (or the entire CCL corp) will be the only line doing an upcharge? Princess cruisers, HAL cruisers, RCI cruisers, NCL cruisers........everyone...... will be affected by a surcharge. And some of them will be higher amounts. In case you don't recall, not all cruises lines surcharged the same amount.

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We are one of those few families that have to budget everything from daily living expenses to vacations.


A fuel charge added on after we have paid in full would be like getting a bill from your local gas station/grocery store a few days after filling up/shopping demanding more money due to a price increase.


A closer analogy would be going to your gas station today, giving them $30 and telling them you will be back in 70 days for your gas and you want the same number of gallons then as $30 buys you today. They say fine, as long as the price hasn't gone up, but if the price goes up you will pay more for those gallons. You either agree to that condition or you don't enter the transaction.

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What in heaven's name does being a Princess cheerleader have to do with a fuel surcharge? Do you think that Princess (or the entire CCL corp) will be the only line doing an upcharge? Princess cruisers, HAL cruisers, RCI cruisers, NCL cruisers........everyone...... will be affected by a surcharge. And some of them will be higher amounts. In case you don't recall, not all cruises lines surcharged the same amount.


You hit the nail on the head Pia. ALL cruise lines will begin charging this, it is not just Princess. Being mad about it, throwing fits (for some), isn't going to change things. It's not like those who threaten never to cruise on one line again because of it, as they will all be charging it again at some point on every cruise line.

Some say it's the cheerleaders that are defending it, the way I look at it is some understand the reasoning behind it where others don't even want to understand, they just like being angry and need to be unreasonable about something they were warned could happen at any time like it's a BIG surprise. :rolleyes:

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A closer analogy would be going to your gas station today, giving them $30 and telling them you will be back in 70 days for your gas and you want the same number of gallons then as $30 buys you today. They say fine, as long as the price hasn't gone up, but if the price goes up you will pay more for those gallons. You either agree to that condition or you don't enter the transaction.


I wonder if they will raise my airfare on my plane trip for my cruise. No, because I purchased my ticket they will not raise my ticket. Now if I were to plan a trip today, the rate would be more expensive because fuel has gone up. The cruise lines learned some lessons last year but I am sure they will learn more this year if they add a fuel surcharge. Yes I have read everything and I know they are allowed but it still doesn't make it right.

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Friday close




Oil price is expected to stay stable through August.

A sustained price over $70 a barrel is not expected and domestic reserves are at or near capacity.

The cruise lines know this and are not going to reinstate the surcharge for a brief profit taking . It would create more ill will than its worth.. ;)

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Friday close




Oil price is expected to stay stable through August.

A sustained price over $70 a barrel is not expected and domestic reserves are at or near capacity.

The cruise lines know this and are not going to reinstate the surcharge for a brief profit taking . It would create more ill will than its worth.. ;)


I tend to agree. History has shown that prices tend to peak around Memorial day but recent history makes it much harder to predict the cost of light-sweet-crude-oil futures.

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I tend to agree. History has shown that prices tend to peak around Memorial day but recent history makes it much harder to predict the cost of light-sweet-crude-oil futures.


Exactly . Here we are Memorial day weekend and oil is at $62.

Plus the reservoirs are near capacity. Oil $$ will stay stable unless some of those unfriendlies cause a stir.

Here is a current storage figure,, Of course thats for a special occasion only ;)

Currently, the SPR has a storage capacity of 727 million barrels and an inventory of 702 million barrels (97%) stored in the SPR’s underground salt caverns located along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas.

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I wonder if they will raise my airfare on my plane trip for my cruise. No, because I purchased my ticket they will not raise my ticket. Now if I were to plan a trip today, the rate would be more expensive because fuel has gone up. The cruise lines learned some lessons last year but I am sure they will learn more this year if they add a fuel surcharge. Yes I have read everything and I know they are allowed but it still doesn't make it right.


You don't have to wonder. The airlines did it to me last year when they instituted a baggage fee after I booked my flight. When I complained, they allowed me a refund and I booked on another airline. I agree with you that it doesn't make it right. I understand that it might be a reason for some not to book Carnival/Princess.

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This is completely unfair. We are getting ready to cruise for the first time, and lucky for us, I've read enough on CruiseCritic to know it's a possibility, but what about people who don't do this research? Cruise Critic is the only place other than some fine print where it says a little blurb about fuel surcharges...and it just says "May" not "will" implement. Many people don't have time to pour over every post on here to know it's coming.


I'll be upset if they implement it, because we have saved pennies for years (FIVE!) to be able to cruise at all. That $200 takes away money I have budgeted for something else, like an excursion or from our one night in NYC after the cruise. I'll have every right to be upset.


Sometimes on these boards seasoned cruisers forget who overwhelming planning a cruise can be, and how you really can't prepare for all the nickle and diming that happens.



I guess that I'm the odd person out here because I didn't find out about the fuel charge here at CC. I found on it pg. 116 of our 2009 Alaska cruise book that we got from out TA--who DID tell DH about the surcharge before we booked. I wasn't at that meeting & DH and I didn't have a conversation about the extra $ until I found the "General Information" section in the cruise book. I read the entire book cover to cover--I'm just that kind of person. I want all the miniscule details and information.


If the fuel charge is reinstated, we too will have to take the $ from somewhere else . . . nice dinners on our land portion, a shore excursion, etc. but we won't be upset. Unhappy? Yes, but not upset because we know it's a possibility. And we're not one of those people who will be cruising a lot anytime soon.


I'm amazed that some people are upset about this "unforeseen" expense. Regardless of where/how one vacations, it is prudent to have an "emergency plan or fund" in case something goes awry. We drove to St. Louis on a cross state trip with our 5 children 3 years ago. We got 1/2 way there and the alternator on one of our vehicles went out. We had no choice but to stop and have it replaced. That cost us an extra $450 that we hadn't budgeted for. Since we weren't going to cancel the trip, we made some adjustments in where we stayed and how we ate breakfast. I didn't love staying in a Motel 6 and doing "cold breakfast" but it allowed us to do what we had planned to do while in St. Louis. You do what you gotta do ;).

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