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Everything posted by debenson0723

  1. To be honest, it's been awhile since I have been in a studio and I am looking forward to it. I was lucky enough to snag some great last minute deals in the past 9 months so have mainly been in balconies. It will be interesting to have a real bathroom vs. the shower and W/C on the Away class studios.
  2. My studio is still substantially cheaper than what an inside or ocean view currently is. I have multiple friends on this sailing so I probably won't spend time in the lounge at all, other than to grab a coffee or snack. If I need additional space, there is the Observation Lounge and waterfront area.
  3. You can take photos of mine (on the first day, before I make it 'home'). I also have a friend in an inside down the hall so you can get those too.
  4. I sort of did this on a Baltic cruise a few years ago. The cruise had two embarkation ports...Copenhagen and Warnemunde. I wanted to spend a week in Luxembourg and Germany before getting on board so I embarked in Warnemunde. But I had no reason to go back there so wanted to disembark in Copenhagen, as I was flying to Norway the next day. I had to go thru a chain of command at NCL to get permission to do this, with the final approval coming from the GM on the ship. I had to sign a document prior to boarding and scan it to NCL Corporate and also have it with me when boarding. One of the caveats was that if for some reason the ship could not stop in Copenhagen, I would not hold NCL liable for transportation back to Copenhagen nor expect any type of compensation for additional airline fees, cancellations of hotel rooms, etc. I did not have the immigration issue since a large number of passengers were getting off in Copenhagen and there were already immigration officials at the port.
  5. This is very good advice but wanted to add one thing...if you are looking to join a table already seated, you may not find a lot of options on NCL. There was recently a thread regarding this and the majority stated they would prefer to dine with their group/family and not have strangers join them. Now this might not be the case on every sailing so it never hurts to ask. I don't have a problem eating alone in the MDR and prefer it to eating with people I have never met. I have a book or tablet to keep me occupied between courses or just enjoy the view (this would especially be true in Alaska). Only once on the Pearl did I feel uncomfortable and that was probably more a mistaken impression on my part than a fact. Enjoy your cruise.
  6. Check out the West Coast departures board on this forum. Lots of hotel recommendations there.
  7. When you go to book, just pick a table for 4. You won't need to specify who is paying for what until either the hostess asks you or your server. And there are no issues with the beverage package. You will use your card to get your drinks included and they will use their card to be charged for any beverages they get that have a fee. I have traveled several times with others who don't have the beverage package and its no issue at all.
  8. To be honest, on a Greek Isles cruise I would not get either. There is just not enough time to enjoy them. I typically get the Thermal Suite pass but on my Greek cruise in November, I honestly would not have used it. Our days from dawn to dusk were pretty much spent off the ship. I have never been in the Vibe (not a hot tub, lay in the sun person) but from what I have been told by others, there are plenty of loungers. I was on the Escape in February in a Spa Balcony and the only 2 times I tried to use the Thermal Spa, there were chair hogs just like on the pool deck and the pool (which I have never really seen anyone swimming in) was packed. I have never had that experience in any of the other Thermal Spas I have been in (which are Getaway, Bliss, Encore and Pearl). I think if it was an either/or I would keep the Vibe pass and try to get a day pass for the thermal spa.
  9. You don't need to 'drink a ton' for the beverage package to be cost effective. The gratuities are basically $20 a day so if you have 2 drinks a day, it is covered. I don't consider that a ton. OTOH, I recently went on an RCL cruise where the drink package was $89.99 a day PLUS 18% gratuities. Needless to say, I did not book that drink package
  10. I was on the Encore twice and both times there was smoking on the pool deck. Just outside the buffet on the Starboard side. I walked on the Port side to avoid it but to be honest, there were never very many people there and I never once saw anyone in the Box.
  11. I will be the dissenting opinion here, maybe because I live in the Southwest, but I found the food to be somewhat bland without much flavor. That being said, I do go and pay out of pocket for the tableside guac and possibly a quesadilla to go along with my Margarita. Best meal I have had on the Encore is in Onda...they have a white pizza that we still talk about (and no one at our table ordered it...they brought it to us complimentary).
  12. I knew you would know I was referring to you, among others! 😄
  13. I tried out RCL for the 2nd time in May and am so glad you mentioned the food. I did find some of the food inedible and really thought it was just me. I had a wonderful meal in Jamie's Italian but other than that, it was subpar at best (even Chops). The crew was not friendly at all and many were undertrained (and I understand the staffing situation so gave them a break on that). As a solo traveler, I have always made friends on NCL, many who I have sailed with again. No one engaged with me on this trip and I tried. I only took this cruise because I got a super cheap last minute rate on a balcony and had the time off. I do want to try one of their Quantum class ships and visit Coco Cay but will make sure the price is right and take someone with me.
  14. I was on the Escape in February and the 2 shows were Choir of Man and After Midnight. They were supplemented by a Motown show (sorry, don't remember the name and didn't see it). Of course, this could have changed by now since it was 6 months ago.
  15. I would call back and speak to someone else or use the chat feature. I have removed the beverage package before and never had to re-fare my cruise.
  16. Thanks for sharing. Getaway was my first NCL ship and has a soft spot in my heart. Last sailing on her was November 2019...still looks to be in great condition.
  17. Interesting...I haven't done that on any of my cruises since the restart but last one on NCL was in February (from Port Canaveral) so must be a change. Enjoy your cruise...super jealous! 😉
  18. You do the virtual appointment from home or the hotel prior to your cruise with your own test.
  19. You can decline the drink package and not pay the $20 per day gratuities with the Free at Sea package.
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