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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. @HeartgroveSo sorry to hear of your brother's passing but glad his family was with him. Rest in peace.
  2. @StLouisCruisersThanks for the picture of mom and baby. Just beautiful. @smitty34877Thanks for the picture of Miss Camilla. So cute and growing fast.
  3. @Quartzsite CruiserI'm late reading the posts, but I send my prayers for your DH.🙏
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. A cool morning, but supposed to be a sunny 20°C (68°F) afternoon. I think we'll BBQ.🙂 I'm going to get my COVID booster this morning. A salute to girl children. More pictures of Miss Camilla and Miss Elliott Rose please. It's a good day to have a party. A salute to Ada Lovelace. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal for today. I'm sure the drink would be wonderful. I hope the wine isn't too expensive. We were on Half Moon Cay many years ago, I don't think I have pictures, but I have lovely memories. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  5. @StLouisCruisersWonderful news. Congrats to the family. She is beautiful. I wish her a long happy life surrounded by those that love her. Thanks for sharing her picture.
  6. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Happy Thanksgiving. We had our "big meal" yesterday, just Jim and I, and it was very good. I made everything except the cranberry sauce. For some reason, we like the canned stuff better than homemade. My pumpkin pie turned out really good. And we have leftovers for today.🙂 I haven't read the Harry Potter books so I don't understand everything about the quote, but I get the gist of it. I don't know what the meal suggestion is, I'll wait until I see the recipe. I'm sure I'll like the drink and the wine. Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  7. Good morning and thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. A cool day in store for us, a high of 15°C (that's about 60F). Chance of sun, maybe some showers and windy. A good day to stay in. I'm going to cook our Thanksgiving dinner today, roast turkey breast and gravy, mashed potatoes, turnip, maybe another veg, coleslaw and homemade pumpkin pie for dessert. Hope it turns out okay. We have a lot to be thankful for. Interesting collection of days. I'm curious about a lot of things, fire prevention is important every day, and Leif Erickson and others shouldn't be forgotten. Interesting quote, I'll have to re-read the book, it's been years. Not sure about the meal, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I'm sure the drink and wine are wonderful. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  8. Intestines? From what animal? Or does it really matter?😁
  9. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. It's a cool, wet day here. Typical Thanksgiving weekend weather. The trees are turning and looking beautiful, even in the rain. A nice collection of days. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I'm sure the drink and wine are tasty too. Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  10. Looks like a great itinerary. Thanks for taking us along. Enjoy!
  11. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. I'm slow today. Our spell of nice weather has ended and today has an expected high of 8°C (46°F) and chance of showers. I need to get a few groceries, I'm sure the stores will be very busy, it's Thanksgiving weekend and we have much to be thankful for. Bald is beautiful (on men, not on me!). I walked to school for a few years, then I was bused then I walked to high school. Love smiles, I can sometimes tell if someone is smiling behind their mask.🙂 Love the quote. Not sure about the meal, I'll wait to see the recipe. I hope the drink and wine are tasty. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a good Friday. Stay safe.
  12. @dfishThat sounds like a good inspection report, all houses need maintenance. Painting, replacing carpet and a new roof every 15 or 20 years. I hope you enjoy your new life there.
  13. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Another nice day for us, high of 21C (70F) but according to the weather forecasters, the last summery day for a while. We'll enjoy the sunshine while we can. Interesting days. Love the quote. Not sure about the meal, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I'm sure the drink and wine are good. Prayers for everyone. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  14. Good morning and thanks for the Hump Day Fleet and Daily Report. Congrats on getting the map to us. Have a safe flight. It's going to be a lovely fall day here, high of 21°C (70°F) and sunny this afternoon.🙂 I try to do something nice every day, I know many people who do it too. I like kale. Teachers deserve respect. Love the quote. Looking forward to seeing the recipe for today's meal suggestion. I'm not sure about the drink but I'm sure the wine will be fine. Prayers for our world. Stay safe.
  15. 😁 I've heard it called that too, but in this part of Ontario, it's a median.
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