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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. @Cruzin Terri Sometimes it's smart to leave some things "unsaid", I have trouble doing that. I hope things are resolved and you are happy.
  2. Bon Voyage! Thanks for sharing your cruise. Looking forward to reading all about it!
  3. Good morning! Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Another cool start to the day, but it should be hot and sunny by this afternoon. I miss all our pets who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I like red wine. I love the quote and the book. Not sure about the meal suggestion, I'll wait until I see the recipe. I'll pass on the drink but hope the wine is good. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a peaceful day. Stay safe.
  4. Thanks for the suggestion. We haven't decided where to stay but will decide and make a reservation soon.
  5. We have a cruise on the Zuiderdam leaving from Rotterdam next spring. Should we stay at the Hotel New York before the cruise?
  6. @cat shepardHave a wonderful cruise! @marshhawkPrayers for Jesse.
  7. @Cruzin TerriGlad that you can "work out" your situation. Good luck with the surgeon on Monday.
  8. Good morning from a cool Southern Ontario. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. It's only 7c (45f) this morning. Way too cool for August. It's supposed to warm up to 25c (77f) this afternoon.🤞 Music on the porch can be wonderful, but not too loud please. I always try to have a few kind words to say every day, I wish others did the same. Love the quote, so inspiring. The meal sounds great, I haven't made it in ages, thanks for the suggestion. Not sure about the drink, but I'm sure I'll like the wine. We've never been to Mykonos, maybe someday. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful Saturday. Stay safe.
  9. Good morning. Thanks for the Report. It's raining here, a nice gentle shower now, we had a few heavy showers last night. It will be a hot humid afternoon. Bertie and I had a nice walk, he doesn't mind the rain. It's always dog day here. I appreciate toilet paper but do not horde it. We must continue to fight for equality. Interesting quote. I'm not sure what the meal is, I'll wait until I see the recipe. Not sure about the drink but I'm sure the wine will be wonderful. I've never been to Petra but have seen it on tv and in the movies. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  10. I bought some olive oil and balsamic vinegar in Italy a few years ago to bring home. I had planned on making the purchases so I took bubble wrap and large ziploc bags with me. I wrapped each bottle in bubble wrap then placed each in a ziploc bag then nestled them amongst my clothes in my suitcase. Maybe it was beginner's luck, but both bottles made it home intact.
  11. @StLouisCruisers Sorry about your neighbours. Prayers for Linda and David. @Seasick Sailor Sad news. It's difficult to live alone. I know a couple of widows who make it a point to call each other at 9am each morning to make sure the other is okay.
  12. When we return from a trip with "leftover" cash, I put it in the bank. I have a US Dollar account and a Euro account (as well as my day to day Canadian dollar account)
  13. Visby and Tallin are great places to wander around on your own. Enjoy! I'm not sure about the other ports but I'm sure you'll get more advice from others.
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Another warm day here with a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. Bertie and I had a nice walk this morning, very quiet. Kiss and make up day? What if we don't have to make up, I hope it's okay if we just kiss. Haven't had a banana split in ages, thanks for the suggestion. A big thank you to park founders. I like the quote. The meal and drink sound good. Hope the wine is tasty too. Prayers for everyone. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  15. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Happy Hump Day! A nice summer day in the forecast for us today, high of 23C and sunny.🙂 Interesting days. We visited Vesuvius several years ago, saw a few wisps of steam in the caldera, fortunately, no eruption. I think there is a lot of strange music. Love the quote. Not sure about the meal, I'll wait to see the recipe. I'd love a margarita. Hope the wine is tasty. Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  16. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Just got back from the local farmers market. I like to get there early. We had a foggy drive but it was worth it! I love getting fresh beans, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, peaches, garlic and onions. Yum! I love daffodils, but of course it's months before we see them here. I've hugged my sweetheart at least once already this morning, and I'll hug him again later.🙂 Love the quote. The meal sounds interesting, thanks for the recipes. I've never tried wine in a can, I may do some research and let you know. @rafinmdGood luck with the follow-up tests @kazu Good luck with the dog sitting. @Vict0riann Happy Birthday!🎂 Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful Tuesday. Stay safe.
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