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Has anyone used All Around Italy Tours


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If anyone has used All Around Italy tours for Rome, would you recommend them? Any info you can provide will be appreciated as I need to decide very quickly if i should sign up for a tour with them. I see Romeinlimo rated very high here but I have sent 2 emails to them through their website and they have not responded for over 2 days!

Thank you!


Yes Absolutely. We had Fabrizio as our guide he was wonderful. Someone else from our ship had pre-recommended him and they had used him several times not only in Rome but Florence and Naples as well. I had no problems with this Co.

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I want to Recommend the All Around Italy Tours. They were very Professional from Day One. They answered all questions very promptly and e-mails came quickly. Prices were comparable to all the other companies. I had heard about Fabrizio our wonderful tour guide from someone on our Roll Call. She had used him several times not only in Rome but in Florence and Naples. On many different trips to Italy. She highly recommended we ask for him. We got Fabrizio!!! What a delight he was. We had a great day in port with him. He showed us all the sights. Never enough time in Rome to see it all. Will have to go back for sure, and I woukld not hesitate for a second to ask for him again!!

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We just used them this summer. We opted not to go to Rome as it was the turnaround day of our back to back cruise and we have been there 2 times before. We did the Etruscan sites in the near by area.


They are very professional and prompt. Questions were answered quickly and Fabrizio was waiting right on the dock as we exited the ship. He was very informative and friendly.


We had a great time, he took us for coffee before our tour and then to a great place for lunch. (we meet the owner of the restaurant while we had coffee.) I won't hesitate to use them again next year when we go back to Italy.

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We had a wonderful experience with this company when we booked our tour in Pisa/Florence. Our tour guide, Francesco, was outstanding. He knew the areas so well and provided lots of information. All our tickets were pre-booked and we were able to go to the front of the line without waiting. He was an excellent driver and was able to get us as close as possible to all the sites. He also recommended an excellent restaurant for our lunch, and then took us to the best gelato place on our way back to the ship (La Carraia Gelateria) ... the best!!!!!


We wish we had booked this company at all our Italian ports ... we'll know next time!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Naples, Italy


We arrived a little late in Naples, disembarked by 8:15, and began our tour promptly with Fabrizio and our guide for Naples Santiago. It was a glorious day, sunny and clear with only a few clouds In the sky. After several days of rain, it was promising to see such a clear sky! The port was very busy, there were many cruise ships here and the crowds were large. It took awhile to get out of the congestion of people, cars, vans, and motorcycles but Fabrizio maneuvered us through the masses with ease, safety, and grace.


We stopped at several scenic lookouts along the coastal route as we headed north towards the Phelegran fields where ancient kings choose to build their vacation homes. This area is definitely on my radar to visit next time, it's seemingly undiscovered and filled with beauty and history. Today we only view it from above at a beautiful park called Pareo Viravuno ( my spelling here is off, I cannot read the guides writing and have little time to research it now, sorry).


The park was very nice, there were many runners and walkers taking advantage of its paths and scenic lookouts. Santiago showed us many volcanos which cover this area, Mt. Vesuvius of course looms to the south, and I had not realized how many more extinct and dormant volcanos that surrounded the area. After a nice walk, we stopped for rocket fuel (coffee) and the WC. Then we headed back toward Naples along the coast, viewing many mansions and lovely apartments that line the coast.


We stopped at an impressive Castle called Castel Dell' Ovo which was at the sea, it was an important fort for defense during the Middle Ages. We walked into it, guided expertly by Santiago who explained the details of its use both today and in the past. We climbed to the top and walked around the ramparts. You can take stairs or an elevator up if you like. From here we got some great pictures of our lovely ship!


Our next stop was our city walk, starting in the neighborhood of Spaccanapoli, a narrow street which essentially divides Naples and runs east to west. Today it's a pedestrian street but in the past cars were allowed, something that is boggling since the street is quite narrow! This street had its origins as an Ancient Greek and Roman street and is part of the original street plan and considered one of the best preserved from the ancient Roman world. It's quite congested today, and was probably congested in the past since it was considered the second most important east-west street in the ancient times.


We visited several beautiful churches along the street, each very different in style and purpose. The new Jesuit Church was massive and the bomb that destroyed a part of it was proudly displayed in one are of the church. There were many chapels within this church, many of them dedicated to doctors and healers. The dome in church had collapsed in the 1970's and was rebuilt to sustain earthquakes, being so close to tectonic plate boundaries and lots of volcanos.

