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Everything posted by GeezerCouple

  1. I'll have to take a look at the deck/floor plans for the Sky. I wish NCL had better/more accurate diagrams. For example, last time I looked, many of the ships had partially correct diagrams, especially when there is more than one type of arrangement with the same name. The DOS in the Dawn comes to mind. It's not a minor difference. There are two with 1BR/1BA, huge LR, and floor to ceiling windows all across the front, the side and the little back wall the equivalent to the "wing" on the Bridge). And there are 2 with 2BR/2BA and a smaller LR and more limited windows, view. These are not trivial differences! Here is the description from the deck/floor plan for the "DOS category": "Enjoy the magnificent views from the expansive wall of windows of these Suites that include a king-size bed and additional bedding to accommodate up to a total of six guests, luxury bath with Jacuzzi, sitting and dining areas and the indulgence of butler and concierge service." There is no hint that they have dramatically different configurations; it's not just that some are larger than others, as would be suggested by the range in square footage. And the Spirit... I can't figure out which suite is where or which diagram goes with which. (I haven't tried all that hard, but it shouldn't be difficult.) [Full disclosure: I am particularly annoyed that NCL sometimes has inaccurage diagrams. Better *no* diagrams than incorrect or misleading ones. And it's not only for brand new renovations, although they have move than enough lead time to get those loaded well in advance, given all the lead time for architects, ordering supplies, and then the actual build...] We loved the Sun OS. One odd thing was there is a big closet/dressing room. But it's right at that wall of windows. From the bed/BR area, one can look "through" it and see a reasonable view for a "bed view". But IF they had put the closet behind the BR someho or in a back corner, the bed/BR would have a dynamite view. But that's a *very* minor complaint! GC
  2. I would suggest looking further and perhaps contacting TripInsuranceStore.com We were very interested in an annual policy, and they may work for some people. For us, there were a couple of things that were non-starters. One biggie was that we do want to include the cost of the trip itself, not only medical (but that, too, and *enough* medical coverage!). One potential problem was something that wouldn't be known until it was "too late" if the situation arose. The total trip cost coverage for the year was low. So IF we used up that amount early in the year, we'd be without coverage for subsequent trips the rest of the year. "Get another policy for those trips?" someone might say...? We need pre-existing condition coverage, and some deadlines for other trips that year may have already passed by that time. So that ruled out that type of coverage right away. There were other issues that made it not so good for us, but I'm forgetting some of those now. We are very happy with our policies through Travel Insured (purchased with the help of TIS). We've (unfortunately) had several claims, and there have been no difficulties with getting paid, including for a few large claims. GC
  3. We get our Travel Insured policies through www.TripInsuranceStore.com (No extra charge for using a broker, and they can also help you determine which TI policy or even if there's another type that fits your specific needs better.) We have had several claims, including a few large ones. ALL we paid promptly without any nonsense. However, they (and probably all insurers!) do require RECEIPTS. They have the right to determine there's no fraud, etc. No complaints at all. GC
  4. Many thanks! I'll keep an eye out. I *think* that the Sun OS had an additional half bath, but I had forgotten that until just now (unless I'm confusing it with something elst). We joke that when we finally really downsize, we'd do better with 1BR/2BA rather than 2BR/1BA. 😁 So finding the occasional cruise accommodations with more than a single bathroom is always great. I've tried to figure out all of the forward Spirit suites, but the diagrams just haven't made much sense (to me). Some cruise lines don't seem to have much in the way of forward-facing accommodations, which we find odd. Thanks again! GC
  5. Thanks. I was pretty sure I had asked LOTS (!) of questions about this the first few times we travel insurance, which thus far has always included CFAR. Something else important to note is since they (some insurers, anyway) added "Trip Interruption For Any Reason", there's another 48 hour waiting period after the trip start. So that's 2 x 48 hours that one can't get a 75% refund "at will". And with 3rd party travel insurance (but always double check *your* particular policy rules!), that 75% is "cash back", NOT a credit of some sort, possibly with a deadline to use or lose. NOTE: This was as it was in TheBeforeTimes. I don't know if it's changed more recently. GC
