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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. We changed the clocks last night and Bertie is a little confused. It was very windy last night and our power went out for a little while. Hope today is calm. The quote could be very loving or very creepy. The meal sounds good. I'm sure the drink and wine are good too. We've been to Iceland but I don't think to that port. Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  2. Visby is a lovely little island, easy to walk about on your own. It's a tender port.
  3. Sorry I missed the sail in, @Cruise Suzy Thanks for the picture, she looks great all lit up.
  4. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. A windy day in the forecast for us today. Thankfully, it's still fairly warm. Today's high should be 17°C (70°F), almost unheard of for November. I may watch some college football this afternoon. We had Chinese take out a couple of weeks ago so won't have it again tonight. I don't have red hair but my hair sometimes takes a brassy tint if I'm out in the summer sun too long. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal. I don't know about the drink or wine, I'll wait until I see descriptions. Inverness is a port stop on our cruise next spring, looking forward to being there. Thanks in advance for pictures and comments. Prayers for everyone. Cheers for all the celebrations, no matter how small. Stay safe.
  5. Love the pictures of Montserrat, they bring back great memories. We loved are visit there and would be happy to go back. Thanks.
  6. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Another mild (for us) day. Today should be a sunny 19°C (66°F), normal for this time of year is 8°C (46°F). We'll enjoy it while it lasts. An interesting collection of days. I love candy. I try to use common sense. Love the quote. The meal sounds great. I think I'll like the drink. Hope the wine isn't too sweet or expensive. I haven't been to today's port. Prayers for everyone. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  7. Girona is beautiful, thanks for sharing the pictures. Someday, I'll get there and you will too.
  8. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. A cool morning with a bit of fog. But another sunny mild afternoon in the forecast.🙂 Interesting days. I'm not sure who I'll give a dollar to, maybe I'll make a donation to a local charity. I don't drink stout, but it makes stew extra tasty. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal and the drink, but think I'll like the wine. Prayers for everyone. I hope there are lots of celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  9. @Cruzin TerriThanks for the update. Sorry about the adjuster's father, but happy you heard from him and things can now progress.
  10. You picked a great hotel, it's wonderful how they treat you. Thanks for the food porn.
  11. A few years ago on the Eurodam, we went to a wine tasting that was "all you can drink". I kid you not! The sommelier said that he didn't want to see any empty glasses. It was about $35 but worth it!
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Glad to see Cruise Critic is working again. Another cool morning, but supposed to be a sunny mild afternoon. Great weather for November. Interesting collection of days. I like the quote. The meal sounds good, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I like the drink too, hope the wine isn't too sweet. I haven't been to today's port. Thanks to all who will post pictures. Prayers for everyone. I hope there are lots of celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  13. Rabbit Rabbit White rabbit Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Welcome November, please be good to us. It's unseasonably mild here, we should get to 18°C (64°F) this week, average for this time of year is only 9°C (48°F). We had about 20 trick or treaters last night. Good collection of days. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good, hope the drink and wine are tasty too. We were in Lerwick several years ago, I'd like to go back, not sure if I can find pictures. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  14. Just a reminder, that there will be a corkage charge of $20 per bottle for every bottle of wine brought aboard, you no longer get any freebies.
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