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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. We've got more flurries in the forecast, things looks bright and shiny because of the newly fallen snow. Jim got the snowblower out yesterday to clear the driveway, hope he doesn't have to do that again soon. An interesting collection of days. I'm not sure about multiple personalities. I was named after a character in a book. Mom thought Melanie was the sweetest person, I always remember the skit on the Carol Burnett show called "Went with the Wind". 🙂 I'm a fan of old movies. True quote. The meal sounds good, but I don't have an instant pot, I cooked a roast beef in the slow cooker on Friday. I'm not sure about the drink, but I'm sure I'll like the wine. Thanks for the pictures of today's port. Prayers for many. I hope there are lots of celebrations. Have a wonderful Sunday. Stay safe.
  2. @mamaofamiGreat news. So happy to hear you are pain free. And congrats to your daughter.
  3. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Lots of snow overnight, we'll get the snowblower and shovels out later. Bertie loves bounding through the snow. A great collection of days. Holy Experiment Day is a great idea. I enjoy marching bands, some are excellent, some need to march away. I don't know any GIs to hug. Love the quote. The meal sounds good for a cold day like today. Looking forward to seeing different recipes. I'll pass on the drink but will probably like the wine. I was in San Juan many, many years ago. I doubt that I could find pictures but I appreciate all those posted. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the Friday Daily and Fleet Report. We're under a weather advisory. Another Texas Low heading our way. That means that another snow storm is on the way and may hit us this evening. Lots of snow and wind. Good thing we can stay home. Great days. A big thank you to Caregivers. Love the idea of "I want you to be happy" Day. I'm not sure what Bertie would do if he had thumbs. I like the quote. The meal sounds like something I'd see on the menu in an expensive restaurant. Looking forward to seeing pictures and recipes. Not sure about the drink. I think I'd like the wine. We've been to today's port, many years ago, but on a road trip, not a cruise. I'd like to go back. Prayers for those that need them. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  5. Good morning and thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Cold and cloudy here today and another snow storm in the forecast for tomorrow. We're heading out to hunt for food this morning. And wine, we need wine! A good collection of days. My DH and I love old stuff, but I'm trying to get rid of some of ours and donate it to local organizations. There are a lot of cats that need to be rescued, thanks to everyone who helps. I love books. I like the quote. We had a version of shepherd's pie the other day, looking forward to seeing today's version. I'll take the drink and wine, thanks. Thanks for the pictures of today's port, love them. Prayers for many. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  6. Sad news. Prayers for the family and friends.
  7. @lazey1 Prayers to you. @Cruzin Terri Hugs and prayers for you. @cl8ssy ch8ssis Welcome to the Daily! @Kurtybee123Hello Bailey. What a cutie. Thanks for the picture.
  8. Rabbit Rabbit White Rabbit Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Welcome March, please be a good month. Not a bad day in the forecast for us today. Currently it's 12°C (28°F) with a high of 3°C (37°F) and cloudy. At least it's not snowing.🙂 Bertie and I will head out for a walk soon. I wonder if we'll see any rabbits? A good collection of days. I love peanut butter. I made peanut butter cookies the other day. A salute to the Peace Corp. Not sure if we should have pork chops for dinner on National Pig Day. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good, looking forward to seeing the recipe. The drink sounds like dessert. I hope the wine is tasty. Thanks in advance for pictures of today's port. Prayers for many. Have a great day. Stay safe.
  9. @cruising Katie So sorry you had to say good-bye to Jerry. It's a difficult decision. Sending you hugs. @Safety Squirrel Welcome to the Daily. Thanks for the wonderful pictures.
  10. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report, a great place to start the day, no matter what time it is. I like chili, maybe we'll have that for dinner tonight. I'm not a flower arranger but I love flowers. I don't sleep in public, I have enough problems sleeping in my own bed at night. I like the quote, I won't say anything about the author. The meal suggestion sounds good too, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I'm not sure about the drink, but hope the wine is tasty. Thanks in advance for pictures of today's port. We had a lot of snow overnight, I heard the plows roar by at 4:10. We'll have to get the snowblower and shovels out later. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  11. Good morning. Thanks for the report. I'm having computer problems this morning, hope this works.🤞 We've got another storm in the forecast for this afternoon, lots more snow for us. I guess the polar bears would like our weather. It's a no-brainer for me, I'm staying in. Love retro in some things but not others. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I think I'd like the drink and the wine. Thanks for the pictures of today's port. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Chance of flurries and a high of -1°C (31°F). Another storm is coming tomorrow, so we better enjoy today! Bertie and I will go out for a walk soon. It's nice the days are getting longer, the sun comes up a little after 7. @StLouisCruisers Love the St Patrick's Day tree! @Crazy For Cats Great deal on the cat food. I hope the kids enjoy every bite. It would be wonderful if you could get some good deals for the cat rescue too. Just heard that Canadian great Gordon Pinsent (actor, director, writer) passed away at 92. An interesting collection of days. No Carnival in this house, we're very quiet. Not sure how to "seize the day", maybe after breakfast. I'll pass on the pistachios. Love the quote, I can hear Colin Firth saying it. I'll pass on the meal, but I'd give the cocktail a try, I'm sure I'd like the wine. Another port we have not been to. Prayers for everyone. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  13. Good morning and thank you for the Daily Report. Thanks to everyone who contributes, this is such a wonderful way to start the day. It's very cold again today, but it's not snowing.🙂 I guess we should thank the inventors of the pistol, but sometimes I wish it was never invented. I'm not very good at tongue twisters. Open that bottle night is something I can celebrate. I hope it includes open that box o' wine, not just a bottle.😉 Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal, we had mashed potatoes last night. But maybe Debbie ( @dfish) has a new twist on an old favourite. I'll pass on the drink, not sure about the wine. Thanks for the pictures of Aarhus, we've never been there. Prayers for so many. I hope there are lots of celebrations. Have a wonderful Saturday. Stay safe.
  14. @TAW1963Welcome to the Daily! Thanks for sharing the picture. @marshhawkHugs to you. @ger_77 Hope the furnace is fixed soon.🤞
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