  6. Thanks very much! I was hoping there were a few more of those types of OS (no matter what they are called, of course) lurking on some other ships. The forward and side balconies are pretty special. DH had for many years refused to go on a cruise, and I stopped cruising for some years, as I just didn't enjoy it without him. We (others and me, not the two of us!) finally created a "special reason" to *cruise* when other vacation types simply wouldn't be quite as good for a special purpose. 😉 We ended up with the DOS on the Dawn, with that AMAZING forward, side, and side/rear view all the way down the side of the ship. Our avatar is from the second day, lying on the bed, peering over our feet with (almost) the same view the Captain had. By that time, less than 24 hours after boarding, he was completely hooked. SUCCESS! 😁 (Alas, no balcony in that DOS, so we probably won't do that again, as wonderful as the views and all that space were. We had the 1BR DOS, which is very "open". Our family group included an 18 month old grand, so when he was with us, he was able to race around like crazy in that huge, open LR.) Good *forward* views from our own space, with balcony, remain very special to us. GC
  7. Depending upon the type of "coffee maker", the coffee taste of any water that goes through it could be very noticeable. That would also depend upon whether one is drinking that hot water with something delicate like tea (or only the water, of course!). It might be less of a problem for something heavy such as somewhat concentrated hot chocolate (uh, for fellow chocoholics, no need to add the full amount of water, right? 🙂 ) GC
  8. Sorry I wasn't clear: I was interested in other "similar" OS, the ones with forward AND side balconies. All "Owner's Suites" are not created equal! We've been on the Sun in the OS, and it's one of our very favorite suites. AMAZING views ahead. We got it for Alaska, and on the starboard side for a northbound intineray. Wow! And with a wall of windows in addition to that balcony (with a private hot tub!), we had most meals delivered and sat there watching the spectacular views. But it doesn't have that side balcony, which it seems would be very important to see some of the Canal action. We think that Sun OS should be called an OS, but no one asked us! GC
  9. My understanding is that CFAR (Cancel For Any Reason) is really CDNR (Cancel For NO Reason). Does one need to give a reason? If so (and I'd doubt one is needed, which is the point of CFAR), then just say you changed your mind, or didn't want to go anymore. And that would be true: Why would one want to travel to the ship, if one knows one would be turned away at the port? If I'm wrong about there needing to be "included reasons" for CFAR, I would really like to learn about this, because if so, we have not been understanding it. I thought the purpose of CFAR was precisely NOT to need to match any "included reasons". Thanks. GC
  10. Well, in that case, if it's not passed along via pay, there *must* be better booze on NCL! No doubt, "their" Grey Goose squawks louder than the Grey Goose on MSC, right? 😡 The "tips"/"Service Fee" thing is so out of control... GC
  11. Thanks! That's what we figured. In the Jewel class, it's also a Haven suite, which adds to the cost." When we have a dynamite forward view, we are much less interested in going anywhere else at all! 🙂 What other ships have that OS? Dawn, I think. And?? GC
  12. Are there any major difference among these forward PH or OS suites on the Jewel, Pearl, or Gem? What other ships have this arrangement? Dawn? Thanks very much. This IS the view that we want. 😁 And yes, we'd wander around. We've thought about getting one of the OS, so there's also be a side balcony to peer down from. Would that be useful? GC
  13. We think all "help" should be paid appropriately, fairly. Period. However, the kitchen staff don't get tips; the laundry staff don't get tips; the engine room crew don't get tips. They are paid a "fair wage" (whether we all agree it's "fair" is a completely separate issue, unfortunately). So why can't all of the crew be paid similarly, a "real" wage? Then, if someone really provides something 'over and above', tips are appropriate, and some people are more generous than others, just like everywhere. Yes, we feel similarly about waitstaff at restaurants, etc., but it's on cruise ships that this becomes a major issue, more so than most other places. GC
  14. I like the color of the carpeting, and it's probably reasonably forgiving. But yes, about the bubbles instead of the little fish, why couldn't they have made them slightly tear-dropped shape. That way we would have a fighting chance of noticing a 'pointer'. GC