We also visited Santa Chiara which was much more simple and reminded me of the missions of California. We were all quickly reaching our saturation point, that time when you are no longer able to take in another church after 4 days of touring in Europe.


It was time for a bit of shopping, I bought a lovely Cameo and some delicious dark chocolate at Gay Odin, a 19th century company which makes very good chocolate. I found myself a little nervous walking around the city, mostly because of dire warnings of thieves and robbery but of course nothing bad happened. I had also been warned by a grumpy old lady that the streets were filled with dog poo but this was completely inaccurate. I did see a dog relieving himself on the street but the owner cleaned up after the dog because there are strict rules in this city and fines for not cleaning up! Naples was very clean, and very much worth a visit.


We ate at a restaurant in the city, of course we all wanted Pizza, but the food was too salty for us and the pizza was not very good. We had been told that the lines for the famous pizzeria were too long, but next time I go to Naples I plan to wait on line for it.


After our leisurely lunch we visited the Capodimonte museum. I was expecting to see ceramics but instead we saw paintings lining the walls of the lovely and ginormous museum. We kept setting off the alarms, even our guide set them off, and the place was so large I wished I had a Segway to maneuver the great hall after hall. I realized we were all exhausted from traveling and touring 4 days in a row, and all I could think about was the sea day that I so badly needed! We all wanted to get back to the ship early, desperate for sleep and a hot shower. I rarely poop out while traveling, thankfully we didn't have far to go.


We all hugged Fabrizio goodbye, me knowing that I would see him again in two weeks so no tears this time! We schlepped up the stairs of the port, noticing how we were forced to walk by many many shops- up and down- and finally we were home on the Royal, exhausted and ready for a fun day at sea.

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Roma, Roma, Roma


Today Fabrizio picked us up at 7:15 prompt, Civitavecchia is so busy today and seemingly filled with many giant cruise ships. We had planned to visit the Vatican and Ostia Antica but discovered it was closed so we decided to spend the entire day in Roma. I love Roma and cannot get enough of it, especially with Fabrizio.


We beat the cruise ship buses and still hit traffic as we approached Roma, it was just like home! We talked and laughed, Fabrizio entertained us with information and jokes and the time just flew by.


We went directly to the Vatican with the intention of visiting St. Peter's and specifically the cupola (dome) where we wanted to climb to the top for the most spectacular view of this eternal city. There was a small line, we got on it and quickly got into the church, grateful to have missed the giant lines that now equal those for the Sistine Chapel. I remember the days when there were no lines at all, but now they have become massive so make sure you get there as early as you can!


I had read in Rick Steve's that one could either climb or ride an elevator, we all decided to take the elevator which cost 7 Euros pp, the climb cost 5. We bought the elevator and discovered that Rick Steve's info was only particularly correct. We were able to get half was up on the elevator and once off we had spectacular views of the mosaics along the upper walls of the church, as well as amazing views down into the dome of the church. It was wonderful. Then we found out that the rest of the way up could only be accessed with narrow stairs that wound around in an endless spiral up, up, up as then got narrower. Part way up I had my first major claustrophobic attack!! Although it was a one way stair, I had to race back down because I felt like I didn't have any air. There were over 320 stairs up to the top, only half of our group made it up and they were exhausted when they returned. I was so proud of them for doing it, it sounded more difficult than I imagined so I was glad I turned around! From here we walked out to the rooftop of the church and wow, the views were spectacular!


Back at the church floor, we could see that the placed had filled up with massive crowds and we could not even get close to Michael Angelo's Pieta. Good thing we all had good zoom cameras, we got great pictures from a distance! We realized that we had missed the huge crowds on the way in but they quickly caught up and over took the church. It was time to go meet up with Fabrizio!


Fabrizio was waiting for us in the assigned place and we were off to discover more of my favorite part of the city, the historic center. We passed many sites, Palaces, and glorious buildings as we zipped along in Fabrizios brand new roomy van. Next stop was the Capuchin crypt. Making a circular entrance to this interesting, and weird place, we got dropped off right in front and Fabrizio joined us to point out interesting aspects of this crypt. It was weird and wonderful.


It was pouring rain by now so we decided to make a quick stop at the Pantheon, the head for lunch. We ate at a nice simple place, just Pizzas, and then we met up with our guide for our afternoon visiting some wonderful churches. Our guide, Francesco Curti, joined us after lunch. The rain subsided as we headed for the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, one of the largest in Roma. This is a beautiful church, filled with ornate decorations and many religious artifacts. We learned about the jubilee years which happen every 25 years and saw the lovely doors that are only opened for this occasion. Next one happens in 2015.


