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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. @JazzyVHappy Birthday! 🎂 @Cruzin Terri Happy Anniversary! 🥂
  2. Good morning and thank you for the Fleet and Daily Report. Another cool morning. Only 3°C (37°F) this morning, that's warmer than yesterday. It's supposed to get to 19°C (66°F) this afternoon and sunny. I think I'll do laundry and hang it outside to dry. I did some gardening yesterday, cut back some long branches of raspberry bushes and planted some garlic. I've got more garden clean up to do today. Happy Yom Kippur. I used to play golf but haven't in years. A frappe sounds nice. I love animals. Interesting quote. I don't know what the meal is, looking forward to learning. I hope the drink is tasty, I'm sure the wine is. Thanks in advance for pictures for today's port. Prayers for everyone. Cheers for all the celebrations. It's nice to see the Celebration List so long. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  3. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. A cool, clear morning. We could have frost, it's 0C. Brrr. Bertie and I will go for a walk when the sun comes up. A nice collection of days. My boyfriend is my husband and he's a bit of a techie. Child health is extremely important. I'm not sure I agree with the quote. The meal sounds good, we love pasta. Not sure about the drink, I'll pass on the wine. I've never been to Fremantle, maybe someday. Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful Monday. Stay safe.
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Another cool fall morning here. It's still dark, so Bertie has to wait for his walk. Not much on the agenda except a trip to the bakery and then a visit with my mum. 🙂 A nice collection of days. I love the quote. I'm sure I'll like the meal, the drink and the wine. We've enjoyed stopping in Corfu on a couple of cruises on BHB. Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  5. @kpladyEnjoy retirement! @cunnorlHappy Birthday to your DH! @jimgevThanks for checking in, glad you are okay. @StLouisCruisersGood news!
  6. I'm a rule follower. If the rules say I cannot bring something on board, I don't bring it. If it was a big deal to me, I'd book on a cruise line that does allow it.
  7. Rabbit Rabbit White rabbit Welcome October, please be kind. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. I know a lot of people who will celebrate coffee day! Please be kind to the elderly, especially if you are one. We often have frugal fun.😉 Love the quote. Looking forward to seeing the recipe for today's meal suggestion. I'm sure the drink and the wine are tasty. It's cool and dark. When the sun comes up, Bertie and I will go for a walk. Wishing everyone a pleasant weekend. Stay safe.
  8. @StLouisCruisersThanks for the picture of the cute sisters. Love the puppy pictures. When we were in the car today, we passed a sign that said "puppies for sale", DH said "keep driving Bertie doesn't need a little brother" 😁
  9. May is a great time to travel, the daylight hours are getting longer and the temperature is lovely. Next year we are heading to Europe to do a British Isles cruise. We've also enjoyed sailing in the Med in May. Lots of choices.
  10. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. A cool 2C (36F) this morning. It should get to a sunny 17C (63F) this afternoon. Bertie and I will bundle up and go for a walk when the sun comes up. In addition to the days you listed, it's Truth and Reconciliation Day in Canada. A day to recognize the impact of the residential school system. I like the quote, I enjoyed the book. Not sure about the meal or the drink, but I know I'll like the wine!🥂 I haven't been to today's port. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  11. @summer slope Sorry about the mango tree, but if you get it back upright and stake it, it should recover. @HAL SailerWonderful news. Praying for everyone in Ian's path.
  12. @mamaofami So sorry to hear that Sam has shingles, I've heard it can be very painful. Good luck to your DD, hope she feels better soon.
  13. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. A cool, clear morning here. Bertie and I will go for a walk when the sun comes up. Then, I need to pick up a few groceries. Interesting days. I like the quote. The meal sounds good, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I'd love to sip the drink in the Crow's Nest of a BHB. Hope the wine is lovely too. I've never been to today's port, thanks in advance for all the pictures that will be posted. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  14. @grapau27Sorry to hear about the lesions, good thing they are being removed before they develop into something worse. Praying you heal quickly.
  15. @dfishThanks for sharing pictures of your beautiful new home. Wishing you many years of happiness there.
  16. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Happy Hump Day! I'm not much of a beer drinker but I try to be a good neighbour. Public lands are important. Great quote from a great lady. I'll pass on the meal and the drink, hope the wine is good. Never been to Vietnam, thanks in advance for pictures and comments. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
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