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Everything posted by GeezerCouple

  1. We never arrange dining times/seating in advance. We show up whenever we are ready, at whichever restaurant appeals (except for the occasional Specialty that does usually require reservations). We have never had a problem requesting a two-top when we show up. A few times, we were told there might be a few minute wait, and it's never been long at all. And sometimes, we were told that IF we wanted to, we could be seated immediately at a larger table. We've done that just a few times, and had a delightful dinner. However, like you, we would *not* do that these days. (We also aren't quite ready to return to cruising, either, however.) GC
  2. You should each ask this exact question of your own travel insurer. Chances are there will be differences in the policies (!), but that may be only in the procedure to make the claim. Best to find out in advance, though, including how to make the claim should it happen. That can make a difference. And good luck... hope you both go and there are no untoward events! GC
  3. The *original* formulation of Sudafed is prohibited in Japan. That's the one that is probably only available "behind the counter". That's in our state, anyway. The "new" Sudafed doesn't have the "objectionable" ingredient, and is allowed. That's probably the one that is on the shelf along with other cold/allergy meds. GC
  4. We slowly developed a relationship with a housecleaner. She would stop by to attend to the cats. Then we moved into a much larger house, and felt uncomfortable leaving it unattended (not just people, but a tree down, etc., water damage...). So we started paying her to housesit, and she would "be here", although she was free to come and go as she pleased. There was a time when one cat needed IV fluids, so we changed that such that one of the vet techs at our veterinary clinic would come by to administer the fluids, and then just attend to the other cats as well. We no longer have any warm fuzzies, and we miss them. A lot. GC
  5. For us, the sentences I've bolded make it clear... for us, anyway. Our experiences (with several claims, unfortunately; insurance is one thing we'd rather pay for and *not* use... except for the security of knowing we have it, etc.) are that the vendor is *helpful*. (That's separate from the issue you faced. There have been quite a few complaints about the same situation over the years: Getting coverage when one person cancels, and the costs were not equally shared by each name from the start, etc. There have been a few "ways" described to handle it...) GC
  6. VERY glad it got sorted out! In the future, I'd suggest getting separate, 3rd party travel insurance. And also, contact them or your insurance agent broker (NOT the travel agent or cruise line) to find out how to proceed should some problem arise and it isn't clear what should be done. They will help with instructions that meet the policy "methods", etc. This is where a good agent and good insurance make a difference! Thanks for the update! GC
  7. Make sure to get the receipt right away, *before* leaving the ship. There won't be a problem; they'd like to get that off their list once it's paid. It won't be as easy to get copies later if you aren't right there on the ship. I missed part of your question. You pay right there, with a charge card. Then you get reimbursed by your insurance after submitting the bill and proof of payment (the receipt). GC
  8. Can't you email a pdf copy of the form to the physician/surgeon, and get the form completed and signed that way? Depending upon the surgery and the time lag, it may be very obvious that travel is not going to work. (The surgeon left the hospital immediately after the surgery?) Good luck. GC
  9. Yes, for TIS. They are incredibly helpful (and patient with newbie questions!). But CALL them; don't rely upon the online policy summaries. There is just too much to include, and you might not realize that some "other" term is what would apply to you. Also, when you talk with them, they can ask you questions, too, to help them figure out the best policy choices for you. Also, IF needed, they'll help with claims. After learning about TIS here on CC almost 10 years ago, we've used them for quite a few policies, from Travel Insured. We've had several claims, alas, but at least TI pays their claims without nonsense. But note: You *must* have receipts, and make sure the the policy you purchase includes the "events" that *you* are concerned about. You'll also probably get the best choice of policies if you start the coverage with the first payment (within 10-20 days, state dependent), and then you can up the coverage as you make more payments. GC
  10. This might suggest (I hope!) that someone(s!?) complained and "management" spoke to owner. Once non-service pet is on board, it's there. But it would be nice to know that at least sometimes, the owner can/will be told to keep the animal in their own cabin, full stop. GC
  11. Actually, first, there can be seats that appear to be taken/sold, but they are simply "blocked" until closer to flight date, in case they are needed for this type of use. Second, the airline *can* ask someone to move, and they occasionally will do so, if the need is there. It's important to call the airline (not the cruise line, etc.!) with the disability situation, and the earlier the better. The more seating availability there is, the easier it will be for the airline to accommodate someone. In at least some countries, there may be a legal requirement to do so. GC
