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Everything posted by debenson0723

  1. My travel companion is iPhone and I am android. We both have unlimited internet and use FB messenger to communicate. He has also been working for a few hours every morning and says this is the fastest internet he has had on any ship/line. No lagging or buffering. YMMV
  2. I can see our wingman from where I am sitting on the Waterfront right now.
  3. They had a BTS tour today? I would have missed it, just like yesterday, but still would have liked the option. Thermal spa is gorgeous and I really debated getting a pass. Looks like a fabulous place to sleep. I am a dud when it comes to being a @Sugar Magnoliaposse member. I had good intentions but fell asleep, fully dressed, TV blaring, lights on. Woke up at 1am, ate 3 bites of cheesecake and back to sleep for 8 hours. I am starting to think NCL is pumping sleeping gas into my cabin. I better go yell at the Captain about it. Found a $20 bill just inside my door...not sure if @graphicguyslipped it under there to lure me out or it fell out of my pocket last night. Another Triangle mystery.
  4. In case anyone was wondering, I was able to bring my Cagneys dessert back to my cabin, no questions asked. Plated with a set of silverware in a white napkin. Now I have a bottle of wine and cheesecake to lure desirable men to my cabin (not to mention 2 plates of chocolate covered strawberries).
  5. I put in $1.50 last night and won $53. Cashed out and walked away. I am pretty sure that is going to be the extent of my winnings. I am a cheapskate.
  6. For some unknown reason the clock on my phone changed time last night. I woke up at 8, which was really 7. And the location was Dockyard Bermuda. I think maybe we went thru the Triangle.
  7. You all are too kind. The phrase that pops into my head is 'bat sh*t crazy'. Can I say that on CC? Dinner at Cagney's was good, what I could eat. Now I am resting up for the 70s party. I may also stop by the casino for my daily tithe.
  8. It's OK. I am hoping with all the bedrest I got today I will be good the rest of the week. I want to be a part of @Sugar Magnolia posse! And before I forget, do either of you drink Merlot? I was gifted a bottle and would be more than happy to give it to you. It has a screw top so you know it is the finest in quality. Let me know and we can do a clandestine exchange.
  9. Yes you do. I have come to the conclusion that no alcohol and a restricted diet are not good cruising companions. It's all I can do to get myself out of bed. I keep telling myself I am saving up my energy for Bermuda when in reality I am saving up my energy for my next nap. Cagney's at 7 tonight, where I can't eat red meat and the free bottle of wine will go to waste. But I am determined to hit the 70s party, if I don't get hit by that bus that's on the ship.
  10. I should have been there to help you. Update: I don't think I am going to make it to the Captains party. There is a non surgical face-lift seminar at the same time. I can't be in 2 places and I have my priorities.
  11. I miss all the fun while I am sleeping. I did manage to see a guy yelling at the top of his lungs at his wife, saying their son was supposed to stay with him and only him for the duration of the cruise. Not as good as Scooter Heart Attack guy but high drama nonetheless. I love people.
  12. You probably had the same reaction I did when I stepped off the elevator on deck 6 into the chaos known as the Atrium. Almost enough to send me back to bed. But now they have given me a private dining room for lunch...I told them I knew @graphicguy.
  13. Well I would say you can be my plus one but we know how that turned out.
  14. Are you going to the Captains cocktail party tonight? I received an invite (they must think I am someone else) and am planning on going...if I don't fall asleep again.
  15. I am so stealth that you didn't see me either. Or maybe that's because it's 10:45 and I just woke up. I forgot how dark and cold these inside cabins can be...its like a tomb. Going to get vertical and look for some food. I haven't eaten in 15 hours...a new cruise record!
  16. I only made it to 9:30. 3 days of non stop caught up to me. But today is a new beautiful day at sea.
  17. @Sugar Magnolia you can be my plus one. I am doing the BTS tour at 8:30 (ugh) and it's 90 minutes. @graphicguy save some seats...see you then.
  18. You take the best photos. It didn't even look that good with my own eyes!
  19. Just an FYI...no sharing a coupon in Food Republic for 4 items, 2 people.
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