Our last few stops were also Basilicas; Santa Maria Maggiore and La Scala Santa. Both were exquisite and large, the later filled with many climbing the stairs on their knees. I was amazed at the amount of people climbing on their knees, it looked painful.


Fabrizio was concerned about getti g us back to the ship on time so we jammed out of Roma and made it back with minutes to spare. It was another lovely day in my favorite places. Tomorrow we visit Naples, my 12 time in this port but my first time visiting the city. Till then...


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I woke up early to a fantastic thunder and lightning show, I am from the central coast of California and rarely witness this kind of weather. It was quite cool.


Yes it was not the best weather today but we had a private tour with Fabrizio (allarounditaly.net) and a fantastic time was had by all. First we headed to Siena, of course we took the back roads and saw incredible scenery along the way. Fabrizio stopped at a wonderful coffee place for a nature stop and he insisted on buying us expressos, waters, and a plethora of baked goods. The guy is so generous, he would not allow us to pay for it, and it was delicious. We had a variety of fresh pastries, I blew my diet and enjoyed every bite!


We continued on to Siena as the sky's were dark and foreboding but we all had the best positive attitudes and embraced the weather as a gift. We laughed and shared experiences and Fab entertained us with his extensive knowledge of history and the environment, this guy is the total package. If you have an opportunity to hire him as a guide, do it and you will not be disappointed. He is filled with a tremendous love of his country and an equal love of people, giving us the best of a great driver (so safe), a great historian, and quite the comedian. Time passed quickly.


Siena is beautiful, nestled in the green hills of Chianti/Tuscany, it is very old with a beautiful Piazza and a beautiful cathedral. By then it was raining hard but we all donned our raincoats, our best attitudes, and some good walking shoes and off we went up and down the streets. Periodically we encountered drenching downpours and we ducked into lovely nooks and arched passages waiting out the massive rain. We laughed at the weather because at some times it felt like we were in a Tornado, of course we weren't but if I was going to be stuck in crappy weather it was nice to be in Siena! Of course we were often forced into shops, darn, and we felt obligated to purchase leather purses and lovely jewelry, as well as the Panne Forte pastry which is a speciality of Siena. Yummy. Thankfully Fabrizio had umbrellas for each couple so we were not completely soaked.


Next we drove to San Gimingnano (it's late forgive my misspellings) which is easily one of the most scenic areas in Tuscany. We found a delightful restaurant and plopped down for lunch and some respite from the driving rain. It was of course delicious, fresh, organic, and very reasonably priced.


Here again we climbed up and down the lovely streets, spying the many towers and getting more drenched. My group of dear friends had the best attitudes, nobody got cranky nor complained about the weather and instead we embraced it once more with positive attitudes and lots of smiles! It's all about how you choose to see what unfolds, and travel brings us all a greater appreciation for everything, even rain!


We decided to forgo visiting Volterra since Fab was worried about the rain, the conditions of the roads, and his main concern as always was our safe return to the ship. We happily complied, knowing we will see him again tomorrow morning at 7:15 am for our visit to Rome and some surprise places. After many hugs, we left Fab and boarded our lovely ship. All in all we had a fantastic day, can't wait for tomorrow

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  • 3 weeks later...

We used All Around Italy twice on a recent cruise in the Med. Our guides were Peppe and Alberto. They were fantastic and we thoroughly enjoyed our tours. Peppe made us laugh the entire time and we had so much fun! We would HIGHLY RECEOMMED All around Italy for any tours. They are professional, courteous, funny and passionate about their country, resulting in wonderful tours!

On this trip we went to Toramina and Calcata one day and Orvieto and Civita di Bagnoregio the other day. Although all the places were wonderful, Civita di Bagnoregio was the most beautiful. We plan on using All Around Italy when we return to Italy next year!

Edited by CRUZGAL53
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We used All Around Italy twice on a recent cruise in the Med. Our guides were Peppe and Alberto. They were fantastic and we thoroughly enjoyed our tours. Peppe made us laugh the entire time and we had so much fun! We would HIGHLY RECEOMMED All around Italy for any tours. They are professional, courteous, funny and passionate about their country, resulting in wonderful tours!

On this trip we went to Toramina and Calcata one day and Orvieto and Civita di Bagnoregio the other day. Although all the places were wonderful, Civita di Bagnoregio was the most beautiful. We plan on using All Around Italy when we return to Italy next year!