  12. A hotel (or cruise ship) will need to double check that the occupant of a room with a constant "do not disturb" sign up is okay, even without a Covid situation. There are a variety of problems that could be unseen if no one has entered or even viewed the inside of the room. For most of them, if the occupant has some sort of communication, such as by phone, that would suffice. However, for other possible problems, including a hidden communicable illness, that alone wouldn't suffice. RM
  13. My last post about this. A broken bone is almost *guaranteed* to get you a paid travel insurance claim. You don't need to be "home in bed" to be unable to travel. (Our first claim was for DH's eye emergency. He did most of the driving to and from all of the assorted medical appointments. He worked most of the time we would have been traveling. Although he is, yes, "older" - indeed, I suppose "geriatric" although he's still at the same University now helping with a new graduate program - the medical problem was not an "age" problem.) You are convinced. You should *not* get travel insurance! Please don't dissuade others who may actually benefit from it. You've made your point about your beliefs. What color ink did those travel insurer claim denials you received use? GC
  14. This, for sure! Also perhaps, check a bit on what medical documentation has in fact been accepted for full refunds due to medical reasons. We are among many who have had these claims accepted several times, and without nonsense, for large claims. And all I can say is, none of our claims involved iron lungs. Or anything remotely like that. None of the claims required burdensome records. And none of the claims were "challenged", although I'm sure the insurer could request more information, if they felt that was necessary. Each claim required that a physician fill out a very *short* form giving the medical reason, and then also (sometimes) include a bit of corroborating documentation. For example, when there was a medical emergency for DH - on our first insured trip - all that was required was the signed form including a written description of the medical condition from the physician. Ooops, there was a "complication"... the physician forgot to sign it! So we had to request another copy with his signature, which was simple. (That was, of course, not the fault of the *insurer*!) The most recent full refund for medical reason was due to very elderly MIL landing in hospital shortly before our planned departure. We had hoped (and hoped) that she'd improve enough that we could still go, which was also *her* strong preference. At almost the last minute, the cardiologist told DH something like, "I think you should stay *here* now!" So we did. That claim included the same short physician form, and a page or two from MIL's medical record (some test results in this case) to document her condition. Note: I have read here (on CC) of people who were seemingly incensed that they were expected to "share protected medical information" (some complaints even invoking HIPAA). Nope, it's NOT *required* that you share any such "protected"* medical record documentation. However, it's also NOT *required* that the insurer pay the claim if you haven't submitted the documentation as required per the terms of the coverage. If one is going to object, then absolutely, don't waste any money on insurance if one won't complete one's own side of the agreement (which is spelled out clearly in every copy of the travel insurance terms and conditions that we've ever had). *To be clear, HIPAA in NO way prohibits someone from sharing one's OWN medical records. GC
  15. How did the insurer tell you to proceed, in terms of what type of claim and how it would be paid. Also, whether there even is a chance to "change to a different date". That's not likely to be up to the insurer. How it works, and "how well it works", may vary with the insurer and the specify type of policy you may have. That is, asking a group of people "how does your health care insurance work" may not necessarily be helpful for *your* situation, etc. I hope your sister is fine and has a comfortable recovery! GC
  16. You may get more experienced eyes to respond if you post this in the disabled cruise travel section of CC: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/114-disabled-cruise-travel/ As for the TSA, and airlines, there may also be information at: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/77-cruise-air/ Some of the answers may be airline-specific or even country-specific, so you might want to include the airline name(s). Lots of people travel with those these days. GC
  17. I had never heard anyone else complain about it, although I also never heard anyone claim to enjoy it. No one seemed to mention it. I'm not sure "how it is supposed to be used"... this must be the first time I've ever wished a seat (!?) had come with instructions. 😉 GC
  18. It's like a hot tub, but much larger, and rectangular shaped. One can move about much more than in a regular sized hot tub. The one on Riviera has an odd seating area along one side with some jets. I didn't find it all that comfortable, but we both love the warm water and the space. Usually, there was no one else in when we were there; occasionally one other couple, and there's plenty of room for that. GC
