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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. Happy 21st Birthday to Erin. What a beautiful memory you have of seeing & holding your granddaughter for the very first time. Erin is blessed to have such loving grandparents.
  2. Yeah I have cruised once before and must have not signed up for VIFP. Even using my new VIFP number, I am not entitled to the super special deals but that’s ok, I don’t want to fly to Brisbane again this summer. Flight cancellations are a worry and I don’t need the stress.
  3. Plenty of people on that social media site have snapped up the bargains. In particular the first sailing and the one to NZ. I got a decent deal when the discounting first started but it’s not as cheap as now and certainly not with the OBC unfortunately. I also never received an email. I suspect these cruises might be more of a booze cruise than usual because of how ridiculously cheap the fares are…
  4. One of the Sydney photographers I follow had posted a spectacular photo online of the Ovation, the Opera House and the fireworks. After seeing the photo, I wondered if they were organised by Royal but no. Apparently, the fireworks were organised by the Hindu Council of Aus and in celebration of Diwali. You did well to have such gorgeous weather and bonus fireworks. Dad probably could confirm the name of his orchid. He did say it isn’t flowering as spectacularly as last year.
  5. We have an upcoming road trip booked where they are forecasting snow this week. Hoping it won’t impact our plans but will have to wait & see.
  6. The homes in this area went big on Halloween decorations. Tried to get DH to stop and take some photos but he was hungry after our walk and needed lunch before we headed to the beach. First swim of the season for DH who said the water temp is still chilly. I was happy to do the headland walk then sit in the shade while my friend came me live house auction updates.
  7. Absolutely glorious weather in Sydney in the weekend. Best weather we have had in months. Renee picked the best day for her sail into Sydney. Beautiful weather for outdoor functions for birthdays & early Christmas parties of which we had both. @ReneeFLL your sail in photos to Sydney are stunning.
  8. My friend was lucky enough to have these two gorgeous Tawny Frogmouths (not owls) in her garden on the weekend. They are usually good at camouflage
  9. Not sure if we are behind with our new movie releases here compared to the USA and the UK but if you are looking for a feelgood movie to see at the cinema with your mom or your sister, this heartwarming British new release is a lovely movie to see.
  10. @FromSea2ShiningSea Beautiful photos! Pleased the unexpected land holiday worked out so well for you. Have a fab cruise.
  11. Heavy rain in Sydney today. The forecast for @ReneeFLL arrival on Saturday is 25C with only 20% chance of rain so it should be a lovely day in Sydney. Hope you have a lovely day here on Saturday Renee and enjoy your cruise to New Zealand. I will be off cc for the next couple of weeks but look forward to catching up on my return.
  12. @Sunshine3601 How lovely your son and his fiancé enjoyed their first cruise with you so much that they want to do it again, Generous of you to gift them a cruise.
  13. My daughter was in Nashville and they got last minute tickets to one of his concerts. They basically went to see what he was like. He put on a great concert and they are fans of him now.
  14. You know why DH is at his wedding weight? Because he only eats half his dessert when we go out to dinner….guess who eats the other half? Last night we were at a birthday/ farewell dinner and DH liked the look of two desserts so he ordered both this time so we could share:
  15. Thanks for sharing your trip with us all. Hope Charlie & Lizzie have behaved themselves in your absence. Have a safe trip home & enjoy those cuddles from the furbabies.
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