Hi Joyce and Tom,


Well finally I found you guys on CC. Hope you are well, we also had a great time with allarounditaly this year, we want to use Peppe since you spoke so highly of him. :)


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Don't think about it and book ALL AROUND ITALY!! They are the BEST!


We just got back from our recent Mediterranean Cruise where we used All Around Italy for our shore excursions in Florence/Pisa, Rome and Naples-Amalfi Coast. We had Fabrizio for our day in the Amalfi Coast and his partners Laura in Florence and Andrea in Rome. All three tour guides were superb! All Around Italy is very knowledgeable of each port and maximizes your time in each city. They go above and beyond to make your day memorable and fun. We chose Fabrizio based on two personal recommendations and are so glad we did. Although Fabrizio's company may not be as big as the others on the internet, their service is way more personable and they genuinely care about their customers. They make you feel part of their family.


Reasons to book:

Tour guides were always on time.

Had answers to all our questions.

Adjusted our day based on our interests.

Very responsive and accommodating.

Truly appreciated our businesses.

Kept us laughing and were all very engaging.

Have a great schedule to maximize your time in each port.


If you are going to Florence, you must ask for Laura to be your guide (trust me!! she's an amazing lady) and you must ask her to take you to the gelateria there. OMG!! Best gelato in all of Italy!! We had many highlights on this trip, but we are still thinking about this gelato three weeks later. :)


If you are going to the Vatican and Pompeii, I strongly recommend a tour guide. Helps you appreciate the sites so much more.


Happy traveling!

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I have just returned from the Royal Princess transatlantic and used this company again for tours in Naples and Rome. Again I have to say WOW! I have used other companies in Italy in the past and, in my opinion, none can compare with the special treatment you receive with All Around Italy. People who have used Fabrizio's services know what I am talking about. All his employees follow his lead and are very knowledgeable and so much fun!


In Naples we went to Ravello early in the morning before all the crowds descended. What fabulous views and a good place to buy cameos and pottery. A stop for cappuccino and pastries in the Piazza on a sunny Sunday morning was priceless. Next we drove down to Amalfi and had time to shop and wander the streets. I saw a bride and groom in the Piazza where everyone was cheering and clapping. On the main shopping street I found a little shop where they sold all kinds of local food products. I bought several kinds of risotto, anchovies, melon liquor, limoncello. I really needed to control myself considering luggage weight restrictions. Next we drove up the coast to Positano where we had lunch at my favorite restaurant in all of Italy, da Costantino, my third time, 2009, 2011 and now 2013. The food was wonderful and the views breathtaking. After lunch we wandered the byways of Positano down to the sea and I actually dipped my toes in the ocean. What a great day!


Instead of going to Rome this time we planned a day in the countryside north of Rome, Lake Bracciano, Calcata and Ceri. We also visited the Etruscian tombs. Amazing! We stopped in Ceri for lunch.


I can't wait to do it all over again in a few years!

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  • 2 months later...
I have just returned from the Royal Princess transatlantic and used this company again for tours in Naples and Rome. Again I have to say WOW! I have used other companies in Italy in the past and, in my opinion, none can compare with the special treatment you receive with All Around Italy. People who have used Fabrizio's services know what I am talking about. All his employees follow his lead and are very knowledgeable and so much fun!


In Naples we went to Ravello early in the morning before all the crowds descended. What fabulous views and a good place to buy cameos and pottery. A stop for cappuccino and pastries in the Piazza on a sunny Sunday morning was priceless. Next we drove down to Amalfi and had time to shop and wander the streets. I saw a bride and groom in the Piazza where everyone was cheering and clapping. On the main shopping street I found a little shop where they sold all kinds of local food products. I bought several kinds of risotto, anchovies, melon liquor, limoncello. I really needed to control myself considering luggage weight restrictions. Next we drove up the coast to Positano where we had lunch at my favorite restaurant in all of Italy, da Costantino, my third time, 2009, 2011 and now 2013. The food was wonderful and the views breathtaking. After lunch we wandered the byways of Positano down to the sea and I actually dipped my toes in the ocean. What a great day!


Instead of going to Rome this time we planned a day in the countryside north of Rome, Lake Bracciano, Calcata and Ceri. We also visited the Etruscian tombs. Amazing! We stopped in Ceri for lunch.


I can't wait to do it all over again in a few years!