  19. Welcome to CruiseCritic! "Could we just order from the specialty restaurant in our room at an earlier time if we prefer?" 😁 This is one of the two things we most use our Butler for! We really love a few of the "specialties in the Specialties". So first, yes, ask them if you can change a reservation or make a new one, etc. The more notice you give them, the better the chance. But we don't press the "in restaurant" request, because we also love just relaxing "at home" with the food served. They will serve per course or all at once, as you request. We use the Butler a lot, as we also often (even more than the above) request breakfast. We'll give a nice FULL list our our requests the day before (we eat a big breakfast, and often don't do much for lunch, even if we stay on the ship). Just write down what you want. It does not need to be on any "room service menu" or such. We'll ask for it to be brought at a certain time, and there are few things as "vacation like" as waking up to the aroma of coffee and bacon, plus the very gentle clinking of some china! Note: We tell the Butler that any "privacy" sign is NOT for them, but for anyone *else*. We ask that they knock/ring and then come in. IF we do want privacy, we'll simply bolt the door. This works well when there is a "real suite" with separate bedroom, but also with the... faux suite (?) that is really one larger room, etc. The Butlers are professionals, and they can handle this very well (or so far, we've found out, and not just on Oceania). They can be incredibly quiet (not totally silent, obviously, and there's no way to avoid the coffee/bacon "problem" if one wants to sleep in. 😉 But if we are already awake, or if we mumble, "Good morning", we'll get a pleasant reply in kind. Note: We always tell them that we are almost always flexible with respect to precise times unless we mention otherwise, so IF we've requested a time that is unusually busy, please change *our* time if we haven't mentioned any tight timing... no problem. When we meet them the first day, we also hand them a brief (bullet list type) intro letter, to let them know about food allergies*, about the "just walk in" policy, etc., and also if we want things like always having an extra two bottles of sparkling water ready to go, etc. And when we give it to them, we say something like how we know the first afternoon/evening is very busy, so please read it *later* and we can answer any questions tomorrow, etc., plus the usual "greetings", etc. We got that "letter" idea here on CC before our second "recent" cruise, in 2014. We also learned about travel insurance here on CC, a year earlier, and thank goodness (!); do at least consider that. There is another section of CC devoted to it. Every time, the Butler has returned either later on the first day, or early the next day, with our note and a pen, with a question or two, and thanked us for it. Of course... I can't imagine them complaining about it, right? So whether they laugh at us or not, at least we've done our part to help them to help us, etc. They can really make a big difference for those who enjoy their services. (There are others who don't want to be bothered, etc., and that's fine for them, of course.) BTW, we can also have a wonderful cruise on a line/ship that doesn't even have minimal room service. We adjust; it helps to have the appropriate expectations, obviously. ENJOY! * We also notify special needs at any cruise line in advance about any special assistance or attention requested. I'm sure it's already kept on file, but we prefer to keep it current, or to update it if necessary, as there are times things have changed. GC
  20. Thanks. Good to know no changes. That T pool on Riviera is one reason we don't choose Marina, although we would for compelling itinerary reasons. 🙂 GC
  21. Hi LHT28, My query was in response to ChadNKate's comment, which seemed to apply to recent changes on Riviera's spa deck. GC
  22. A few years ago, we spent about 2 weeks in Japan, including some major cities, and also some relatively off the beaten track. In all but one case, our large bags were sent ahead, the evening before, so we just kept and used our carry-on, and then brought that with us. The one place where we didn't do that was for the two nights we spent at a Buddhist Monastery. So we had the large bags sent to the *next* place, and just used our overnights for the stay. The service (forgetting its name) has a logo that includes a cat carrying a kitten by the scruff of its neck, and we had glimpses of those small trucks almost everywhere if we bothered to look and notice. SO convenient! The only other place I remember having that luxury without special arrangements was when we took the scenice (Oh SO scenic!) train from Oslo to Bergen. Our bags were waiting for us in the hotel in Bergen. Nice. GC
  23. Bringing back memories... On Noordam Nov/Dec, 2019, Auckland to Sydney. Loved it! Thanks. 🙂 GC
  24. We don't do (or "we do", depending upon item/activity) many of those things no matter where we are. GC
  25. They changed the Therapy Pool on the Riviera? If so, are there any current photos? We made very good use of that... nice a warm, and not an "enclosed feeling" like with a shared "whirlpool tub". In fact, even better, there was almost never anyone in there with us! GC
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