  15. Uh oh. I think I know what DH is going to want! He takes amazing photos, even without decent equipment. Good composition, etc. (Me? I manage to make anyone/anything... mediocre. That is, if they/it make it into the actual photo in the first place! 😠 ) I can't wait to show him this photo! 😁 Hopefully, this will help with our discussion about another foreward balcony. We had one for an amazing Alaska cruise, and the early season scenery was spectacular. We managed to get the forward starboard suite, and had almost half of the front balcony (NCL Sun - loved that suite!). We had most meals served there, and sat in front of the full wall of windows to watch the view as we ate. Other times we were out on our balcony. At night, we just turned of almost all lights, and kept the curtains open. Daylight was pretty long in late May/early June. I still can't believe this photo, from a *phone* (!??!) and from a moving ship! Yes, he needs one. 😉 (Looks like the iPhone 14 Pro is out now.) Thanks! (Could you perhaps send me an email? e-address is just below.) GC
  16. What a perfect shot! Brings me back to summer camp days, learning the constellations, out in the wild, away from city lights. Not that there was nearly as much light pollution back then. You must have quite a camera to get that! Nice! GC
  17. We carry a small pharmacy with us, including some special, just-in-case meds recommended by a physician. In some cases, it's something that "we'll know if we need it". But there have been a few meds where there were trade-offs about taking it. Given the easy of the internet and email, we occasionally were asked to fill a script, take the med with us, but to contact the physician before actually taking it. But at least we'd have it if that situation arose, rather than being somewhere where we couldn't get it when needed. Paxlovid would be in this category, given the potential interactions with other meds. As always, speak with your physician about it. GC
  18. You should also check to see what flights and connections are available to get home from Vancouver vs from Seattle. It may well be that aside from price, one has much better connections/etc., or even more comfortable aircraft. GC
  19. Welcome to CruiseCritic! NCL is excellent about special dietary restrictions, but be sure to notify them well in advance: accessdesk@ncl.com Just send a brief email including your reservation number, ship, and date of sailing. Mention what you just wrote above. They will probably send you a somewhat lengthy form asking about all sorts of things. Just ignore the ones that don't apply to you. Keep in mind this same form is used for those with, say, mobility problems or needing special medical supplies/equipment. Given how large NCL is, I'm assuming that the senior kitchen staff are familiar with this particular dietary situation. However, as long as you explain precisely what you can *NOT* have, they will take care of it. You may have a contact person and need to plan the next day's meals in advance if they truly need special preparation (which is quite different than, say, just omitting something like asparagus). And let them know if cross-contamination is a problem. They can handle that, too, but it does take extra care, so make sure they know. We each have a food allergy, and DH's is celiac disease, diagnosed quite late in life. So what we do, and we recommend to everyone (at all restaurants) is when you are seated, remind them of your special diet. When they take your order, remind them again. When they present the plates, yet again. They DO try to be very careful, but IF there is a mistake, you are the ones who will be most impacted, so we think that is just prudent. They take "special needs" very seriously. And enjoy your cruise! (Is this your first cruise or just your first NCL cruise? There are other CC sections for first time cruisers, and lots of other special sections.) Here is a link to the main NCL section of CC: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/64-norwegian-cruise-line/ GC
  20. We've never seen the Spa deck anything close to "crowded", but perhaps we were lucky. I *hate* cold water (except to drink), so it's a rare "pool" that appeals to me. (Ah, one pool in Barbados was *really* warm; what a treat! 🙂 ) And on the Riviera, that Therapy Pool is definitely a winner. For those who haven't seen it, it is *much* bigger than a regular "hot tub", a very different experience. But it's not really "swimming" size. And it is nice and warm! From advance deck plans, it seems the Spa deck on the newer ships might be even more appealing. GC
  21. Thanks for clarifying that. I was pretty sure there were some non-suite cabins that had access to the Spa Deck. Isn't there some access for a daily(?) fee? And are those capacity controlled or otherwise might not be available? GC
  22. I've wondered why NCL removed the "suite perks" from the suites on the Joy, but only on that one ship (I think). Was there any explanation, not that they need to provide one, of course? GC
  23. [emphasis added] What do you mean that "some ships have haven suites, but not the haven complex"? Some ships have Haven suites; some ships have Haven suites and non-Haven suites; some ships have only non-Haven suites because there is no Haven. The Haven amenities can vary. The older ships with Havens don't have Haven restaurants (and and perhaps some other goodies?). But what is a "Haven suite" on a ship without a Haven"? GC
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