Carolyn, thanks for your post regarding All Around Italy. We used this company a few years ago, and had Fabrizio personally as our guide for three different ports in Italy. We are currently in the very beginning stages of planning our 2nd Mediterranean Cruise for 2015 and trying to decide which ports we will stop in. I was happy to read other options in the ports you mentioned that would be a little different from what we visited last time. I can't wait to have a final plan in place and contact Fabrizio to help us plan our day at each stop in Italy. da Constantino is also our favorite restaurant and we will definitely have to make sure a stop there is included. Reading your post brought back such awesome memories.

Again Thank you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

After reading through this thread it sounds as if everyone has enjoyed "All Around Italy" and they come highly recommended. We will be traveling in a group of 18 in March. Do they have the capability to take that many of us at once and any idea what the cost would be for a group this size? Also, in Civiitavechia, is there enough time to go to the Vatican as well as the Colloseum, Pantheon, Forum, etc or will we need to choose one or the other?

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Their website is full of information. http://www.allarounditaly.net Just email them with any questions. You would definitely be able to see some of the sites in Rome besides St. Peter's and the Vatican. I have only used his 6-8 passenger vans and don't know if he has any larger vehicles. You may have to split up. There are advantages to smaller vehicles as they have permits to go where larger vehicles cannot. Tell him you heard about him on Cruise Critic. Fabrizio will take good care of you. March is coming up pretty quick, you better get cracking! I usually book 12-18 months in advance.

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Their website is full of information. http://www.allarounditaly.net Just email them with any questions. You would definitely be able to see some of the sites in Rome besides St. Peter's and the Vatican. I have only used his 6-8 passenger vans and don't know if he has any larger vehicles. You may have to split up. There are advantages to smaller vehicles as they have permits to go where larger vehicles cannot. Tell him you heard about him on Cruise Critic. Fabrizio will take good care of you. March is coming up pretty quick, you better get cracking! I usually book 12-18 months in advance.


I emailed them for a quote and they are able to accommodate 18 of us by splitting us up in 3 vans but we will stay together. We are very much looking forward to it. Thanks to all those who contributed to this thread, it has been very helpful!

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I emailed them for a quote and they are able to accommodate 18 of us by splitting us up in 3 vans but we will stay together. We are very much looking forward to it. Thanks to all those who contributed to this thread, it has been very helpful!


We've done this before with Fabrizio, its a win-win-win situation since everybody gets time with Fabrizio at each stop. Enjoy,

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  • 3 months later...

Our party of 8 just got back from a Med cruise on the Celebrity Equinox. We used Fabrizio/All Around Italy for three days in Italy and were extremely happy. He supplied us with a tremendous amount of information about all our stops and was sooo efficient in planning our day, with our input, of course. Fabrizio was funny, friendly, attentive, and definitely knew his job! My husband and I have been on many cruises and have never had a tour guide be so thorough, as well as show us exactly what we wanted to see, with NO wait time. He especially made my day when he parked the van and directed us just a few steps from St. Peter's Square to see the Pope deliver his Sunday blessing to the crowd on Mother's Day. It was the experience of a lifetime! Hats off to you, Fabrizio!


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We had a group of 17 people on the Costa Pacifica in March and after much research on CC and other websites we decided to go with All Around Italy tours and were so happy that we did. We had 3 separate vans for 2 full days, one day in Rome and one day in Florence. Our experience was amazing and we felt like we were leaving close friends at the end of our second day. Fabrizio and Pepe were especially endearing and so knowledgeable without being overbearing. I would not hesitate to recommend them and will definitely use them again when we go back. They made our 2 days in Italy unforgettable.

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I just had to share. Whenever I think of our trip, I think of the time Fabrizio took us to the key hole. It was just a wall like a fort with a door. I asked what are we doing here? He said, "Pat-ritz-zia! (Patricia), when you look in the hole, you will say MAMA MIA that is the best thing my eyes have ever saw." I said huh? and he said, "oh, you will say "MY GOD that is the most amazing thing I've ever seen." So after looking through the hole, I said, "Mama Mia…" :)

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Knowing the overpriced, crowded cruise ship sponsored excursions with fixed agenda weren't for us, we relied on the excellent customer reviews that led us to book private car tours with All Around Italy. We couldn't have asked for a better experience: Prompt & clear communications from pre-cruise booking to the final airport drop-off; knowledgeable, courteous, safe and entertaining drivers; flexibility in sightseeing schedule; beautiful, modern, comfortable vehicles; on time pick-ups and drop-offs.


