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mom says

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Everything posted by mom says

  1. There is a forum devoted to family cruising: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/28-family-cruises/ For information about MSC cruises, their board is here: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/49-msc-cruises/ Information about Mediterranean ports: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/472-mediterranean-eastern-western/
  2. For some reason, the rest of my post was chopped off. I also wrote that there isn't any reason to always use the full, formal name in most discussions. But I also think that getting ones shorts in a twist over the use of a nickname is an indication of having too much time on one's hands.
  3. And yet, if you go to the Celebrity website, they always refer to their ships by their full name.
  4. Yes, the pools and hot tubs are closed every evening until the following morning. The Solarium pool is usually closed later. Closing times may vary. They will be listed on the daily newsletter.
  5. It might have helped if you had mentioned which cruise line you are complaining about. Or better yet, posted on that cruise line's forum. Perhaps next time you will research flights and prices before making the decision to sign up for the cruise flight option. Cheap or "free" ( not really) does not equate to convenient or optimal. But it may be a case if penny wise and pound foolish.
  6. Welcome to CC. Did you have a question? I hope your first cruise is a memorable one.
  7. Are you saying that your mother changed your name legally, but you don't have the documents, or she changed it illegally? If the former, can't you access the records from the state that granted the change?
  8. Have you looked at the Florida Departures board? https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/386-florida-departures/
  9. 1. Previous posts have documented seeing sniffers both in the terminals and on the ship. Just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they aren't there. 2. Uh huh. CBP and international border control are famous for being lenient and bending the drug rules whenever they feel like it. Said no one ever. 3. Perhaps; perhaps not. But she could face a very stiff fine and have her medication confiscated. If not banned from the cruise, she would be without a much needed medication for the duration and be subjected to stress which is the last thing she needs.. If the medication is Marijuana based, as the OP stated, the patient would be much better off in seeing her oncologist for an alternative medication to use on the cruise. Then she can just relax and not have to worry about it.
  10. That isn't remotely like the scenario the OP pitched in his first post. The OP doesn't even know how to generate an income from vlogging.
  11. Perhaps the thread would be more appropriately placed on the First Time Cruisers forum, since they are the only ones who might benefit from it. Anyone who has taken even one cruise has already decided for themselves whether cruising is for them - or not. And if it's not, then I doubt they would be reading here.
  12. You're right. La Spezia is easily an extra hour than Livorno (by train) to Florence. I suppose, if Florence was the goal, that you could spend the night in Florence and return to the ship after lunch the next day. A chance to watch the sunset from Piazza Michaelangelo , stroll the historic center streets after dark, and indulge in a decadent Florentine steak dinner....
  13. Apples are an excellent source of pectin. It makes up to 20% of the pulp. According to Dr Google, it helps neutralize stomach acid, while the fructose in the apple helps with the nausea. Theoretically, your Granny's Jello might also work, but not for the reasons she gave. The gelatin in the Jello would likely work to help neutralize the stomach acid, while the sugars in the Jello would work the nausea angle. But Jello in the stomach won't solidify, due to the stomach acids and enzymes. And it certainly can't inactivate the nerves or muscles of the stomach to prevent the contractions that result in vomiting.
  14. Lol. Figures- I think that's about the only sailing I didn't look at. But it's great that it is an overnight. No worries about arriving back late to the boat on the first day. And with an early arrival in port, there should be enough time for a brief visit in all 5 villages.
  15. With only 2 sea days, I'd go for the cruise on Apex. You will all be busy ashore on port days, and there is lots of entertainment in the evenings that the kids can enjoy. On the sea days, I'm pretty sure you can find lots of things for the kids to do outside the kids clubs.
  16. I don't see any of Constellations summer itineraries including a stop for the CT. Some of the other Celebrity ships do, and that port is La Spezia. It is a short train ride away, on a Regionale train, run by Trenitalia. You will want to read up on the Cinque Terre Card; essentially a day pass to use to village hop using the train between the villages and to/from La Spezia Central Station. Use a taxi or walk between the ship and the train station.
  17. No drug can prevent norovirus, and there is no vaccine. The Scopolomine transdermal patch is used as a preventative for motion sickness. While (-if already being worn) it might mitigate the severity of the severe nausea and vomiting, it would have no effect on the accompanying diarrhea, stomach cramps, muscle aches or fever.
  18. Motion sickness, like many other chronic conditions, can be managed (with and/or without pharmaceuticals). If yours is mild, then don't let that deter you from an ocean cruise. But be proactive. Learn what preventative measures you can take. There are many threads on sea sickness on this forum, so do a search. My motion sickness is rather pronounced; yet I've been able to enjoy cruising for a few decades now. Unfortunately, no one can guarantee smooth seas anywhere in the world on any given day.
  19. Since we seem to have several attorneys on this thread, help someone not familiar with the American legal system. Can a court refuse to hear a civil case? In essence, throw it out because they deem it a frivolous suit? And aren't there sanctions levied on plaintiffs and their attorneys for filing frivolous suits?
  20. The easiest way to find out is to use Google Maps or Google Earth. You can also check out the Ports of Call forum for each of your ports.
  21. You won't have your own personal butler, but you will have service by the butler team. So no, they aren't in breach of contract. I suggest you read the T&Cs you agreed to when you paid your deposit.
  22. If long lines at embarkation are a reason why you would cancel an entire cruise, have you considered arriving at the port terminal later in the day, after the initial scrum?
  23. As previously mentioned, it's highly unlikely that you would be the only Brits on board. And equally as unlikely that you would be the only first time cruisers on board. Or first time on a Viking ship. And frankly, I can't think of anyone who would care, one way or another.
  24. But didn't you say this was a general caution posted on every excursion, and not just the one to Catlina? And while I did mention personal safety, which is an important factor in many US port cities as well as in other countries , the posted caution mentioned the need for awareness of other factors as well. As a general reminder for excursions in any port by any cruiser, regardless of citizenship, the only thing I see to quibble over is the direction to the US State site, rather than to cruisers' own federal travel advisory site.
  25. So, it's imperative that US citizens be warned about a visit in any other country, but non Americans have no need to receive any caution about visits in the US? Are you serious?
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