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Everything posted by OzKiwiJJ

  1. Thanks. I can't check with any of our cruises as we booked them all with Plus packages. Hopefully some other P/Es will post when they purchased the package and how, and whether they got the discount when they booked so we can track what has been happening.
  2. When did you buy the package for each cruise? All recently or spread over a period of time. It would be interesting to work out when that started to happen. Also it would be interesting to know whether the discounted price shows in the Personalizer now or just in the app.
  3. Well you know what they were at 11am today so that must help! 🤣
  4. It's not the pay up front that is surprising, it's the "pay in full and we'll credit your discount to your onboard account" that gets me. But I have seen people post that they have had the discount taken off before paying so maybe it was a bug that has now been fixed.
  5. You pay upfront but it seems to vary as to whether you get the P/E discount immediately before you pay or refunded to you as OBC once you're onboard.
  6. We've had a couple of bottles of the Grüner Veltliner on this cruise. There isn't sufficient variety in the white wines by the glass to suit our palates so we've had to resort to buying bottles to go with some foods.
  7. As I said in my OP, the pre-purchase prices can vary a little due to the type of promo in place. That's the best so far. Lucky you! 😊
  8. The US price is from $9.99 so $5 for P/E - which would be pre-purchase prices and onboard prices would be higher - but not so different at current exchange rates. However you are at the mercy of the exchange rate if buying onboard.
  9. Then it hasn't gone up, although that price can vary a little. The onboard purchase price is higher.
  10. Very nice, Les. If you see a hand waving from the far end of the port side of the mid-ships "bump" that will be me. But not until after 7am!
  11. Please note - if you are posting prices that you have found would you please state whether that is a pre-purchase (pre-boarding) price or an onboard price. Thank you.
  12. More to the point is that they don't appear to offer hour or minute pricing any more. I think the smallest unit is now a 24 hour period i.e. a day.
  13. I'm not sure some of the Live Chat people actually know the Australian pricing.
  14. Did you buy it before you embarked or once you were onboard? The prices I listed are current as of 11am today. The pre-boarding price is still around $7-$7.50 for Elites.
  15. There has been some confusion over the pricing of the internet packages on Princess, for people who choose not to book a Plus or Premier fare. This is the current pricing as at 11am Monday 12th September 2022 as sourced from the Internet Cafe on Coral Princess. - Platinum and Elite (P/E) passengers get a 50% discount on all internet purchases and I have shown those prices below as well as the full prices. - If you buy an internet package for your whole cruise after boarding the ship it is $20 per day, $10 per day for P/E. If you are on a ten day cruise you pay for ten days, ie $200 or $100, and that covers you until you ding off the ship during disembarkation. In other words you should not get charged an extra day for the disembarkation morning. - If after embarking you wish to buy internet for a single day, defined as a 24 hour period, the current price is $27 per day, $13.50 for P/E. - The price for internet packages purchased before embarking on your cruise can vary depending on whether there is a promo running at time of purchase or not. At the moment it is typically $14-$15 per day, $7-$7.50 for P/E. - There has been a rumour circulating that if you have an internet package you can't use the computers in the Internet Cafe. This is false. You can indeed use those computers.
  16. I think it's going to be touch and go as to whether we get to Adelaide. There are some nasty seas predicted for the time we should be sailing from Melbourne to Adelaide. The screenshots below are the predictions for 4am Friday morning after leaving Melbourne and 4am Saturday morning when we should be approaching Adelaide. The Captain postponed the Sydney departure for this current cruise due to similar conditions off the northern NSW coast.
  17. Do you think it would be a good idea to post them in a separate thread? Easier to find that way.
  18. Here are the answers: 1. Whole cruise $20 per day, $10 per day for Platinum/Elites. 2. Yes, 50% discount for P/Es. 3. Day at a time rate is $27, $13.50 for P/Es 4. Yes, the P/E discount applies to day at a time purchases. 5. No. The prepurchase price can vary depending on whether there is a promo running but typically it is $14-$15, $7-$7.50 for P/Es. 6. Yes, you can definitely use the Internet Cafe computers if you have a package.
  19. Yes, very nice. We were advised to have it as an after dinner cocktail.
  20. We've been working our way through the special Good Spirits Bar cocktails. All very nice so far but remind me never to have the Coco Cafe one just before going to bed!
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