In the short time we had in port (Livorno - Florence/Pisa and Naples - Amalfi Coast/Sorrento/Positano/Pompeii), we were shown everything as promised, with some free time on our own to explore/shop/take photos. Returned us to the cruise ship with plenty of time to spare. I never had a concern while in the care of this company...it was completely stress-free and is HIGHLY recommended!!!

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All Around Italy was by far the best tour company that we utilized during our recent trip to Italy. Fabrizio was absolutely the best.


You will not be disappointed using his company!!!!

Edited by Buck1949
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  • 2 months later...

I read many reviews concerning several companies when looking to book a few private tours while cruising through Italy. I chose All Around Italy, and I am so glad I did! Fabrizio took our party of 8 to Sorrento, the Amalfi coast, Positano and Pompeii. The Van was clean and spacious, and the AC was great! Fabrizio entertained us with funny stories, information, but always making sure we had time for photo opportunities. Our meal at Constantino's was a one of the highlights of the entire cruise. The view and the food...wow!

We had a guide, Roberta, for Pompeii provided by his company. I must say she was ok, but not fabulous. She was knowledgeable, but didn't have a lot of energy. We were so excited about seeing the ruins that we did some research ahead of time. She didn't give us much more than we already knew. I do recommend having a guide, however, so that you know what you are looking at.

Sabrina was our guide in Florence and Pisa. She did a fabulous job taking us to all the places we wanted to see. She would drop us as close as possible to each place, and be waiting for us when it was time to go. And she took us to the most amazing Gelato stop! We enjoyed her, and we all felt she truly tried to please.

However, the best part...Fabrizio! Request him if you want the best of the best!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We used All Around Italy for a tour to Pisa/Florence while on a cruise ship recently. Fabrizio was our guide and he was wonderful! We had such a good day with him. He was knowledgeable, entertaining and sensitive to our requests/needs. We were on a 14 night port intensive cruise and Fabrizio was our favorite guide. I will be glad to answer any questions anyone may have..

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have just returned from our holiday which included a cruise from Venice to Rome and then a few days in Rome. We always like to plan and have everything organised well in advance, make sure that we see as much as we can while away.

After much research and reading many online reviews we decided to contact All Around Italy re a tour for our Naples port stop and also an excursion for one of the days that we were staying in Rome. Mary was a delight to deal with and answered our questions and emails very promptly, we asked for Fabrizio to be our guide and were very lucky to secure him for our tours.

Fabrizio was the best guide we have experienced, he not only had an excellent knowledge of his country but was friendly, charming and with a good sense of humour - he did not bore us with too much history, something which many of the tour guides we travelled with did. He was fun to travel with.

All Around Italy structured our tours to our needs. From Naples we had a wonderful tour of Positano, Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast with a short visit to Pompei (our request that we concentrated more on the scenery than the ruins and history).

While in Rome we had a full day excursion to Umbria where we thoroughly enjoyed the countryside and quaint villages of Orvieto, Bagnoregio and Todi.......a wonderful day.

We also used All Around Italy for our transfers from the port to Rome, shared a vehicle with six other CC Members. This was not only economical but it was nice to have a driver waiting for us to take us straight to our hotel!

We can't speak higher of Fabrizio and All Around Italy ......... hopefully we will be in Italy again one day and Fabrizio can show us around a bit more!

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This was my husband and my first trip to Italy. We flew into Rome had one day to spend before catching our cruise ship and then one day when we returned before heading back to the states. After reading reviews on cruise critic and trip advisor we decided to use Fabricio at All Around Italy. It was like being picked up by family.


Fabricio met us at the airport and then took us on a tour of Rome.


We could not have asked for a better tour guide or person to navigate Rome.


This trip was for our 20th wedding anniversary and we decided to treat ourselves to the trip of a lifetime.


His knowledge and passion about Rome is engaging and wonderfully entertaining. He is funny, helpful and makes you want to take him home with you to meet your parents.


Fabricio picked us up at the airport, took us on a 4 hour tour and dropped us at our hotel. The next morning, we were picked up by one of his drivers and taken to the cruise ship. Upon our return 11 days later, Fabricio was waiting for us at the terminal and took us on another day of touring Rome. At 4:45 the next morning, Fabricio was at our hotel, waiting to take us to the airport. When we arrived, the airport terminal was not open yet and he stayed with us until our luggage arrived.


Don't hesitate to spend the extra money and ask for Fabricio personally. You will not regret meeting him and using him as your transportation/tour guide in Italy.

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